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25 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

There are other reasons why people don't do that instead.

Again, this change is not going to make farming go away and the Benefits of farming (drops) are not changed at all.

Next thing on their farming nerf to do list I'm sure.

Just now, TBN8681 said:

Not salty at all about lost 50s. Impatient is a subjective term. 

much of what is being "debated" here is subjective. It's the internet, that's how it goes. Someone's wrong on the Internet, that can't be allowed. 😛 

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Just now, Peerless Girl said:

much of what is being "debated" here is subjective. It's the internet, that's how it goes. Someone's wrong on the Internet, that can't be allowed. 😛 

No you're wrong, nobody is wrong! And I can't be wrong about you being wrong when nobody is wrong because that would be wrong.

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Just now, Peerless Girl said:

Sadly, I doubt they dislike farmers as much as I do, it's probably a good thing I'm not a dev.

Agreed lol. If farming is gone, I'm gone...unless of course there is a mission/arc that gives me a full specific purp set that I need for a build as opposed to random drops. 

Just now, TBN8681 said:

Agreed lol. If farming is gone, I'm gone...unless of course there is a mission/arc that gives me a full specific purp set that I need for a build as opposed to random drops. 

While I understand where people are NOW, back on live, the market and the IOS and all of that was just seen as extra "nice to haves" by most of us who'd played since way back, now everyone treats it like it's REQUIRED. *puts up get off my lawn signs*

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1 minute ago, Peerless Girl said:

While I understand where people are NOW, back on live, the market and the IOS and all of that was just seen as extra "nice to haves" by most of us who'd played since way back, now everyone treats it like it's REQUIRED. *puts up get off my lawn signs*

Never was on your lawn and don't want to be on a lawn where I have to rely on the RNG to "hopefully" give me that Ragnarok that I need to complete my build lol

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Just now, MunkiLord said:

As long as XP in AE isn't lowered, I'm good with almost any change. I use it to powerlevel, it's an inefficient way to make influence.

Honestly I’d be down for a menu option that allowed the following in AE:


Double XP for team, no influence for team. 

I only use AE  to power level alts. I agree market is easier to make money as I’ve recently gotten into it. 

Heck I’d take a menu option: 


Double XP for team, no influence no drops for team. 

But that would reduce supply to some extent in the market so that probably wouldn’t be good. 

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1 hour ago, Crysis said:

It will only force players who want to min/max to now become Marketeers, which is definitely not something I enjoy spending time doing.

I have a brute and a tanker that were 'min/maxed' out by the low vet level 20s just by cashing in merits for converters and converting yellows.  Heck, I could've finished them sooner if I had realized I could get crafted rares for cheaper than the recipes.  I have a warshade on the way who should finish up his build right around the same time.  My blasters will take longer, but that's the price I'm willing to pay for the defenses from the winter sets.


Just playing the game will get you a completed build far far sooner than you could on live.  You're only forced into marketeering or farming if you absolutely want that build right now. 

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 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!


random thought that comes to mind is that if inf inflation is an issue, maybe a nice inf sink could be adding in some of the NPC costume powers to the Pay 2 Win vendor? I mean the halloween vendor has all of the halloween costume, but nothing like the Rikti Mentalist or Mark-VI "Victoria" costumes and I kind of miss mine from Live and don't think there's been an introduced way to get them on this server. Make them 10,000,000 a piece and should give a somewhat decent stave off of economic issues.


Can't really say much more since i was kind of a casual farmer and I only just barely had enough to build my second character who wasn't my farmer and kind of hoped to have my staff/nin scrapper turn out equally awesome. So I have some massive biases here, Plus, others note that determined inf gatherers will find a way.

Posted (edited)

I was planning to turn exp off on my characters at vet lvl 100 (because i'm OCD and i wanted to get them to this round number) it seemed to make sense because you get no emps after 99 but now the inf gain for doing it is gone it seems like turning it off is now just shooting myself in the foot, i get nothing for turning it off where as i could still technically get levels (for the sake of it) I've seen people with characters of 1000+ vet levels, 

I honestly don't see how this was hurting people :S (i've never actually benefited from this because im not at vet 100 with a single character yet I make too many alts)


I don't like farming (i get bored of it) but I have to do it as the only viable way to get inf to gear up an alt, I had 38 fully completed 50's on live, I'm trying to rebuild what I had an most of my toons barely have 1 mill because as soon as I get it I need to spend it on something else that I need for that toon or another, meanwhile some people already have billions of inf. 


most of my toons I'd love to build fun alternative costumes for but I already have to prioritise my inf income on getting them the enhancements they need that most only have 1 or 2 costumes (using the free tailor token for 2nd one),


I also must be the only person ever who likes redraw animations on weapons, i don't like it if a weapon just appears from nowhere, *sigh*


also people will say "it's all faster than it was on live" yes you are right, but when you already did all that work on live, the faster you can get something back the better, I want to be able to play the parts of the game I enjoy, not have to farm endlessly in AE for hours just to get a toon into a properly playable state.


Edited by Shadowstorm86
25 minutes ago, mrultimate said:

Next thing on their farming nerf to do list I'm sure.

Considering they pointed out one of the good things about farmers is that they inject drops into the market, I doubt it. Hell, more drops are going to show up because now the farmers have to farm for longer to get the influence they used to get. The problem was too much influence generation, not market drops.


Try coming out from under your tinfoil hat sometime.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

Posted (edited)

Vet levels are the high score game anyone can play.  Even though none of us will ever catch up to Veracor.

Edited by skoryy

 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, GuyPerfect said:

Glad you like it! You'll be quite pleased with what's currently in the tubes.


So the bad news is, this patch note was erroneously resurrected from one of the development builds and the feature did not actually make it into Page 5 for Electrical Blast. The short version of the reason it was cut involves, just, the most hideous lists of power set customization themes in certain epic sets that cherry-pick visual FX from other powers. Since Electrical Affinity uses all-new FX, it was safe to add the Heroic and Villainous sets there for this release.


The good news is, the technical hurdle has been overcome in development and a full implementation of legacy hero/villain effects is in the works across all archetypes (among other things). Because of the fact that this all transpired near the end of Page 5's development, the decision was made to postpone the feature to Page 6 to avoid any potential for delays related to unforeseen problems with the new tech.

I've heard that some people are sensitive to the sound effects and it causes them discomfort.  However, if any sounds are considered for change can you add control features that allow player x to turn sounds down and player y to max them out?


Edit: whoops!  You said "visual" effects!

Edited by Display Name

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

2 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

As long as XP in AE isn't lowered, I'm good with almost any change. I use it to powerlevel, it's an inefficient way to make influence.

It may well be inefficient to gaining influence vs playing the market. I'd rather gain it by burning up enemies but thats me. It relieves stress from my daily life and I don't have to team up when I don't want to. The only change I can see this making for me as I craft / convert most of my drops and almost have a full 18 tables of IO's 1 being Purples and 2 being IO's from Super and Winter Packs. Is I'll start a second SG for more storage and be less likely to drop influence when I see some lowbie with a cool costume.


I played on live for 8 years and only farmed the Demon map for the last 6 months so I played the game. I have nerve damage in my hands that makes teaming harder than it used to be so farming is my fun. The rewards for me were garnering influence and seeing purples drop simple as that. I barely have to spend anything to kit out a toon and that will continue.


The bottom line is I'm glad the game is back and I'm thankful to the Dev's for that. I backed CoT and to be honest so far I just don't see myself ever really playing it instead of CoH.

I think this was an outstanding update with the exception of this nerf. I don't have to like it and I don't.

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23 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

That's what Merits are for and they are INCREDIBLY easy to get.

Yes farm merits with TFs instead of farming inf from AE missions, basically this comes down to 'play the way I want to play'.  I like TFs and dislike AE, so nerf the one until more people farm TFs for merits?

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3 hours ago, DR_Mechano said:

I think they're misunderstanding that you're pointing out that in order to make it so an 'average' player can get things like purple IOs without having to play the market that they'll also have to go after marketeers. However they seem reluctant to hurt their profit margins by bringing down the prices of all IOs so that a single purple IO is easily affordable by the 'average joe'. 

Catching up with this thread, so please understand if this is way behind:

I submit that the average player doesn't actually need purple IOs.*

And if they want them, they can get them through merits and Inf earned through regular, non-farming play.  Like I have.  On several characters.

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A broken patch for patrol experience under exemplar in AE -- the correct fix was to consume the patrol experience. Instead, in AE we get characters forced to accept experience even if they didn't want it or need it. The option to turn off experience and take influence in lieu always existed. If the effect is outside AE too then the patch is very broken.

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7 hours ago, Crysis said:

So the rationale here was to turn off double influence when exemp’ing to “make it fair” for everyone, then why not do the same with the marketplace and simply set a max ceiling on all levels of IO’s, Recipe’s and Salvage?


I mean, if your goal is to be fair, then be fair.  Ceiling prices can’t be exceeded, floor prices are still there for the “sell it now” players.  That way we all have the same expected expenditure for every possible build (assuming you buy everything rather than crafting drops, etc).


If your goal isn’t a fairness doctrine, then just say it outright: You don’t want to encourage farming as a playstyle.



Thank you, I agree with you on the Ceiling prices. For now, everyone better get ready to pay 250 million influence for 1 recipe like it was on live.

Just now, StarWhispers said:

Thank you, I agree with you on the Ceiling prices. For now, everyone better get ready to pay 250 million influence for 1 recipe like it was on live.

There already are ceilings on almost everything and they are a lot lower than 250mm.  I’ll bet, however, that they are higher than you want.

Who run Bartertown?


Posted (edited)

peeps can still be farmin



Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum


Now all the vet level statistics will be skewed to farming toons (not that that 'counts'), instead of representing experience with the game/AT-Powerset in question, no?






-Vet level 1198 and counting

  • Confused 1
19 minutes ago, cra119 said:

Yes farm merits with TFs instead of farming inf from AE missions, basically this comes down to 'play the way I want to play'.  I like TFs and dislike AE, so nerf the one until more people farm TFs for merits?

There’s a really dangerous assumption in there and that’s that the player base who prefers AE farming will actually go play TF’s to keep playing the game at ALL.


I don’t go eat fish because steak is expensive.  I just eat steak less often and settle on hamburger instead.  This is how life works and using nerfs in MMO’s to attempt to “force resigned compliance” has to my knowledge never worked in any game in history.  People who like it enough to adapt will do so.  Others will just....quit playing or play far less.


And this wouldn’t be a big deal if the player base were 100K or so and maybe 10% stopped playing or played less as a result.  But since our max is far less than that and that’s not even figuring the multi box accounts online simultaneously (and it stands to reason MOST of those are farmers), this flawed “Nerf X to drive adoption of Y” model could backfire greatly.

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