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Homecoming Server Update: Moves, XP, and EU!

GM Tempest

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GM Tempest, or Jimmy.


Is it possible I could get a copy of a AE storyarc called "The Catgrrl Brigade", Arc ID: 645, Published April 27 2019 at 4:34PM before the AE stuff is wiped in preparation to the move? I checked my local folder for a copy of the storyarc and its not there, and my permissions to the storyarc somehow got reset when I moved chars from one server to another, then changed the character's name, I'd rather avoid losing 2 day's worth of work and any help would be greatly appreciated.



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GM Tempest, or Jimmy.


Is it possible I could get a copy of a AE storyarc called "The Catgrrl Brigade", Arc ID: 645, Published April 27 2019 at 4:34PM before the AE stuff is wiped in preparation to the move? I checked my local folder for a copy of the storyarc and its not there, and my permissions to the storyarc somehow got reset when I moved chars from one server to another, then changed the character's name, I'd rather avoid losing 2 day's worth of work and any help would be greatly appreciated.




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I just wanted to thank those responsible for giving me my game back!


Concerning XP boosts, I would have liked an option to boost influence / infamy (sp) rates while keeping XP standard.  It will take me a L-O-N-G time to get a toon to 50 (I don't much care for power leveling.


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Please consider making it the following:


+50% exp bonus for -25% inf, +100% exp bonus for -50% inf, +150% exp bonus for -100% inf



Leveling solo needs major help. I know there are people who just love to jump into a large group and get carried to 50, but there are players like myself and others that would rather level by ourselves without feeling like we were just PLed to the top. However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions.


Another idea is give players who are NOT in a group a bonus to experience if you can add that.

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Put me down as one of the folks who also want a -XP for Inf version of the power.


Though to be fair, I haven't really had any trouble keeping my character up to date. Took a little doing (for instance, buying common IO recipees from the market instead of the work bench, and selling good stuff I don't need -right now- with the full knowledge that I'll probably be buying it back sooner or later so that I can fund my current build), but overall I don't think anyone needs too large of an Inf increase. Infcrease?


But yeah, I'd still gladly do half XP for +25% Inf!

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Leveling solo needs major help. I know there are people who just love to jump into a large group and get carried to 50, but there are players like myself and others that would rather level by ourselves without feeling like we were just PLed to the top. However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions.


Another idea is give players who are NOT in a group a bonus to experience if you can add that.


If you were to implement such a bonus for solo players, please give us an option to disable it.  There are also players like me who think the normal rate is perfect and don't want to level faster when solo.  One of the reasons I don't team much is because I blow past so much content too quickly.

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Absolutely not. Incentivizing solo play in an MMO sounds like what every other MMO out there does. Teaming...and the ability to easily find a team... is one of the things that separates CoH from the plethora of MMOs out there. There's no reason someone playing solo should be making any more xp/inf than they already do in a mission. If you want more exp/inf then increase your notoriety. Facing +0x1 shouldn't give you any more than it already does - which is why you can up your notoriety to face higher level or more critters - which will net you more xp/inf. CoH is a rarity in that it encourage team play - no one said such a team needs to be 8 people - make a friend or two and play with them. I often times only team with 1-3 other people because frankly larger teams can be clunky on simple missions.


Please consider making it the following:


+50% exp bonus for -25% inf, +100% exp bonus for -50% inf, +150% exp bonus for -100% inf



Leveling solo needs major help. I know there are people who just love to jump into a large group and get carried to 50, but there are players like myself and others that would rather level by ourselves without feeling like we were just PLed to the top. However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions.


Another idea is give players who are NOT in a group a bonus to experience if you can add that.

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Put me down as one of the folks who also want a -XP for Inf version of the power.


Though to be fair, I haven't really had any trouble keeping my character up to date. Took a little doing (for instance, buying common IO recipees from the market instead of the work bench, and selling good stuff I don't need -right now- with the full knowledge that I'll probably be buying it back sooner or later so that I can fund my current build), but overall I don't think anyone needs too large of an Inf increase. Infcrease?


But yeah, I'd still gladly do half XP for +25% Inf!


Honestly there are sooo many better ways to get influence that its not needed.  Just do a few ouruoboros arcs and farm merits.  There are a dozen different ways to make millions of influence via merits. 


Or sell salvage.  Rare salvage sells for a million a pop, far more then you'd get from doing missions.  Or craft and sell IO's for profit.  If you memorize the recipes you can make a nice chunk of money that way. 

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For me at least the point of reducing xp and increasing inf is to be able to run more of the story arcs without outleveling them and to be able to slot up my character while traveling through the story without farming or trying to PL a different toon just to fund and farm for them.

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For me at least the point of reducing xp and increasing inf is to be able to run more of the story arcs without outleveling them and to be able to slot up my character while traveling through the story without farming or trying to PL a different toon just to fund and farm for them.


You can already disable xp in order to avoid outleveling content.  It just seems like the mechanic is next to useless at lower levels because loot/merits is far greater then influence drops, and at 50 it would be very op as you can do farming maps and make a ton of influence quickly. 

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Absolutely not. Incentivizing solo play in an MMO sounds like what every other MMO out there does. Teaming...and the ability to easily find a team... is one of the things that separates CoH from the plethora of MMOs out there. There's no reason someone playing solo should be making any more xp/inf than they already do in a mission. If you want more exp/inf then increase your notoriety. Facing +0x1 shouldn't give you any more than it already does - which is why you can up your notoriety to face higher level or more critters - which will net you more xp/inf. CoH is a rarity in that it encourage team play - no one said such a team needs to be 8 people - make a friend or two and play with them. I often times only team with 1-3 other people because frankly larger teams can be clunky on simple missions.


Please consider making it the following:


+50% exp bonus for -25% inf, +100% exp bonus for -50% inf, +150% exp bonus for -100% inf



Leveling solo needs major help. I know there are people who just love to jump into a large group and get carried to 50, but there are players like myself and others that would rather level by ourselves without feeling like we were just PLed to the top. However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions.


Another idea is give players who are NOT in a group a bonus to experience if you can add that.




Not to be an ass, but City of Heroes closed if you don't remember. Guess what didn't close and has been going for years? The game you're against because it allows soloing. Forcing the game to be 100% group is a fail move. Pantheon for example is going to do this in this time of age, and it will flop badly. A lot of people want to get online from a grueling day at work, do some stuff without the help/or waiting on others to group (as waiting on others is time consuming and WoW fixed this with dungeon finder), and play the game and get somewhere for what time they can be online. WoW might be hated by you, but WoW should be looked at as a system that WORKS too. There is no denying that it does. City of Heroes is a fantastic game, but it has glaring flaws that can fortunately be fixed with its modern necromancers.

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However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions..

I just can’t fathom the mindset of someone who is playing the game post-level curve adjustment AND with permanent 150% XP and still thinks soloing is slow.

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Not to be an ass, but City of Heroes closed if you don't remember. Guess what didn't close and has been going for years? The game you're against because it allows soloing. Forcing the game to be 100% group is a fail move. Pantheon for example is going to do this in this time of age, and it will flop badly. A lot of people want to get online from a grueling day at work, do some stuff without the help/or waiting on others to group (as waiting on others is time consuming and WoW fixed this with dungeon finder), and play the game and get somewhere for what time they can be online. WoW might be hated by you, but WoW should be looked at as a system that WORKS too. There is no denying that it does. City of Heroes is a fantastic game, but it has glaring flaws that can fortunately be fixed with its modern necromancers.


After WoW became so popular, just about every dev of every MMO being developed thought emulating WoW was the path to success. Where are those games today? Gone or plodding along, mostly in maintenance mode. Copying WoWs mechanics has never worked for any other game, so it actually works against you using it as a foundation of your argument. This is not WoW. The game is not about getting to 50 and doing raids. Bottom line, though, I, and others who are against you on this, have soloed up characters to 50, without XP bonuses, and know that, even solo, it can be easy to rush to 50 if you want. I don't believe you have leveled any characters very far given your comments about mission XP seem to be based solely on XP granted for low-level missions.

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Please consider making it the following:


+50% exp bonus for -25% inf, +100% exp bonus for -50% inf, +150% exp bonus for -100% inf



Leveling solo needs major help. I know there are people who just love to jump into a large group and get carried to 50, but there are players like myself and others that would rather level by ourselves without feeling like we were just PLed to the top. However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions.


Another idea is give players who are NOT in a group a bonus to experience if you can add that.


If you want a solo MMO go play Black Dessert Online.

But I can say from personal experience, it's boring and very dull. It gets very old, very fast, and incentivizing 'solo play' would kill almost all 'team play' making almost every team activity impossible to start, or even do. Look at Champions Online for an example of that. It did just what you are talking about and it's now a dead, or dying game.

Because I am hard you will not like me. But more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair...

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Please consider making it the following:


+50% exp bonus for -25% inf, +100% exp bonus for -50% inf, +150% exp bonus for -100% inf



Leveling solo needs major help. I know there are people who just love to jump into a large group and get carried to 50, but there are players like myself and others that would rather level by ourselves without feeling like we were just PLed to the top. However, in that same sense, the exp is really bad.. I mean REALLY bad for soloers. Please also see my mission completion poll I put in suggestions.


Another idea is give players who are NOT in a group a bonus to experience if you can add that.


If you want a solo MMO go play Black Dessert Online.

But I can say from personal experience, it's boring and very dull. It gets very old, very fast, and incentivizing 'solo play' would kill almost all 'team play' making almost every team activity impossible to start, or even do. Look at Champions Online for an example of that. It did just what you are talking about and it's now a dead, or dying game.


Conversely, overly group-oriented can just as easily kill a game, as it helped to do to Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (along with other technical issues). 


Aside from a few Archetype's Powerset Combinations, however, City of Heroes is not quite as solo-unfriendly as Vanguard, nor does it need the buff to the xp rate that Eldriyth called for.  It would be nice for those who tend to not be as sociable as others to have that buff, but it really isn't needed. 


In hero stories, there are those who only group up in rare times, focusing more on their own stories than the world's troubles.  Others are dedicated to their teams and are rarely found working alone.


Even with those xp buffs, though, CoH would hardly be as solo-friendly as WoW: BfA or Black Desert Online.  The mechanics have not changed as they have for WoW, nor is it a modern game ala BDO, and THAT is what makes a game solo-friendly or group-centric.  One of the aspects I love about CoH, is that one can always choose which path to take, and even change their mind on a session basis, and it's okay.  Tankers can take forever to kill mobs, but they are better at surviving (and keeping the attention of) the packs that Blasters and Scrappers tend to fall to, as one example.  Yet those Tankers don't NEED the BLasters and Scrappers to take down their foes, in most cases.

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Ok. Ill be the most likely only one in this whole thread that says otherwise.


Playing your character from 1 to 50 is the game. It dosnt matter if (many/all) people want to just have all the 50's or think that the game is at 50. That never was the game. It was made as a social game that you could/ could not team up with others at all levels and see a community around you as you complete your own heroes journey. That is why zones exist, that's why mobs have levels, that's why TF and arcs are spread across all of the levels, with incarnate content started the last bit of the games life for a bit of end game grind.


The level curve was flattened. Wasn't enough for some people. Patrol xp was made, not enough for some people. XP is increased in groups, not enough for some people. ect


If the goal is not to keep this as a viable game going forward then sure, people have lives and want all the toys that were taken away, then sure click some xp boots and get everything back then what. Any new players, if there are any, would be 'doing it wrong' leveling as designed and might as well click to 50 as the old timers do. Does no one remember the Original WL babies and AE babies, as in a 50 with no concept of how their character works, how to change zones, what content is available, then quit because this game is stupid, nothing to do.


Is it just me? am I just so out of touch. I have played the game originally for years with multitudes of characters and still havnt see all of the content, without 'pl' to 50. Ever. When you make an option that is 'better' like this uber xp option, yes I get its an option, it becomes the default best choice, but reinforces the beliefs that the game is get to 50, then play.


I don't want to come across rude or nastly, I just cant fathom the love for this or the idea that If you have played the game too much,(must skip the low/medium and upper levels) and need to skip the game in order to play the game. There are so many ways to level your character without boosting the xp.


Very open to you guys explaining this concept better to me and how its not a bad thing big picture, not at an individual person level.



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Is it just me? am I just so out of touch. I have played the game originally for years with multitudes of characters and still havnt see all of the content, without 'pl' to 50. Ever. When you make an option that is 'better' like this uber xp option, yes I get its an option, it becomes the default best choice, but reinforces the beliefs that the game is get to 50, then play.


There was a time when the leveling was indeed a grind. Waiting so long to get things like travel powers (while it did make the game seem "bigger" in the beginning without them) and other quality of life stuffs (life before radio missions) did pull away from the fun of just getting to missions and exploring the content...  (I'll never forget exploring Skyway city for the first time with no travel power and a slower default run speed. It was frustrating at times, but also it was larger than life.)


Anyway, I get why that needed to change. Especially once alt-fever sets in. But it never once occurred to me to "get to 50 by power leveling and then I can finally play the game." And now, with all the improvements so that even fighting whites and blues doesn't feel like a grind (in fact, I level faster than I can complete story arcs) I'm even more clueless.


Still I got mad at Statesman for playing a bossy Dungeon-Master-type demanding everyone play his game his way. So I'm not going to be that guy. If people think the game "starts" at 50 then let them do their thing. I really enjoy the journey to get there, even some of the bumps along the way (which are totally lost of you rush things).


For example, the first time you have to deal with the Tsoo is a total mess, and it should be. If everyone is lvl 50 and already slotted up with everything before they get there, then Tsoo is just another wash-rinse-repeat pile of nothing. In fact, all of the factions with their unique challenges along the way get lost if you already have all the tools to deal with them by massively overpowering every encounter.


I get it though, some folks just want to push buttons and watch things explode on screen. As much as I love feeling superpowered, that just isn't me.

Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn

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Bio, you very eloquently stated a lot of what I feel. For me, the road to 50 is as much fun as the final ding.

I played from April of 2004 until sunset and STILL have never done it all in the game. There is so much rich and fun content that you miss by speeding through just to have a 50. There are the story arcs that are almost like being in a movie, the tons of 'things' in every new zone and even the npc talk, which can be hilarious. I prefer to immerse myself and feel a part of the big picture, but not everyone feels that way. They just want to get to 50 quickly. I have found that those of us who have taken it slowly have also discovered that this is a wonderful gaming community and thus is more than 'just a game'. I really like that a lot for me. Everyone should be able to play the way that is fun for them, so to me, there's no 'right' or 'wrong' way.

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Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. If you are on Halcyon now and want to move to the canadian servers since most of us are on the est zone. Will that be possible or is it just for people that want to move to the EU server?

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I like the xp bonus idea but the influence deduction seems a little harsh. Maybe 50% reduction? IE 100% xp bonus= 50% less influence, 50% xp bonus = 25% influence reduction, and so on.

Just a thought. Aaaand I see now this has already been mentioned. 😂

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Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. If you are on Halcyon now and want to move to the canadian servers since most of us are on the est zone. Will that be possible or is it just for people that want to move to the EU server?


There's a transfer character option on the character select screen for transferring to a new shard.

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It was said server transfers will be lowered in the future, but will that remain for the US/EU moves?


I really doubt the numbers will remain decent in the evenings on the EU side (as was in Defiant/Union - or even the other 2), and making identical characters on 2 servers kinda waste of time/effort (even if u can buy/mail stuff between the 2).

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Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. If you are on Halcyon now and want to move to the canadian servers since most of us are on the est zone. Will that be possible or is it just for people that want to move to the EU server?


There's a transfer character option on the character select screen for transferring to a new shard.


Sweet, as there is a good chance that I'll move off Halcyon because I live in the US. Just makes more sense to have servers closer unless they are completely overwhelmed.

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