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What's your favourite playstyle?


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I primarily solo, although I’ve recently gotten into making a duo or trio with a few friends when the mood strikes us. Those characters, I almost feel weird playing without the others. 

Either way, I love doing story arcs. Reading through everything, trying to see if I can piece together the ending in particularly well-written ones. I love most the ones that require my character to make a choice, as I love to see what direction they take. 

With the exception of characters made for duos or trios, I try to solo the first ten levels on any new character. It helps me find their voice and their personality, and just let me know if I actually find them fun to play. After that, I still primarily solo, but will pop onto a team if the mood and the right offer strike me. 

Always, though, I tend to play aggressive. No matter the AT, I like to get in the fray. I build for dealing out damage, but more often for being able to take as much damage as I can.

This works better on some ATs than on others, and I’m forced to adjust how I’m aggressive. But I can seem to shake my confrontational nature. . .

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On 7/6/2020 at 5:15 AM, Gulbasaur said:

So, how do you like to play?

I like to give in to the scrapperlock. It doesn't matter what archetype I'm playing at the time.

Hell, I like to give in to it in every facet of my existence, come to think of it.

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image.png.e426381dd8b53b68d13469215a3c679f.png   wait, no that's not the one I was looking for.. though not inaccurate (my playstyle has been described as 'hot mess')


image.png.99071b1868fc766491d39dbe62912f03.png   Un-kill-able verse the masses.. that's not quite it..


spacer.png  Okay yeah, this is it. Just not necessarily on a scrapper.


Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Hey guys, just curious... when do you start slotting?

On most toons, I don't bother slotting until late 20s early 30s and only the basic HP and End procs. By mid 30s, I usually have all of my desired powers (the last few are usually just icing on top) so I try to figure out the IO set bonuses that I want. I don't have access to MIDs so on every toon, it's on the fly. I tend to respec a lot 😃

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In the old days, my usual pattern looked like "Whatever drops" until 12, then DOs until 22, SOs until 32 and Common IOs all the way up to 47, where they'd finally get their "real build". Favorite procs and specials were added as they became available along the way and once we had ATOs, I'd start slotting those in the teens.


Sometime last year, I started adding a few attuned IO sets pre-47, too, but I never did that with every power pick on every character.


These days? I've pretty much abandoned the 'Under 32' part of leveling entirely (I jump-start new characters by tossing them into a round of beating up cosplayers with my fire farmer-), so the DO/SO parts of that old pattern no longer apply. My current alts' first set of O's are typically the Commons/Attuned/Procs-and-specials/ATOs they get at 30-something. I still tend to hold off on doing their final Everything build until 47.



Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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5 hours ago, Six Six said:

Hey guys, just curious... when do you start slotting?

On most toons, I don't bother slotting until late 20s early 30s and only the basic HP and End procs. By mid 30s, I usually have all of my desired powers (the last few are usually just icing on top) so I try to figure out the IO set bonuses that I want. I don't have access to MIDs so on every toon, it's on the fly. I tend to respec a lot 😃

I slot right away. Literally. In the tutorial, I grab all five "prestige enhancements" from the p2w vendor, along with the other usual stuff, and slot right there.


As I level, I generally follow the method @Coyotedancer described. What I can afford/whatever drops, sell what I can't use. Every new character gets 5 million starting inf, with which they have to make their own fortune. This also lets them slot without having to worry for the perfect drops. DOs as soon as I can use them, SOs as soon as I can use them.


Around the thirties, if a character makes it that far (many do not ) I start working out a final build, and I start buying for it. 

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For my AR/Dev Blaster, I've been selling all recipes and non-common salvage.

Then buying level 25 basic non-set recipes and what salvage I need to make those enhancements.

It's working out so far. Once I get to level 50, I was planning on getting sets.

Although, I have already gotten most of the attuned set I wanted for Targeting Drone.


All of my other characters are getting bankrolled by my level 50s and getting sets when I can.

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16 hours ago, Six Six said:

Hey guys, just curious... when do you start slotting?

I have my entire compliment of attuned IOs (or just tegular purpled) ready to slot at level 1 on any character that I play. The magic levels are 10, 17 and 27, since by that time you can pretty much slot anything except purpled. In addition, if I am using Procs, then I tend to have the lowest level of that IO ready to go. If a build needs adjustment, I just make it on the spot and continue the journey.

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20 hours ago, Six Six said:

Hey guys, just curious... when do you start slotting?

I do it in bits and pieces - I usually slot in the +stealth IO as soon as I am able, and a few of the procs and flat bonuses (the +3% def and +5% res ones etc) as soon as is practical. For example, the stalker ATOs add so much value that you'd be making a mistake in not slotting them at 10 if you can afford them. Generally I aim to be more or less slotting for sets in the mid-20s, but I've got a bed of inf to rest on and I quite often rob sets off alts I no longer use.

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Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
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3 hours ago, Gulbasaur said:

the stalker ATOs add so much value that you'd be making a mistake in not slotting them at 10 if you can afford them.

Do you have any recommendations as to what type of powers to slot them in? Which in Hide, Assassinate, AOEs etc?
I just go a Staff/EA stalker to 22 and am finally slotting.
Sorry to derail the thread, but it seemed to be flowing towards slotting talk...  🙂

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1 minute ago, Vulpoid said:

Do you have any recommendations as to what type of powers to slot them in? Which in Hide, Assassinate, AOEs etc?
I just go a Staff/EA stalker to 22 and am finally slotting.
Sorry to derail the thread, but it seemed to be flowing towards slotting talk...  🙂

I put the chance for hide proc into the assassin's strike power. Fire it off when you get Assassin's Focus for a big crit and hide then fire off your strongest attack for another big crit.


I put the chance to recharge buildup into my strongest attack, but there might be better options. I find build up is available a lot that way.

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Just now, Lines said:

I put the chance for hide proc into the assassin's strike power. Fire it off when you get Assassin's Focus for a big crit and hide then fire off your strongest attack for another big crit.


I put the chance to recharge buildup into my strongest attack, but there might be better options. I find build up is available a lot that way.

I think the chance for build up recharge is global so it doesn't matter where it goes. I can't remember though and proc maths eludes me a bit so I don't know if it makes a difference. But yeah @Vulpoid I'd put the chance for hide proc in Assassin's Strike definitely because that usually lets you chain two crits in a row. In Build Up itself, put the Chance for Build Up proc from... the Gaussian set? and leave it otherwise minimally slotted - the Build Up recharge proc cancels the recharge so the proc rate is really high and you can almost always give yourself five seconds of double Build Up that way, which is helpful for hitting things really, really hard.


It's really fun but quite clicky as build up resets pretty much every 20 seconds or so.

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Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
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4 hours ago, Gulbasaur said:

I think the chance for build up recharge is global so it doesn't matter where it goes. I can't remember though and proc maths eludes me a bit so I don't know if it makes a difference. But yeah @Vulpoid I'd put the chance for hide proc in Assassin's Strike definitely because that usually lets you chain two crits in a row. In Build Up itself, put the Chance for Build Up proc from... the Gaussian set? and leave it otherwise minimally slotted - the Build Up recharge proc cancels the recharge so the proc rate is really high and you can almost always give yourself five seconds of double Build Up that way, which is helpful for hitting things really, really hard.


It's really fun but quite clicky as build up resets pretty much every 20 seconds or so.

It's not global as such, but it does give a chance to go off to most of the stalker primary attack powers but, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't work with pool power attacks and the like.

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When I get the idea in my head for a new character, I or a friend make a build in Mids’ Reborn, then I take it out for a spin or two on one of the test servers.  If I like it, then I buy all of the attuned IO enhancements that I need as well as all of the purple and PvP IO enhancements.


Then I start the character out either gold or red side, depending on my mood.  If gold side, then that character will eventually transition to red side at level 35.  I then almost exclusively solo to level 45, slotting the attuned IO enhancements that I bought.  I only ever team while leveling to run the Moonfire TF for The Atlas Medallion and the first red side respec trial to unlock Arbiter Leery, or I may team to run a TF or SF a friend wants to do but with XP disabled.


Once a character reaches level 45, then I PL the character to level 50 with my Fiery/Rad Tanker on my second account because I see no good reason not to.

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On 7/10/2020 at 7:51 AM, Six Six said:

Hey guys, just curious... when do you start slotting?

On most toons, I don't bother slotting until late 20s early 30s and only the basic HP and End procs. By mid 30s, I usually have all of my desired powers (the last few are usually just icing on top) so I try to figure out the IO set bonuses that I want. I don't have access to MIDs so on every toon, it's on the fly. I tend to respec a lot 😃

Either 12 (if it's not one of the strongest set combinations, in which case I put in lvl 15 IOs everywhere) or 17.  Hitting 17 on a new alt is like Christmas morning for me.

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On 7/10/2020 at 1:40 PM, Hexquisite said:

[...] Around the thirties, if a character makes it that far (many do not ) I start working out a final build, and I start buying for it. 

Aw man, that would kill me to drag a character 30-odd levels then ditch it.


To my mind, a lot of builds change remarkably when they get the T8/T9 from the primary slotted, and on some it takes a slotted T8/T9 out of the secondary to really get rolling.  The real late bloomers don't shape up until their Epic is slotted. 


Case in point, my Mind/Poison controller was pretty meh until Venomous Gases was slotted, but then I proc'd out Seismic Smash and it transformed into a delightful monster, one of the most satisfying workflows I can pull out of the garage.


I guess what I'm saying is, give turds a chance!

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Just now, roleki said:

Aw man, that would kill me to drag a character 30-odd levels then ditch it.

Oh, if they make it to thirty, they are not getting ditched. Not getting ditched it they make it to twenty, in most cases, although I might remake them if I determine the powerset doesn't completely fit. I did that recently with Blind Panic, when I realized Willpower worked better than Invuln for her character concept.


No, I generally know by level 10 or 15 if I'm gonna stick with a character or not. 

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47 minutes ago, roleki said:

I guess what I'm saying is, give turds a chance!

This happens a lot to me. 😃

I would have a concept, costume and an AT/power set in mind. but once I take it out on a run I realise something's off. And problems don't usually surface until late 20s to 30s. I just park them until a bolt of lightning hits me and I figure out how to "fix" them. Usually involves a near-total revamp of the concept, costume (even name) and play style. Powers sets can't be changed, but power picks can. Right now I have 2 or 3 toons like this... parked until the epiphany hits me.

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