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Everything posted by Nayeh

  1. Befuddling Aura and Cacophony are both level 10-30 IOs. You shouldn't be getting them unless the item's level were somehow marked internally, while Attuned, at those respective level ranges.
  2. Seems to be working as intended. Attuned IOs are still bound by (upperbound?) level-range rules when using conversion methods. Both Malaise and Perplex are the only level 20-50 Confuse IOs you could convert into by category. Since you can't roll into the same IO, you basically have a " 6 (Malaise) / 11 (Malaise + Perplex - Current) " chance to receive Malaise if you're starting from a Perplex.
  3. You hush. The gong noise is my absolute favorite aspect of that ability.
  4. Like the previous poster mentioned: 1. Envenom: Throw Achilles' Heel -Res Proc in, maybe a Hami-O and call it a day. 2. Poison Trap: Make it a Proc Monster instead. Mine is practically a Doomsday device. 3. Venomous Gas: Similar to Envenom, throw in a Hami-O, maybe an Achilles' Heel -Res Proc. 4. Consider adding a Fury of the Gladiator -Res Proc to Irradiate. Just trying to help you commit to your Debuff Potential! 🙂
  5. Hurricane repels like Force Bubble/Telekinesis as you approach targets. It will only knockback targets if you're standing directly ontop of them, which isn't a very regular occurrence (initiating, activating...)
  6. Ignore should be your first course of action. Stop trying to get staff members involved in trivial e-peen wars. Only if the player makes efforts to bypass your ignore such as logging into an alternative account to send menacing messages or interfering with your combat. Honestly, this is mostly a PvE game and the level of banter I've experienced throughout years of PvP gaming doesn't even compare in magnitude.
  7. All these posts about how there isn't enough difficult content and yet there are players that insist on removing every minor inconvenience that adds some dynamic of difficulty. There should be some type of annoying monster in every game, they create the small memorable experiences. The purpose is that it leaves you vulnerable to other enemies attacking you while they are essentially intangible. It also gives them an opportunity to run away and perhaps later hurl a force bolt. On any note, you could easily combat Fake Nemesis by spiking them with chains of Crowd Control, Endurance Drains, or saving your big damage moves that would clear their HP before the PFF threshold (~ 25% they will cast it).
  8. Water, Sonic, Radiation, Darkness (Soil Noir), and Psychic Blasts make really good bases for Water-themed characters when using Blue-Green-White colorization. If you're looking for some content that has the tools you'll need for AV-slaying, I would suggest Poison, Radiation, or Cold as your secondary. You may want to consider playing Defenders because the Support lines are more crucial for what you have in mind.
  9. Absolutely love almost everything about Darkness Affinity. The conditional Heal/Resurrection/Buff effects are something you don't quite see in other games. Howling Twilight stands as my favorite and most memorable ability in City of Heroes. The only ability I dislike is Blackhole. Not every line has to be perfect with highly valuable tools. If I had to propose a change for this ability, Detention Shield from Force Fields, and Sonic Cage from Sonic Resonance would each be changed into Toggles so they could be optionally toggled off rather than waiting on the full duration of intangibility each cast. As alternate proposal for Blackhole would be to make it function like like a deployable vacuum that would draw monsters inward toward the center.
  10. You position yourself within the concentration of monsters no matter what your secondary is as a Poison/ Defender because keeping the Venemous Gas and Poison Traps applied is your most important task. Poison/Sonic works great!
  11. Martial Arts. Use the Alternative power customization for a less kicky and more punchy set.
  12. Have fun trying to maximize the range on Teleport Foe or assist through a Friend. Oh wait, you won't be able to. As you still ignore the fact that clip range exists. Enemies cannot remain targeted for more than X units (Varying about 100 units) without player assisting. This is not complication. This is understanding the limitations of certain mechanics (Assisting, Ability Range, Clip-Range) and interactions.
  13. Yes but how do you distinguish between targeting via assisting an ally or teleporting foe? You wouldn't be able to target through a teammate to pull with Teleport Foe because Teleport Ally would be priority. What if you wanted the reverse and pulled the foe instead of bringing your ally? Additionally, assisting through an ally allows us to target foes we normally wouldn't be able to target outside of clipping range or visual distance. It doesn't make sense to combine Teleport Ally and Teleport Foe into 1 combined Power. Now, if the power were changed to something like "Gateway Charge" buff as 1 Power and gave you the choice of two Temporary Popup Tray powers Teleport Friend and Teleport Foe, that is how it would have to be done in order to make the power work as training into 1 Power. (Like how Sorcery Mystic Flight gives you the Teleport upon activation).
  14. I have never used Battle Axe but I can say War Mace is extremely satisfying to play. I don't really have anything negative to say about it besides it being a tad endurance heavy.
  15. You can pull this look off with Hood, combining Detail 1 and 2 face accessories, and even using a face (such as one of the Clockworks or Metallic for a Metal feel) to completely assemble a Helmet kinda effect.
  16. There was a statement awhile back about it. You can't have Covid-19 related names. Besides, we're all sick of talking about it so leave it out of the game.
  17. I propose having a deployable portal from point A to Point B on the map your teammates could use. Ex) Place a portal at the entrance of a map. Place another at the end of the map as the link. The link could last X Minutes before expiring. Escort mission: Piece of cake! To comment on Recall Foe across maps, that would not be possible outside of clip-range because you drop target. If the Teleport had the option of Friendly or Foe and you are trying to assist a player how could you distinguish between the two options in 1 ability? In it's current state you could possible assist a team-mate and use Teleport Foe because it's not intended to pull a player at all.
  18. I propose having the Rooted Toggle merely suppress on movement because of how jarring it is navigating around in a game where most content is fast-paced now. Isn't that how Super Speed works in terms of Threat radius when moving?
  19. I think the default animation is hilarious. It's like your hand generated a disgusting level of vibration and sends them flying. I'd propose an underhand slap like Spectral Wounds
  20. I picked up Spectral on my Warshade for the similar reasons you presented and to keep disoriented/feared monsters from wandering too far. Unfortunately, NOT ONCE, did this Immobilize Proc. I think it's broken, Cutter. 😞
  21. I have a Jedi/Sith toon that uses Electricity and Katana with Force Epic. It's a Blapper... not very enjoyable to play beyond giggles.
  22. By no means is it a final Human-Warshade build. It's just something I managed to throw together over time. - Global Recharge - 168.75% - Alpha - Spiritual Radial Paragon I can consistently keep Hasten, Eclipse, and Sunless Mire permanent with 2.5 fluffy pets. I only seem to struggle on boss targets when I have no bodies around as previous posters mentioned.
  23. There is another map that doesn't have the lava, is bigger, and feels more moon-like. That's the map I thought you were referring to originally.
  24. I imagine this was either: - An existing map for a Mission/Task Force. (I personally can't recall ever doing.) - An unused map that was already existing within the Map Files. AE merely accessed it. - It is a partial view of an existing map that isn't accessible without DEV/Hack commands. - A map that was used by DEVs for testing or generating cinematic/scenic content. - Partial or incomplete content that was never used on live. - An experiment of a map rendition and never received a story to match with it for content. A customized map wouldn't be completely foreign but I imagine the map you saw fits into one of the points above as it was already within the game files.
  25. If the choice is explicitely between those two, Urchain Essence. It's a great tool to cycle after or between Quasar nukes with a massive disorient. Plus the concept of an exploding body is pretty radical. Not to mention Warshades are more oriented to mass killing sprees so having another AoE tool at your disposal would be ideal for your Human Warshade. Meanwhile, Essence Drain is kinda lackluster as an ability.
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