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Share your Puns/amusing Character Names


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I can't recall all of mine, I was an altoholic in the past, but one I rather liked was a Doctor Doom-eque looking girl (metal mask, armor) with a rabbit motiff to her costume (the ears, the fuzzy tail) named Watership Doom.  No cheesecake pin-up she, Bot/Dark MM.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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I was able to snag "Ground Control" for my earth controller.


Hopefully some day I will meet up with a "Major Tom" (it is taken, I checked xD)


That way I can message them "Ground Control to Major Tom... Ground Control, to Major Tom?!"


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Honestly most of the funny stuff I have is found in the Bio text block. Almost no one fills those out, which is a real shame.


Most of my characters are rerolls of old characters fro back in the day (sometimes with different powersets, but the core concept of the charcter remains).  This means I have the bios somewhere, in my old Sentinel XML exports, and I just have to find them and copy-pasta them into the bio box.  Work in progress...  :)


Some of my pun names I'm particularly proud of:


Ohmwrecker (Elec/Elec Brute)

Cinderlock (Fire/Fire Dom)

Shatterbrain (Mind/Psi Dom)

Project 212 (Rad/Atomic Blaster)


Later on!

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My main (and my global) is probably my most ‘amusing’ toon name, for a given value of amusing of course :)


There are some quality puns in this thread, good one V! (And nice to see you again after all these years, I recall we had a few disagreements about things but I’m sure you feel as happy to have CoH back as me, and I’m v happy to see old faces again)





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Cerebrawl                Psy/Mental blaster (simple costume of tights blending from red at the head down through colors to purple feet) [survived an explosion that gave him powers so face is also masked]


Fight Knight            StJ/Regen scrap  (simple, straight-up set of medieval armor) [Was magically sealed in a coffin by a sorcerer but otherwise can't remember much of his past.  Cover identity is as an MMA fighter.]


Jest Pattern            Elect/Elect blast  (black and white jester costume with panels pattern) ["I'm funny?  Funny how?  Like I'm a clown?  I amuse you?" :) ]


Medical Bill              Emp/Elect def  (black/white armor colors with red cross chest emblem and other red trimmings) [Just a normal guy who became a paramedic to heroes]


Dr. Starkraven MD    Rad/Rad def  (came up with the name and gave him a costume of pieces of wildly mismatched colors and patterns) [back in the day I used to have him occasionally jump around in the water at the base of Atlas babbling, "I'm a fish!"  When not "on the job" he could indeed be quite, quite mad.

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In the original City of Villains I had a banshee named Naughty Nude Nympho (til NCSoft made me change it - changed it to Brazillian Banshee)


In Homecoming, most of my toons are named after favorite TV Show characters of mine.


Ragnar Lothbrok, Bjorn Ironside, and Floki from the TV Show Vikings

Lucifer Morrningstar from the TV Show Lucifer


And then I have a zombie mastermind called Skullutulla (named after the Skullatulla tokens on The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.)

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So this is weird.


I'm running an Apocalypse Cow on Excelsior.  But it's an MC/Psy Dom. 


I got excited that my silly character got noticed!  Then I realized OP probably isn't talking about me.


Hi I'm Captain Potato. We met on Tuesday! And I think I did the noticing. We should do more grouping soon.



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I have a few of these on Everlasting. I haven't played them much because I worried about getting generic'ed for being too close to a trademarked name.


Rambo Brite

Lisa Frankenfurter

Stevie Wonderwoman



I thought about Polter-Christ as a Gravity Dominator, but same worries.


Bottomless Salad isn't a pun but I did name an Energy/Plant Blaster this.

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Ugh - that's unfair. What about non-English-as-first-language players that can't pun as well as natives? *sigh*


Anyway, my best so far is fire Sentinel Emberella - like Cinderella, only more... proactive  ;)

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I'm surprised no one has offered up a Kinetic Melee/Radiation Armor combo for ... Major Kinfusion ...


That would probably also work for a Mental or Illusion/Rad Controller/Dominator.  And hey, different ranks available!

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?

They called me crazy? They called me insane? THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
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I have a water/storm corr who’s a rabbit ...Nor ‘Easter Bunny

Staff/willpower old lady scrapper ...The Grams (fighting staff is a broom)

Beast/nature MM ...Nature’s Call (battle cry is, “It’s time for you to GO!”)


Back in the day I had lots of punny toons, but I’ve forgotten most of them.

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