Dan Petro Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but Rage with the new tanker damage scale might be pretty insane with only 1 activation of the power. The split debuff (-res / -def) is solid as it punishes all sets instead of just heavily punishing +def based primary/secondaries. As for stacking vs. no stacking I think thematically it works. Kind of like "Controlled rage" vs. Losing all control with the latter coming with a downside / exhaustion type mechanic. It gives players a choice, do you want to go all in max damage and deal with the crash, or do you want to play a bit more reserved, still get a really strong buff. Best of both worlds IMO that can work with different playstyles, different situations and can even encourage changing things up over the course of a fight. I.e. start out with single application rage, then towards the end pop the second for an overlap to get max damage and avoid the crash as you are zoning to the next mission or whatever. Might be a minority, but as someone who had a Inv, Bio, Shield, Rad, Elec, and Fire/SS tank, I like the proposed changes. 1
nihilii Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 6 minutes ago, Dan Petro said: Might be a minority, but as someone who had a Inv, Bio, Shield, Rad, Elec, and Fire/SS tank, I like the proposed changes. Hear, hear. Treat it as a Build Up instead of an auto power you ctrl-click, and you get all the benefits with none of the drawbacks. 1
Haijinx Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 24 minutes ago, DMW45 said: This... keeps double rage? Sure. Double Rage exists almost exactly as it does on the Homecoming Live servers Except the END is front loaded (and looks like you can reduce it), and the Defense Reduction is now spread out between Def and Resist. So those people who Double stack rage for damage see almost no change. Those who double stack it with only a small overlap are the ones relatively "hurt" unless they make adjustments / Although they aren't really hurt more than they already were on Homecoming Live. Since they would be better off with no overlap. No one is getting the Double Stacked Rage from the old NCSoft Servers with the bugged -Def crash. 1
Haijinx Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 6 minutes ago, Dan Petro said: Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but Rage with the new tanker damage scale might be pretty insane with only 1 activation of the power. Don't know if it will be insane, but Double Rage might be >.<. Its a definite buff. Brutes come out behind though. I didn't see this point brought up, its a good one.
Zodai Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 Hm... What if we have a buffer of sorts - if Rage only has ~10 seconds or less left on its timer, then a second cast would only add to the duration of the old one instead of stacking. This makes it easier to do single-rage playstyles, while still leaving double rage styles open, just activate it earlier so it's clearer you want to stack the rages together. This is intended not to punish a single-rage player for mistiming - with the solution presented, a single-rage playstyle who accidentally overlaps by one second is getting the same risk/penalty as someone taking the much more rewarding double-rage option. And raging too late would mean the buff drops, which is a direct loss of effectiveness. That said, this would be much more usable if we had a timer that showed how long buffs were going to last for, as the current one is a bit vague. However, having a buffer of sorts as I described is a definite improvement for someone intentionally trying to play single-rage. 1 Nice to meet you, I write stuff! 😄 "A person can easily become the giver or receiver of pain. In order to keep that from happening, one must always hold good feelings for others." -Shiho Miyano, Detective Conan She/her!
summers Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 Let's go for an attention grabbing headline. Super Strength: Brutes need not apply. This post incorporates information from both the Tanker experimental updates and the Rage experimental updates. Disclosure: My conflict of interest is that I play a SS/Fire Brute, who doesn't farm. She has almost precisely 90% resistance to Smashing/Lethal, and not only is this a straight up nerf to her, but the Tanker proposals means you should just not play Super Strength on a Brute. You should reroll. Damage Taken Let's start with how tough my Super Strength/Fire Brute is going to be post crash. I'll assume double stacked Rage of course, since this is now the only crash effect, and if I don't double stack Rage, her damage is much lower. Presently, she runs at about 40% melee defence and 90% Smashing/Lethal resists. The below table shows what this changes to during a crash: Status Defence Resist % taken No Crash 40% 90% 1.00% Live - Crash 20% 90% 3.00% Proposed - Crash 30% 70% 6.00% From this chart I was taking triple damage in a crash from the -20% defence, and the proposed changes show I'll instead be taking six times the amount of damage. The crash is twice as bad for my survivability as before. So, why should Brutes not apply? Tankers have some big numbers - really big. It's very feasibly for Tankers (especially Invulnerability) to build to 110% Smashing/Lethal resists on a resistance based set and feel pretty good about it. Likewise, a Super Reflex Tanker can get to 55% defence and shrug off the -defence crash. All in all, this feels like it's going to hurt Brutes more than Tankers. There's also a second, minor note: It's more expensive for inspirations to cover the crash. Previously, two Luck (12.5% defence each) inspirations more than covered the defence crash, while now you'll need 1 Luck (12.5% defence)and two Sturdy (10% resistance each). Damage Dealt This is going to be more about the Tanker changes, but it all falls under the heading of why Super Strength is going to be much, much worse for Brutes than it will be for Tankers. I'll consider the capstone power, Foot Stomp, which I feel is a fair power to consider as it is so key to Super Strength's viability. I've made the following assumptions: The Brute is at 70% Fury (140% damage bonus). Both parties have 100% damage enhancements. The comparison considers 1 enemy, 10 enemies, and 16 enemies. Some differences in the powers, per the Tanker proposals, will be: The Brute Foot Stomp hits 10 opponents maximum, while Tankers hit 16. The Brute Foot Stomp has a radius of 15', while Tankers radius is 20'. The difference means the Tanker's Foot Stomp hits 60% more enemies and has a 78% larger area of effect. One Stack of Rage: Status Base Damage Multiplier 1 enemy 10 enemies 16+ enemies Brute, One Rage Stack 59.22 4.20 248.72 2487.24 2487.24 Tanker, One Rage Stack 75.01 2.80 210.03 2100.28 3360.45 The Brute deals 18% more damage until they hit the 10 person cap. After that, it's quickly the Tankers game. The 5' radius increase shouldn't be underestimated - as above, it's a 78% increase in area of effect, and makes the target cap much more plausible. At the target cap for Tankers, they are dealing 35% more damage than the Brute. Two Stacks of Rage: Status Base Damage Multiplier 1 enemy 10 enemies 16+ enemies Brute, Two Rage Stacks 59.22 5.00 296.10 2961.00 2961.00 Tanker, Two Rage Stacks 75.01 3.60 270.04 2700.36 4320.58 Now, the difference is just under 10% more damage until they hit the target cap. At the target cap for Tankers, they are dealing 46% more damage than the Brute. Damage capped: ie: what if you travel with a Kinetics support character? The Brutes damage cap is 775%, or, +675% damage. The proposed Tanker damage cap is 600%, or, +500% damage. Status Base Damage Multiplier 1 enemy 10 enemies 16+ enemies Brute, damage capped 59.22 6.75 399.74 3997.35 3997.35 Tanker, damage capped 75.01 5.00 375.05 3750.50 6000.80 Now the difference shrinks even further. The Brute is only dealing about 6.5% more damage than the Tanker up until the target cap, and above this, the Tanker pulls ahead to be dealing 50% more damage than the Brute. Summary Personally, this is a straight up nerf to my Super Strength / Fiery Aura Brute. I get the choice of losing 80% damage/20% to hit by only running a single stack of Rage, or I my Rage crash is 6x worse instead of 3x worse. My Brute is not a fire farmer, she does standard content, and this dramatically lowers her survivability. For broader comparisons between Brutes and Tankers, the Brutes are much more adversely affected by the debuffs since they are far less capable of 'overcapping' the figures. A defence or resistance sufficiently overcapped can outright ignore the crash, and this is not a luxury many Brutes can have. But some Tankers do. As for damage? The higher base damage, radius and damage cap combined feels a bit overwhelming. The damage numbers between Brutes and Tankers tighten up a lot, with the Brutes slightly ahead until the target cap before the Tanker blasts ahead afterwards. On top of this, the radius means the level of control the Tanker exerts over the battlefield is dramatically better - their taunt auras are doubled in radius (+300% area), and their Foot Stomp knockdown is +5 feet (+78% area). This increased radius means their effects are simply more likely to hit more enemies, since a distant enemy might be missed by the Brute but hit by the Tanker - this once more pushes things in favour of the Tanker. My suggestion? If these go live, roll Tanker. 4
Magpie Mouse Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 Just make it not stack, you cowards. It's what you want.
Halae Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 (edited) Gonna be honest, Rage has always messed with the way that Super Strength works. I don't like this change, not because I don't think it's better, but because I don't think it actually solves anything (and, reading other posts in this thread, actually creates more problems). Rage as a power is not an isolated thing. It shouldn't be handled as an isolated thing - you need to take it as a whole with the rest of the Super Strength power set to be able to see what it is and why it does what it does. Rage has always meant that Super Strength's base damage has to be lower, to compensate for the fact that the Rage buff (+20% accuracy and +80% damage) is pretty much always on. Sometimes multiple stacks of it are on, even. This is actually really unhealthy, because it creates a baseline where in order to do the same level of damage as other powersets, the base numbers of the SS kit have to be much lower. This doesn't affect much when you're playing solo, but to explain the problem, let me lay it out with a bit of super-simple math. Let's say there's two powersets. Power Set #1 will be our Super Strength Equivalent, while Power Set #2 will be pretty much any other set. ---A power in PS1 is intended to deal, on average, 100 damage. Due to having a nigh-permanent buff that typically makes up 40% of its hitting power, the baseline for it needs to be 60, with an added 40 damage from Rage to make it work at the expected level. This makes it unfun to use when you don't have the buff up - perhaps you don't have the recharge build necessary for it, you're too low level to make use of the Rage damage buff, or some jerk is destroying your recharge total with goddamn psi attacks which is destroying the flow of your build. Whatever is going on, you NEED that power up, and micromanaging it to keep it up is paramount to your build. ---PS2, meanwhile, has no such issue. His 100 damage power deals 100 damage without heavy investment into recharge. It doesn't get destroyed by a particular enemy type, it doesn't require special investment in the build just to make it work in the first place, , and it doesn't force you to deal with a crash every two minutes just to continue using it at a respectable level This problem actually becomes worse when you introduce outside factors, such as what happens in literally any teaming situation. How many of us here have been in a team past level 15 and have gotten no buffs from our teammates? I'm sure it's happened somewhere, but it'd an incredibly rare occurrence. let's look at what happens to both of these powers after they receive a +100% damage buff due to teammates adding to your damage. ---PS1 has its standard 60+40 attack. Because the base damage for this is 60, adding +100% damage to it means you're looking at +60, for a total of 160 damage (60+60+40). This is perfectly fine for the most part... until you start comparing it to the other set. ---PS2 has its 100 damage attack, which requires no special management to be viable. When it's buffed by a +100% damage buff, its damage rockets all the way up to 200. This is easier to maintain, suffers no crash, and is more powerful in the end when you're in a teaming situation. This gets even worse when you examine what happens when you increase the damage further. +300% damage isn't something that's hard to achieve in a decent team with a lot of support characters, and if you're a Brute it's not unusual to see higher numbers than that due to the way Fury works in builds that make good use of it. With that in mind, let's see how our two powers stack up against each other at higher levels of damage buffs from outside sources: PS1 +0%: 100 (60+40) PS1 +100%: 160 (60+40+60) PS1 +200%: 220 (60+40+60+60) PS1 +300%: 280 (60+40+60+60+60) PS1 +400%: 340 (60+40+60+60+60+60) PS1 +500%: 400 (60+40+60+60+60+60+60) This is contrasted by the 100 damage power in the other set: PS2 +0%: 100 (100+0) PS2 +100%: 200 (100+100) PS2 +200%: 300 (100+100+100) PS2 +300%: 400 (100+100+100+100) PS2 +400%: 500 (100+100+100+100+100) PS2 +500%: 600 (100+100+100+100+100+100) The difference is a little stark after a while, isn't it? Now, this is oversimplified - I haven't run extensive tests on super strength or compared the base damage of things against one another, but I absolutely have noticed that my SS brute's top-end damage is nowhere near that of other brutes with the same buffs. And it's particularly brutes that get hit the worst by this, due to the SS powers being nerfed in terms of base damage to account for a higher damage percentage for outgoing hits. This means that not only does this power require Rage to be competitive (causing it to be a required power when in most other powersets I simply skip the Build-up power), it means that it suffers from all of Rage's drawbacks (Nasty crash, constant maintenance, and much higher endurance requirements to mitigate the -25% endurance you eat) on top of all its own drawbacks (lower base damage that kills scaling viability as well as whatever problems the power itself has, such as a long activation time or long cooldown) AND it even has the problem for an entire AT it simply works badly with the AT's inherent. Given I mainly play Brutes, this hurts. A lot. This isn't an unsalvagable situation, but the rage change being tested now is absolutely not going to help any of this. It solves none of the fundamental problems Super Strength has while making the power more confusing to deal with and even making some builds significantly weaker, per summers' post. My personal suggestion would be to either make Rage a short-term temporary buff like the other build-up powers with no crash, or to turn it into a toggle with a high endurance cost and a lower buff to damage percentage. Either one would neatly solve SS's issues with scaling, as long as the SS base numbers were brought up to work with that. Edited September 11, 2019 by Halae 1
Croax Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 I would like to know, why do we need a crash at all? At least it should be only debuffing damage or survivability and not BOTH. since you are going to make the tanker changes, it could debuff damage on tankers but don't debuff def/res. For brutes it could be the other way round debuff res/def but still do damage. That way you could also catch the ATs flavor, at least a little bit more. And if i think of Superstrenght Comic heroes i think of Superman and Hulk. Superman could get the tanker rage crash and Hulk could get the brute rage crash. The Superstrenght Powerset ist taken mostly on toons that don't go mad on dps or pylon testings. The ones that get SS mostly love footstomp and knockout blow. Beeing able to deal massive damage in one blow or totaly juggle the enemys is what defines Superstrength. And the lot's of players that go this route don't want to keep track of things going like Street Justice or Savage Melees Combo System. These players don't want to keep track of 4-5 click powers and their cooldowns. If you look at the FotM report, the Single most Dominant combinations are SS/Inv and SS/WP. These people, like me, have a casual aproach on the Powerset. Invulnerability and Willpower are good performing Powersets for a laid back aproach to the game. You take it because you don't care about min/max stuff. You take it to get the big global recharges and have a full rotation on knockout blow, haymaker and footstomp while you giggling wait for the double stack of rage. If i would be crazy on dps charts, i would probably go with titan/bio. In this thread have been some good suggestions. I would like to make mine too: What if you would make rage not be effected by recharge or global recharge and make it a power that has 60 Seconds duration and 60 seconds cooldown (at this point you could also make it a toggle). If you click rage you start with 12? Or 10? stacks of rage, that means in battle you did get really pissed and now you are angry. Now you get the biggest bonus. You now start to loose stacks every few seconds until you reach 0 stacks and loose all benefits of rage. This means after your hefty big enrage you get tired the more the fight goes on. Without a rage crash or the afforementioned one sided rage crash, you could now tweak the bonus of each stack to balance it out for gameplay purposes. The funny thing is, that people now still can go crazy with the global recharge reduction, to squeze as many attacks into high rage stacks as possible. Or simply not care and just go rage->knockout blow->smile. That way you can get in line with the casual playerbase and also give the super munchkins some room. You could also go the other way round and start with zero stacks and get every few seconds a new stack, maybe if you hit something with your SS powers? Until you reach 60 seconds and get the (no, mildly) crash. Here you could also give room for players to get into the high recharge game to get to high stacks as possible or simply not care that much. And please excuse me for my bad writing, as english is not my native language. 1 More than just a Ninja - A Guide to Stalkers Croax's Tier List and Build Collection
Haijinx Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 People always exaggerate SSs pre rage weakness. Confirmation bias at its finest. Its two attacks that do less damage than other sets comparable attacks. Jab and Punch. And that is because they recharge faster. So they use the standard recharge vs damage formula. Its not some complicated litany of attacks. Its two. Basically this means Punch has comprable numbers to other old school tankers Teir 1. And Jab is pitiful. Which is an issue, sure. But its not some kind of eternal justification for double stacked rage. Next well get the smashing damage excuse, which always conveniently ignores the fact that a lot if other non rage sets are smashing damage. Y'all already won btw. This change keeps double stacked rage. It just makes it a little more fair for defense sets. Arguing you should be able to 2xrage crashless is being greedy. 2
Couthless Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 4 hours ago, Dan Petro said: Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but Rage with the new tanker damage scale might be pretty insane with only 1 activation of the power. Not really, it doesn't actually change the damage at all (for single target at least). Lower damage scale + Bruised does the same damage as higher damage scale with no Bruised, regardless of the number of Rage stacks being applied.
Captain Fabulous Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 Geez, some of you talk WAY too much. The problem is easily solved: just remove the crash altogether. I never understood, and there is no legit reason, as to why it has to be there in the first place. Long discussions with Castle back in the day made it clear they're only there because he really, REALLY liked penalties on powers he thought were too good. With nearly all other powers losing their penalties on Homecoming it's high time Rage lost its penalty too. 1 1
ShardWarrior Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 Can't say for certain that this proposed change solves anything as others have said it seems to be designed to be punitive for building for stacking. At this point, I'm wondering if it would just be better to remove all the penalties and convert Rage to a click build-up type power and be done with it. Sounds to me like the issue/problem is stacking it - so wouldn't making it non-stackable be a better solution? Personally, I really never understood the thinking behind adding -RES, -RES, -DMG and a huge END cost to it. Yes, I get the comic book theme of it - however, we spend a good amount of time leveling a character, building them up with IO sets and such only to have that work partially negated by using Rage. I would have to test this out to really say whether or not I would like it. No crash for not stacking sounds ok - just not sure how that would play.
Captain Citadel Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 Either remove the crash and leave the power alone, or remove the crash and remove the ability to stack. The way my build is currently set up, I can take both the 50+5 standard recharge IOs out of Rage and have a 2-second window between duration and recharge. Meaning I can set it to auto-fire and be punished if a support player shows up with a recharge buff. Oh, or if I use my Ageless Core Epiphany, which I slotted specifically because as a Tanker I want to support my team. Replenishing their endurance and boosting their recharge rates. You know, things that are supposed to be helpful. What am I supposed to do with those two slots? Put a To-Hit set in there? Knockout Blow and Foot Stomp already have 345.6% and 283.9% accuracy bonuses, respectively. The only useful thing I can slot would be two pieces of Adjusted Targeting for a whopping 2% damage increase. That damage buff isn't going to help much while I'm eating a -999% damage debuff that I cannot build to avoid without ripping all the global recharge out of my build that I slotted to make Knockout Blow and Foot Stomp better, not solely for the benefit of having 2 stacks of Rage for 50 seconds. I can generally rely on group buffs to make up for the resistance and defense debuffs from the crash, and I could always use Ageless Core Epiphany to eat the endurance penalty, but the -999% damage debuff makes me feel like Super Strength is anything but super.
Generator Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 15 hours ago, Leandro said: Rage will now only crash if stacked. Add my voice to what I suspectare the many who find this idea too counterintuitive. Fifteen years of thinking about slotting and recharge just got tossed on its ear. 3
Developer Captain Powerhouse Posted September 11, 2019 Developer Posted September 11, 2019 7 hours ago, Haijinx said: Except the END is front loaded (and looks like you can reduce it), and the Defense Reduction is now spread out between Def and Resist. The -25 end cant be reduced. 1
Developer Captain Powerhouse Posted September 11, 2019 Developer Posted September 11, 2019 7 hours ago, summers said: The Brute Foot Stomp hits 10 opponents maximum, while Tankers hit 16. The Brute Foot Stomp has a radius of 15', while Tankers radius is 20'. The difference means the Tanker's Foot Stomp hits 60% more enemies and has a 78% larger area of effect. This is feedback better aimed to the other thread but a quick note on this: outside optimized farms, enemy saturation wont be constant. Minions die, single target attacks might be used, and enemies start dying in a non-equal timing. In tests, on more real world scenarios (simulated by waves of enemies that spawn after the whole wave is defeated) the brute damage starts out-shining the tanker as there are fewer enemies to kill. This has an interesting inverse effect to what a brute would expect out of Fury, where damage starts slow and ends on a higher note. The tanker will start on a higher note (by virtue of having many foes) and slowly taper down as there are not as many foes to leverage it. Again, optimized farms are a whole different ball game, and I have not stopped thinking about the impact of this there, but the game is not balanced around them. 2 2
drbuzzard Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 I'm going to add a vote for just making it not stack but have no crash, though apparently that will upset certainly parties. My rad/SS tanker hasn't reached rage yet, but when I get there, I'd prefer it to just be able to be set on auto-click without having a penalty for it. I did like the suggestion of a toggle, with an optional click for double with a crash, but that's probably a lot of trouble to code. 1
Replacement Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, drbuzzard said: I did like the suggestion of a toggle, with an optional click for double with a crash, but that's probably a lot of trouble to code. I was thinking something similar. Would it be terrible to go the way of Translocation and give Rage the standard effect that also grants you a 2nd power to "stack" but with a crash at the end? This Mystic Flight/Translocation solution is apparently my go-to response to every conundrum, btw. Edited September 11, 2019 by Replacement
tellania Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 I must confess, I like the new rage. The worst time was 5x deaths on the MOT arc (in cimeroa), where my character got hit by diseased (-20% endurance), and the -endurance hit when rage crashed (hard to tell on the bar how close you can be), followed by -def resulted in death. Still not sure who was making me diseased ... I prefer new rage. I really ilke the -endurance front loaded, instead of a coin flipping surprise if my toggles stay up, and hit with a -defense penalty. Some options (for consideration): distribute the 0% damage to rage over time. E.g. if we have 80 seconds of +80 damage and 20 seconds of 0 damage, average them to 100 seconds of 640/100=+64% damage. I'd leave the +to-hit alone, it gives flavor to the set. Same can be done with the -res and -def (I know it will hurt 'some' sets, but it is more fair, and less hurtful to other sets, like ice/ss), make it a lower, constant penalty over time (e.g. -3% resistance or -2% defense during rage). Allow double stacking.
Vanden Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 I like this change to Rage, and would love to see it go live. A Cheat Sheet for efficient Endurance Recovery slotting Invention Set Designer Tool Spreadsheet with every Ancillary Power Pool
HelenCarnate Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 5 hours ago, Captain Citadel said: Either remove the crash and leave the power alone, or remove the crash and remove the ability to stack. The way my build is currently set up, I can take both the 50+5 standard recharge IOs out of Rage and have a 2-second window between duration and recharge. Meaning I can set it to auto-fire and be punished if a support player shows up with a recharge buff. Oh, or if I use my Ageless Core Epiphany, which I slotted specifically because as a Tanker I want to support my team. Replenishing their endurance and boosting their recharge rates. You know, things that are supposed to be helpful. What am I supposed to do with those two slots? Put a To-Hit set in there? Knockout Blow and Foot Stomp already have 345.6% and 283.9% accuracy bonuses, respectively. The only useful thing I can slot would be two pieces of Adjusted Targeting for a whopping 2% damage increase. That damage buff isn't going to help much while I'm eating a -999% damage debuff that I cannot build to avoid without ripping all the global recharge out of my build that I slotted to make Knockout Blow and Foot Stomp better, not solely for the benefit of having 2 stacks of Rage for 50 seconds. I can generally rely on group buffs to make up for the resistance and defense debuffs from the crash, and I could always use Ageless Core Epiphany to eat the endurance penalty, but the -999% damage debuff makes me feel like Super Strength is anything but super. Or you could just not put it on auto fire and pay attention.
Due Regard Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 17 minutes ago, tellania said: I must confess, I like the new rage. The worst time was 5x deaths on the MOT arc (in cimeroa), where my character got hit by diseased (-20% endurance), and the -endurance hit when rage crashed (hard to tell on the bar how close you can be), followed by -def resulted in death. Still not sure who was making me diseased ... I prefer new rage. I really ilke the -endurance front loaded, instead of a coin flipping surprise if my toggles stay up, and hit with a -defense penalty. Some options (for consideration): distribute the 0% damage to rage over time. E.g. if we have 80 seconds of +80 damage and 20 seconds of 0 damage, average them to 100 seconds of 640/100=+64% damage. I'd leave the +to-hit alone, it gives flavor to the set. Same can be done with the -res and -def (I know it will hurt 'some' sets, but it is more fair, and less hurtful to other sets, like ice/ss), make it a lower, constant penalty over time (e.g. -3% resistance or -2% defense during rage). Allow double stacking. I'm for this as well, remove the crash, remove the -Dmg as a whole. Leave the front end, unreduceable end cost (assuming this is a different payment than the activation cost, or is now flagged to ignore EndRed?), and spread the -Def/Res (napkin says -5% Def/-10% Res) over the duration of the power - stackable, of course. So, if you want Uber Dmg/ToHit on your Brute/Tank, you pay for it by TAKING more damage. If you don't want it, then don't stack, and feel a moderate penalty. Or, flag it so that 1st application has no debuffs, 2nd stack and beyond gets the -5%/-10% per stack. Again, opportunity costs - if you want the extra Damage and ToHit, pay for it. 1 Death is the best debuff.
DMW45 Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 24 minutes ago, HelenCarnate said: Or you could just not put it on auto fire and pay attention. But why, tho? 1
Captain Citadel Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 4 minutes ago, DMW45 said: But why, tho? Thank you. It's completely against the concept of Super Strength for it to be "used up" when the Rage crash hits, and it's also completely against 15 years' worth of build planning wisdom to punish players for being able to perma things. We going to start imposing harsh penalties on perma-Hasten and perma/stacking Domination next? SS builds need Rage to be even remotely competitive with other Smashing melee sets like Street Justice or Titan Weapons. Removing even just the damage debuff portion of the crash is not going to destroy game balance, it's going to make SS a better-performing set.
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