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Altaholics Anonymous


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Hi my name is Tigerfury and I'm an Altaholic. I've been playing CoH since beta back in the day and I remember filling up all of my character slots with tunes below level 30. I only ever got one character to level 50 because I played the other ones so much. I love Scrappers but also SO MANY OTHER CLASSES! Anyone else with Altaholics?



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HI.  My name is Xeres, and I too am an altaholic.  Back in the day I'd try out builds up to level 10 and decided to keep them or delete.  I must have leveled 20 characters to level 10 which I didn't keep.


I'm doing better though.  I've only done that three times so far.  These days I have one level 27 character and 7 level 14 characters.  I plan on keeping them all but, well, I gotta be me.


Nice to meet all of you.

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There are LOTS of us around.

We are legion... In more ways than one! XD


Though I've been trying very hard to stick to a smaller number here, I was definitely in altaholic territory back-in-the-day. I had something like 60 characters by the end. I did tend to get them to 50 (eventually-) and to finish them with decent builds at that point, but it was sometimes a ridiculously slow process. I pretty much always had four or five in various states of "working on it" at any given time, and I'd bounce between them as the mood struck. I got a lot of "Wait. Do I know this bird? When did you build an [AT/Powerset X]?!" from some of my friends.


Now? I've only been here about a month and I already have four, in spite of my best efforts NOT to go alt-a-palooza. <_<


Granted, I've pretty much abandoned two of them to concentrate on leveling and equipping the other pair, but that *still* means it's taking me twice as long to get them to any particular point as it's taking some of my (much) more focused friends. Those two are 45 and 43 now. The abandoned pair are 32.


That's the down-side of altitis right now, when we're all still trying to get re-established. 'Having your more focused buds say, "Hey! Let's go join that BAF/MoM/Underground iTrial!" while you're still trying to get to 40 because you're dividing your attention.   

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Listen...I don't have a problem! YOU have the problem! I make alts and I'm just fine...JUST FINE!


I don't have a challenge on the RO forums called the Alty's Ultimate Power Challenge where I challenge people to get a 50 for every powerset (112 at last count).


You don't know me!  *storms off*

Game global: @Alty  || Discord: @Alty#2005

Founding member of Repeat Offenders Network  - Making stupidly difficult things easy since 2005 

Global Channel: Repeat Offenders  || Website: www.repeat-offenders.net

📢RETRO RO Teaming  - Details in the Repeat Offenders Club

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I... may have run up to 7 accounts back in the day.  >.>


I... may have hit level 50 on well over 100 characters at some point.  >.>


I... have only created 22 characters here on Homecoming.  That's not very many, right?  Right?  Maybe I'm cured?



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Hello I am:



Mr Klean

Countess Kassandra

Major Freedom

Nikki Midnight

Victor Gunn

Widow Queen (okay she is a villain)

Flame Mistress


There have been a few others but they got deleted.


and I'm an Altaholic.


I am trying to control this but I do enjoy creating new characters and I just know that I will create another one tonight.


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I created numbers 24 and 25 last night (Dr. Brainpan and Silver Lightning).  But that's not including the ones I've created, played a couple of of levels, and then deleted because something just didn't feel right about them.  I still have a couple on the chopping block, it depends on how much I like the new ones I'll create in a few days.


Back in the day I had at least 10 characters on each server.  I think I got four to 50.

Heavy, man

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I have 12 toons already over lvl 20 but no toon higher than lvl 40. I've made and deleted about 10 others that were abandoned before they got to DOs.


I think I've finally found my "main" but we'll see. I suspect that I'll still play other characters at least half the time.


Alt-itis is a way of life for me. We'll see how long that lasts.

Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn

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Now Just because I have like four+ pages of alts doesn't constitute a "problem". I mean, I've almost got them all up to L6 now. Sure I'm planning on adding more to my themed groups and I have a tribute alt to make on a server I otherwise wouldn't play on (but someone's indirectly encouraged it), but it's not a problem...

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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I have 12 heroes, and 2 villains.  They range from level 1 to 40.  I love playing them all, but there is one (the highest one) that I have really been digging lately, so I have concentrated most of my play time on that one, in an effort to make sure that everyone else will be well funded when they come out of the bullpen.  That one was never intended to be the lead character, but I found myself really liking the powerset combination, and how powerful they feel when playing.  Even in large groups.  I had 25 toons at level 50 when the original came to an end, and a good number of them have been re-created here, and will eventually all get their time to run through the adventures (and levels).  I'm just so happy to have the chance to do so again!

What was no more, is REBORN!

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Hi, I'm Ali and I am so an altoholic. It was City that set me on this path so many years ago, but can you blame me? With all these option how can you not want to try them out? Back in the day I only ever managed to hit 50 on two characters, one hero and one villain. I had many in the 40s to 10s range though, at all levels. I've already exceeded the number of current characters on the servers than I had back on live. But not the number of characters I made then abandoned for more space. I even kept pictures of all my characters I had on live at the time of the shut down just in case, or to remake on other games.

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I usually had 3 or 4 "mains", before the servers went down years ago, but the ones that were on that list rotated in and out. I haven't settled on any particular ones to semi-focus on here yet, and I *did* make 7 new ones yesterday... and 6 the day before that...


...it's so good to be home.

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I've been playing on Homecoming for 3 weeks; I have 43 characters, ranging from lvl 2 to 24.  About 2/3 of them are recreations, the rest are new.  A few of them are reserved for "slow" leveling via story content with friends. The rest are being DFB/DiB'd up to 22 for SOs, and to get into the 1 year category for name releases.  Once that's done, I'll start concentrating on a handful of them. Probably.

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This go-round's been interesting for me, I haven't been going as alt nuts like I did before close, I think I only have ten alts right now, and only say three I'm really enjoying playing.  Oddly enough too this time I seem to be melee adverse (my current main is a Beam/Rad Corr).  Back in the day my main was a stalker, but now I currently have a scrapper I haven't touched in almost 2 weeks, and a tank that's pretty to look at but playing him feels like pulling teeth (probably because he's Titan Weapon and still low level).  I also can't seem to get into MMs much as I once did.  I should probably make a Bots/Time and cure myself of that right quick. 


But I have also found that no matter the tooth-pulling sensation, once I log in and get into a team with the toon, we roll and I enjoy the hell out of it, no matter which one I'm on, so I'm sure this shall pass soon enough.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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