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Focused Feedback: Pets & Henchmen Updates for December 6, 2019

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Quirks related to demons aside, this is absolutely huge for bot masterminds, and I want it badly.


To echo Micro's post, warshade essences may need a bit of a look too, as they still tend to divebomb into deathzones. Granted, it's not as bad as it used to be, but still.

Edited by ScarySai
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I don't currently have a working install of homecoming (Recently moved to a new computer and getting it working in linux required more thinking than I had at the time), but I think I'll have to fix that when this goes live.


My Mercs/Time was languishing, but this could help a lot.


I do agree with others that the demons should probably not be considered "ranged only"; they are clearly designed to move as a group, and clearly are all meant to rely on melee damage more than the pets in sets like Bots or Mercs.

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9 minutes ago, Myrmidon said:

Sorry that the Tanker changes are going to put this back a bit from going live.

My memories of playing a Bot/Dark from live were spoiled when I returned to Homecoming and went eeeeeh, I no longer have the patience to resummon all the time, then upgrade and etc (and this with AoE upgrades). This change would certain spark my interest in the AT again. Want!

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5 minutes ago, Sovera said:

My memories of playing a Bot/Dark from live were spoiled when I returned to Homecoming and went eeeeeh, I no longer have the patience to resummon all the time, then upgrade and etc (and this with AoE upgrades). This change would certain spark my interest in the AT again. Want!

It’s definitely going to bring my Mastermind back to life.

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Guys, the trick is not to generate 20+ pages of back and forth controversy. We sing praises for the changes and then ask nicely if they can't be made separate from the tank changes so we can have the MM stuff earlier.

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51 minutes ago, metacore said:

Seems like there is a variety of requests for certain pets to stay in melee vs ranged.
Could there be a per Pet flag, in the Pet window, that the user sets to indicate THEIR preference? This would need to be remembered when re-summoned.

Yes this would be great! There are certain pets (knights/bruiser) who I never want to fight at ranged EVER.

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Oh are we improving pets huh?

I always play a tank master mind set to defense so the melee issue haven't been a problem for me but this should make aggressive more useful. I have to say the only mm pets I think needed love was the ninjas. Either need a food pill (thinking naruto sorry) that heals them or a defensive toggle like thugs get. 


As for other pets I'd like the following considered someday:


Revert the pet rank nerf. You probably don't remember this but at one point recharge pets and special pets like those of the vanguard pets were not pet rank. Meaning boss, minion, etc...

Arachnos soldiers call reinforcements pets were originally boss class and are presently pet class. This significantly reduced the damage and survival of these pets. 

Villain patron pets were lieutenants now pet class.

Vanguard HVAS was an elite boss pet and now at pet rank. And still 250 vg merits, slow as hell and yeah dies just as fast. Especially with all the aoes he has to attract attention.


These and all other pets were nerfed down to pet class shortly after Liberty ran a 5 minute hamiraid on live pre incarnate trials with tons of pets. Guess the devs wanted to spank everyone...

Edited by Noyjitat
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As someone who's so far leveled up two MMs (of five 50s total), this sound phenomenal.  Both times, once I hit that magical land of 50, I was also hitting that wall of "I'm sick of wrangling pets!  I just wanna go out and shoot something my own damn self now!"  Neither of my 50th MMs have seen one jot of Incarnate anything, Alpha slots nor trials.


This maybe be subject to change now.

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It would be nice to have this apply to the Illusion Phantasm pet as well. I don't think it even HAS a melee attack but after one or two attacks it will run into melee range in almost every fight. With all the  AoE attacks damaging auras it would probably die in every fight if it were not for phantom army and its own illusionary decoy. As it stands it dies way more than it should.


And if these changes could not be easily ported over to non-MM pets then just have Phantasm use the same AI that Singularity uses. THAT pet rarely enters melee range at all even though it is almost indestructible.

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So I finally got a chance to test Demons.


Ember Demon/Demonlings are not fighting at what I would consider to be ranged. They would engage only a few steps away from an enemy. I believe it had to do with this.

On 12/8/2019 at 10:46 PM, Captain Powerhouse said:

The AI never uses cones from max range, it uses always tries to use them from half cone max range. I think that’s a bit drastic, and 2/3 might be better, but 1/2 is what it is at the moment.

So, they're mid-ranged. They still stay relatively close by. It was different, but it felt alright. They tend to be further apart, so they get hit with cones/AoEs less. And that's probably the point.


Kinetics are probably going to need to force them into melee for FS.

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On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 5:10 AM, monos1 said:

I don't know... I practically exclusively play masterminds and I can farm and solo AVs once I'm IO'd out and such. And in PvP certain builds of MM are nigh unstoppable too. If you could give some considerable suggestions I could probably see more your way, as the pets are pretty squishy generally; I'm definitely in favor of them being at least the same level as the summoner. But other improvements seem like they might quickly make MMs unmanageably powerful.

Ok but the thing is, you CAN NOT balance a game around a top player's performance. You can not. If you do that, then average and even bad players will be performing poorly or outright non-functional.  That's why anytime any comment along the lines of "X is not a problem for me because I'm able to do this complicated/expensive thing and work around it" is made, it needs to be ignored as the outlier it is. If changes made to MMs make them more playable by the masses but overpower a handful of top PVPers and Farmers, that's just the breaks. There's always going to be some top players of every type of character who has the best tuned super optimized solo AVs builds and then there's going to be good players with time and money, good players with only time or money, decent players with money, decent players with time but no money, average players with money, all the way down to people who can't understand the basic controls, etc.


The main point should be most people are able to play the character type/powerset and have a good (fun) experience.  

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