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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. I have little that I worry about backing up. Even most of my photos are "Eh, need to be able to see this tiny number." The stuff I actually want is already backed up in at least two places.
  2. There is no mechanic. He's just *There.* *Staring.*
  3. Could we give "General" its own tab by default, and trim everything but "Help" out of Help? Right now it's pretty much a copy of Global.
  4. I'm fairly sure the last time I saw Temblor he was waaay at the end of a list of them to scroll through. (Part of the problem with the find contacts box.)
  5. I swear I don't remember seeing ID splash. And I've run Kins and run with Kins recently, too. Huh.
  6. IN general, this might be good to turn into a "Revamp the find contact box." List zones, highlight them when they're new or have a new contact, give it a compact list so if you want to ignore a zone you can just leave it compacted... *shrug*
  7. I'm seeming to recall that Seeds also causes aggro (aside from being close and being a cone,) where I can confuse / mass confuse all day without getting any hate in return. I wouldn't argue (gamewide, not just mind related) in making fears a containment trigger.
  8. Too early to say what needs changing. Give it three months at least, let the devs get the data, then they can adjust as needed. Meanwhile, sit at home and dream of purple rain... 🙂
  9. No, it isn't. The suggestions forum is for suggestions, whether additive, subtractive, or just change for change's sake, and discussing those suggestions.
  10. I found the AOE splash buffs kind of annoying when they came out, honestly, but eh, they're here regardless of my preferences. (They made playing a Bot/FF MM even *more* boring, if that was possible...) That said, I don't think CM would get that - I don't think ID from Kinetics did, either, when SB got turned into an AOE. I *suspect* (purely guesswork) it's because it's status protection. Unlike shields (which still have a chance to hit,) status protection just lets players ignore most control effects - which can be fairly powerful. My *guess* is that that'll be what keeps it a single-target buff. (Granted it doesn't take long to recharge.)
  11. Since we can't customize this, I'd think the way to do this would be having a different power without the FX. The characters I have that use powerslide use it for the specific FX.
  12. ... what've you got for a background? Got myself a Les Paul MUSE in Arctic White recently, so...
  13. You know, I don't remember seeing Hammond pop up even on live near the end. Then again, it's been a long time...
  14. For all the "inf nerf" talk, I'm actually more interested in (and amused by) jump pack/steam jump being disabled in the arena. Mind you, I haven't played an arena match since waaaaaaaaay before shutdown. Wondering if this fixes something or was just missed earlier.
  15. You can do everything without any individual AT. The game was built without the "Holy Trinity" being needed. I can run the entire game 1-50 just fine without the blaster you praise from your other example ever showing up. I'm not roadblocked or unable to finish anything. There's been arguments about tanks, scrappers and brutes stepping on each other. You want to build up your armors first and have them more functional? Take a tank. You want crits? Scrapper. You like the fury mechanic? Brute. Different gameplay styles. None are "useless." They have different focuses. Defender vs Corrupter. Do you want to build your support powersets first and focus on that first? Defender. Damage more with a support flavor? Corrupter. And so on. It sounds like you're solely interested in the min/maxed characters, considering everything else "useless." The game's not designed around that. And shouldn't be.
  16. Aren't they generally in "Find contact?" I'm fairly sure at least Jim Temblor is. I'd have to check on WIncott. Other than that (and DA and RWZ,) I can't think of any real "hazard zone" contacts other than the security chiefs that send you on hunts. That said, they can certainly get buried under new contacts and they're not as *obvious* as they were (Twinshot pops up, I don't remember seeing anything like that for Wincott off the top of my head.)
  17. This is not "kindness." This is acknowledging you share the game with other people. Not everyone cares that they're min-maxed doing 9000 DPS and the entire map falls down dead when they walk in. And where did I ever say "Don't do a good build?" Again, no AT is useless. If you want to talk about individual sets feeling underpowered at various stages, that's a different conversation. But an AT is not a powerset, and part of the fun of the game is seeing how different primaries and secondaries interact and how that changes how you approach the game.
  18. I don't know how much that would help in the OP's case, since they're ... sort of all over. The First/Night ward contacts could be argued to not be "gold" since they're post-20 (despite being in Praetoria. The zones are a bit odd.) Or on the flip side, they'd be legitimately gold and blue or gold and red, for instance. Maybe expanding the list into an actual *list,* or giving options for "in this zone," or something, on top of the "Do not show again" check?
  19. Excuse me? I disagree with the OP from the very first sentence of Mind being on the "weak" side of Control. You consider that a waste of time? I played mind *heavily* on live and am working some Minds up here. About the *only* thing I can agree with is that TK is situational and often skippable. Yes, Plant gets a confuse power - that causes aggro. Tradeoff for getting it earlier, and they only get one. (I'll point out Plant also gets a sleep.) And +Mag to confuse a boss - if you want that, run a dom. If I want solid *control,* I go with mind. If I want control with various debuffs (or placed patches) I go with other sets, all the way to little control, lots of chaos and hey, two invisibilities, there's Illusion.
  20. So you actually don't have an argument and want to insult people that acutally play it. Nice to see the conversation's not worthwhile this fast so I don't waste my time.
  21. Because they are other players who enjoy those characters and this is often a social game. And again, no AT is useless.
  22. Just a solid no. Sleeps are far more useful than people give them credit for. Aim a sleep at anything throwing a dispersion bubble. Watch a sleep shut down an AV. Mind is insanely (heh) flexible and useful.
  23. No AT is useless. And what's a "Healer?"
  24. Other than in Drowning in Blood. Personally, I'd rather we see the hazard zones get content - and content that leaves a thread that can be revisited in an Incarnate-level map, instead of taking the zones away from those at that level range. (And honestly, redside needs more to go through, but that's a little more intensive work to create from scratch.) I'd actually kind of hoped that was what would happen with DA on live. Get some "teasers" and content saying "SOmething's happening" that you visit in your 20s, maybe a contact throws you back there from 35=45 to update it, then you get the IncarnateAstoria.
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