Paragon Vanguard Posted March 30, 2024 Posted March 30, 2024 As the title stated. I have some very successful corrupters, not knocking the set at all, but sometimes I think I am missing the main reasoning behind choosing a corrupter outside of "secondary fits my concept". So, as the title states, what is YOUR reason for choosing corrupter over say blaster or some other archetype? Appreciate any serious reply. 🙂 Paragon Vanguard Jerrin Bloodlette Hughe Luke Minhere many others
Lunar Ronin Posted March 30, 2024 Posted March 30, 2024 Corruptor over Blaster = Corruptors provide great buffs and debuffs and are much more beneficial to a team. Corruptor over Defender = Defenders are boring. 4
Dahkness Posted March 30, 2024 Posted March 30, 2024 Scourge! 4 1 Kill Most ITFs! Defender Tank! dahkness11 - Twitch
Psiphon Posted March 30, 2024 Posted March 30, 2024 If you choose the right Corruptor they're completely self sufficient, heal, buff etc. Playing in a team it's completely down to me if I survive or not, I'm not looking over my shoulder waiting for someone to heal me etc. 1
kiramon Posted March 31, 2024 Posted March 31, 2024 My heart gets sad when I shoot something and don't see scourge 3 5 1
Sirius.Games Posted April 4, 2024 Posted April 4, 2024 I've been struggling with this recently but it comes down sets and what you'll be doing. Whether you expect to be damage capped changes the math in corruptors favor but simply considering -res and kill speed defender wins in teams of 4 or larger for average damage output but it's a wash to about 10% more damage with an 8 person team. That being said the teams do well killing minions and lieutenants but your less swinging at bosses and above where scourge will add a larger benefit. So sets that scourge and have higher single target damage will do better on corruptor assuming you target bosses and above over random mob for damage. Fire, water, ice all come to mind. For secondaries it comes down to build sacrifice. Can a defender have the same damage because of less build sacrifice to hit +def numbers then defender wins. This is seen in the kinetics argument where you can cap damage on both but is the higher def in weave and resistance in your shield going to be more beneficial to allow more procs to get higher damage? Some things are just better on a defender like sonic blast. Fire and ice blast on a corruptor. The raw data is close enough and would say corruptor takes a little more thought to balance the damage difference in larger teams but again with 8 PCs at damage cap average damage is 10% more on a defender considering 40% -res vs -30%. Also scourge go burrr
Snarky Posted April 5, 2024 Posted April 5, 2024 Of all the ATs and Dark Dark powers on CoH, this seems to fit my vampire concept the best. It has a lot of tricks, yet does enough DPS that I am not screaming because the team went in a completely stupid direction. Then, when the team is actually there, I can provide a crapton of leverage to help them succeed. Corruptor is a very powerful archetype. It speaks to dark villainry. Would not be (and was not) my first pick. Yet the thing is just powerful, and the more you understand the combat system the more powerful it becomes. 2
RadiantPhoenix Posted April 5, 2024 Posted April 5, 2024 Support that doesn't involve messing around with pets -> Corruptor or Defender I also want to do good damage, even if it means less support -> Corruptor 2
twozerofoxtrot Posted April 5, 2024 Posted April 5, 2024 I've played a few Corruptors. Only kept one. It's a Kin. 1
Snakebit Posted April 5, 2024 Posted April 5, 2024 I like the damage/support a lot better than the support/damage. I solo a bit and soloing on defenders and controllers just aint it. I feel like the controller sets I like to play fit the modern teams better as a corruptor. I like it a little more than damage/damage, but damage/damage was my roll for a long time. 2 ________________ Freedom toons: Illuminata Phoebros Mim Ogrebane
Lunar Ronin Posted April 5, 2024 Posted April 5, 2024 22 minutes ago, Snakebit said: I like the damage/support a lot better than the support/damage. I solo a bit and soloing on defenders and controllers just aint it. I feel like the controller sets I like to play fit the modern teams better as a corruptor. I like it a little more than damage/damage, but damage/damage was my roll for a long time. The only two Controller power sets that I could bear soloing are Illusion (but only after Phantom Army), and Symphony. Symphony is much more of a blast set than a control set. The others? Yeah, no. I'm a bit of a masochist, but the others are too painful to solo even for me. 1 1
OdinAZ Posted April 8, 2024 Posted April 8, 2024 4 reasons 1. More Damage than a Controller. 2. Blasters can be Damage/More-Damage. I wanted to play something a little more interesting and maybe more pivotal on teams. 3. Regarding Defenders: When I play a Defender, I feel more... obligated... to take ally centered power picks. My defenders are a lot of support with a bit of damage. I like being a lot of damage with a bit of support. Plus I feel more free with my power picks. Heck, I may take one of those phase shift/intangible power picks if it fits my Corruptor. Which I would never do on my Defender. 4. Scourge is great! Oh, your cup is half empty? Scourge! There, now it's all the way empty. 2
Meknomancer Posted April 8, 2024 Posted April 8, 2024 Scourge. The games all about offense before defense, no amount of procced out fenders will change my mind, they don't get scourge. Scourge. 1
graeberguinn Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 Scourge. Love it. Especially on sets with rain powers. Good damage. Having support to Buff/Debuff makes me feel like I'm contributing to overall team success and survivability. This AT is becoming my most played. 1
Intermipants Posted May 5, 2024 Posted May 5, 2024 This is a great question op! Really thought provoking. Corruptor went from my least played to my most played AT because I discovered that it has the greatest flexibility of any AT - I actually make use of multiple builds on my corruptors for different situations - they can solo, farm, and team well. So my goal with a corrupter is to be able to do everything well. Ambitious eh? 😉 Also, if you’ve never played a fully kitted out fire/kin you haven’t lived. 😄.
string5 Posted June 10, 2024 Posted June 10, 2024 I only pick corrupters for their key secondaries that I feel give me more damage than a blaster. /Kin - this should be self explanatory but...Fulcrum shift is one of the best powers in the game. It changes the course if fights and is a must for top level farming. Transference means you will never run out of endurance, even when you are spamming your AOEs non-stop. This means that you do not have to take the ageless incarnate power and can free it up for barrier or the anti-mez one. /Storm - This is my favorite for sure, especially when you combine with ice/storm/water primaries, as their CC can stack with /storm , especially Ice's Blizzard. You spam tons of AOEs, get all of the kill shots and have great CC. One of the most fun power sets IMO and I recommend it for everybody. /Cold - Great for PVP as it has -Def, slows as well as shields for your team mates.
BurtHutt Posted June 10, 2024 Posted June 10, 2024 Decent ranged damage (scourge is nice). Secondary also can be range oriented and you're not pushed into melee like some blaster sets. Corruptors can be better defensively as well and survivability isn't as tough. I do like Defenders and they are a different playstyle. I've never been a blaster fan. To make them a bit sturdy costs a ton of INF. I always team so I don't need that extra damage but do want to survive.
TheMoncrief Posted June 11, 2024 Posted June 11, 2024 Of all the AT's, Corruptors offer the best balance (for me) of team utility and satisfying damage. I have a Defender, and enjoy it, but definitely not for its damage potential. When I play my Defender, I'm almost entirely focused on my primary, and occasionally use my secondary when there's literally nothing else useful I can be doing. On my Blaster, I bring almost nothing useful to the team *EXCEPT* my damage. On my Corruptor, it's a much more dynamic decision of whether I should be buffing teammates, debuffing foes, or unaliving my enemies - and whichever I choose, I still feel like I'm doing the job usefully well.
WuTang Posted June 17, 2024 Posted June 17, 2024 Started on Brutes, still probably my favorite. Got a Scrapper, then a Blaster, then a working on a Corruptor. But I started the Corruptor for a different reason. Brutes are my comfort zone. In all games I prefer melee, especially tanky melee that don't always need help. Scrapper was a natural transition; I wanted a bit more DPS, and the way I built him he's still pretty tanky. The Defender was because I ran with a Kin/Rad Defender who was absolutely awesome. She stayed in melee for the most part did damage and healed/buffed us. I was so impressed that I had to make one, though I went with Kin/Storm. But the Corruptor... I built a Corruptor because I didn't, and to some degree still don't, understand their role, but I think I'm coming around. To be honest a Controller and Dominator both look the same to me as well. Actually, all the support ATs, to me, are like SUVs, basically the same with varying looks but barely distinguishable. The Corruptor looked like the more damage oriented one and hence my pick. And now that I've played for a bit, my Corruptor is starting to feel like the complete opposite of my Defender, or maybe it's the arbitrary role I've assigned them to, cause in my mind my Defender's role is to buff first then DPS and my Corruptor's is DPS and debuff (he's Fire/Dark). Really. though, it comes down to variety for me and COH has no shortage of that. Liking the Corruptor and the "Scourge" thing is funny. And I like the idea of a damage/debuff toon and it fits my theme to a tee. 1
Random Axis Posted July 10, 2024 Posted July 10, 2024 At endgame, the extra power of defender buffs is too often wasted. People are already near or at resistance and damage caps. That means the weaker corrupter version is plenty and the higher damage is more beneficial in teams which is almost all of what I do. Corrupter vs Defender is one of the pairs where the first one is the default unless there's a compelling case (theme or mechanics) to go with the other. 1
Without_Pause Posted July 10, 2024 Posted July 10, 2024 Defenders get better support numbers and depending on the blast set, the numbers there might not be THAT different. I will absolutely pick a Defender over a Corr in various cases. That said, Fire Blasts and Kin are auto defaults for picking a Corr. Top 10 Most Fun 50s. 1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute. 10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. "Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."
ValiantBlu Posted July 12, 2024 Posted July 12, 2024 I don’t play a ton of endgame content so take this with a grain of salt I’d compare Corruptor to Defender before Blaster, obviously they’re using the same pool of power sets so that’s a natural comparison but I understand that, due to their damage output the blaster makes sense too. Corruptor vs Defender comes down to the support set. I would choose a Defender for a more active set like time, these sets kind of require that you utilize most of the skills mid combat which is time spent not dealing damage. Conversely, fire and forget sets like force fields lend more to corr gameplay since you’re refreshing buffs between fights allowing you to focus on damage during the fight. Corruptor vs Blaster comes down to damage type. Pistols I would put on a blaster due to the AoEs which pairs nicely with defiance, whereas fire has a lot of single target attacks which pairs better with scourge My storm/storm corr I still wonder might have made a better defender for these reasons. I spend a good chunk of time popping /storm abilities to soft CC enemies to a point where I can go an entire mob and only fire like one storm/ attack because my team cleans up so fast. But then there’s times when I land that lightning snipe on a boss with cat 5 and build up on and watch the entire mob get struck by lightning at once with a few scourges popping up and I remember why I chose corr.
Greyhame Posted July 21, 2024 Posted July 21, 2024 I've always liked being a force multiplier, so playing support is a natural fit. On a practical level, I feel like Corruptors are the most effective support AT in the game as it currently stands and as I play it (I mostly do PUG TFs). Don't misunderstand, I enjoy playing the other support ATs, but... Masterminds - pets can be fun but they are slow, the AI can be frustrating, and they die too easily; a Corruptor has the same support and contributes more damage to the team. Controllers - the best AT for overall team mitigation, at the cost damage. In my experience this level of mitigation is mostly redundant in today's game and Controllers don't have a damage powerset to fall back on. Add to that - controls prevent mobs from grouping up for AoE debuffs & attacks. Overuse of controls can actively impede a team's progress and Containment requires control. I'm sad at what the current state of the game has done to this AT. Defenders - the strongest buffs/debuffs/heals in the game, at the cost of damage. I feel like the practical impact of those higher numbers is usually unnoticeable. AVs die a few seconds faster, and buffs/heals are a few percentage points higher but it doesn't noticeably affect a team's outcome. The trade-off for very low damage is pretty noticeable though. In the current game, I find that being a little more self-sufficient isn't just good for me, it benefits the team as a whole. Like Controllers, Defenders are in a rough spot, not so much because of AT design but because of how gameplay has shifted over the years. 1
tidge Posted July 23, 2024 Posted July 23, 2024 I will choose Corruptor pretty much only when the following stars align: There is a primary/secondary combination I want that I can't get from another AT The primary or secondary has a lot of powers I want to take (especially early power picks) I want damage more than secondary effects (from primary/secondary) My second point may seem a little odd, but it plays into the "what do I want to do with the character"... and often when the primary/secondary choices I want for concept include Corruptor and I don't feel the need to lean into damage early... I will usually go in another direction. It's hard to describe, and I offer no hard data, but for solo play I've usually found Defenders (and even Controllers) to be quicker about cleaning large spawns than Corruptors. Against AVs solo Corruptors probably have the advantage but I haven't done much testing without incarnates.
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