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Gender-locked badges


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The latter.


Not all characters have fixed genders or use the same bodytype across costume slots. Or maybe someone would just like to use the other title when on a particular bodytype.


I recall a character that used the Huge bodytype (which assumes a male gender for badges) to depict a powersuit, but the character itself was female and displayed as such in other costume slots representing being outside the powersuit, for example.


Everyone getting both versions of gendered badges and being able to choose which one they want to display, regardless of the current costume bodytype, would be nice.


I had been thinking on this a while, but the recent Handsome/Beautiful badges reminded me to post something.



Edited by Guardia
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13 hours ago, VileTerror said:

I'm all-for unlocking ALL Titles; Badge and Level-based, across the entire spectrum.  Nothing alignment- or gender-locked, please.

I can agree that their are reasons to remove Gender-Locked Badges. But I am cuorious to know your rational for wanting to get rid of Alignment locks? That seems a bit odd/sad.

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If you visit one of the cosmetic surgeons you can have both male and female bodies in different slots on the same character.  What happens to the badges if you switch?


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26 minutes ago, Heraclea said:

If you visit one of the cosmetic surgeons you can have both male and female bodies in different slots on the same character.  What happens to the badges if you switch?

think the badge titles all switch, but from my understanding @Guardia was referring to a female character using the huge body type to represent a powersuit, and wanted female titles for the huge body type. Swapping costume slots wouldn't correct that.

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17 hours ago, Heraclea said:

What happens to the badges if you switch?

I confirmed last night that the badge titles immediately switch when switching from male to female costume (and back again).

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If gender and the call function for alignment could be unbound to their present associates (the model and the alignment), and turned in to a Null the Gull option, that would do it.

This would also address the option of having NPCs refer to your character with the pronoun of your choice.


Also, found another alignment-locked Badge title I want on "the wrong side."   Patriot / International Spy

Like . . . come on.  There are Heroes who could be International Spies.  And I have a character who is a die-hard Etoilean Patriot.

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15 hours ago, VileTerror said:

If gender and the call function for alignment could be unbound to their present associates (the model and the alignment), and turned in to a Null the Gull option, that would do it.

This would also address the option of having NPCs refer to your character with the pronoun of your choice.


Also, found another alignment-locked Badge title I want on "the wrong side."   Patriot / International Spy

Like . . . come on.  There are Heroes who could be International Spies.  And I have a character who is a die-hard Etoilean Patriot.

Heroes can get Super Spy, it's an exploration badge in Striga. 


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  • 4 weeks later
6 hours ago, Guardia said:

Gender being changeable at Null would also make it less important to comb through all the badge code.

That would be...  difficult to implement I think.  The sticking point is that not all costume parts are available for both genders, and some have different models depending on the gender.  How would a Null swap handle that?  Or would you simply disconnect gender from body type?

Not saying this is a good idea or a bad idea, only that there are code-level complications involved that aren't all immediately obvious.

(What happens to gender locked badges if you swap genders via costume change?)

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Yeah, as suggested above, just disconnecting gender from body type might be the least complicated way to do it? But it depends on the code, yes. With CoH being the spaghetti fest it is under the hood, it might be surprisingly hard to do that.


Ideally, doing BOTH the gender unlock on badges AND removing the gender/bodytype association would be great.

Edited by Guardia
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