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Ok guys, so I went a little nuts with the character creator. This is totally not what I set out to create, but the pieces of the outfit just started to fall in place, so I had to run with it.  I REALLY need a good name for this hero/villain. Help me out?





Truly incredible creativity!  Cheers!


Here is my not so subtle homage to SirCowDog:





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Ok, here we go.


First up is Citrakya, my main from live (recreated, of course). MA/SR Scrapper.




He has a very sensitive sense of smell. When he goes into the sewers, he wears his special Sewer Suit. It's hot and a little hard to hear things in it, but it keeps the smells at bay.




He also likes to wear his Spelunking Suit when dealing with the caves. The night vision goggles help with the bluish purple walls.




Next we have Konk, SS/Inv Brute. He's a Clockwork creation that ripped off his own head. That's okay, he has a backup brain in his chest.




He's really big. The biggest I could make him in the game, and then I added the jetpack things to make him even bigger height-wise.




It's cool having someone so big, but when I play tight maps like the caves, he's a little unwieldy. So I gave him the power to shrink when needed. I wish there was a mecha-transform CCE emote. Alas, this will have to do.




Also. despite having no head, Konk can see well enough to get around, using various full-body proximity sensors. And he hears through numerous small mikes on his body. However, when he needs more accuracy (for instance, when getting into a fight), he pulls up his combat HUD. Of course, precision is relative. It's not like he needs all that much when smashing with his fists.




"Don't make Konk use FACE!"


Then there's Contained, who was raised from birth to be the host for a demon, only to turn the tables on the situation and take control. Kinetic Melee / DA Stalker.




Cathode Ray was my CO character. His CO version was more retro, part steampunk and part 50s zeerust. This is a more modern take. Elec Blast / Kin Corruptor.




And then there's Jab. He's short and to the point. Titan Weapon / Elec Armor Scrapper




Say hello to his... surprisingly-large friend.



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But wait, there's more! Yes, I might have some altitis.


Happening. Yes, his name is Happening. Thugs/Traps MM. He's a reluctant immortal time-traveler who jumps centuries or millennia (sometimes backwards) whenever he dies. Not "dies" in the sense of being defeated in-game, I mean a real death. He assumes even suicide, although he's yet to be driven to that. No matter what, he just keeps... happening.


His most recent time jump was from the 1880s, hence the gunslinger look.




Like Citrakya, he wears a Sewer Suit when needed.




I made Alluvion really just to play with the water powerset. I don't have much of a story for him aside from maybe he comes from a "water/fluid dimension" where everything is basically some kind of liquid. I originally wanted a more down-to-earth name but I couldn't get anything I fell in love with. But now I like the unearthly, vaguely alien "Alluvion." Water Blast / Elec. Manipulation Blaster.




He's hard to make out with all the vapor and whatnot. Here's a closeup.




And finally, Night Vision, someone I thought up based solely on the name. He's very clearly a Batman expy. So I decided that the kid who's parents were killed in the alley was actually a latent mutant, and the murder threw him into a coma but also opened up his latent telepathic powers. He reflexively took control of his parents' killer's body, and is now living out a vigilante fantasy from his hospital bed. Street Justice / Ninjitsu Stalker.



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These are my original characters. Some are recent and others, like my defender, go all the way back to Beta!



Apollyon, Dark/Dark/Dark Defender.  This is my main and my first character ever created.  I hope to one day get a proper comic book artist commission to hang in my nerd corner above my pc.


Bio:  It was obvious from Apollyon's birth that he was born different.  Initially, his physical appearance was thought to be the only manifestation of his mutation. However, during his teen years, Apollyon discovered he could tap into people's own fears and conjure those fears into a dark miasmic form.  Though terrified of his abilities at first, Apollyon came to terms with his unique gift, harnessing these powers in Paragon's never ending struggle against the forces of evil. Over the years, he refined his dark gifts in order to take on the villains that hound this great city.  Now he serves on the front lines, turning the feared into the fearful.


Current Look                                                                                              Classic Look

eZrwqYU.jpg    ETR3e9j.jpg



Shadow Form




Shadow Form Ascendant





KAZ (Killer Autonomous Z-Bot), TW/Elec Brute, self reprogrammed to become a hero.


Main Configuration




Alternate Configuration




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Flash Flare, Fire/Kin Controller



G7Cbcc1.jpg    D6nOBiC.jpg

Blue Outfit                                                                                                                              Green Alternate





Aim Bot (DP/Rad Cor), a nuclear powered assassin robot who broke free of his original programming.  Has a love of westerns.


lIPqjc7.jpg    EgiFX2t.jpg




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This is the character that started me down a terrible rabbit hole of making a few homage characters, lol.  My favorite elseworlds version of Superman was always Superman Red Son.  I additionally made some costumes as reimaginings of other notable alternates outfits or supermen and merged them with the red son concept.  He's a SS/Inv Brute who is a blast to play (and not a bad farmer either).  I play him pretty often on Torchbearer and am always willing to help out to further the Soviet Collective!



Soviet Superman


uzkvt1v.jpg    sgS3c9p.jpg

Heat Vision                                                                                                                                      Red Son Classic


YTJfX31.jpg    gaNbVWc.jpg

Black Outfit                                                                                                                                            Red Son Cyborg


O1W6VZU.jpg    PBCd57e.jpg

Red Son w/ Classic Colors                                                                                                                Red Son Cyborg w/ Classic Colors


eGHISGY.jpg    NE7dm1x.jpg


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The Superman Red Son homage released me down a rabbit hole in which I ultimately joined an X-men tribute SG on Torchbearer.  I'm actually playing several of these right now, but I keep making designs for a future Danger Room idea I have for AE.  I will post it in the AE forum if I can get it working.  Anyways, here are the X-men tributes!



lzlD8kD.jpg    n69gkJx.jpg

Astonishing X-Men                                                                                              Classic


YOGW2e9.jpg    W3kHcze.jpg

Jim Lee era                                                                                              W/ Jacket



Marvel Now



Phoenix Five                                                                 



Optic Blast




Z6cRhC1.jpg    F3XovyM.jpg

Classic                                                                                                                              Classic Purple


P9sKWAc.jpg    bd1EyFO.jpg

Xtreme X-Men                                                                                                        Horseman of Death



Age of Apocalypse                                                                                                                                 



Classic w/ Staff



W/ Cards

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bgfMp0G.jpg    7pP4leU.jpg

Classic                                                                                                        Classic without armor


ge1USJX.jpg    nolYccf.jpg

Australian Outback                                                                                      Modern           


d2Yem36.jpg    2w51S95.jpg             

Acolyte of Magneto                                                                                                                  Ultimate X-Men       


kcb6VY9.jpg    KPZrk5T.jpg         

Age of Apocalypse                                                                                            Phoenix Five           






jdlmNyx.jpg    HoGyKhV.jpg

Classic                                                                                                                            Classic w/out Helm                 


zFSeJ0P.jpg    P6FJcpe.jpg

Marvel Now White                                                                                                                  Marvel Now Black


PgLA9X4.jpg    BHiYSFM.jpg

Age of Apocalypse                                                                                                    Ultimate X-Men




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These last two are works in progress.





1LyItYS.jpg    puI5jqA.jpg

Classic                                                                                            Modern


t76pauV.jpg    4NfujYv.jpg

X-Force                                                                                21st Century Old Nightcrawler









FVqJaNW.jpg    DQsEsCl.jpg


YajU0a5.jpg    dPlgEAI.jpg

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For my Amazon mains on Torchbearer, I've decided to bring back a limited form of the supergroup uniform, based ultimately off Heraclea's colors of red, gold, blue, and white.  This is an ancient Roman style army, bring your own gear, but the costumes don't have to be Roman themed or use all the same logos or pieces, though some are pretty popular.  At any rate, here are my seven top characters in their versions of the team colors:




Gotta say I love these.  I'm totally inspired to make a Themyscira themed SG of all women warriors and build a kickass island base for them.

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I got a song stuck in my head one day and had to make this, costume is almost all steampunk but for me it's the combo of the costume, name, bio and powersets that I like so much about this character.


Tubthumper - Sonic/Thermal Corruptor




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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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Oh hey I haven't posted here yet. Here's some of mine:


Smack Talk, Shield/Psi tank  (her planned build has Perfect Zinger procs in EVERYTHING)



Zoombie, Savage/Dark speedster brute



Argent Provocateur, MA/EA stalker



Spectral Relativity, Ill/Time controller



Blue Moonrise, Grav/Time controller



Cordyceps, Mind/Thorns dom



Trueflight, Archery/Martial blaster - old costume from 'kid hero' days, plus current, more polished outfit



The Hour Thief, Grav/Kin controller (He dates back to Live and was initially made before the Time set existed, hence his not having it - Kinetics is just better for what he does mechanically, anyway)



And Tempo Rubato, the Hour Thief's Praetorian - Energy/Kin corruptor



Geiger Countess, Beam/Rad sentinel



Lastly, I always seem to get compliments on my WP/Mace tank, The New Colossus:


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Character portrait artist for hire, PM for details!

Commissions: Closed, Sorry

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On 5/13/2019 at 8:50 AM, Sundodge said:


Dunno about good name, but 'Goblin Galactic' popped into my head.  That's a fantastic costume.  Wondering if you should turn the feet the same colour as the face and tail though?

Funny I had a goblin of similar look back in the day

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On 7/16/2019 at 10:22 AM, Christopher Robin said:

Was that song "Tub thumping" by ChumbaWumba or was it Aces High by Iron Maiden? 07K1tHnz_o.png

It was ChumbaWumba, but I also looked up the historical reference to "tubthumping" and found it quite interesting.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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