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Sakura Tenshi

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Everything posted by Sakura Tenshi

  1. Fox and raccoon tails should be easy enough by applying new color patterns to existing wolf tail options. but new models might not be animated due to the lack of animatiors. A static tail might work for deer tails, not sure how well for horse and squirrel tails.
  2. @Rishidian Well, this isn't really a suggestion thread so much as just hypothetical ideals. I mean for the purposes of this thread you could, like, make some costumes in game, post the screenshot here, and give them a bunch of random powers that no lorepet, NPC, or player has.
  3. as I've learned it, while you primarily do want to thrust with a spear, when you're not in some kind of bigger formation, twirling and using both ends is an acceptable tactic. At least in East Asian Martial Arts. That said, in my ideal world we'd have Staff fighting (what we have now) Spear Fighting (a lot more thrusts, might steal a few things from FFXIV's Dragoon alongside For Honor's Nobushi (who, while she does do big swings and uses a naginata, she's got weapon customizations that are just normal spears and her light attacks are all thrusts and jabs) and Valkyrie. Also can be wielded paired with shield defense) Glaive Fighting (Sort of a titan-weapons-lite-like polearm set. lots of AoEs and arcs meant for glaives, guan dao, naginata, pole axes, and even scythes if you wanna be edgy or make Ruby Rose) But I'm also a guy who'd want to tweak katana's animations and mechanics a bit, turn into into a proper longsword set with a lot of european style customizations and make a new katana with more animations taken strictly out of kenjutsu forms. And make dedicate 'shotgun, sniper rifle, and automatic rifle' to leave the franken gun to rot like the foul, offensive abomination it is.
  4. In light of the discussion of the weekly topic, it's brought to mind the idea that it'd be sort of hard to make lore pets that would truly make everyone happy, since everyone's got different concepts and ideas. But we're not restricted in imagination and discussion, so let's talk about what your characters' ideal lore pets might look like. From actual summons to just calling in friends, or even a simple reskin of existing ones, let your imagination run wild here! On the simple end of things, I think if I could customize Gaia Redeemer's lore pets, all I'd do is reskin his Cimerorans to represent medieval/renaissance warriors. So replace the Praefectus with an Armiger from the Black Knights and the Immune Surgeon replaced with a plague doctor, which admittedly would call for basically some new costume pieces like a hat and proper mask.
  5. I'd love it if we could get a proper, normal freaking spear.
  6. To be honest, much as I do love mech pets (I honestly wish the Assault Bot was like, twenty percent to one hundred percent bigger), I think some some lore pets for the same faction might need to be broken up to allow for people who want BIG, BEAUTIFUL BOTS and those who might want something more grounded. To be honest you could make three separate lorepets out of PPD alone (PPD normals, PPD SWAT, and PPD 'Mechs' which would include hardsuits and robots) just for an example. No reason we couldn't theoretically make a 'Vanguard Sword' lore pet path that includes an HVAS boss pet.
  7. @Black Zot It doesn't seem too hopeless as many do seem to recognize part of the problem is the lack of Incarnate content and might be willing to accept expansion on challenge and difficulty. As I mentioned in my own post, I feel like more than a few of the base level 50 enemy groups (not necessarily incarnate themselves) could stand to be reexamined, and similarly much of the content as well, though to what extent they should be is difficult. I want to say a key to enemy group difficulty should be diversity in their mobs, but that in of itself makes them all rather samey wouldn't it? I get why, but it does bug me that the ONLY thing that makes some groups challenging is 1 or 2 tricks and the rest are just cannon fodder. For Nemesis it's the dependence on stacking vengeance, for Carnies it's Master Illusionists and Mask of Vitiation, for Rikti it's stun spam, Malta isn't nearly a threat without their Sappers, Longbow has Nullifiers, and then there's those who lack any 'gimmick' and just end up real fodder. (council, PPD, CoT) And the only decently designed groups in the base 50 without incarnates would be Arachnos and the IDF who do actually use diverse tactics to deal with all sorts of players and playstyles.
  8. What you like To be blunt? I like my characters feeling overpowered as hell and forget everyone who wants to have the power to shut off everyone else's Incarnate powers "because the game is too easy" or wants the present powers to be nerfed. This goes a bit into the next section, but part of the problem with incarnate powers is not the system itself so much as that the Live Devs hadn't finished much of what they had planned, this means we are in need of new content, and the level 45-50 leveling experience was in need of review (even before incarnates became a thing) with mob upgrades. Notice the Banished Pantheon's incarnate versions show up in the level 50 mission from Unai Kamen making it a lot more challenging, so it could be presumed some other level 50 mobs could gain the benefit of their incarnated upgrades. Those are the kinds of things we need to consider instead of just 'nerf/remove incarnates', and while it's a much harder route I think it would be worth it with a bigger pay off so we're not fighting entire mobs who only are a threat because of a single gimmick and possibly not even then. What don't you like Thematics are my biggest issue with Incarnate stuff, even if I'm playing a character as a legit incarnate (I don't know if I ever have) there's still a lot of options I wish we had but we do not, mostly this is an issue I have with Interface (which I feel could stand to be just a bit stronger/split up into two so we can use endurance drain and energy damage to have lightning weapons, etc.), Judgement (which could use a straight toxic attack, also 'weapon based casts', though that's understandably a difficult thing to ask), and Lore (which could just always use more pet options). Oh, I also feel like Support hybrid is ridiculously weak both in magnitude of it's buffs for pets or players as well as it's limited range. Balance of the sets The crafting system Don't have too much to say on these two points, as balancing goes, I do wish Interface was a bit stronger (like, damage and debuff procs could be 100% chance, though I wouldn't mind Reactive's kind of pitiful -10% res debuff cap brought up to at least -15% for reasons), broken into two parts (the damage and debuff proc effects, maybe make the damage portion just a single burst instead of DoT?) to open up concepts, but most of all: interface (can you tell this is my overall favorite?) feels like something that would have been nice as part of the base game. A way to top off customizing your powers. But that's all another issue. My other wish would, if nothing else, allow us to window individual incarnate tabs so we can keep track of what components we need to craft than hop back and forward. Resizing the windows would also be nice. Where you'd like to see them go? Well, as mentioned I think first we need to focus on updating the level 45-50 end content to help maintain challenge as well as expand actual incarnate content. My own proposal was a 'Incarnate Croatoa Zone version' since Celtic myth is ripe with OMGOPPLZNERF powered figures or even more simply dive into Norse Myth with Odin opening up Valhalla to us so we could battle legendary heroes and villains of the game's lore and mythological lore. But I feel like we've done a lot of magic themed content so Battalion it is, but as a strictly science and tech based alien group and not a 'magitech' group like the live devs planned. But for the actual system, I'd like to see lore pet and judgement options expanded and some things adjusted. I think we could make debuff/controls on judgements and interface far more appealing if they were made to be irresistable giving more value to them. Hit tower buffed Recluse with ion? He's locked down for about ten seconds. Period. Reichsman hit with radial void judgement? He deals 30% less damage. Period. Reactive resistance debuff? debuffs 10% of an enemy's resistance at max stacks. Period. In this game, damage is often king because stronger enemies have inherit resistances and can even ignore our controls and debuffs makes options that sacrifice damage for debuffing are going to be passed over. But if those debuffs were legitimately strong to being able to change a fight's course over a longer term than the burst damage, it might seem like a better choice. for developing new abilities, while black scoripion had mentioned what was roughly planned in a post mortem AMA, I was honestly not impressed, though my own ideas are both far more unnecessarily complex and far less fleshed out. And actually only cover Genesis and Omega powers as I don't have ideas for Vitae and Stance. The most complex idea was Genesis being something unique based on your AT, only two options: radial and core, but being AT specific they were meant to assist core aspects of your archetype either adding to their inherent power (an idea was for scrapper Radial to increase your chance to crit while core would increase crit damage or something like that, Stalker radial path would turn their ST placate into a targeted ranged AoE effect or core making their Assassin's strike crits deal irresistable damage). My idea for Omega was that it was meant to augment one of your previous Incarnate choices and bring it to new levels, the radial path allowing that Incarnate slot to gain the full benefit of both radial and core paths of the same level (so, yes, this means omega lore augment would involve summoning three pets) or chosing the core path would basically boost the effectiveness of your chosen power by an undecided amount. (like maybe fore Interface proc it doubles the duration of the effect and doubles the amount of stacks you can place on an enemy) And that's about all I have for now, I will mind you I am not terribly great at balancing concepts and a lot of these ideas were brought together independently and might massively unbalance things if done together.
  9. I don't disagree with you, but it is an awful lot of work. Though it's easily safe to say in-universe the War Walls would mess with Paragon's ecology pretty severely. They're massive, perpetual lightsources, block out a majority of wind coming off the ocean or anywhere else, and probably trap smog inside the city.
  10. Kallisti Wharf does use some First Ward Buildings, namely the cleaner ones, actually. I get what you mean but if you look around First Ward and Praetoria proper, you'll actually see a number of building designs exclusive to one another but both find their way into Kallisti.
  11. my own thoughts on an 'emergency fix' for Full Auto, perhaps in addition to target cap increase and overall damage increase, to make up for the long cast time, and to sort of match how Hail of Bullets works, I would propose Full Auto also gaining a decent -tohit and -recharge debuff that it inflicts on enemies caught in the cone to reduce retaliatory fire. From an in-universe stand point, this would be represented as the overwhelming suppression fire laid out by full auto causing enemies to choke on their counter shots and struggle to aim under the hail of bullets.
  12. Let's share ideas that might be neat for future seasonal content, whether it's small stuff or big, share it here. Signature Costumes: Taking a bit of a page from Final Fantasy XIV's Halloween event, this idea is to basically make costume temp powers of signature characters we could buy with salvage or perhaps even turn into a reward for some of the other events. Now the extent of the costumes is admittedly something up in the air in my mind, perhaps it might be fun to go all out and let a player not just assume the appearance of a signature character, but even their powers as well, in which case we can throw open the gates a bit to include Mark-VI "Victoria" bots, Titans, and some others for fun and thrills. Or maybe it should be a purely cosmetic and restricted thing, so when you adopt these costumes you can't really access any power besides maybe walk. Last idea is for them to work like normal costumes, in which case they might need to be limited to strictly humanoid characters like Statesman and Maelstrom. Summer Fireworks Nights: Basically, if you're American (or Japanese), nothing says Summer like arbitrary explosions in the sky. This would require some repurposed art assets, but the idea would be that from mid-july to Mid-August, every time night comes to Paragon, the Skybox is now has super-sized versions of the fireworks emotes (along with maybe some new fireworks effects) that occasionally blast into the sky. Or this could be turned into a special zone event of some kind. (which might simply the skybox thing. Oh, maybe it could be held in Kallisti for Heroes and Villains to enjoy!) Summer Splash-fest: This might be the most involved one, but basically a PVP mini-game that involves players getting unique powers in the form of water guns and bombs to douse eachother in a special arena. Refill your armaments by diving into the pool and capture zones from the opposing team! Those are the ideas off the top of my head, two of the three for summer since there's really not much it's got going for it. Share your ideas here!
  13. there's an interesting hook for why they'd have to do that: In the signature story arc, Recluse reveals that he was able to reclaim control of Warburg at any time, and indeed, expressly allowed Marshal Blitz to take control of the island and break off from Arachnos because it meant the Etoile Isle were no longer considered a Nuclear Power by the UN. But, with it being outed Arachnos has not only conventional nuclear weapons, but chemical and bio warfare WMDs, they'd be under much much much closer scrutiny than before. If you really want to extrapolate on this, the awareness of Nuclear (and biological and chemical arms) leads to investigations that leads into a lot more things Arachnos wouldn't really want public to be VERY public (namely the Arachnoids) and for various global powers, this is all the straw that breaks the camel's back and the Etoile is under massive sanctions, if their sleeper agents so much as stir the country would face massive retaliation on a scale even Recluse would rather not deal with (super hero setting, just imagine how many world leaders have black hole generators somewhere. Or play a Command & Conquer game for an idea of super weapon possibilities), and Recluse reluctantly has to clean up and bite his cheeks, he, Red Widow, and Ghost widow are patient enough to weather this. Mako and Black Scorpion? No, they signed on to get carte blanche on murder and terror, so they basically spark ANOTHER civil war that weakens Arachnos further, ultimately topped off with all these agents of 'good' (or at least order) hanging around Scirocco (and Ice Mistral) giving him the perfect chance to switch sides and the Mu go into their own squabbles on who should lead and if they should remain with Arachnos. This leaves Recluse, Red and Ghost Widow with a massive mess to clean up with Arachnos under massive scrutiny they can't actually deal with and a civil war they can't suppress compared to Marshall Blitz's. The double edged sword for Recluse is that these U.N. peacekeepers and can be pointed to groups like the Council and Nemesis in the Isles, distracting them from always watching Recluse and alleviating pressure from the broken arachnos. But the more he accepts help, Arachnos finds itself in debt and Recluse's own followers end up seeing him as weak, so he needs to play a careful game.
  14. Better than Lord Recluse and Arachnos who get rammed up and down both ends of your anatomy from 1-50 and you are reminded with every bit of Redside content you're serving 'The will of Arachnos' one way or another.
  15. You get a hint that the Redcaps are sort of the grunts (or at least heavies) of the larger Unseelie Court with the occasional spawn of Unseelie around Halloween time. That said, Redcaps are plenty nasty (at least mythologically) to have done something like this almost entirely on their own for sick amusement. I do think that Croatoa and Celtic myth would make a great background setting for Incarnate Content, my only reservation is that with Mot, we've had a magical threat, praetorian could be seen as a Technology threat (I guess with elements of science), so maybe next incarnate/max level arc could focus on something more mutant or natural origin as a nemesis goes?
  16. I'm kind of 'Yes and no' on this. For example, males are in desperate need of new hair styles, and if we have to beat up maelstrom, shave him bald, and take his hair (AND his pistols) then so be it. Maelstrom has plenty of unique pieces to his costume plus some unique animation bits. He can afford to share the hair, and Scirocco (and several villain NPCs) have entirely unique models, and I know many players who'd love Scirocco's belt for Egyptian themed characters and he wouldn't lose his identity for loss of it (since everything else about him is unique.* Also the belt/skirt would need massive remodeling since I don't think players can even get Scirocco's proportions). But characters like Ms. Liberty as mentioned, who only has a grand total of two unique costume pieces (her shoulders and belt) or Back Alley Braweler with only one (his gauntlets), probably best to let them keep their unique items. *except his sword, which the live devs handed out to common ToV bosses which bugged the living hell out of me. "It's a unique weapon with a unique backstory. Until we decided we don't want to give the ToV any of the number of other broadsword/scimitar weapon models we have" -Probably Positron. Sorry, it's just something that bugs the heck out of me. @StrykerGaming Like I mentioned with Scirocco, something to be aware of with borrowing costume pieces for certain NPCs is that it's not as easy as just unlocking the selection in the player costume menu. If you've ever messed with the Dev version of Icon, you'll see characters like Desdemona can apply their costume pieces like player characters, but they're specially tailored to connect uniquely to eachother to where you're only hope of making a cohesive look is to just make Desdemona. Not helped Desdemona has a unique skin-tone that can't be changed and so forth. You can also see this a bit with Mother Mayhem pieces in the editor and to a lesser extent the MK VI (victoria) pieces.
  17. not necessarily leadership per-say, though could be included, but I've always wanted to try running a 'shield wall' team of eight people with shield defense. Phalanx fighting, grant cover, and maneuvers optionally included and other toggles might not be needed.
  18. @Greycat Zombies and Demons MMs expressly have powers called 'enchant', Necromancers summon liches who are described as likely having been necromancers themselves in life, one of the other powers involves summoning the soul of your fallen minion. @Player2 Doom demons are magical, some of them are just augmented with earth (and more recently Argent D'nur and Maykr) cybernetic tech and earth's means of reaching Hell were at first scientific as a result of either teleportation mishap and/or energy research. If you want purely scientific demons you'd have to look at the weird Doom Novels with Flynn Taggert instead of Doomguy. Also, one of you tell me what to explain the freakin' Oni with when I'm supposed to be Batman training other Batmen. I should ultimately stress while I don't Poopoo people's concepts, I am saying you cannot say the live devs weren't perfectly okay with origin specific powersets since they clearly had certain origins in mind when designing some of them. Admittedly, most of them are mastermind powers which are kind of conceptually narrow.
  19. Yeah... Robotics, Beamrifle, Zombies, and Demon Summoning say 'hi'. Also, the Oni from ninjas would like to butt his ugly head in and drag an otherwise natural origin MM into the land of faeries and goblins.
  20. And here I thought Freakshow were Dark Eldar. Well, Dark Eldar meet Orkz since their cybernetics probably run on Waaagh! Energy.
  21. @CrudeVileTerrorSo you’re implying Arachnos Weavers are arachnophile Adeptus Mechanicus?
  22. Actually, if you take a closer look at some of the decorative details on the buildings, like the tops of the hexagon buildings, you can see signs it's actually supposed to be Art Deco, but graphical limitations and perhaps the live Devs just not understanding how Art Deco works resulted in a more brutalist style. Art Deco seems likely since this is the architecture routinely associated with golden age comicbook heroes, namely Metropolis in Superman and older depictions of Gotham.
  23. Under proper circumstances, I've worked out a build where katana can hit for over 1200 points of damage with Golden Dragonfly. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1569;712;1424;HEX;| |78DA6594DB6F125110C6CF81852D14DA624BE9BD162DB4A014D407AF31D1D626F66| |293263E59E9168EED1A0264A1897DF4DD6B5BD3276F89D6FAE21FE2F5DF30D1AA89| |8989BEE0B0F31548D8407EB373BE39F331BB87B93B93BE77D3772F0AD9763967944| |AE9C58C65148BCAD2E78DF2BA65E4045DEE6B5621B366EA14060FD6D3732AA75462| |C6281B79A3B7969D54B754BEA412F366FEB6592EAD0BFF42A1904B5C3157D7CA667| |EB5DDBE9B55465659A535B3E83BB82FD2A2D7BE592C2A950D4C15CD4CE25221BB91| |9E334A65656DF450F3247DEF575DD857C525BE38854869A2ED3333FA09FCC81CFF0| |0BE67BAC6A94CDAB54E1194764EEB62BA3BC04EE6031D52EA232F38789FF3CCD839| |F02C788679EC34D34D7D9CE8E3449F16F469411F2FFAE8A47541EB82D60BAD0F5A1| |FB40FC993CE5A97FE163DF798C7DF80BBE06BE6C42B660BF5F1C86A71457AE282E7| |06DEA37D5BF15B5B9F685CB70D6E31539BE063F0115352AD9F6B85BF4297F050A77| |6CE38DAFFB0AA039D0EB8495501D6688197AC39F4027CCE8C3C63469F32BDB46F27| |D7383BF7F989767D07BF31BBBF329DB47F90B53278827283B436C16B1AAD8530F11| |026DE8389F760E27D98F816697B3199DE384FB22FC61C18678E8C318F46999108B3| |95FCF6731FD95F6D481E06FEB28700ED3B080F83F030040F43F030040FDBA41DC65| |31F563C8BC3593003AE30470C7099E9230F61F80F1BECEBC83298066FC2FF127883| |D94D7D47E17F74867D477E3317096378EA6378A6BBF41AC4A18FEFE0EDDC648669A| |F04F409E8433A9FE86A2ED9CFFB0E68B5D34D9FEADB34ACD5CE6C6526565BADC49A| |94C9A64CAA2973B22973AA2933DB98F1B0FF05ADF66F2024BFE51D74C6E165DF4BA| |BB271F5673DE3905729886AC2711DFF3823FC5B7F3455FDAA67A4C4041D98E0BF6E| |02E66085EAF17443BCE4B53DDBB1D110AF34C40B0DB17BB45EBB43472B85FC5EB81| |ABBECF83F47DBFA5F| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  24. I'm just going to link my post from another thread about the bigbutt changes I'd make if I could have my way with the game's aesthetics. Some changes not listed here, if I could have it would include: Seasons and weather - probably something not felt as much in the Rogue Isles*, but Rhode Island is part of the New England region of North America which gives rise to some stunning seasonal changes. Admittedly, not all would be represented (very well) but just having four month seasons of Summer/Spring, Autumn, and Winter could be cool. (which, going beyond aesthetics I'd like to tie to a rotation of zone events and event special seasonal contacts/arcs). Similarly like out of Final Fantasy XIV, you'd get an assortment of sunshine, overcast, fog, rain, snow, hail, and storms depending on the season in place. Related to the above Day/night cycle adjustments - basically what it says on the title. In-game day during summer and spring being 40 Realtime minutes of day and 20 Realtime minutes of night, Autumn having half hour of day and night evenly, and finally in winter the nights are 35 minutes to 25 of daytime. Also, because my ideal version of City of would include world hopping, day and night cycle would also vary based on some of the zones you're in, subtly, my own version of Croatoa being set in Maine would get rounded up to the Atlantic timezone and placed an hour ahead, while the American Southwest would be two hours behind Paragon. Also the Antarctic Rikti Warzone would reflect the 'six months of day/six months of night' thing that happens near the poles.
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