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As in how you actually play - not just "support" or "melee". 


I spend most of my time either exemplared down or with lowbies sidekicked up. Mid-sized teams are more fun than teams of eight for me. I like the added challenge of maintaining aggro and keeping everyone alive while not on a tanker, brute or scrapper (my fortunata can out-aggro a brute but struggles with tankers). 


Blending up enemies in teams of 8 on +4x8 offers no real enjoyment - blending up enemies in a team of four on +3x8 with three people under level 20 on my team? Yes please. (It puts TT: Vengeance to work, if nothing else.)

So, how do you like to play?

Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas

Eh. Mixed.


I don't do uberbuilds or perma-anything, if anything's capped it's because I'm on a fire tank and we're looking at fire resist or otherwise a happy accident. I also don't tend to do exceptionally high difficulties - just not fun to me. I do throw a good bit of RP in, but other than that, "hop on whatever looks interesting and play whatever comes up" covers it pretty well.

Posted (edited)

'Depends entirely on the character, for me...


I often run solo with my Sentinels and Stalkers and Scraps.

I exclusively run solo with my one Mastermind. 

I farm for fun with Harry, my Claws/Fire Brute.

I typically exemp and run with mid-level teams on most of my Defenders and on my Corruptor.

I haven't touched my Tank or my Controller since I finished their Incarnate toys. 


I used to be a casual-type Roleplayer, but I'm not sure that really applies anymore. I'm only nominally doing the roleplay thing at all these days. 


I do solid builds for my crew, but I'm not a "power gamer"-type. I don't tend to play at the raw, bleeding edge even though I love throwing a character into the middle of a big pile of goons just to see what happens. 


I keep an eye on the auction house, but I'm not really a serious marketeer. I'm a "does it for fun" active farmer, so I really don't need to.


I'm also a casual base-builder. My tastes on that front are odd and I know it, so I just build for my own entertainment.



Edited by Coyotedancer

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice


I farm a character from 1 to 50+60 merits. 


Use that influence + the influence from another character that I farm 1 to 50+60 merits to IO it out. Join some random teams in PI or DA, proceed to reroll some other random character I want and farm that.


Does that count


Outside of that, I like 4x8 teams and go from there. 


I enjoy any teams that are chatty and fun.


I jump into the fray with wild abandon and decimate the foe.


I farm when I need cash or zen time.

  • Like 2

I guess that's why I like CoH so much; even though I am pretty much entrenched in Controllerdom, each of them has different strengths, so the game (to me) is about finding the best workflow for whatever character I happen to be on, and maximizing the efficiency of that 'algorithm' as much as possible. 


I suppose that would make me a min/max type, but, it's not always in the popular vein of soft-capping Defense or whatever.  Sometimes I just want to see how many different powers I can use at one time to knock stuff on its butt (Fire/FF), or if I can keep a Lightning Storm, Bonfire, and Freezing Rain going at all three ramps for the entire duration of an MSR (very nearly).  

All I want to do is pop my 20mg, put on some El Ten Eleven, and farm drops with a ridiculously effective Fire/FF controller. Everything else is just frippery. 


I run many task forces on my leveling characters and also on my level 50s.  Anything but Apex, Tin Mage, or Sutter; do not like them.   I have a character I use to farm Hamidon, and several I will occasionally run an incarnate trial on; these tend to be ranged DPS or control/debuff oriented, which is not my preference; rather be meleeing.   Melee in my experience tends to be written out of incarnate trials, Hamido, and te like, which is why I run lots of exemped down content on my 40s. 


Three times a week, I farm inf with a DB/fire brute.  This is a solo activity because I usually do it during a long medical treatment. 




TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

4 hours ago, Mender Silos said:

I really enjoy playing support!


As can be seen by my supporting of Derek cleaning up this mess of his.



I need to play characters who do more than one thing. Pure DPS has never done it for me.

  • Like 1
Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
4 hours ago, EmmySky said:

I enjoy any teams that are chatty and fun.


I jump into the fray with wild abandon and decimate the foe.

This is literally me. I chat a LOT while fighting. Having played MMOs forever, I'm good at putting out quick snarks while waiting for powers to activate.


Everything I play becomes a tank, always charging in and playing from the center of the mayhem. Though I think Controller is my favorite AT, I am no buffer/debuffer. I do like sets that do that while doing something else, like the /Storm or /Dark set. Basically, I'm just a control-freak who loves mayhem.


I tend to play fast and hard. I definitely min-max my characters, but staying within theme. I like both math and storytelling, so that part is fun for me. I also like to be able to help out the folks who aren't so math-inclined, so making sure my characters can stand up to a serious beating is important.

  • Like 1

I like to set my difficulty as low as possible and soak in the lore, roleplay, and focus on the other things that matter.  The mechanics of this game just don't cut it for me on their own, and at a certain point I just got "done" with worrying about it.  Smooth, calm, and relaxing from this point out; thanks!

  • Like 4

Gonna echo chatty and fun!


My preference when teaming is generally something where the whole team is relaxed and feels like they can contribute, while also feeling free to talk a lot in chat without faceplanting. This does mean I tend to prefer lower difficulty than many people (I'll default to +1 when leading a TF, and will usually only pump it up to +2 on my own volition), because my mindset is "if the weakest/least experienced  person on the team is having a good time, then we all are".  I only push difficulty aggressively when the team can really handle it.


Of course, the other extreme is also not really fun either - 8 Incarnates on a team dropping a T4 Judgment every 15 seconds is not only not difficult, but it makes gameplay frustratingly fast. I feel like on those kinds of teams we end up speedrunning even if no one's trying to, just because things get nuked so quickly. Now, suddenly, I don't have time to talk in chat either, but it's for the opposite reason.


So yeah. Big low level teams are great, mid-size medium-high level teams are great, and pretty lean Incarnate teams are great. That's kind of my speed - big enough that things aren't really a grueling challenge, but small enough that we don't turbo through everything either. (I really like the ~lv40 mission range for this reason, incidentally)


In terms of playstyle, I like being very in-your-face and in the thick of things. Which, cleverly, does not at all help my goal of talking a lot in chat 🙂 Melee ATs and Epics tend to be most of what I play... but I also have a terrible soft spot for Mind Control...


Controlled chaos.  That's what I live for.  I'm happiest when I play blappers, stalkers, non-elemental controllers, and pretty much any powerset the word "dark" in the name.  If I can break "normal" expectations with it, I'm there.


The healer complains that my blapper won't stay still?  Good.  My Dark defender steps forward when the tank is too scared to take the alpha?  Excellent.  My Illusion controller ends up soloing a pull that's gone horribly, horribly wrong?  Transcendent.  My Kinetics defender fends off a wandering patrol that nobody else noticed?  Yes please.


That said, I pretty much consider all my characters of any AT "support."  Even blappers and stalkers can "off-tank" or "off-CC" a mob that just won't leave that defender alone.  That's my main goal - but if I can spice it up with a dash of madness, so much the better.

  • Like 2

Regardless of archetype I enjoy doing full itrials the most.  I also like the Hamidon and mothership raids. 

Basically large groups doing “harder” content. 

Posted (edited)

I don’t play very much 50+ content. Tend to use my 50s to farm INF, so I’ll jump on to teams at just about any level range.


Tend to play blasters and melee characters, with most of them being Tech origin because the store is close in Talos, and that’s where I may start buying enhances (assuming I don’t go with IOs or some of the cheaper sets). Hardly ever roll pure support, and seldom grab a tank. 


I like to have increased movement, enough where I don’t have to have something toggled on to keep up with a group. Also helps  when it’s time to retrograde.


As a blaster, I move around a lot when settling up cones. There’s an art to it. 


I almost always have “bail out” powers in the form of grenades, and the plasmatic Taser. You can sometimes knock everything away from you to get a chance to run or recover, especially early to mid game.


I almost always buy the small jet pack for my non-fliers. 


I don’t like hovering. Even if I have it, I tend to ignore it (unless it’s a must for the situation). It’s not smart, I know, but I don’t care. Scooting along with my arms dangling down seems freaky.


I am currently a bit fed up with seeing nothing but Council on radio teams. I’d rather take on Arachnos any day, or anything that might take us off autopilot.


I like to chat on teams, and enjoy wit/humor. 

Edited by cranebump

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.


This may sound funny, but how I play depends on the toon... not the AT, not the power sets, the character. I create them, but soon after I get into them (around level 8 or so) they start to develop a personality of their own. Most of the time, I solo with each toon forging a different path of contacts and hence a different story for itself. some toons like team play whether or not they're "built" for it. Some like AE content, some like to stealth, some kill all; some like +4x1 others +0x1 or +2x6... they all have their preferences. 

Build-wise, I'm not a fan of expensive builds. I try to keep it on the cheap with yellow IOs rather than purples. (then again, one or two didn't like set bonuses at all) I tend to like weak characters as it makes the achievement of defeating enemies/completing a mission that much sweeter.

  • Like 3

Hmm. I never thought of it falling under Role-playing, but you're right. I am taking the playing the role of the particular character at the time 😃 Thanks, Vile.

Seeing as I alternate 3 or 4 toons at any given time, I bet I'm inching my way towards a multiple personality disorder XD

forgot to mention that by level 9, most of my toons request... nay demand... a costume change (and sometimes a name change) that is more fitting to their personalities

  • Like 2

I definitely enjoy characters the most from 18-44.

A few characters make the cut and are still enjoyable at 50, but even then, I prefer being exemplared back down to pre-incarnate levels. 


When I solo, I do story arcs. Taking the time to read the mission text, think about how whatever character I'm logged on at the moment would react to it, etc. Tip Missions, too.


When I team, I set aside the roleplay-vs-game, because, no team ever has time for that. And because team banter can be fun as well.  I tend to look at a group of +3x8 Malta with the team, and type stuff like "They look friendly. I bet we can talk this over." before pulls.  I don't have a strong preference on duo-ing or midsize teams or full teams.  


For characters, I definitely prefer Control and Support characters the most.


But any character at all with a well-fleshed out backstory and established motivations is a joy to play.  This past weekend I solo'd the Night Ward story arc with "Ward" on my Invuln/SS Tanker on +2/x3 (lvl 34 character).  That was kinda brutal just because the damage output was low (No Footstomp yet, no Spring Attack, allll single target punches), but it was all kinds of fun just imagining the Talons freaking out over just how many of them kept swarming me and I just WOULD NOT DIE.   It got VERY nasty at the end when I had four, yes, FOUR purple-con Elite Bosses on me at all once.  But I activated the Ring of Peebles for an extra +30 resist all on top of being a well-tricked-out Invuln, and basically nothing could harm me.  I did have to keep an eye on the endurance bar and my inspirations, but when I got down to the last EB it was like "seriously, what are you gonna do? There were four of you, then three, then two, now just you. You cannot harm me."   Definitely felt very Super on that mission.

  • Like 1

I solo pretty much most of the time, so I consider myself to be a "chill player" : I rarely play above x1/+1 (except on endgame characters), I mostly do story arcs... I just like taking my time, and the fact that the game lets me do just that is one of the many reasons I've loved it so much over the years.


When it comes to teaming, I'll join pretty much any fun group I can find, although I'm not a big fan of +4/x8 groups - mostly because I never see the appeal in fighting stuff I can't hit (since most of my toons only use basic IOs), no matter how rewarding the fight. I'd rather have a +2/x4 steamrolling, chill group any time!


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I am a Solo Mastermind Rogue (Once a full Villain), My Characters are usually around a Theme like this one ( Lizard MastermindFull Gang is here! Heh ) who was recreated from way back before CoH shut down with a updated look compared to what he was before his story was he was mutated into a anthropomorphic lizard and decided to learn the dark arts of Demon Summoning pain domination was just an icing on the cake. I usually do Rogue missions to get money at least that is what I did in the past back then I rarely team up with others. I usually team up with random players in Going Rogue starter area despite being limited in powers but I just got bored so I decided to just help out people randomly, Be nice to do that all over again once more new people play that side of the content someday really want that feeling again. I also had a moment where everyone in the party we all laughed at how we made enemies bounce up and down over and over and just watch them as we laughed at them. Good times!


At the start of every mission when we are waiting on other people to do missions I always pull out a jackhammer to make a joke on digging to china ( Attempting to get to China )


I know I won't be able to fully restore my Original Mastermind of the exact build wished I had made snapshots and recordings, Oh well.



Edited by SonicMobian

I just enjoy the world and the ride. I mostly solo (there was that one time but it doesn't make me a team-player I swear), run every story arc and mission set I can and have lately almost finished the Come Full Circle badge just for fun. I explore, badge hunt, mob hunt, and everything else I feel like doing when I log in. This game is more a second home to me that anything else.


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

On 7/6/2020 at 9:12 AM, Coyotedancer said:

'Depends entirely on the character, for me...


I often run solo with my Sentinels and Stalkers and Scraps.

I exclusively run solo with my one Mastermind. 

I farm for fun with Harry, my Claws/Fire Brute.

I typically exemp and run with mid-level teams on most of my Defenders and on my Corruptor.

I haven't touched my Tank or my Controller since I finished their Incarnate toys. 


I used to be a casual-type Roleplayer, but I'm not sure that really applies anymore. I'm only nominally doing the roleplay thing at all these days. 


I do solid builds for my crew, but I'm not a "power gamer"-type. I don't tend to play at the raw, bleeding edge even though I love throwing a character into the middle of a big pile of goons just to see what happens. 


I keep an eye on the auction house, but I'm not really a serious marketeer. I'm a "does it for fun" active farmer, so I really don't need to.


I'm also a casual base-builder. My tastes on that front are odd and I know it, so I just build for my own entertainment.



Surely there's a blaster in your stable somewhere....

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