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Everything posted by TemporalVileTerror

  1. Not that I necessarily want or need to make additional keybinds for my Masterminds . . . Yes. Very yes. Nice idea, @Koopak!
  2. Ah. Good to know, all of this. Thanks for pointing it out. Does make me feel a pang of guilt, though . . . hmm . . . Here's hoping that the storage server will be coming sooner rather than Soon!™
  3. I'd suggest "Conduct," personally, @Techwright. Also, because related: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/28866-homecoming-code-of-conduct-update-may-13th-2021/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-360723
  4. I almost worry if it's people intentionally attempting to undermine the efforts of the streamers by making the videos contain run-by copyright violations. Except, well, the Homecoming Team has already explained why that's not going to punish the streamers, and really anyone who makes a copyright violation character is only going to get their own account actioned. . . . buuut . . . I've recently been reminded to never underestimate the drive of someone's pettiness in their efforts to ruin something for others. Report them. If they're honest mistakes, I trust the GMs to generic and ask the player to do better. If they're concerted efforts to cause grief to other players, I expect a list of violations on a single account or I.P. address will help the GMs determine the best course of action.
  5. Oh, and it should be stated that Epic Archetypes (both the Kheldians and Soldiers/Widows) may not do any of the Tutorials at all (although can do the Ouroboros Flashback fake-Tutorials for the Badges).
  6. Yup yup! Good ol' classic Tutorials are available for both Heroes and Villains straight from character creation.
  7. HA ha. "Going it alone," eh, Discord? Not surprised at the move, honestly. Just the timing and ballsey'ness of it.
  8. Thanks for the shout-out, @Blackfeather. Regrettably, I'm probably not the ideal candidate to approach for this particular project. As much as I want to see more Control Sets, I feel that Light Control is already in the game in the form of Illusion Control, thematically speaking. I would very much like to see attention given to Natural-friendly Control Sets, like the Grenade Control or Commanding Voice Set ideas that have been proposed in the past here. However, I'll fully acknowledge that while there are other players who see things the same or similar to me in this regard, the majority would probably support your proposed Light Control Set if it was brought in to the game. Perhaps someone else, like @HelBlaiz would be good to pick the brain of, as they're a prolific creator of concept characters.
  9. Why don't you, @Snarky? I run the tutorial every time.
  10. I realize I may overuse this image, but it's quite apt to my reaction when I saw Dr. Aeon there at the end . . .
  11. I picked up the demo of Loop Hero after seeing it on the Devolver youtube channel. I retreated successfully from my first two or three loops, then I slew the Lich on my first attempt against it. I then proceeded to die and die and die again. Still, a very engaging game, and now I've gone and bought the full version. Goodness gracious, do I miss the demo game marketing model. Free-/Shareware demos are the absolute bomb! I'm glad indie devs have revived this. Hell! There's a LOT of things I'm glad that indie devs are doing. And thanks to Devolver Digital for supporting that (unless they're just really, really sneaky about being dickheads, at least).
  12. Two? I thought it was only going to be 6 episodes total. Not that I'm against it being 7, mind you. Spouse and I are both committed to the series now, though. This latest episode just really sold us on the whole thing. The training montage was a bit much for me, but she loved it. Also, if you care about spoilers, don't watch it with closed captions on. They totally reveal a major plot point ahead of schedule, probably accidentally.
  13. I hear you! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/23882-new-recipe-idea-recycle-enhancement/
  14. I feel we may have strayed slightly (or significantly) from the original topic of this thread (unless there's a very different version of 5th for Vampire: The Masquerade that I'm totally unfamiliar with, heh). https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15567-what-pastpresent-pnp-games-have-you-enjoyed/ might be more the speed of the current conversation here, if anyone wants to revive the other thread.
  15. Lore/Narrative purists might complain (honestly surprised none have yet, so far). Given what an utter mess the game's narrative -is,- however, I think we're WELL past the point of it mattering. The timeline is a mess. The ludonarrative in terms of Combat Level, Threat Level, and the character's career is a mess. It's all been a mess since Issue 1, when the Rularuu invaded (not that it was necessarily terribly cohesive even before that). The more options we provide to players in terms of access to content, the more power and authority we give them to express their characters' personal stories in the terms those players wish to personally pursue. And on top of that, all those players who don't give a hoot about the story at all will have easy access to more content. REDSIDE content, at that. The same Redside who could use some more players frequenting it. I'm all for @SuperPlyx's idea here. If a player just wants one Patron, they may absolutely just stick to one Patron. For those who want all of them; let the floodgates open!
  16. I do find it particularly interesting that different people have completely diametric opinions on the "sameness" of Redside and Blueside zones. There's probably a research paper in there determining which elements these players notice, which ones they remember, and how those players' cognitive mapping of memories relate to those features and their experience/opinion of the Zones. My own view tends to align with @GastlyGibus' in that I have wholly memorized the Redside zones by the massive number of big and small landmarks scattered around the maps. The two exclusions being Mercy Island (I rarely go off the beaten path there, and I rarely have need to go back and explore the zone at later levels) and certain parts of Grandville (like the FAB) since I've rarely had characters with a high enough level to safely go exploring in those spaces. Meanwhile, without flight/vertical travel or a map and/or compass, I am hopelessly lost in Steel Canyon, Skyway, Indie Port, and Founders' Falls. Atlas Park, Galaxy City, and Kings Row I've spent enough time in to loosely memorize, and they're all relatively small. Brickstown has the Zig as a nice huge visual landmark, making it much easier to navigate, and Peregine's main island is pretty small, despite the Zone itself being huge. Perez? Fuggin' forgeddabowt it! Boomtown? Yeah right! Croatoa? The university is -> that way? Buuuuuuut anyway, that's just one small aspect to all of this. The matter of agency and authority is also a huge one, as mentioned (numerous times in numerous places). What's most frustrating about that is that there's an easy solve: Drop the text which hijacks the player-character's motivation, feelings, and actions. Switch from second-person "you"/"your" statements, and present information matter-of-factly for the player to apply to their character in a way the player sees fit. Expanding beyond that is also possible, as demonstrated with the writing demonstrated in many, many indie games over the past fifteen years (probably more too, further back, but I'm less familiar at that point). As a story arc Dev, they may have failed on the second-person hijackery threshold, but @holymittens absolutely NAILED IT with a proof-of-concept on the Rogue arc's finale. I strongly recommend everyone gives that arc a try. ( https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Bobby_Curtin ) With support given to the writers who are fit to do the work, we could have a whole pile of arcs which deliver on the Redside promise of: Villains Act! Heroes React. The question becomes: How do we express the import and value of that to those who make the decisions?
  17. Since a few things occasionally "janky" when starting a new character, and the Defaults don't always load properly (*stares deeply in to the soul of Chat Tabs especially*) I have this little string of commands as the first thing I do with any new character. /showbind lctrl+lshift$$wdwloadfile 2021-03-27.wdw$$bindloadfile 2021-03-27.bind$$optionloadfile 2021-03-27.opt$$chatloadfile 2021-03-27.chat I also use this string whenever I do a major update to any of my settings, swapping "load" for "save" and putting in a new date. I then use the load string on any existing characters the next time I log in to them. (The LCTRL+LSHIFT thing is where I put my characters' signature idle emote, which is generally different for each of them. Since using the load command resets all my binds and I have over 200 characters now, I need to check which emote I had as a character's signature, and recreate the bind. Which means the default for LCTRL+LSHIFT is "beginchat /bind LCTRL+LSHIFT e ")
  18. I have to admit to still being quite estranged from the latest in terms of narrative developments to the overarching lore with the Praetorian Invasion and the fall of Praetoria, so I'm not sure if my perspective is necessarily informed enough to be helpful here . . . but . . . Tyrant/Cole is presently incarcerated on Primal Earth. Praetoria has fallen to their version of Hamidon, but there's a suggestion that there are pockets of humanity and possibly whole cities outside of Praetoria in their dimension. I keep seeing people post about a "Neo-Tokyo?" A huge immigration effort to bring Praetorian citizens to Primal Earth was initiated, and a (staggeringly small) camp was established in Kallisti Wharf for those refugees. Longbow, the Council, and Arachnos have seized Praetorian technology for their own purposes, notably the Menders, Warwalkers, and BCUs respectively. I -think- it was also established that other factions were now using Praetorian technology, but I can't think of any further specifics. Beyond those "facts," I've seen a lot of speculation, suggestions, and ideas (particularly from @Darmian, who I'll consider my personal yellowside expert, heh heh). The future is WIDE OPEN for Homecoming to use (or not use) all sorts of interesting plothooks related to Praetoria's end. I actually stepped away from City back around 2009/2010; whenever it was that Going Rogue was initially released. A number of factors contributed to that, but ultimately it means that I haven't yet suffered that Praetoria Fatigue which I've heard so many other people speak about. Instead, for me, it's more of a Praetoria Barrier, heh. There's definitely some interesting stuff in there, but I find the agency-stealing writing to be ESPECIALLY egregious with the First Ward content. It's taken me over a year to get through the first five Contacts in First Ward on my main, and I'm still rather blasé about it. Clearly some good stuff in there, but written more like Fallout 4, rather than Fallout New Vegas, if you know what I mean. At the very least, it'll be interesting to see how things get handled, given the limitations and other factors related to development here.
  19. The new Popmenu tech is wonderfully close to what we're looking for, actually. Once the Devs find a way to get countdown timers and/or animated Power buttons in the popmenus, then we'll be golden! We'll be able to write custom Power Trays, save them, copy them, share them, and create all kinds of shortcut combos! I can scarcely wait! But, of course, I wouldn't be against the original /traysave /trayload idea getting implemented anyway.
  20. BUTTON4 binded to: target_enemy_next CTRL+BUTTON4 binded to: target_enemy_near ALT+BUTTON4 binded to: target_enemy_prev SHIFT+BUTTON4 binded to: target_friend_next SHIFT+EQUALS binded to: beginchat /bind EQUALS targetcustomnext Those are the main ones I use typically.
  21. I occasionally pass out at my keyboard and have found a few characters with pending level ups next time I log in.
  22. Add an exterior hatch to one of the walls or ceiling in the prison cell block to represent an alternative point of entry/exit?
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