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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. I'll file this here since it seems to be a somewhat similar bug. The other day I had a few lines from someone else's Help channel posts show up in a bubble over my head as if I was saying them. It only happened three or four times. This is the only time I've had this happen. I've included a screenshot for illustration.
  2. Amen to that. I've been researching the incarnate system off and on for the better part of three weeks now and, while I still have questions (see my previous posts), I am just now getting to a point where I feel like I have made at least a little sense out of it.
  3. Thanks, ShardWarrior! I stumbled upon that Room Section UI a few times when I first built my base over the weekend. But when I actually needed it on Wednesday night, I could not remember how I got it to pop up and all my efforts to find it were futile.
  4. Yes, I know I can use threads and/or Emp merits. My point was, I have a lot of shards. By my reckoning (which could be off), I have enough shards (plus Notices of the Well and a few other incarnate salvage I already have on hand) to take me all the way to my tier 4. And assuming that shards are only good for the Alpha slot, it makes the most sense to me to use up all my shards before dipping into my supply of threads and merits. I mostly wanted to know if there was any compelling reason not to go this route. Given that this is the first incarnate ability I've ever crafted, and that I am by no means an expert, I just want to make sure I'm not blindly blundering into making a big mistake that wastes my resources. The tier 4 I am going for is the Nerve Core Paragon. Its very rare shard-based component is a Favor of the Well, which (according to the wiki) requires 2 Notices of the Well and 32 shards. I have 3 NotW on hand, so one more WST should get the 4th I need to be able to make my two T3's and make that Favor of the Well for my T4. That doesn't seem overly complex to me, unless I am just totally missing something.
  5. Tips show up under contacts, on a tab specifically for tips which appears when you get your first tip. I pondered starting my own SG and building my own base for about a month, but I took the plunge this weekend and am quite happy I did. It is way handier than I ever thought it would be.
  6. Where does one set the ceiling height? Is it within that "room section" tool, or somewhere else?
  7. Glad it helped! Notepad++ also supports regular expressions if you are searching for more than one word in each line.
  8. Follow up question: I upgraded my plot last night and added my big "outdoor" room but I don't see any "snow" floor tiles. I see several grass options but I was hoping for something with snow to go with a winter theme. Am I just missing them or is snow-covered ground not an option? I found the falling snow flakes effects but that was as close as I got.
  9. I struggled with this last night. I have seen/used a little "room section" tool wherein you can click on/off certain parts of the floor ceiling (you can see it in the lower right of this gif: https://i.imgur.com/OitEvNV.mp4), but I could not find that tool to save my life last night. What I ended up doing was clicking a ceiling tile and while keeping the mouse button depressed, push "up" (forward) and release. That seemed to raise the ceiling to the point where I could see the sky. I was doing it in a 12x12 room though so I gave up after about 20 tiles and decided to tackle the rest later.
  10. I found this guide tremendously beneficial, especially the part about setting "show villain names" to always. That made a huge difference in my ability to pick bosses out of a group of baddies. Thank you!
  11. A quick and dirty way would be to use a text editor like Notepad++ and search for the channel you want. So if the channel name is '[Roleplay]', just search the logs for '[Roleplay]' and Notepad++ will dump all the lines containing that search term into a second window below, from which you can copy out those lines as a new text file. I've written a simple log parser in Python but you'd need to be familiar with using a Python integrated development environment (IDE) in order to use it. Which is less complicated than it might sound, but not trivial.
  12. I'm new to basebuilding, having built my first ever base for my personal SG this weekend. I wondered if there was a means of somehow connecting the salvage racks to the invention table, so that salvage would be available for use directly in the invention table without my having to manually visit each rack to remove the salvage. It's not a major issue, as I only have a few racks with salvage in them, but given my relative ignorance of the vast amount of base building parts I thought I'd at least check to see if there was something available that would make that work. Also, is it possible to increase the plot size of my base without disturbing what I have already built? I used the smallest plot possible because I wanted a minimalist base, but I am thinking of adding a big "outdoor" room to serve as a kind of quiet getaway spot. Ideally it would be a winter forest, not unlike the snowy zone that Null the Gull can transport you to, just without all the gaudy christmas stuff. I assume it's possible to make such a thing but I feel like I'd need a bigger plot to make it work right.
  13. Does the shard route require more influence, or do both the shard and thread route require the same amount (roughly speaking)?
  14. I've had my alpha slot unlocked for a while but have been putting off slotting it mostly because I really didn't have a good grasp of how the system works and/or how to craft it. I've learned enough now that my ignorance is no longer a barrier, and in the meantime I've earned a little over 100 incarnate shards. If my math is right, with those shards plus some key incarnate components from WST/ITF/Rikti raids that I either have in hand or can get fairly easily, I should have enough to craft one alpha ability all the way to tier 4. As I understand it, incarnate shards are only good for crafting the alpha ability and nothing else. It seems to make the most sense to me to use my shards for that, and save my threads for later abilities. Is there any compelling reason NOT to go ahead and use up my shards to craft my T4 alpha?
  15. I came here to post the Basilisk's Gaze IO, which I discovered yesterday. Nothing new to add to what was already posted, other than another snapshot of its history.
  16. This is the absolute truth. I am a terrible hoarder in games (you should see my Everquest bank mules) and even I have learned to let the market be my salvage storage space. With a little patience a (quite modest) profit can be made from storing it in the market.
  17. I don't bid super low (like 5 inf) as a rule, but because of the display bug I'll put in a 5 inf bid just so I can see an accurate price history and then delete that bid when I am done. That being said, sometimes those 5 inf bids fill in the short time I have them up and that doesn't bother me in the least. As Adeon said, people are responsible for their own listing prices. Other than that my only principle is to earn as much as I can while spending as little as I can, and I'm mostly successful at that.
  18. You can strike the "almost" from that statement. There are some uncommon (yellow name) IOs in rare sets that the converter treats as rare. See my two previous posts on this page for more details.
  19. In the couple of weeks since I wrote that, I got a little more adventurous with the process. I've probably made about 100M but I also had a few setbacks that were valuable lessons. I haven't converted anything in significant volume but I am going to try to devote some more time to it in the next week or two to see how much I can make now that I have a bit more experience. Like you I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would, and I agree with your observation about how it seems like gambling with the odds in your favor.
  20. I wasn't bidding on the Trap of the Hunter, I was selling. The two sales I had were for 2M and 1.5M, but they were several days prior to that screenshot. I'm sure the devs would love to hear about the bug. I hope they can fix it. That Transmatrix SO you mentioned definitely seems suspect.
  21. As I mentioned, it's not just this IO. Here is what I am currently seeing on the one you mentioned (top), as well as a couple of others that I've noted over the past couple of weeks. I feel like I have seen it on maybe one or two others, but these are the only two I can recall. I do find it strange that the histories for the Assassin's Mark and the Xenon Exposure are the same, but that could just be a coincidence. I sold that Trap of the Hunter for 2M and I had another sale of the same IO for 1.5M, but they were a day or two ago and don't show up in the current history.
  22. I've seen that same issue on multiple other items, and I'm sure any of the market regulars could chime in with many other examples. I thought that maybe the AH was randomly dropping the last three zeros, but given the scenario you present, that idea doesn't hold water. My only other thought is that somehow the bid histories get crossed with other items.
  23. I tried this out last night and it worked great! Thank you!
  24. I have a character whose name starts with 'Cryogenic' and I didn't have any problems getting that name.
  25. That is what I have ultimately concluded from Shinobu's information and from my own experience. I'm sure there is probably a reason why apparently uncommon IOs appear in rare sets and vice versa, based on drop rate and/or the salvage types required to craft them, but in terms of trying to make money via enhancement conversion, it only really matters how the converter sees them. Of course my experience is far from exhaustive so it's certainly possible that there are cases that do not fit the above conclusion, and I am going to continue to keep an eye out in case I happen to run across one.
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