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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. Stonks go brrrrr...
  2. There is a big difference in balancing a for profit game and being able to go free for all when you don't have to pay bills and you don't have a parent company to satisfy. FYI, the Homecoming Devs are not amateurs. A good portion do game development as their main job.
  3. Slightly off topic, but please don't tie new Patrons or Epics into story arcs where you have to run off to some other zone to unlock the power set. "Yay! I just leveled." Runs off to trainer. "Crap. It is time to pick a Patron. Guess I won't train right now since I have to go do an arc and I am in the middle of something else." Four levels later. "I really need to go run that stupid arc so I can train up. Stupid game mechanic..." Grumble, grumble, grumble... It really breaks immersion to have to run off to some zone, find the starter contact, run the arc, come back and train... Where this really sucks is when you are doing a task force and you are forced to wait because you literally cannot go do the mission. Either get rid of the arc requirement or put the start contact at the trainer.
  4. Either through the Homecoming Discord or by submitting an in game ticket. For a zone spawn, discord might be best. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/26-city-of-heroes-homecoming-discord-server/
  5. Or if you happen to be on during non-peak hours you can ask a GM nicely to spawn a new Kings Row zone for you.
  6. So many respecs that were just meh or OMG this is so unplayable. The latest was an attempt to get both good defense and recharge on my Ill/Rad Controller. I get about 20 seconds of fighting before it starts dropping toggles due to endurance issues. So now I need to revisit it to figure out how I can get more Regen. Mids is a great tool, but that is what it is and should be; a tool. Something to use to help out. I am certainly guilty of spending hours and even days trying to max a character that I know I will play a lot. On the other hand I have spent a few minutes getting an idea of how I want slots and powers to line up and call it good. Not all characters need min/maxing.
  7. That works until you hit the teammate that is just out of range of your power. The rotating bind won't have that issue.
  8. This is the correct answer. In order for a bind to move to the next "Section" the first section has to be in cooldown or in a cast state so it can be passed over. Unlike some other games, CoH doesn't keep track of where a bind or macro is in the sequence and relies on game mechanics to do the grunt work.
  9. Usually 30 seconds is plenty of time for the AH to fill a reasonable request such as a bid for 10 assuming that the items are actually available. I never bid creep fast, it is a good way t overspend easily. Patience is a virtue.
  10. A couple of months ago I started to write a post on why Illusion sucks at low levels since at that time I was slogging through all the low level Ouroboros missions. Phantom Army recharge is one of the biggest reasons why Illusion sucks at low levels. Until you get Phantom Army, you have a grand total of two possible attacks on an Illusionist (not counting P2W); assuming of course that you take both Blind and Spectral Wounds. It is a super slow slog doing solo play until level 16. Then it speeds up slightly, but only because of Phantom Army. The super long recharge means that you go at a decent clip for 60 seconds, then slog for two minutes waiting on recharge. Rinse, repeat. It is a disconcerting method of play. I had mulled over a bunch of different methods to try and help the situation, but ultimately came up without an ideal strategy. Ideas; 1. Buff Phantom Army recharge rate to make it more useful at lower levels. 2. Add some recharge speed to Deceive and/or Flash to boost overall recharge rate so Phantom Army cycles faster. 3. Get rid of the damage healing over time mechanic on Illusion. 4. Increase the follow speed of both Phantom Army and Phantasm. Good grief they are as slow as molasses in January in Maine. Not part of the ideas is to get an actual pet window ala Masterminds. I could live without some of the abilities, but at least let us have a dismiss everything button. Illusion could use some love. It is a highly fun set to play once you get it slotted correctly (which costs a bundle). The biggest downside is that you have to sacrifice a lot to get it playable by solely focusing on recharge.
  11. Added my Glowie ping mod to the list. Hopefully I did it right.
  12. Welcome back! I remember teaming with you on more than a few task forces.
  13. I didn't even need to see the user name to know who this was a picture of.
  14. Midas possibly?
  15. I had to laugh at this. I don't think Yomo could give influence away fast enough to actually go broke.
  16. Another 50 since my last update.
  17. It is a 600XL, a little smaller than a 400 and had a real keyboard. I got one the first year they were introduced. Closest mall to me was a 2 hour drive one way. I lived in an area of Missouri that they talked about in Oh Brother Where Art Thou; "Geographical oddity. Two weeks from anywhere." Here is a pic of that original Star Trek game that was included in the FunLib Library for IBM Mainframes. https://wiki.midrange.com/index.php/FUNLIB There was also a package of ASCII art for IBM mainframes that you could get from 'a friend' that had stuff that ranged from cute cats to stuff you wouldn't let your mom see.
  18. Hah. Same age (53) and I used to have a 8 inch floppy with the original Star Trek game for IBM system 34/36/38 systems. Just found my old Atari Computer in the basement. Too bad I don't have any of the floppies or cartridges that go with it anymore.
  19. I use the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) wallpaper of the day app which is whatever https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html happens to post up. Today it happens to be a moon pic with Falcon 9.
  20. The Mercedes Sheldon Arc - The Magic Man; Interrogate Black Dragon set at +0/4 is a good one to farm this badge. It is a bit hit or miss for the spawns, but much better than street sweeping if you can handle Orange con Lieutenants at level 25. If you get a good reset, you will get multiple groups of 4 with a single sorcerer.
  21. It would have taken weeks to get the badge using the first method. If you read further down the thread chain, you will see how we worked it out to get the badge in a couple of days,
  22. Thanks @macskull! That was what I was thinking was happening, but I couldn't find any reference to Recharge being affected in my searching.
  23. Not sure if it is relevant or not, but I was having some severe latency when collecting super pack goodies from email recently. I could get a few then it would pause for a good minute or two before the next collection click would go through.
  24. Went off to work on some Badges in Recluse's Victory today. My Phantom Army isn't being affected by my recharge bonus like I think it should. Probably just my misunderstanding, but since I don't know for sure, here we are. 235% Recharge bonus. In PVE, Phantom Army recharges right at the time it is expiring. In PvP it expires with 26 seconds left before the power is recharged. So what gives? Build is below:
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