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Everything posted by Hedgefund

  1. I found a couple of images I shared in one of the Discord channels I belong to where I combined a lvl 50 HO with a lvl 48 titan-O. This was posted on May 24, 2020. Notice this was when combining created "+" levels. Combining HOs (and SHOs obviously) with Titan-Os and Hydra-Os continued to work after the change to create 51 rather than 50+. I didn't take any screenshots at that point in time because it had been established you could combine these but I did continue combining them immediately after that particular change, just no screenies taken. If someone was having trouble combining these before, I'm guessing they were trying to combine dissimilar attributes (an Acc/Dmg HO with a Acc/Mez Titan-O, for example).
  2. I've been doing badging recently, specifically Villain Accomplishments through flashback. I just did Dr. Grave's first arc and the star holder got "Dark Heart" and the second account did not. I'm going to assume the same is true for the other 2 accomplishments he gives for other level bands. So I'm going to add: Dark Heart Blackened Soul* Face of Evil* *These two I have not seen first hand, but I'm assuming they follow the pattern of the first part of Graves' arc to only reward mission owner. Most of the examples listed above, like saving Detective Hopp, I can understand because only the mission owner can interact with him. Dr. Graves' arc doesn't seem to have that same restriction. By that I mean I was able to interact with all the NPCs and click glowies with my 2nd toon (non star holder).
  3. I don't lead big leagues, but as a "consumer" I'd sure love to see that annoying bug fixed where, from the league list, it looks like you're a team but if you click the "team" tab you see that you're not on a team.
  4. Overwhelming Force is something I slot at lvl 10 in the minion pets because it's excellent mitigation for an immature build. I tend to unslot it eventually (but not always) when I'm better able to keep pets alive.
  5. I'll add a 4) that's altruistic with a smidgen of self-interest thrown in. The altruistic part is to add supply to the market so newer, or players just otherwise looking for good prices, can have items available. The self-interest part is to provide converters (players who convert, not the salvage) the recipes they need so they can provide a supply of "good stuff" that I'll end up wanting to buy. My ask prices are geared to the former, I'm a-ok if the latter end up with the items. Ultimately the marginal utility Yomo referenced is, for me, the biggest factor. Let's just say I've sold 10,000 recipes all at a "loss" of 7,000 inf, meaning I sold for 3,000 on AH where vendor would have offered 10k. As a ratio of net worth, that's a percentage of a percentage for a good number of folks.
  6. Both secondaries have remarkably similar effects - mitigation via aborb and resists. A funky heal. A stationary patch where you and your minions should be. A damage/to-hit buff. You could go point-by-point and perhaps make arguments in both directions. If either is advantageous to the other one, it's not by much. To me, it would boil down to - "I've played nature, I haven't played elec" so I'd choose EA in this case. There's no wrong choice.
  7. Based on my "feels", which I hate to resort to as a data driven guy, Zombie invasion XP seems to be miniscule, certainly compared to any other type of invasion. I try to get my badges and move on.
  8. I'm 100% with you that LFG should reflect levels accurately, just like it should reflect correct merit rewards (looking at you Katie). The max level was changed by SCORE, post NCSoft. paragonwiki (the one reflecting shutdown) shows the max is 44 https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Dr._Quaterfield. New wiki shows 45. These are correct. LFG is not.
  9. I'm dittoing everything Grouchy said. I can say with certainty on some teams I was leading and completing my missions that teammates of the same level that were completing the same missions cooperatively were getting more xp for mission completion bonus. Same diff setting too. I too remember this being brought up before and I thought it was in the bug forums, but I couldn't find it in 2 minutes and didn't want to dedicate more time to it.
  10. I've seen it mentioned more than once by more than one poster so it's worth noting - there is no -1 on a TF. You can set it to -1 but the actual tf minimums are 0. You may seeing lower leveled mobs due to level shifts or in a few instances missions that are, for whatever reason, front loaded with lower levels (the Scout mission for Numina comes to mind).
  11. I store the common and uncommon salvage needed to craft the most important base empowerments buffs that I need. That way I don't have to pop in and out of the base to buy from /ah if I join a team ready to begin a tf yet my base empowerment buffs have expired so I need a quick refresh.
  12. I do want to note that this technique doesn't show attuned only IOs - e.g. Winter or ATOs since those don't have recipes.
  13. I use what Mids actually calls a "shopping list". You can find it at window>recipe viewer Click the "Include Recipes" box then "To Clipboard" then paste to text file. I always just ignore the bottom part which has the salvage, since I tend to buy attuned. I find this helpful because it gives you a count, "4 x LOTG Def/End" for example.
  14. I was putzing around with /setdifficultyteamsize recently, based on just discovering this thread, when I noticed something unusual, neither xp nor inf changed when I went from +4 to +5. As luck would have it I happen to have a toon at 47 which allowed me to Ex down with a 50 and the higher level is still fully powered, with bonuses even from boosted (not attuned) non-VR sets. At first I experimented with my AE fire farmer. I had the 47 begin the AE arc with the lvl 50 farmer Exed to 47. I kept the 47 on the team but out of the mission. The farmer had no patrol xp. The enemy mobs were level 52, +5 to the farmer. I was unimpressed by the rewards, so I gave the star back to the farmer and restarted so the mission was at level 50 so I could compare rewards for +4s. The rewards were exactly the same. Here's what I noted, the value pairs represent (xp, influence). minion - 4272, 5979 lt - 8544, 20504 boss - 25632, 64081 EB- 51265, 128,164 Curious if this was some sort of AE oddity I logged in an Elec/Elec tank so I could continue the experiment with the first mission of Market Crash trial. This character had full patrol xp (5.6M) so the results will be different from the AE farmer but can easily be adjusted. The main point though, is that both MC tests had full patrol xp so we've got apples vs apples. 50 vs 54 minion - 10254, 4784 lt - 20506, 16404 boss - 76897, 64081 47 vs 52 minion - 10794, 5036 lt - 21586, 17268 boss 76897, 64081 Note that there's a minor difference between the rewards for both minions and lieuts, but not for bosses. So, my question to those of you that went about fighting +5s (and beyond) did you notice (and by notice I mean take note of) the difference in rewards for +4 mobs and those of higher levels? Digging a little deeper, I couldn't find anything about xp based on mob level on the current Wiki. I did find this via Googling https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Experience#Detailed_Breakdown If you want to avoid clicking a fandom link, here's the relevant screen grab: Hm, I wonder if the ratio of the multiplier for +5 and higher/+4 is the same as the discrepancies found for the minions and lieuts above. *Punches Casio desk calculator furiously*. Why, it is! 2/1.9 = 1.0526 which is spot on the same as 21586/20506 and 10794/10254. Why didn't AE show this same discrepancy? Dunno and frankly after this much time spent on this, I don't care. There's a >0% chance I may have brushed aside minion/lt differences as insignificant and didn't properly note them. Anyway, upthread the conclusion was, the effort wasn't worth it, the purple patch hit too hard even if you survive. I'll add to that conclusion by saying the rewards absolutely make fighting +5s and higher completely a waste and only ever do this as some sort of stress-test.
  15. 5 days, 5 100M sales + a bunch of the others. I didn't keep records so I have no idea how many. I'm retiring from this, that's enough. Thank you Yomo and happy hunting everybody else.
  16. I'm far from a pro farmer, because of that I do keep combat attributes showing for fire res, fire def and damage. The first two let me know right away if I have something detoggled. The last one is for the extremely rare occasion I'm actively farming so I can monitor damage cap to manage how many red insps to use.
  17. I sign this petition. The shard tfs have these and, since these are longer tfs the odds of a teammate going afk at some point isn't exactly low.
  18. A few random thoughts on finer points... The Igneous have a damage aura, each and every one of them (see https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Minions_of_Igneous). Even if you're fully invis and a damage tick hits you, then you've been seen. Make sure to jump over or fly over any Igneous spawns. Each obelisk will drop a Take a Breather (Medium blue insp) upon clicking. I convert to a purple (medium defense, a Good Luck) as soon as I get 3 blues. The medium purple (25% def to all) seems to last just long enough to collect another 3 medium blues, to then convert to another purple. This is just a means of mitigating risk of getting hit by a damage aura. I have Demonic on all my characters. Once I've clicked all 8 obelisks I activate Demonic before going up the ramp to the final room. That path is tight and if you happen to get damage ticked on your way to the door and you open the door, then you're surrounded. Super fine point here - be mindful of your cones, especially if you've got +range. I accidentally hit Koago with a cone once this week. Maybe position yourself such that your cone won't face him or his spawn. If things go south, keep an eye on the minion guarding Sam that you're NOT targeting. They're quick to start running and a worst case scenario is Koago and co getting engaged and the other minion guard running away. Just be aware of where it is and you can still end the mission quickly by taking it out after you've finished the first minion.
  19. You'll need to set the second one to -1, I just copy/pasted mine.
  20. /macro RAWR "SetDifficultyLevel 4$$SetDifficultyTeamSize 8$$SetDifficultyBoss 1$$SetDifficultyAV 1" /macro MEW "SetDifficultyLevel 0$$SetDifficultyTeamSize 1$$SetDifficultyBoss 0$$SetDifficultyAV 0"
  21. On live, and perhaps even here before TOs were eliminated as drops (or perhaps even still now), you could get high level TOs (yes even level 50) from one of the side missions in a mayhem. The "Smash and Grab" where you rob the other vault. I stored the first one I got like that for the novelty of it but I did get others. Most of the time this gave an SO as a reward, but definitely would give TOs. I imagine they would drop from whatever the Safeguard version of Smash and Grab was too.
  22. I posted a "bug" in the bug forums and was told "not a bug" when I pointed out their "Phalanx Fighting" could generate 40% def (screeny in that post with power analyzer results). So while there are multiple mobs meleeing you, you'll see astounding def numbers and I don't know what kind of slotting it would take to compensate for that.
  23. Help channel has been flooded (well, that's hyperbole but I've seen it brought up many times) with folks saying they couldn't complete this.
  24. I have about an 80% success rate remembering to change my search comment, which is where I try to store my last WST run date. I'll need to be at 100% soon, Cavern week is when all of my toons get a notice.
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