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A Question from The Homecoming Team


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I would like a Sprint with the Beast Run animation.  I have a toon where the Beast Run animation fits for his normal movement but I'd like to be able to use Combat Jumping too so a sprint power with that animation would be great.

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Don't know how I'd missed this before.


With a theoretical legit COH, I'd want what I'd want out of any "live service" game - updates. And updates that make sense.

New power sets, yes. New cosmetics. While I'd love to see the character models updated, that'd be a good bit more work.

I'd like to see old, abandoned ideas (I've mentioned the Blood of the Black Stream, as a storyline if not as an AT) picked up and revisited.

As always, more content, 1-50. More paths and groups to investigate, partway (like skulls to family) or fully (like the COT) through that range

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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New Reptilian Stalker-type Mastermind pets with some AoE and blade or claw-like skills under the category of either Mutated Creatures or Aliens. The 1st summons would have a body similar to Wild Mutt from Ben 10 where they can still see and hear in a different way but with a blade-like tail like the Xenomorph from AVP with each summons with separate power sets. The first one would have Spines powers, second would have a mix of Kinetic Melee and kinetic supports powers for the whole party, and the third would have blade-like type Radiation powers befitting a four-legged assassin. For the first summons appearance in terms of color, first would be Brown & Gold, 2nd a mix of Azure & Green, and 3rd physically would have a bigger, leaner, stronger, faster looking body compared to the other two so you can tell it's an Alpha of it type with the color of Black & Red. The 2nd summons will look similar to the first ones but they would be two-legged, digitigrade, muscular version of them around the same size as the 2nd demon summoning skill. The first of the two would have Psychic Melee powers with some ranged psychics attacks like sleep, stuns, disorient, etc, and the second one would have Electric Melee, and their colors would be;1st: Dark Purple & Yellow, 2nd: Blue & Red. And the last one would be more focused on AoE attacks, taunts and tanking instead of stealth, and it would not have the same head as the other ones but it would look like Zilla (from the Godzilla the series based on the 1998 movie) but with some added features like dragon-like horns, dragon or t-rex-like head, and different roar of course. This one would have a mix of a few super strength and bio armor skills and unique black flames powers for itself, the color of it would be Black, Green, and Gold. When you upgrade them they would actually gain appearance instead of like Beast Mastery where they just get a few auras and breaths and thats it. All of them would gain some unique looking Bio Armor and weapons attached to them so it would make them look stronger and where some of them looks like it will make it easier for them to use their powers; similar to how Spider-Man uses Web-shooters and Wolverine has those metal knuckle sliders so it's easier for his claws to come out without shredding his suit much. That's all i have to say for that.

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more flexibility with character customization...


-ability to customize travel power effects, and stances

-asymmetrical shoulders!

-(separate neck items into their own slot away from shoulder)

-Chest logo resizing and positioning

-Separate chest 3d items ie chains harnesses etc away from chest logo slot into their own slot

-transformation customization for peacebringer and warshade (instead of transforming into say a crab maybe a werewolf or jekyl and hyde scenario or whatever the players wana customize their transformations too)

-a separate aura slot for eyes

-upgraded face textures, with the eyes being customizable

-access to more npc costume items

-shoulder/arm logos and cape and trench coat back logos like the chest logos


just to name a few things.... CoH always had a robust character creator which was always one of its best parts, however the fact ncsoft stopped developing it was always a sore spot with me, making my own dream hero designs was always great and always will be, i could spend days just making new costumes to be honest. Seeing what you guys have already done has brought me a lot of hope for my fav game.... asymmetrical arms and legs for starters!!!!


and of course new story content, enemy types and missions!!! i want to see this world go farther than it has! i want to see depper into the world of CoH

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A more linear story progress and leveling experience. It would be interesting if the player was given a selection of 'X' number of contact options - perhaps in the training scenario - where it was obvious which villain group each contact was fighting or in opposition to. It would be very helpful if the game would give you a recommendation on which villain groups you would be strong/weak against based on your power set(s). Then during the training scenario, the instance quest would have those villain minions. Or perhaps there could be more variety of villain types scattered through out the training scenario map and the contact would give you the quest 'go capture X and go capture Y' based on who you would be strong (X) and weak (Y) against so the player could experience the difference. Then the player could be given a bread crumb quest to who to speak to, once the training scenario was complete.


It took me a while during live to figure out I did not necessarily need to do every quest and fight every villain group.


It would be nice to experience the story from start to finish of one villain group ending in a task force to defeat the Super Villain.


In short, an in game tool to help the player focus  his/her attention on one particular villain group while leveling for the sake of the story narrative.


Thanks you very much for bringing back this game!

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On 9/7/2019 at 10:13 AM, Jimmy said:

Hello everyone!


Today we have a simple question for everyone: What do you want to see out of a legitimate, licensed City of Heroes server?


As a caveat, this thread is not a Q&A and we won’t be answering questions here. We’re primarily looking to gather everyone’s thoughts and feedback about what they’d like to see from us going forward - both operationally and for the game itself!


- The Homecoming Team

Content! There are plenty of people willing to put in time and effort to make non-fire-farm content in AE. This could potentially be ported out into the world to make "limited time only" story arcs that players could play for unique badges or costume pieces they can't get anywhere else both for speed of output and to give devs a break.


I have seen others mention harder content, potentially 4 person team stuff, like summer block buster, to better challenge veteran players. As I am an altoholic with zero level 50s, I cannot speak for that.


Recipe storage or shared banking of some sort for recipes.


An ability for players to create and submit power sets. I really want to make a water controller by using the existing animations for water blast and adding sharks from the Patron power pools. I don't know how to get the information to do that. But it needs to be done.


More mastermind pets. Clowns, elementals.

Dresses (Carnies have them!)

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Am I the only one who would like to see an upgraded base building interface? 

ie: more styles, multiple stories/floors, easy to build outside/inside, maybe even templates to get you started?

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-Brought to you by Damage Inc.

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- Skippable cut-scenes

- Sentinel inherent rework

- Trick Arrow buff

- Energy Melee buff/rework

- Mastermind pet customization

- Color-able arrows

- VEAT Night Widow & Bane rework (Fort and Crab are fine) these in specific just feel like under-appreciated Stalkers with team buffs.

- HEAT Warshade & Peacebringer rework to give higher ST damage


I don't think these are "game-breaking" to fix, but I do understand that despite this wish list, it may take more time than one might initially expect for them to come to fruition in a balanced and cohesive way. 

Edited by Zeraphia
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I would LOVE to see toggle suppression be added to Warshades and Peacebringers. 

This way, the human toggles will stay toggled "on" but suppressed, instead of just being turned off completely by the form change. The exact same can be said for stone tanks/brutes when they use Granite Armor and the rest of their toggles drop.


As someone who main plays a Warshade, this would be HUGE quality of life improvement.

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I would also love to see support corruptors/defenders/controllers/masterminds be able to give themselves buffs in a similar way the new Electrical Affinity set works. You have to target a pet or team mate, and the AoE of a buff powers also can affect yourself (can give yourself thermal or ice shields, speed boost, etc).

I feel like our support classes have been selfless for far too long.

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  • 2 weeks later
On 9/7/2019 at 9:13 AM, Jimmy said:

Hello everyone!


Today we have a simple question for everyone: What do you want to see out of a legitimate, licensed City of Heroes server?


As a caveat, this thread is not a Q&A and we won’t be answering questions here. We’re primarily looking to gather everyone’s thoughts and feedback about what they’d like to see from us going forward - both operationally and for the game itself!


- The Homecoming Team

There is a problem with the graphics ...drivers?  ...settings? "somewhere"  that breaks OGLE capture, a thing I would use (the only method I'm aware of) to capture geometry to use for 3D printing characters. It works *only* with the "legacy client" which won't be around forever.  I would like to see a functioning method to capturing geometry restored. 

Hip square.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later
  • 2 weeks later

Hi homecoming team, wanted to say thank you, I am new to the servers and is great to be back, and I have my mastermind back online so thank you.

I only have one change that would be useful and maybe might boost up the strength of the mastermind mercenaries, maybe if the range of the medic could be increased that would help. As the medic has the shortest attack range of all the mercenaries, and I find he always charges up to the front due to his limited range, and tends to get attacked first and stunned easily as well, making his heal useless at times. Would be useful if he stayed back more being a medic, or did not attack at all. 


I think other than that more customisation of pets would be great, the customisation in CoH is so incredible that even more customisation would make the game even more incredible.


But, other than this keeping the game going is the most important feature :). 


Thank you again for bringing the game back.  

Edited by Hazrieal
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  • 2 months later


On 4/27/2020 at 3:10 AM, Mr.Hassenpheffer said:

I would like to see a functioning method to capturing geometry restored. 

Have you attempted to Copy then load Character files into Titan Icon and capture from there? As far as I know Homecomings changes have not been applied there and it may work as the old client did, without need for changes to Homecoming.

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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Other than new content and powersets, keep every QOL addition y'all have added to the game.


The P2W vendor, mallable XP rates, seeded AH to keep prices reasonable, easy ways to make Inf, Null the Gull, all of it. These changes made my CoH reurn so much more enjoyable.


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I would like to see the game continue the way it is being run today - through donations as a non-profit.


Keep the game free of P2W mechanics.


I think this the best way to keep monetary corruption from damaging the player base. This includes gold farmers (the ones that sell in-game currency for real world dollars), elitism (there are going to be elite regards, but P2W mechanics intensify this behavior), and exploitation of those with compulsive behavior.


The Homecoming team seems to have good judgement.

If the Homecoming team believes that they need additional monetary resources or people-hours to work on specifici game projects, I would think this would work best if funds and personnel were raised individually for each cause. 

People volunteering to work on this game have the ability to prove what they have done to the rest of the gaming community and could very well be a foot-in-the-door for upcoming game programmers, zone creators, creative writers, scenery and costume designers, etc.


Keeping the community small is a good thing. Keeping the game non-profit stops investors from forcing the game into becoming a money-reaping machine. And I am saying reaping versus profitable. The win for Homecoming is that it is not profitable.

The game is more than adequately supported by the player base. 

Why so I say adequately supported?

1) The Homecoming team has enough to keep the servers operationational.

2) I don't know if it has taken more than an hour or so to get all the donations that the team needs for any given month.


I would also like to point out that even donors really don't have a right to say, "I'm a paying customer, blah, blah"

They are donating to something they support. They aren't paying anyone's salaries. They are volunteering their donation so that they can help all of us enjoy the game. There are many more that would donate, but the income need for the servers and operation is limited due to the non-profit status of Homecoming.


The people that support this game love it for what it is. There is no need for big changes. There is no reason for it to move away from non-profit status.

If legal licensing ensures that the Homecoming team has a continuing perpetual license to run game servers without outside interference then I can understand the Homecoming team wanting to do so.

Edited by UltraAlt

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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I will add, @UltraAlt, that some of the people who support this game do so out of love for what the game could -possibly- become with additional development.  There's a lot of untapped potential that's here.  Granted, reading through the General and Suggestions/Feedback boards for the past year and a half'ish, the hows and whys of the whats for that potential are quite diverse and even divisive.

You make a lot of fine points, but I think it's important to remember that there is no shortage of community members here who still want to see more changes made, and that doesn't diminish their love or passion for this game in any way.

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- A full review on all powers with a consistent design and effectiveness philosophy in mind. There are some sets that, while still fine and playable, show their age next to more modern sets. I very much understand this is a "be careful what you wish for" request, but I am really interested in what some powersets would look like if they were all looked at together, especially since the performance bands between them can be quite large.

- A little love for inherents that have certain aspects overlooked (i.e., Kheldians solo or proactive Defenders), underpowered and/or cumbersome (Sentinel, Kheldians with certain teammates), or have other ATs with the same inherent, but better by such a degree that they may not even count as the same anymore (Assassination beats up Critical Hit and takes its lunch money).

- Toggle Suppression with form changes if the idea is not to run certain toggles in certain forms.

- Retention of all the QoL changes, especially the AH stuff.

Mostly on Torchbearer, but if you ever see me on, feel free to say hello!

Astral.Kai - Peacebringer; Dark.Enforcer - Dark/Shield Scrapper; Spark.Enforcer - Electrical/Shield Scrapper; Shadow.Reign - Dark/Regen Brute;

Glitter - Warshade;

And others to be added as I get them up to snuff, lol!


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