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Hi - I've seen, but cannot find, a macro command that will allow me to drop Blizzard at my location.  Can anyone provide the solution? I'd also be interested in a second macro that does the same but drops Blizzard and Ice Storm at my location.



Posted (edited)
  On 1/7/2021 at 7:24 AM, Nerio72 said:

I believe the command would be:

"powexec_location me Blizzard"



/macro BL "powexec_location self Blizzard"

/macro IS "powexec_location self Ice Storm"


Target versions (for when a bunch is scary and I want to attack from afar)

/macro BT "powexec_location target Blizzard"

/macro IT "powexec_location target Ice Storm"


(I *think* that's the correct slash)


I use these on my Ice/Fire blapper. First two are on Bar 1, powers themselves are above them (to watch the recharge) and then the ranged versions live above them ahgain in Bar 3. 



Edited by Carnifax
  • 2 weeks later

Is there a way to create a macro that will target glowies?  If not every glowie, a majority of the generic ones?


Trying to find something that would help with stealthing missions on large maps, such as the map I played last night where I had to rescue 3 citizens on a huge outdoor map.

  On 1/18/2021 at 10:58 PM, wjrasmussen said:

Can a macro call another macro?


Can we do any kind of switching based on mob target type?


No, I don't think so.


No, I don't think so.


The only logic I can think to program into macros/binds is an attack rotation by using rotating bindloadfilesilent commands to rebind the key to the next attack in the rotation. You'd need exactly as many bind files as you have attacks in the rotation.


But that's a bind, not a macro. Macros are slightly more limited.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/18/2021 at 10:49 PM, Fatal Tech said:

Is there a way to create a macro that will target glowies?  If not every glowie, a majority of the generic ones?



Glowies don't always seem to have an 'instance name' that can be targeted, but the most useful addition you can make to your targeting options is the Master Targeting Bind:

/bind ADD target_custom_next base

That makes the numpad-plus key a tap that will search through every discrete object in view — foes, friends, doors(!), hostages, and most objective/glowies. Easy key to tap with your mouse hand.


When you can't find the last hostage, go to a high place and slowly turn while whacking +. Move to other places with a good view of some part of the map and repeat. That stupid civ will show up even if you can't see them with normal vision.


Pet-runners will probably want to add notmypet to the string, so that you aren't endlessly targeting your zombie doggie bots.


Not really recommended because it limits the search, but an "objects/hostages/junk"-only search would be:

/bind ADD target_custom_next base notteammate notmypet

...which will pretty much only search for objects and foes. (Oddly, adding notalive will cause the search to skip many objects.)


A good time to add the targeted targeting binds, too:

/bind CTRL+SUBTRACT "beginchat /bind SUBTRACT target_custom_next enemy alive "
/bind SUBTRACT "target_custom_next enemy alive Sorc"

Whack Ctrl-Numpad Minus and type in part of the foe name you're looking for. Hit Return.


Ctrl-minus now searches for that badge foe, boss, sapper, whatever. Fast to update as needed. (The starting bind uses Sorc for Tsoo Sorcerers, can be changed.)


This ONLY works on actual names, not supergroup/villain group/foe associations like "Family" or "Warriors." You have to specify part of an actual name.


Edited by Shenanigunner
  • Thanks 1

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

  • 2 weeks later

Could I target closest enemy then next on the same bind? How would it would?


/bind T "target_enemy_next$$target_enemy_near"


Would that just go to closest then next then back to closest?


Also is there any boss kind of target?


I've gone through a few pages but it's getting annoying and I thought it would be easier to ask. Closest I've found is 


/bind b "target_custom_next enemy alive Boss"


/em shrug

Posted (edited)
  On 2/2/2021 at 10:33 PM, Captain_Paragon said:

Could I target closest enemy then next on the same bind? How would it would?



No, one command or the other would be ignored and the last one processed would result in your target. Since there are four options for target_custom_ (near, far, prev, next) you should be able to select one that works best. You nearly always want _next, since (as far as I have ever been able to tell) its first result is always the same as _near, and it then progresses by distance to the furthest target.



Also is there any boss kind of target?


I've gone through a few pages but it's getting annoying and I thought it would be easier to ask. Closest I've found is 


/bind b "target_custom_next enemy alive Boss"



No, there is no targeting method that works by foe level, class, group or type. All targeting is by name... which you can use to your advantage.


Use something like /bind CTRL+T target_custom_next enemy alive Sap — this will target ONLY [Nemesis] Sappers, the little b*stards. Substitute any valid name or part of a name string for 'Sap' and away you go. But again, it's only for NAMES... you can't use Boss or Nemesis or Lieutenant.


There's a good section on how to use the custom targeting commands and name-string targeting in the Guide, and another post just went into some detail on how to manage this command — see it here.


/em victory


Edited by Shenanigunner

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

  • 3 weeks later

Macro question:


/macro_image "IceBlast_Blizzard" Ice "powexec_location target Blizzard$$powexec_location target Sleet"


I want it to drop Sleet and then Blizzard on my target. I assumed I would have to press it twice but it is only dropping Sleet. A second click only queues up Sleet again. 

Posted (edited)

You can't use two attack powers in a macro.  Only one will ever fire.  What you can do is this:



0 "powexec_location target Blizzard$$bindloadfile blizzard-sleet2.txt"



0 "powexec_location target Sleet$$bindloadfile blizzard-sleet1.txt"


This  makes it when you press "0" it fires off Blizzard and then loads a new power into the "0" location, Sleet.  When pressed a second time it then fires Sleet and reloads the first file.  It will toggle back and forth between the two files every time "0" is pressed.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Ura Hero
  • Thanks 2


running a lvl 50 Archery/Tactical arrow blaster.

Want to do:

Fire off my Oil Slick Arrow

Target the Oil Slick

Fire off my Blazing Arrow to set it alight


self targeting the oil slick in combat is difficult for me with all the other members powers going off so I would like a macro or bind to target it for me.

Similiar to finding sappers and named bosses but am not sure how do do that as the oil slick is a pet not a foe.

In a perfect world I would like the macro to target the slick and fire of Blazing Arrow but have no idea if this is possible.

The most important bit for me is the targeting help.


Any help/advise/alternative solutions will be gratefully received.

Thanks guys

  On 2/25/2021 at 1:38 PM, SuperPlyx said:

@Jacktar  Try this and see is it works:

/macro OilFire "powexecname Blazing Arrow$$target_name Oil Slick"


Hello SuperPlyx, thanks so much for the info, going to make my gameplay time so much better.

The macro is only doing the targeting bit on first click and I have to click again to get it to fire Blazing Fire.

However doing two clicks and a guaranteed fire lighting moment is just brilliant compared to what I was messing about before 👍👏😀

I are a happy bunny, thank you again, cheers

  • Thanks 1
  • 2 weeks later
  On 9/10/2020 at 7:11 PM, American Valor said:

/bind numpad8 Say “Lets Zoom!$$e flypose1$$e flypose2$$e flypose3$$e flypose4$$powexec_toggleON fly$$autorun 1”.........................


This looked like a good bind so I gave it a try but I couldn't get it to work

outdoors at all, where you would think it would be the most useful.


The only place it seems to work is in the Steel Canyon Library, specifically when I'm in front of a bookshelf filled

with pretentious sounding titles I've never actually read, THEN it works fine, but then I get an error

message in the chat window saying I'm on mute and that I need to click the little

button that looks like a microphone and unmute.... weird hunh? 07K1tHnz_o.png

  • Haha 3


Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



Posted (edited)

A question came up about this in my coalition. Is there a way to display an SG name a character is in to the Local Name for global channels macros? Did some hunting around on the old sites and nothing came up that stood out to me that suggested a code could do that. Ah found it, nevermind! $supergroup

Edited by CrystalDragon

Roleplaying mentor volunteer, and mentorship contributor.

Chatrange Popmenu/Where to find me/Beginners Links


  • 4 weeks later

A lot of great stuff in here thank you all so much. I've been checking out Shenanigunner's site and it's helped loads. I cant quite get what I want to work so i figured I'd asked the experts here if it was possible. 


On my fire/kin corruptor, what I ultimately would like is a macro that targets the nearest enemy, follows and cast fulcrum shift.  Would this be correct?


macro_image "KinectBoost_Fulcrumshift" FC "target_enemy_near$$follow$$powexec_namefulcrumshift"



I feel like I'm messing up the spacing or quotation marks or something... Any help would be appreciated.



  On 6/14/2019 at 3:13 PM, NekoAli said:

You misspelled 'powerexec_name' You reversed the x and c. To remove a bind it's /unbind enter or whatever the key is. I don't know if you an bind a null. Beginchat needs another arguement for the channel you are chatting in.  like 'beginchat /send Local'. If you want to send to the active channel the command is 'showchat$$startchat'



I find that something like


/bind h "nop"


/bind h nop


works.  No Operation = nop

Posted (edited)


Here's a link to the Homecoming of Sandolphan's MM Numpad Binds if you want to know more.



Here's a set of binds for using the number key pad to control your MM pets.  This is based on Sandolphan's MM keybinds, but uses binds to create other binds instead of loading different bind files.


So numpad0 creates the binds to command all your pets, numpad 1 - 3 create binds to command just that tier.


I'm just recently returned, so Demons and Beasts are all I've done so far.  I'm also having issues with the pet buffing powers (decimal and shift/ctrl+decimal) that I'm probably going to end up just creating 2 bind files that load each other and not lose any sleep over it.


ctrl+NUMPAD1 powexec_location self "Summon Demonlings"
ctrl+NUMPAD2 powexec_location self "Summon Demons"
ctrl+NUMPAD3 powexec_location self "Summon Demon Prince"
shift+decimal "powexec_name Abyssal Empowerment"
decimal "powexec_name Enchant Demon"

NUMPAD0 "bind numpad4 petcomall agg$$bind numpad5 petcomall def$$bind numpad6 petcomall pass$$bind numpad7 petcomall att$$bind numpad8 petcomall fol$$bind numpad9 petcomall stay"
NUMPAD1 "bind numpad4 petcompow Demonlings agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow Demonlings def$$bind numpad6 petcompow Demonlings pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow Demonlings att$$bind numpad8 petcompow Demonlings fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow Demonlings stay"
NUMPAD2 "bind numpad4 petcompow Demons agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow Demons def$$bind numpad6 petcompow Demons pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow Demons att$$bind numpad8 petcompow Demons fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow Demons stay"
NUMPAD3 "bind numpad4 petcompow Demon Prince agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow Demon Prince def$$bind numpad6 petcompow Demon Prince pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow Demon Prince att$$bind numpad8 petcompow Demon Prince fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow Demon Prince stay"



ctrl+NUMPAD1 powexec_location self "Summon Wolves"
ctrl+NUMPAD2 powexec_location self "Summon Lions"
ctrl+NUMPAD3 powexec_location self "Summon Dire Wolf"
ctrl+decimal "powexec_name train beasts$$powexec_name tame beasts"

NUMPAD0 "bind numpad4 petcomall agg$$bind numpad5 petcomall def$$bind numpad6 petcomall pass$$bind numpad7 petcomall att$$bind numpad8 petcomall fol$$bind numpad9 petcomall stay"
NUMPAD1 "bind numpad4 petcompow wolves agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow wolves def$$bind numpad6 petcompow wolves pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow wolves att$$bind numpad8 petcompow wolves fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow wolves stay"
NUMPAD2 "bind numpad4 petcompow lions agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow lions def$$bind numpad6 petcompow lions pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow lions att$$bind numpad8 petcompow lions fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow lions stay"
NUMPAD3 "bind numpad4 petcompow dire wolf agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow dire wolf def$$bind numpad6 petcompow dire wolf pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow dire wolf att$$bind numpad8 petcompow dire wolf fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow dire wolf stay"


Edited by Col. Kernel
Added link to Sandolphan's MM Binds thread
  • 2 weeks later

this looks like where I need to post..... kinda long story into a question, here we go

My SG does a monthly in SG costume contest, I have a Character that needs to say certain phrases and then change costumes. Is there a macro string that can be written for each costume change along with each section of her "speech" I have been through this entire thread and I guess I just got overwhelmed by it cause Im more confused now than before I started looking for an answer ........ PLEASE HELP ME ! the costume changes are for slots 1 through 4, 4 being her main look, 1-3 are the speech and looks that require macros for faster changes. If you need more info to help me, please send a PM !



  On 4/28/2021 at 9:35 PM, EnnVee said:

this looks like where I need to post..... kinda long story into a question, here we go

My SG does a monthly in SG costume contest, I have a Character that needs to say certain phrases and then change costumes. Is there a macro string that can be written for each costume change along with each section of her "speech" I have been through this entire thread and I guess I just got overwhelmed by it cause Im more confused now than before I started looking for an answer ........ PLEASE HELP ME ! the costume changes are for slots 1 through 4, 4 being her main look, 1-3 are the speech and looks that require macros for faster changes. If you need more info to help me, please send a PM !




Try here: https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Cce_(Slash_Command)

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