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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. The Labyrinth sounds like a cool idea. I may have missed it but is there an end goal/boss in that whole thing? Or is it just strike out and adventure as you like?
  2. I do not make a toon with KB unless I slot KB to KD IO in the power(s). KB can be handy but I find it annoying. If a team suggests you get that IO for your KB power, don't get all....butthurt.... :)..... There's no rule about having to do it but there is etiquette and courtesy. You can always say I'd rather not take it and I like my KB. I know I've been on teams and informed the KB player of the IO and they just quit. I wasn't rude or anything - I thought maybe they're new or didn't know. Anyway...
  3. I was told that HC is going to try to be more innovative. I was wondering if they can tell us if that is happening next update? I don't need details. I would like to know if something different/unique is going to be attempted. I have not really enjoyed most of the content added by HC. Having a story arc that looks a lot like what we've had for decades isn't awesome. They've also been somewhat drawn out and really focused on story vs. gameplay - we need both. Here's to hoping 🙂
  4. I haven't done much hard mode stuff but I've done enough where you know a regular toon won't cut it. I think the biggest issue is the accuracy maybe? Is there a thread discussing which ATs would be best for each of the hard mode TFs/SFs? I wonder if any 4* content has eliminated an AT or made it less desirable?
  5. I so can't wait to see all of the Thor toons out there! Seriously, no. Just no. Or as noted earlier, I say thee nay.
  6. Someone has too much time on their hands...
  7. Decent ranged damage (scourge is nice). Secondary also can be range oriented and you're not pushed into melee like some blaster sets. Corruptors can be better defensively as well and survivability isn't as tough. I do like Defenders and they are a different playstyle. I've never been a blaster fan. To make them a bit sturdy costs a ton of INF. I always team so I don't need that extra damage but do want to survive.
  8. It's a success? Are lots doing co-op missions etc in there? Shadow Shard....makes sense to make it co-op but the content in there really is not fun IMO. I am sure the HC team has the data to tell how you active it is in there but ...ya....I'd like to see Dev time spent elsewhere.
  9. I see a very few pleading for this power. It's a mish mash of stuff we already have. I am fine with or without it. I also wonder if the coding is all there for it then why not drop it in. HC has been lean on content adds so why not. Also, it's very interesting reading that Reddit comment about revamping the costume system. It's too bad HC didn't have that guy working here. Ah well!
  10. Agreed. However, I am not taking polls and not running one. It is the best metric I have when gauging interest in content - not seeing people wanting to do it. I also take input from the PUGs and friends I play with.
  11. I know a lot of the people from the various servers don't click but I will still say I really like some of the ideas on other servers. Ideas - maybe not the execution of these ideas. Don't get me wrong, HC is my only server but I checked out some of the others. I really like the additional costume pieces they've added (the ones that are properly done - no clipping etc). I also really liked the flood of additional ATs. Again, not all of them are well done but they were bold and added some great options. HC is high quality and whatever they add looks good and works. However, the HC content/mission/SF etc content has been poor. It is very boring and feels like it's 20 years old in many ways; it's also very convoluted and not fun to play. You rarely see people wanting to do the mission arcs and Aeon is usually done in a 'speedy' way so people can take a chance at getting a big money reward. I am sure some enjoy the actual SF and playing but I have yet to meet that player. Again, I have all the love in the world for the HC Devs but I also feel I'd be doing them a disservice if I didn't provide my honest feedback. I really hope HC moves towards adding more innovative missions etc as well as costume pieces and so on.
  12. I just use the wiki. Yes, it's frustrating that it's not in the game but oh well. The respec system is the other pain in the arse!
  13. This is so cool. I missed all of the events but it's so nice to see the Devs from back when come back into the game. It really hits you right in the feels. Hopefully they can become part of the HC Team? 🙂
  14. A.I. is pretty fun. I used it to make a short song for my work presentation lol. Good work on the lyrics etc. I have never been a fan of the speed metal sound but I appreciate the creativity!
  15. I like this idea as another option for Judgement. Of course it'd have to have similar damage and area damage as the other powers. The Seismic Blast power set has a nuke type power that could be like this proposed Judgement option. I also feel it could be a nice option and help maintain the theme of some toons. I don't think we need more Incarnate powers - just alternates to the ones we have might be cool. Nothing wrong with more choice. I also think Lore would be much better if we could make customize the pet we summon; kinda like a sidekick. Allow us to customize the look then choose if we want range, melee, tank, buff etc. It would be a lot of fun!
  16. I don't know if this had been asked but...I'm wondering in which direction the original team would've taken this game? HC has done a great job but I am curious to hear about the original vision and direction. I know that Storm was brewing (that Coming Storm was coming for, what felt like, an eternity) but what was coming up after that? Also, the Live Devs started making some stylistic changes to mission design and the design of TFs/SFs/Trials. Were these going to further evolve?
  17. HC Team, thanks for this! I may actually log in on April 30! Also, so cool to see some of the originals coming back to connect with the community. How cool is that!
  18. I also have no idea why the HC team goes back and makes these seemingly pointless changes. I'd rather they focus on adding new stuff and stop revamping things that're somewhat trivial. Maybe I'm wrong here....I dunno.
  19. Again, I can't be sure if OP was the guy I teamed with but that guy was all kinds of ignorant. He called me dad because he recalls his dad editing their home movies and removing the fun parts. I couldn't stop laughing. I guess it never dawned on this 'genius' that his stealing of copyright material puts the game at risk especially after years of trying to get a license and become legit. I had to come back and post this cuz I just can't get over how clueless some people are...it's amazing.
  20. I've put them in there repeatedly. The AE idea has been fleshed out in detail in there too. I think I started the AE post idea over 3 years ago and was told it might be too much work. If I could pick between the player generated missions that're canon via A.E. v.2.0 vs. the Aeon SF and all of the other story arcs added by HC, I'd pick the A.E. v.2.0. IMO it was a bad idea to continue the missions and styles from when the game started. Those were bad mission designs. Anyway, thanks again for replying and I will keep popping in from time to time 🙂
  21. I still have it. Still in the bag with tags. Should I keep it or return it?! Life is SO HARD!
  22. This all sounds awesome. I will always check in and see what's happening here. No need to win me back. My honest feedback is, sometimes, brutally honest. The content that's been added by HC (missions, arcs, SF) have not been for me. They really are not good IMO. There was a reason the Live devs made some stylistic changes to content near the end of the Live game's life. The HC content is the same (too long, info overload, not all players can get all the info, way too convoluted, too long...etc etc etc) and does not seem to be for most. This is based on my experiences only and I could be completely wrong. Honestly, I thank you all and appreciate HC. I did sign up to help in writing and other such tasks (I do a lot of this professionally) but I never heard back. I maintain my AE idea would be a game changer and I've seen many other add ideas that were great - I would've preferred them all to what has been added. My wish list: -AE 2.0 where players create one-shot/radio type missions and HC team decides what's added to game. These are separate from regular AE and made to be part of the regular game and canon. -Nemesis system -Power Pool - sidekick. A completely customizable pet/sidekick for your toon. Nothing game breaking but more fun and another option. There are a few others that I suggested and got support but I digress. Here's to hoping.
  23. This has always been the rule. I tried telling this to a couple of people I was teaming with and they got all bent out of shape. I honestly think I teamed with OP and commented to him about his Gambit rip-off and he called me "Dad" lol. Just amazing. I also mentioned this to another guy on a rip-off toon and he got all...butthurt... 🙂 I will say I am not in agreement with not being able to use names that're common words. If someone creates a toon named something like...Colossus and it looks nothing like the X-Man and they don't have the same powers then so be it. It should be fine. Lawyers...they certainly do belong at the bottom of the sea! ALSO, name hoarding is a thing so this should be allowed but all good. I'm happy to have the game around again.
  24. Is there a Kheld rework happening? I enjoy both of them but they sure aren't my top end toons. Some changes would be nice 🙂
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