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Who should issue a task force/strike force that currently does not?


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5 hours ago, Owl Girl said:

so first off, i think that option is just there for a laugh and i seriously doubt that anybody has ever clicked it. and in the case that they may have accidentally misclicked then they could be thankful that the Canon Narrative ignores this mistake.

I click his head off depending on the type of character playing.  Right now at least half my roster has killed Thiery.

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11 hours ago, BurtHutt said:

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah...It's been the same stuff for a while. So, you're telling me if you were buying comics, you'd be happy to see the same old factions/lore/villains for several years? With very little new stuff added? Hmmmm...you and I are maybe on different wavelengths.


With that type of mentality, so many of our fave comics would not have evolved or added new material. I could go on here but I feel I've made my point.


There's a *lot* of lore bits that are barely hinted at, or were meant to start that didn't, or that have a good bit of room to explore. I've long wanted to have the Blood of the Black Stream finally expanded and explored in game, for instance, even if they can't be a new EAT. That would be a well of new content not being centrally tied to Arachnos, or Praetoria, or much of anything already existing. There have been hooks in game completely un-followed-up on.


And no, I never said "don't add anything new." You said (paraphrasing) "nothing attached to lore." Which sounds like asking for basketball without a ball or nets.

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10 hours ago, biostem said:

I do not believe that it would be possible for any individual or group to wholly arrive out of nowhere - they would pretty much have to come from some existing group;  They could be a new faction of an existing group or otherwise have ties to them - sort of like the Knives of Vengeance coming from the Knives of Artemis and the Talons of Vengeance...

Completely disagree. 1 000%.

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Just now, Greycat said:


There's a *lot* of lore bits that are barely hinted at, or were meant to start that didn't, or that have a good bit of room to explore. I've long wanted to have the Blood of the Black Stream finally expanded and explored in game, for instance, even if they can't be a new EAT. That would be a well of new content not being centrally tied to Arachnos, or Praetoria, or much of anything already existing. There have been hooks in game completely un-followed-up on.


And no, I never said "don't add anything new." You said (paraphrasing) "nothing attached to lore." Which sounds like asking for basketball without a ball or nets.

Your analogy makes no sense. Basketball without ball or nets? I feel you're trying to squeeze my comments a bit to fit your comments. Anyway, I think we'll have to agree to disagree.

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11 hours ago, biostem said:

I do not believe that it would be possible for any individual or group to wholly arrive out of nowhere - they would pretty much have to come from some existing group;  They could be a new faction of an existing group or otherwise have ties to them - sort of like the Knives of Vengeance coming from the Knives of Artemis and the Talons of Vengeance...


2 minutes ago, BurtHutt said:

Completely disagree. 1 000%.


I would point out that, although Paragon City and the Rogue Islands are nexuses (had to look up the plural form 🙄) of planetary super activity, they are still just two places on a large rock.  I see it as entirely possible for other, previously-unknown global groups to eventually see opportunity and either move in or perhaps be utilized as a mercenary force to some group already in the area.  That said, I go back to what I stated earlier, which is that the dev team is limited, and, unless additional prospects join their numbers, the design of any TF/SF would be limited by what is currently available, or could be easily made available by their current numbers.  This might (and I'm just guessing here) involve residual models never used but left in the code, if such things still exist.  Or it might be Frankensteining models together, which I think I'd read was used on one occasion.  What might happen, for example, if the Outcasts started using Superdyne?  Would we get Super Troll Outcasts? That sort of thing.

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22 hours ago, Techwright said:

Interesting that you bring that up.  While we have TF's served up by trainers, I wonder if we could bring the other two members of the South Korean W.I.S.D.O.M. team (Rose Star, Spark Blade) into the game as Task Force givers.  They're defined, they may even have models in the files of the game, but were never put into it. 


Very cool idea!

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On 7/30/2023 at 6:03 PM, Techwright said:

Interesting that you bring that up.  While we have TF's served up by trainers, I wonder if we could bring the other two members of the South Korean W.I.S.D.O.M. team (Rose Star, Spark Blade) into the game as Task Force givers.  They're defined, they may even have models in the files of the game, but were never put into it. 


Those two do seem like they have room for more story, and Matthew has demonstrated cool and smart thinking in intense situations.  Just what you'd want in a credible TF giver.


Do you refer to the War Witch in Pocket D?  I thought I'd heard she was one from an alternate dimension, though now that I think of it, I think someone suggested she's the Prime Universe War Witch, but can only manifest as alive within Pocket D.   I admit my knowledge is lacking for a concrete answer.



Hellions;  I can't recall ever hearing who their boss is.  A TF might emphasize that.


Skulls:  I don't recall all the dialog, but were there not more relatives or Lords of Chaos than were brought down in the Eagle Eye arc?  Seems reasonable some would be out to free/restore the Skulls.


Outcasts: Frostfire's story has a resolution, but I'd always thought he was just one of the highest ranks, not necessarily the highest.  Also, would love to see a TF, whether before or after Frostfire's resolution, where we learn there's a leader for each powerset, overseeing training in their particular ability, and collectively acting like a war council or joint chiefs of staff.  We'd have to take each down for a victory.


Freakshow: Although I like them, I'm not really into seeing another with them.  There's the Penny Yin TF, and the Sister Psyche TF is still available.  Both heavy on Freaks.  You even get a bit of them in the Numina TF, and they're the focus of one of the Reactor Trials.  I'd rather let another villain group shine.


It could be.  I'm only asking for the contact to be in-game already.  As I think about it, I wonder if inspiration could be had by the original names for some of these groups, names that were discarded.  Like "Skeleton Crew".   That said, there's material that hasn't been touched much that might make a good TF/SF, and any new character will require designs and models.  That's a lot of work.



That's an interesting idea.  A TF to drive a foothold into recovering Galaxy City, would be a fresh perspective.  I wonder if such a thing could be spun into a dual feature: a TF and an SF both hoping to create a foothold into Galaxy City, each for very different purposes, but having to interact with the same characters, items, buildings, and situations.


YES! to all you said.


I did view Atta as the highest. The wiki doesn't state that, just my view.

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One thing that I absolutely loved about the Dr. Aeon SF is that it gave the Goldbrickers a much needed backstory and an AWESOME one at that! There was a lot of room for creativity using the Goldbrickers because they really had no definitive story of their own. King Midas had never even been conceptualized so it gave the devs the ability to capitalize on that and turn him into a unique AV, along with the other AVs as well.


Following that same principle, I think a new SF or TF should revolve around other groups of enemies who have very little in-game story, or simply enemies you rarely see in SFs/TFs but already exist within the game. While an entirely NEW group of enemies would be cool to see, why not capitalize on what already exists that hasn't been utilized to its full potential?


So.. while I'm unsure of WHO specifically should issue any new SF/TFs I would love to see the following enemy groups:


1. Trolls! Technically speaking, the Trolls don't even have a definitive AV! Their leader "Adda" is listed simply as an Elite Boss on the homecoming wiki. I think that alone leavs a ton of room for new original ideas within the Troll ranks and further expanding the story behind Superadine!


2. Wyvern! Again, this is a group of enemies who have no AV of their own and are RARELY fought. While I'm unsure of what a Wyvern storyline would consist of, their in-game description is as follows: "Wyvern is a private agency dedicated to eliminating problems Freedom Corps hasn't or won't deal with." Which I think could make for an interesting Vigilante/Rogue themed SF/TF.


3. The Family! While there is a pretty good amount of in-game story revolving around the family that can be played through regular story missions, I think it would be neat to see a mafia sort of themed SF/TF! Another group lacking a named AV, I think there's a lot of room for expansion here.


4. The Infected! An enemy group that once only existed in Mercy Island but now can be fought in Atlas as well. This enemy group has virtually NO backstory. They have ONE named boss who is fought in a low level story arc from "Doctor Creed". Clearly a ton of room for creative design within this group.


5. Prisoners! Only seen in the redside tutorial and Brickstown, another enemy group rarely fought and virtually non-existent in any missions. I absolutely LOVE the designs of the Prisoner bosses. This would make for a cool "Prison Break" style themed SF/TF focused around the Zig, perhaps involving floors underground where much more dangerous Prisoners are held and have started rioting. I believe something like this also leaves room for other enemy groups to be involved as well.


Those are just some ideas I quickly typed up and there are many other enemy groups who have little to no story that could be used as well.

Edited by Kita
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we need a tf by Radio RADIO RAAAAADDDDIIIIOOOOOOO Free opportunity


time to take that talking trashcan TV down a peg

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My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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Not technically a TF, but the Skulls are featured in the KR Superadine ring arc that ends with Eagle Eye. Morana escapes, however, and isn’t ultimately dealt with. The Petrovic Brothers are, but maybe there’s more to it than that?

Edited by cranebump
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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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19 hours ago, catsi563 said:

we need a tf by Radio RADIO RAAAAADDDDIIIIOOOOOOO Free opportunity


time to take that talking trashcan TV down a peg


Along the lines of  "abstract mission givers" I have often felt that the Potted Plant model could be leveraged as a sort of nutty mission contact.


As for potential TF givers: Blue side, I think it would be cool to have one of the Newsboys (often situated near train stations) to offer some sort of arc/TF.

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We have some memorial characters in the game to remember members of the community that left us too soon.  Off the top of my head, Ascendant and Robotech Master both have characters in Steel Canyon.  I think having them give out taskforces would be a nice way to continue to remember them.  Personally, I remember Ascendant's 'phone calls' from seeing one on virtue back in the days of Live and then reading others in the forums.  A Task Force, or even a mission set, to hunt down Ascendant's agent who he has just realized is evil could be hilarious as the mission information could work in information from those old calls. 

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20 hours ago, Kita said:

 I think a new SF or TF should revolve around other groups of enemies who have very little in-game story, or simply enemies you rarely see in SFs/TFs but already exist within the game. While an entirely NEW group of enemies would be cool to see, why not capitalize on what already exists that hasn't been utilized to its full potential?

I think the Fig Bolg and Tuatha don't have much going right now.   Look up Fir Bolg or Eocahi if you don't believe me, the former is literally a stub and the latter barely two paragraphs long, one repeating the other.


I speak as someone very biased for the Croatoa groups though.

Edited by Clave Dark 5


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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6 hours ago, tidge said:

 I have often felt that the Potted Plant model could be leveraged as a sort of nutty mission contact.


"Oh no.  Not again." 🪴

I recommend a badge with a towel on it for a reward. 👍


Joking aside, the Newsboy TF idea is kind of cool and fresh.  It's like those episodes of TV shows where the protagonist, who normally commands a high price for his special skills, talks to a person on the streets and realizes he needs to do something pro bono to help the "little man" or the poor neighborhood. 



6 hours ago, laudwic said:

We have some memorial characters in the game to remember members of the community that left us too soon.  Off the top of my head, Ascendant and Robotech Master both have characters in Steel Canyon.  I think having them give out taskforces would be a nice way to continue to remember them.  Personally, I remember Ascendant's 'phone calls' from seeing one on virtue back in the days of Live and then reading others in the forums.  A Task Force, or even a mission set, to hunt down Ascendant's agent who he has just realized is evil could be hilarious as the mission information could work in information from those old calls. 


This is a really interesting concept.  I'm not sure how a comedy TF would be received, but one memorializing fallen players would be great.  The question is: which one?  Perhaps something a little different could be done.  Set the start in a zone where there isn't a TF.  The ice skating pond zone comes to mind because several of the fallen are depicted there.  Have a spokesperson, but the others standing behind him/her bowling-pin fashion, showing their support for what is being said.  So in essence, all of them are giving the mission, one group to another.  And/Or have TF require you to make contact with members of the fallen to advance the story at points.  But if this, do something to make it meaningful.  All the TF participants should have to interact with the contact in some way, rather than just standing around while the team lead goes to another zone to tag the doctor with the information mcguffin.

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18 hours ago, ZemX said:

The Reality Bending Adventures of Null the Gull!


Mission 1: Radio Kills the Television Stars!

Mission 2: What if... Regen had Won?

Mission 3: Attack of the dumpsters.

Mission 4:...


Mission 4: Jenkins becomes head of Arachnos.

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  • 3 weeks later

We need a low-ish level (Positron equivalent?) Chris Jenkins SF where the objective is to acquire, manufacture, destroy, and manipulate evidence to benefit his upcoming "Trial of the Millennium" and at the end, they have to screw over a major villain group and to avoid accountability they hang him out to dry. In the followup TF (maybe a Synapse alternative, a bit shorter, not such a slog?) he needs an intrepid band of heroes to get him out of hot water with the Villain Group he screwed over in the SF. After succeeding the heroes should receive a subpoena because he's suing them for some slight or another.

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On 7/29/2023 at 12:39 PM, Darmian said:



This is the most correct answer.


Second most correct involves spoiler's for Mr. G's Redside Arc:



Penelope Mayhem Strike Force


Edited by InvaderStych
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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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I have said and have always said; Flux. Outcasts should be a part of their own Task Force. After almost 20 years of people raiding the Frostfire mission Office building, I think they should get a little payback...or at least try.  😉

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