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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Cat's going to be amongst the first up against the wall when the revolution comes!
  2. Looks like they're standing on the power lines, which although perhaps not the safest thing they could do, is possible.
  3. I get that same feeling when I'm on an MSR and watch this just swarm of players moving from one pylon to the next. I'm not even 100% sure why, but, it's a nice thing.
  4. "Such Badge" would be a great badge name.
  5. I haven't found that too be too hard to get done either, seeing as how I've been able to get that badge repeatedly. I'm sorry but I don't agree this as a serious problem.
  6. I can understand the problem, those railings are annoying. On the other hand, this is one thing I've done in this game dozens of times... a hundred maybe... and it's never been that hard to get done successfully, so I think I'd set this one to the side to focus on bigger sewer-fish* to fry. *Ew!
  7. The window for Incarnates is awful, not in any way intuitive. If anything else, it should have been designed to look like the usual powers 'n' slots window, no way you'd get confused looking at that after 50. The crafting should be the same, it should mirror (or even get merged with, although you can't sell anything) with the pre-existing crafting systems. A bunch of explanatory mouse-over windows (that you could choose to disable) would also go a long long way to making the system more usable. I have never bounced off anything in-game for so long as I did with the incarnate system and I'm only half stupid - please won't someone think of the stupids?!
  8. We need to be able to stream our game play * so this sort of thing can be recorded and saved forever. *I do understand why we don't right now... but... damn it!
  9. Hooray, stubbornness wins again!
  10. Thinking about it for a second, that's the way you'd have to do it to make it fair to everyone on the team, no waiting around for that one guy who didn't skip it or anything. OTOH, I have a feeling if such a thing was created, none of us would ever see a cut scene ever again, including new players until they grew up enough to run their own teams. Maybe because I haven't run all these things a billion times even before HC, but I don't mind cut scenes all that much, really.
  11. I've been sort of leveling up a couple of lowbies and twice recently I've ducked into KR and seen some notification about the event, but didn't think much of it at the time.
  12. Very small deal, but it's good to see you working on fixing all kinds of little problems. I also appreciate a little patch like this instead of the ol' "hoard all the fixes and everything else for a semi-annual patching" like the Retails days of yore.
  13. It's listed on the wiki in the Barbarian Costume pack. The picture's missing, but going by the icon, it might be a female-only, so of course I was trying to use it on a male toon. I seem to recall seeing someone using it on a costume to help suggest the entire toon was furry, like an animal, which was the effect I was going to go for.
  14. I think some bits have gone missing for whatever reason. The "barbarian fur" shoulder option seems to be gone, unless there's something I was missing such as "it's only available to whatever gender your current characters wasn't when you last looked."
  15. My first real character back on Live was a Stalker, and that's probably one of the things that really sucked me into the game was being able to walk around like a tourist and just look at stuff.
  16. One of those colored names in my sig is a Darkness Control/Emp controller, and I never caught flack for running an Emp, and did have to use a lot of healing/rezzing that was needed. Admittedly, his Darkness Control is procced out like mad, so he never worked as nor called himself "dedicated healer." Just those words alone my be drawing the ire. Heck, he still sometimes gets run ragged on MSRs trying to keep up with the rezzing needed (even if it's often just that same one scrapper over and over again ha ha). Remember that although the hardcore/min-max players are probably thicker on the ground now than they were in Live, they're still not the end-all of the game nor is everyone who's playing in that group. Just to spite them all, I'ma go make a petless mastermind, so there!
  17. Cool, thanks for that info. I was kicking around the idea of an Ill for sometime now, and just made an Ill/TA. I'll have to see what my build can hold.
  18. Maybe it's been in another thread, but has anyone talked much about Proc Monstering out the new Trick Arrow for controllers?
  19. I don't know if I have a fave, but once back on Live my stalker was basically playing tank for a team that was slightly lower levels than I was, against some Council. I accidentally ran into a room full of them without back-up and the sound of like thirty Council machine guns BRRRRRRRRRRRR went on for like thirty solid seconds, what a wonderful sound! And my nearly taking everyone of them down by myself was also a great feeling.😀
  20. Buncha "#humblebrag"s in this thread with their gold titles... I should go get a screen shot of my costume contest winner. Not that I want to brag, of course.
  21. Hey, speaking of this, I have a question: if I take a character from blueside to red, would their title go away or something? Like if she's wearing "Spelunker" and goes red, would that change at all? Seems like it would be funny to hang out redside with the appellation Savior of Atlas Park or something
  22. As I said in the original thread, these are indeed jaw-dropping, now we need to get stuff like these into the main stream of the game...somehow. Congratulations to everyone who entered!
  23. Hear hear! There's nothing more fun than finding the perfect badge display for a character. Well, OK, there's lots of other fun to be had too, but that's definitely up there. And I hate how the titles default to black, was it always this way?
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