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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I actually like a really well considered one, and have frustratingly taken a few toons all the way to 50 without figuring out a good one. Three good (and recent) examples and a joke: 1) The Pink Bampfer - Stalker with as many combat TP attacks as I could get, "Deh-dant, deh-dant..." 2) 8-Bit Oracle - "Do you really want to cross that river?" (Based on being an oracle; probably only classicists will understand that one) 3) Catawampus Turncoat - "Hello new friends!" (based off that surname, you see...) The joke: I saw someone who had what was clearly a "cut-scene only" battle cry of "Blah blah blah..."
  2. I mean, every block has like three or four muggings, but how many cars and trucks? The law of averages make you safer in the street.
  3. I agree with the dead guy. Generally my bios don't run more than one can read in twenty seconds or so. Tell me about the radioactive spider bite, you can skip Aunt May, Brock, Doctor Octopus, and being stuck under that rubble for half the issue.
  4. I dearly love the option and haven't been able to make it work for any toon I've ever made, not once. I have a plethora of jack-o-lantern headed toons, but no fishbowls... *sniff*
  5. It's great but for a few problems, two of which are: 1) Great if you want to look like like you're armored, a robot, or even an armored robot, middling for just about everything else. I dunno, I guess maybe a lot more tights options might be helpful? 2) The color palette leans very "cool", lots of blues, greens, teals and in betweens, but how many reds and oranges, yellow-oranges? Oh, and I'll toss in a 3) Nearly every "dark" option for powers is just "big black blob now with a dark red tinge around its edges."
  6. Huh, I was recently doing this very same thing. My wife said she like firebeep so I put that on the phone. A week later I was against it and she told me she hated it, ha ha. It basically goes "[standard beep sound, then something like a wolf whistle]." It was awful.
  7. Very hard seconded, I need people to take my uber-roided TW Brute seriously for once.
  8. Name suggestions that are probably annoying because you've probably already happily settled on your given choice: Instead of Avada, which somehow feels like it's missing some letters to me, I'd go with either Arvada or Aubrey. Both keep that sort of "abracadabra" cadence.
  9. This reminds me of how I like to zoom down the street in zones where everyone's grey to me, and still occasionally stop to zap some of purse-snatchers. It can be pretty funny seeing them fall over and contort while making threats and telling me what a big mistake I just made...
  10. This isn't her first costume slot, but I made this one less than 24 hours ago and have already had two people whisper me that they liked it a lot, so here's 8-Bit Oracle, a Sonic/Time Corr. Must be the colors? I do kinda like how they came out.
  11. As I understand it, it's all very specific to each pet. Not trying to drive you away, but you'd be best asking/searching forums for the AT and power set you're looking to slot, probably. 😃
  12. Time for the dance gun video again!
  13. Floating my boat is indeed what it's all about, my Dom will do whatever they want to with their time, damn it! 😃
  14. I tend to favor Bile Spray when I can pick it up because nothing beats puking procs all over a crowd of enemies. I may have been on red side too long.
  15. By showing off how much easier we make it through a 4-star difficulty TF, and then berating someone for not being as good as we are of course.
  16. Do we already have a badge named Unstable Molecules? because if not, this would be the perfect spot for it.
  17. "Considering the history of America, how was a major city on the eats coast not founded like a hundred years earlier, if not even further back?" Hey man, don't question the big coin, the big coin don't lie."
  18. That's probably what Kings Row sounded like in 1941, yeah. Then it got all run down and urban planning looked elsewhere.
  19. Misread that as "... we'll have to wait for an Invasion to address them" and had a good laugh.
  20. Yeah, pretty sure it's melee vs. cones here. I have a Time Corr and what with Time's Juncture, you want to be in melee! But then I paired it with Sonic, which you want to be something at range for the cones. I can see that would annoy some folk. I don't mind running back in and out of melee range for this stuff.
  21. Grab a build from these forums, avoiding ones that limp along on "this isn't a leveling build so you'll need that Incarnate power before this can really work" BS. That's weakness showing, I hate that because I level my toons. I usually strip out the Boxing/Tough/Weave too, sometimes even Leaderships (unless a Defender or an MM). I hate wasting a choice, and having toggles I might not be able to afford End-wise for a long time. Now to find something else more fun and fitting for my concept. My Mids take on it doesn't look too bad? Off to the races. The end. I don't have time for play testing. Seriously, I work 40 hours a week, have friends and family, etc. I don't have the time to throw away on that. If needed, I might go back and and re-tinker a bit to make the build less awful if it's not working out, but that's doesn't happen too often, usually it's good enough.
  22. Snarky! Snarky! Snarky is really neat! Snarky is filled with meat! We've been eating Snarky!
  23. If you didn't go Leviathan Mastery to get Bile Spray, then you have failed.
  24. Clave Dark 5

    MA Ideas

    People say a lot of things, play what you want. Seriously though, min/maxxers will say anything that's not top-tier is the worst insulting garbage upon the face of the earth, or at least strenuously imply it. I do listen to them say this stuff and then look into why they say it and sometimes agree with them. But then sometimes I do what I want anyway.
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