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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. One overlooked aspect of these sorts of posts is how the resulting thread goes on and on and on...
  2. Never understood why that was the thought process behind pool powers in the first place. Can anyone explain it to me, hopefully in single syllable words?
  3. Time to put those Nemesis mechanical pony models to work!
  4. Hush you, stop harshing a perfectly good round of DOOOOM!
  5. Too lazy to fix it, but I assure it's workplace safe and not hateful. 😃
  6. I just got here, read some of the first page, and then looked briefly into the fourth and... you know what?.gif
  7. TIL! I'm pretty sure I've done all the parts of that arc, but I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to see those. Never seen the costume power either, I don't think.
  8. You can access to the what now?
  9. All decent ideas and you have a point here I think. It needs to run something more like a zone invasion; perhaps we can scale the ghosts into the place where their levels scale with the players like other zone invasions? I don't mind it in IP - lots of chances to find ghosts and such, since it's a big map - but yeah, being over water does cause a problem. But where else would a ghost ship go? 😃 Maybe some ghosts can spawn and fly along side it.
  10. We'd have to up the reward amounts to match farms to do that, but that'd be silly - "run one missoon and get fifteen levels" silly.
  11. Nah, that's farming. There's no taking down a drop-ship in farming, for instance.
  12. I do keep seeing "obvious n00b questions" in chat, and the reddit for CoH has the occasional "which server?" query as well.
  13. I recently had a blast leveling up a Savage Melee tanker, a great deal of which had to do with Savage Leap. And after reading the above now I want some sort of TP-Smash attack set so bad I can taste it. DEVS! GET TO WORK! I'd play the hell out of that.
  14. I've only played two so far, as for some reason I don't enjoy melee range much these days, so it's been all squishie-distance for me. And yet... those two tanks were the easiest 50s for me, as it's nearly impossible for them to die! I almost never play solo, so for me, it's like some kind of showing off moment for me to to just spot a group of foes and hop into the center and then basically stand there lackadaisically attacking them and annoying them while waiting for the team to catch up with me. So easy! Find a good build and give it a whirl!
  15. 1. I take umbrage at that, I have at least two! I won a costume contest with one of them in fact (not at home or I'd post a picture). 2. Yes. Spectrum does get a bit abused; I just made a nearly full-Spectrum'ed new toon and realized he was fairly generic while I was standing near Ms. Liberty. Ah well... 3. That looks great! Which means I'm stealing it for one of my astronauts.
  16. So you're saying there's a chance!😃
  17. The unexplained kitten really makes it. 😃
  18. Wait, nvm what I edited out. Regardless of my lack of reading comprehension, I will look into that thank you.
  19. I may have to give TA another spin. I had it on an Illusions troller but probably had a bad build or something. I got him up to 50, but can't really say I enjoyed it and I think he had End troubles? Something. He hit 50 and almost immediately I started stripping him for parts. Shame, as I liked the character, just not playing it.
  20. Bots / Something MM. I can't go demons for the noise ( I know Bots are noisy too, but it's the kind of noise, I can't stand it). Bots go well with many secondaries as I understand it; I've had three and they all worked out.
  21. Hush, nope, stop, too late! Purse Melee coming SOON!
  22. This is reminding me of all those times I've entered an office building's doors only to find myself on a sewer map. And you thought you hated to go into work everyday, how'd you like to work in an office sewer?
  23. Nah, this was normal ol' "foes zoning in and you can see them but not actually target yet" lag. Targeting thru the pets is a good idea, but something I keep forgetting about.
  24. But I could have won everything! EVERYTHING I tell you!
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