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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. yes, range and strategic play will be important. the grav time troller looks nice. i have never levelled a troller before. i may have made a 1st level one at some point, but have never ran one. but in this case it may work very well. without the pressure to build for perma dom, and instead focusing on building for strategic assistance, could be the way to go. one of the things spurring me on is a good percentage of teams on TFs start to lose cohesion. i am not a fast player even on TFs i know. i play brutes, usually with just fly, and have been known to just stop in a cave tunnel that is packed to 'get myself some room' rather than speed to objective. lately i have noticed a good number of people slower than me, for various reasons. would be nice to have the power to group the team, and then group the enemies.
  2. You so had me with your first sentence. What a hook., Agree completely. All the people who care so much about this need to be encoraged and supported in creating content we can all share. You so lost me with your last sentence. What a cross! Please do not nerf how other people enjoy the game just because its not how you see it.
  3. I made 800 million on the market in the last week. This despite market prices being down from a year ago. I do not like AE and have done maybe an hour tops in last week as an second 'hitter' in a big farm helping lowbies. I do like Task Forces. I run endless Task Forces and Trials. I take merits, buy Enhancement Converters. I get recipes as cheap as I can from AH (prices have gone up!) and craft/convert, sell (prices have gone down) and still make tons of cash. I suppose you will argue that all of the influence in the game originates in AE. Let me just say. NO. If there were no AE people would be sidekicking lowbies and/or running solo endless PI door missions. Or another 'farm' The logic that starts with 'the problem originates in AE' is about as useful as a bucket with a hole in the bottom. Carry on.
  4. you may be onto something. i think we cut cut everybody's armor, defense and resist by a scaling amount, of 50-100 in inverse proportion to the number of teammates. the ones on the map at least. that would bring it all into balance,
  5. oh, it would alienate at least one player who pushes their builds to the limit. and stop me from EVER alting onto an odd duck just to experiment. and be crushed.
  6. I am thinking more support, strategic stuff for the team. Teleporting teammates and enemies in ways that speed the team along. grouping enemies, bringing along slower teammates, or ones trapped by enemies
  7. I have a character concept in mind that uses a lot of Teleportation. I could just go with what comes off the top of my head, but would like to ask for ideas and expertise. The character will be taking the Teleport pool, of course. All of the powers it fit the concept. I want the character to be solid. It may not be as useful on a team as a kin, granted. But I want to create something that does help the team out. It would be nice to have true invisibility and or phase shift. The better to get into position for TP and control the chaos. Thanks for any ideas.
  8. I cannot find this badge as collected in my list (hard to scroll through all of them annd see each one...) and the badge tracker shows this sequentially right after Dark Omen and before Ambitious. Its not there. Yet I am standing on the badge location in City hall and nuthin...
  9. Thought...people should stop coming up with new ways to nerf how other players use their powers.
  10. My Ice/Cold Corruptor is way more use on a team than my ice/ice blasters ever were. This is due to Cold Secondary's INSANE debuffs.
  11. I find this hard to believe, Rarely do I get curious about a persons powers. Usually a Brute or a Tank. I run Brutes and like to know what to expect from a teammate. Or if I am on a squishy to know what type of Tank I am working with. I literally cannot remember the last time I examined a character and saw no set bonuses. Maybe I have forgot, and I do not do it all the time. Still, my memory is not complete crap. Most of the time I see set bonuses, generally a lot of them. And NO. No one should alter the game based on ANY of the wild haired ideas or assumptions in this thread. Are you people bonkers? We got our game back. You want to re-configure the whole power balance? Are you ignorant? Seriously? Or just plain stupid? Rebalancing this old game would take a ton of work and we have no idea how it would affect play and community, teams, patterns, market, the list goes on. If it is not broke, do not 'fix' it. Wow, just bonkers from first page to here. *steps down off soapbox.
  12. who wants to team with a bunch of saps?
  13. That would be okay. I have one badger and it is already a pain to deal with game mechanics to get some. Ever try to get a heal badge on a Brute? lol. Last night I had to get a GMs help to complete an ouro arc because I had killed Lt Harris in the main timeline. So there was no final talk to in Fire Wires arc. Badging, it's not just a job. It's a F-ing inconvenience.
  14. Is there a Lore reason why the Night Ward fencing tries to crush the spirit from your body? Or was that just a fun thing to throw in, in lieu of a war wall?
  15. So a badge you HAVE to get before you are 50 and no way to get after 50? You have not thought this out have you?
  16. Alls well that ends well. GM Impervium showed up and made Lt Harris complete the mission from beyond the grave. Arc done, Agent of Chaos badge obtained.
  17. Talking to him in the finale of firewire arc for some stupid reason. So even though I did every little tedious thing...I cannot complete the arc, get the merits, and get badge. Because Lt Hariis is in a body bag
  18. I was thinking that thought. Do we both have to be doing the ouro arc, or should it be the other person in the lead? or if they lead do i not get the arc complete?
  19. I need to complete Fire Wire Arc in Mercy to get the badge for completing all Mercy stories. So I just finished the Fire Wire Arc. At the end of which I "Meet with Lt. Harris" He ain't there. I double checked wiki. Arrow is pointing to his /loc. where he is not. So arc will not complete. And ...crapola I think this is do to my. ahem. enthusiastically removing Lt Harris from bothering me in my own timeline.
  20. Are we still talking about this? Why roll a Brute rather than a Tanker? It does more damage (especially ST) for a slight sacrifice in survivability. Why roll a Brute rather than a Scrapper. It has more survivability, for a slight sacrifice in damage output. On, and some like the Fury mechanic better than either the Tank or Scrapper mechanic. Some like the name better. Should i go on? are we done?
  21. I was really talking plot. In the 'plot/reality/world" of our characters....there are giant monsters in the sewers.
  22. First, let's get rid of the giant monsters in the sewers. Second, can we do something about the THOUSANDS of various gang members who like to make the sewage tunnel their hangouts? meeting places? um, campsites? wtf are they doing there? Third, Maybe do something about the toxic waste all the mad scientists keep dumping down into the sewers. We all know that cannot end well.
  23. I play by sense of smell. irritates some of my teammates and caves are a bitch, but i get the same rewards as everyone else.
  24. I have never seriously badged before. My main I have been running since late Oct now has 1007. (I alt a lot!) But I have decided to buckle down and knock out at least another hundred or so before I allow altitis to take me down the river again....
  25. And we still love it. Having the hazard zone Boomtown in the Synapse is a PITA. But man doesnt it make the experience more real than crossing the street to another storefront and going in there to beat down Big Bertha? We have an epic backdrop. Great painting are 90% stuff that hardly matters and a few key details that say it all. But the 90% has to be there.
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