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Posted (edited)

While I was away, the devs took Farming out behind the shed and put two rounds in the back of its head. The raw inf income in this thread is simply not possible any more and some aspects of the builds have been nerfed. The thread is being left up for reference as much of it is still relevant but be sure you check the current state of the game before committing to anything.




So I've been doing some testing and refining on my farmer builds and wanted to start up a bit of a repository for farming builds. There are some builds scattered here and there through the forums and discord but nothing terribly centralized. I have a selection of 3 4 traditional /fire brutes with different primaries that can all farm at 2 million influence per minute or higher. I will also have a follow up post with 3 alternate scrappers, one is a dedicated farmer and two are traditional builds that are capable of farming at respectable rates. I'm not claiming any of these are the end-all-be-all of farming builds but I haven't seen any posts so far with a combination of builds and expected results so I figured I would put this out there.


Statement #1: I'm a lazy bastard.


Some of the builds are unfinished (In terms of incarnates, IO builds are all complete). I play said builds using a Logitech mouse macro because I can't be assed to pay full attention when I'm farming. This means that the rotations are not perfect, sometimes powers get missed, sometimes things like Ion Judgement get fired off at like 6 targets. This isn't going to change, and the numbers in this post will reflect that non-perfect level of play. I think this probably gives a more realistic expected result than snapshot perfect rotations and such... but mostly, see statement #1.


Statement #2: Assumptions are made.


The core farmers were run on Arc# 2915. This is  $Comic Con Fire Farm$ by @brigg and is clamped at level 49. I'll explain why this is important at the bottom of the post for those who don't know about it. Inf gain was tracked with Herostats. Each run starts with a tray full of small red inspirations. Reds are popped as needed (in my case, rapidly at the beginning of the run because it's part of my macro and... see Statement #1), then combined throughout the remainder of the run. The timer continues to run from the moment zone in is completed on mission 1 until Exit is clicked on mission 5. Lore, Hybrid and Judgement are used on cooldown throughout the run. Runs are full but not 100% complete in that all packs are cleared but I don't chase down every straggler. The NPC is used to help gather mobs and Ball Lightning is used to pull packs that patrol nearby to cut down on potential travel time.


The core farmers are all brutes with the /fire secondary, bottom line is nothing can keep up with this, it's the gold standard of farming for a reason.


  Inf Per Minute Inf Per Hour Clear Time
Rad/Fire (New) 2,300,107 138,006,431 23:20
Spines/Fire 2,295,431 137,725,907 21:59
Rad/Fire (Old) 2,288,810 137,328,603 Unavailable
Savage/Fire 2,250,996 135,059,786 22:28
Claws/Fire (Farm) 2,170,498 130,229,936 23:14
Claws/Fire (Content) 2,105,686 126,341,219 24:38
Elec/Fire 2,010,323 120,619,380 25:02

The clear times listed above start once loaded into the first mission but before moving or activating anything and end when the Exit button is clicked at the end of mission 5. This does include load times out and back into missions throughout the arc.


Both the Rad and Spines are complete, full builds with full T4 incarnates (Assault, Ion, Carnies Radial, Reactive, Ageless and Musculature).

Switched both Rad and Spines to Degenerative T4 and they both saw small increases of less than 100K.

Savage now has T4 Musculature, Ageless, Reactive, Hybrid and Lore with T3 Ion.

SS Now has T4 Musculature and ageless with T3 Reactive, Assault and Ion, no lore slotted yet.

Claws (Farm) has T3 Musculature, Assault, Ageless, Degenerative, Ion and T3 Banished Pantheon.

Claws (Content) has T4 Agility, Barrier, Assault, Degenerative, Ion and T3 Banished Pantheon.

Elec has T3 Musculature, Assault, Ageless and Degenerative with T2 Ion and no other incarnates slotted yet.

The builds that follow are dedicated farming builds and not going to be useful in content outside of AE fire farms. The influence gains reflect that compared to the alternate farmers showcased in the next post.


A small change suggested by Luka on discord (@Luka#8022 on Discord, @12thPower here on the forums).

Change Fiery Embrace to a single slot 50+5 Recharge IO.

Slot Fusion with Gausian ToHit/Rech, Rech/End and Build up Proc.

Fiery embrace will now be exactly double the recharge of Fusion so you can line them up to use together every other rotation. While this was specific to the Rad Melee build all of the standard build up powers should be 90 second CD by default (this will not work for rage or any of the other unusual ones) so this change should be universal across the /Fiery Aura builds and gives you a floating slot that you can do what you like with. Adding the Numina Proc to Health on the Rad build was one suggested possibility.


This was a great suggestion and adds a nice little bit of flexibility to those who like to make sure cooldowns all line up nicely!


What's the deal with level 49 farming anyway? This has been removed from the game

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Some important notes about difficulty settings, especially for starting farmers!

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Incarnate choices and the reasons to make them.

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Work those hips! Getting your rotation nailed down.

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So fancy I might need a second monocle. Amazing, Fancy macros and binds from Luka for inspiration combining and use.

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Touching the Muse, Inpirations and the dirty things you can do with them!  Use the above macros, they're superior in pretty much every way!

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I've attached the Herostats logs for each of the runs. Elec and Savage don't seem to be actually reporting their damage properly even with all the appropriate channels enabled in the combat log so their damage numbers aren't going to add up like they should, but perhaps these can be of use to someone.

For some reason the Claws General Build log didn't work correctly so I ran another test, the numbers in the attached log won't match the inf listed above but it gives a log to examine and a rough time estimate for the run times. The logged run is slightly lower inf (2.07 mil/minute) but well within variance.


Test Logs.rarFetching info...

Edited by Warlawk
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Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

Posted (edited)

Brute Primary Farmer Builds


Radiation Melee/Fiery Aura

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Alternate Radiation Melee/Fiery Aura (No performance change, more expensive New highest inf earner with the updated rotation!)

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Savage Melee/Fiery Aura
@Frostweaver has some info about managing your Frenzy stacks to improve performance found here. This has some important information and tips for Savage farmers, check it out!

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Spines/Fiery Aura

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SS/Fire (Incomplete incarnates, specifics listed in the first post)

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Electric Melee/Fire (Incomplete incarnates, specifics listed in the first post)

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Claws/Fire (Incomplete incarnates, specifics listed in the first post)

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Claws/Fire (General Content Build)

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As an experiment I wanted to see how scrappers do for farming. The biggest issue here is that scrapper Fiery Aura does not have a taunt effect so it's unusable for farming since mobs scatter like mad. /Bio has both a damage aura and built in taunt as well as being a very good set for boosting offense. The following builds all run in offensive adaptation for farming. The methodology and assumptions match what I laid out in the first post.


As a very important note

I have not been able to find a S/L farm that clamps at level 49, as such these farmers are inferior because they cannot use the level 49 farming method laid out above. When someone creates a level 49 S/L farm they will become much more viable. That won't be me because... see statement #1. In the mean time I run them on Arc# 133 Comic Con S&L Farm by @brigg, perhaps one day he will grace us with a level 49 version.


The Spines is a dedicated farmer. The Rad and TW are both standard builds that wreck their way through traditional content that just happen to be passable farmers in my stable of characters. The TW build was graciously handed down to me from @Kaeladin.


Because of Statement #1 these builds are in various states of unfinished which undoubtedly impacts their performance vs a completely finished incarnate build.

Spines has no Lore, T4 Musculature, T3 Assault, Reactive, Ageless and Ion.

TW has no Hybrid, Lore or Judgement, T4 Musculature, T3 Ageless, T1 Reactive

Rad has no Hybrid, Lore or Judgement, T3 Musculature, T2 Barrier, T1 Degenerative


  Inf per Minute Inf per Hour
Spines/Bio 1,384,752 83,085,120
TW/Bio 1,046,187 62,771,262
Rad/Bio 1,029,076 61,744,602






Estimates for level 49 farming

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Spines/Bio Armor dedicated Scrapper farmer

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Titan Weapons/Bio Armor Scrapper

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Radiation Melee/Bio Armor Scrapper

-Note: This was my first ever Rad Melee build and it's probably sloppier than my ex. I should go back and clean it up, but... set statement #1

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Edited by Warlawk
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Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

Posted (edited)

I am open to any questions, commentary etc. I would welcome more people putting their builds in the thread as long as you provide an expected influence gain to go along with it. There's a lot of anecdotal statements out there from people farming and which builds they like but I would really like to see this thread focus on a specific build and what results you are getting with it.


If your run and/or methodology differs from what I have listed in the first post please give a summary of how you go about your run.


As a note, any references in the above to a build being incomplete strictly means the incarnates, all IO builds are fully completed to match the mids build posted.


Here are some alternate builds offered by the wonderful community here!

@SmalltalkJava with an alternate Spines/Fire found here.

@wonkavator with an alternate Spines/Fire found here.

@TheCentralElement with an Ice/Fire Blaster found here.

@Lifeblood2112 with an alternate Spines/Fire found here.

@HelenCarnate with an alternate Rad/Fire found here.

  Inf/Minute Inf/Hour Author
Rad/Fire 2,085,811 ~125,000,000 HelenCarnate

@Giocondi with a budget build for Rad/Fire found here.

@Werner with a general content SS/Fire found here. (We're in the presence of CoH royalty here ladies and gentlemen!)

  Inf/Minute Inf/Hour Author
SS/Fire 2,077,879 124,672,750 Werner

@Bill Z Bubba with an unspecified Claws/Fire/Pyre build.

  Inf/Minute Inf/Hour Author
Claws/Fire 1.532 mil   Bill Z Bubba

@Racist Dolphin Has a thread for his build including a youtube video of the clear found here.

@Wravis with a Plant/Psionic/Fiery Dominator found here.

  Inf/Minute Inf/Hour Author
Plant/Psi/Fiery 1,497,354 89,841,259 Wravis

@Frostweaver with a Savage Melee/FA found here. This has some important information and tips for Savage farmers, check it out!

@Ishau with a Electric Melee/Fire found here. 4 minute average clears.



Regarding Budget versions of the builds

@Giocondi did a fantastic job converting an existing build to a budget version. It's something I haven't really touched on because it's been pretty well discussed and there are resources out there for it already. Giocondi made great use of the Scirocco's Dervish and Annihilation sets to replace expensive pieces and still maintain effectiveness. For those of you bootstrapping yourselves up, these are a great stopgap and I recommend taking a look at the post they submitted to the thread, thank you Giocondi!

Edited by Warlawk
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Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

Posted (edited)

This is great and really love the comparisons.


I've always wanted to do something similar, I was going to do it on the BETA server, but see statement 1.

Edited by jimjimjimmeh
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@Vea/@Vae/@Vew - You can call me V.


The exemp to 49 suggestion was veruh nice.


I noticed an oddity, I didn't get 1, nary a single SO drop.  Certainly in the grand scheme of things that's a drop in the bucket but I did a full cave run (I found one that exemps to 49) and the entire 2915 arc, with 3 toons.  Usually either the cave or the 5 asteroid missions yields a good 10 or so SOs per character.  This seems like a statistically significant sampling to conclude SOs don't drop while exemping with XP on.  Recipes and salvage drops seemed normal.


Did you get SO drops?  


Again, this is just a curiousity, the 40% additional inf more than makes up for loss of SOs, multiple times over.

  On 8/7/2019 at 9:53 PM, Hedgefund said:

Did you get SO drops? ï»¿ 


No, I believe it's tied to exemplaring, possibly with the XP set to off. Considering the inf value of a minion is at 14k+ and the SOs sell for 10K-ish I think that the time required to scroll and sell them to the vendor instead of getting back to farming faster was literally a loss of inf gain lol.

Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

  On 8/8/2019 at 2:46 PM, SmalltalkJava said:

Is there a way to get bosses to show up in #2915 as a solo person?   I seem to get on ly minions and LTs.  


  I’m running SenkanYamato’s more expensive build.   As soon as I get my incarnates and get the rest of the pieces bought  I’ll post its numbers.    


I got bosses solo, just use the normal setting in your chat box.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/8/2019 at 5:24 PM, Hedgefund said:

I got bosses solo, just use the normal setting in your chat box.


Thanks.  I guess i had turned that off.  I've enabled it and did 3 runs with bosses. I also use a mouse macro to fire abilities.   I cleared the levels in  8 minutes 30 second, 8 minutes 36 seconds, and 8 minutes 32 seconds.     Which gives me 1.207,800 Inf per minute, not counting any drops.  The only incarnate i have so far is the musculature boost at level 1.     I still don't have the build fully kitted out quite yet.  I just have IO's in Quills, Throw Spines and Boxing.   


Again, this is from @SenkanYamato  that he posted on another thread.   

- edit - I don't know enough about the game yet to say if/how this build can be improved or how it compares to the OP's build.   


Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

Click this DataLink to open the build!

  Reveal hidden contents
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Edited by SmalltalkJava
Posted (edited)

I like your build @Warlawk!


I made some tweaks to it... The main intent here was to see if I could add in Ripper for the attack chain, primarily for the FF proc (5s of 100% recharge).


I've kind of been wanting Ripper lately now that I've been doing the 2x INF lvl 49 farms with EBs.  The EBs are always the last to die, and I feel if I can group 2-3 of them together and just keep up the AoE attacks but throw in Ripper directed at the EBs with FF procs, that might speed up clears.  Don't actually know how often it would proc, but it hits hard and has a longer animation time, which I think would result in the proc occuring a little more frequently?  


I also have realized (and noticed you took advantage of it in your build) that +recovery isn't really necessary once you have T4 ageless!  


Anyway, here's the build :


Villain Plan by Hero Villain Designer 2.23

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Brute
Primary Power Set: Spines
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Aura
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Leaping
Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Lunge -- SprBlsCol-Rchg/HoldProc(A), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(3), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg(3), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx(5), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(7)
Level 1: Fire Shield -- Ags-ResDam(A), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(7), Ags-ResDam/Rchg(9), GldArm-3defTpProc(11)
Level 2: Blazing Aura -- SprAvl-Rchg/KDProc(A), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(11), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg(19), SprAvl-Dmg/EndRdx(25), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(27), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(27)
Level 4: Spine Burst -- SprUnrFur-Rchg/+Regen/+End(A), SprUnrFur-Acc/Dmg(29), Obl-%Dam(29), Obl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(31), Obl-Dmg(31), PrfZng-Dam%(31)
Level 6: Healing Flames -- NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(A), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(45)
Level 8: Build Up -- GssSynFr--Build%(A), RechRdx-I(9)
Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(33)
Level 12: Taunt -- MckBrt-Rchg(A), MckBrt-Taunt/Rng(13), MckBrt-Taunt(13), MckBrt-Taunt/Rchg/Rng(15), MckBrt-Taunt/Rchg(15), MckBrt-Acc/Rchg(17)
Level 14: Boxing -- AbsAmz-EndRdx/Stun(A), AbsAmz-ToHitDeb%(33), AbsAmz-Stun(33), AbsAmz-Stun/Rchg(45), AbsAmz-Acc/Stun/Rchg(45)
Level 16: Plasma Shield -- Ags-ResDam(A), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(17), Ags-ResDam/Rchg(19)
Level 18: Quills -- Obl-%Dam(A), Obl-Dmg(34), Obl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(36), Obl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Obl-Dmg/Rchg(37)
Level 20: Consume -- MckBrt-Rchg(A), MckBrt-Taunt(21), MckBrt-Taunt/Rchg(21), MckBrt-Taunt/Rchg/Rng(23), MckBrt-Acc/Rchg(23), MckBrt-Taunt/Rng(25)
Level 22: Tough -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A)
Level 24: Weave -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A)
Level 26: Ripper -- Arm-Dam%(A), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(37), Arm-Dmg/Rchg(37), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), Arm-Acc/Rchg(39), FrcFdb-Rechg%(39)
Level 28: Burn -- SprBrtFur-Rech/Fury(A), FuroftheG-ResDeb%(34), SprBrtFur-Acc/Dmg(48), SprBrtFur-Dmg/Rchg(48), SprBrtFur-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(48), SprBrtFur-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 30: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A)
Level 32: Throw Spines -- PstBls-Dam%(A), PrfZng-Dam%(34), PstBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), PstBls-Dmg/Rng(46), PstBls-Acc/Dmg(46), PstBls-Dmg/EndRdx(46)
Level 35: Fiery Embrace -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(36)
Level 38: Electrifying Fences -- SprFrzBls-Rchg/ImmobProc(A), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(40), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg(40), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx(40), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50)
Level 41: Ball Lightning -- Rgn-Dmg/EndRdx(A), Rgn-Dmg(42), Rgn-Dmg/Rchg(42), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(42), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(43), Ann-ResDeb%(50)
Level 44: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A)
Level 47: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 49: Vengeance -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Fury 
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run 
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A)
Level 50: Musculature Core Paragon 
Level 50: Ageless Core Epiphany 
Level 50: Assault Radial Embodiment 
Level 50: Reactive Core Flawless Interface 



Edited by wonkavator
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  On 8/9/2019 at 1:08 PM, midasear said:

I understand all the incarnate choices but lore.  Doesn't the Carnie strongman do knockback?  Is it just a cosmetic choice?


I think that Banished Pantheon would be good.  I've heard there is an invulnerable version of it. So it won't automatically die when you summon it.    Granted I'm not 100% sure on this and I don't know if other Lore pets get the invulnerable effect either.    It's just what I've heard.

  On 8/9/2019 at 1:08 PM, midasear said:

I understand all the incarnate choices but lore.  Doesn't the Carnie strongman do knockback?  Is it just a cosmetic choice?


Strongman is core, you want radial for the untouchable buff pet.


I've added some additional information about incarnate choices and why they're made, insps and difficulty settings.

Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.


Nice post, @Warlawk Thanks for the shout out.


I've never considered taking Carnies, but I think you have me sold. I'm going to try it out.


Keep up the good work!

ArcID #125 Bloody Rainbow: Comic Con Fire Farm;  ArcID #2551 Comic Con Fire Farm: Cave Edition

ArcID #133 Comic Con S&L Farm;  ArcID #9911 Comic Con S&L Outdoor Edition

ArcID #2915 $Comic Con Fire Farm$ArcID #11612 $Comic Con Fire Farm Outdoor Map$

ArcID #16607 $Comic Con S&L Caves$ArcID #16610 $Comic Con S&L Outdoor$
  On 8/7/2019 at 10:03 AM, Warlawk said:

As a very important note

I have not been able to find a S/L farm that clamps at level 49, as such these farmers are inferior because they cannot use the level 49 farming method laid out above. When someone creates a level 49 S/L farm they will become much more viable. That won't be me because... see statement #1. In the mean time I run them on Arc# 133 Comic Con S&L Farm by @brigg, perhaps one day he will grace us with a level 49 version.


Once $Comic Con Fire Farm$ hits 999+ 5 Star ratings, an S&L Inf Farm is the next Farm Map I plan on making.

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ArcID #125 Bloody Rainbow: Comic Con Fire Farm;  ArcID #2551 Comic Con Fire Farm: Cave Edition

ArcID #133 Comic Con S&L Farm;  ArcID #9911 Comic Con S&L Outdoor Edition

ArcID #2915 $Comic Con Fire Farm$ArcID #11612 $Comic Con Fire Farm Outdoor Map$

ArcID #16607 $Comic Con S&L Caves$ArcID #16610 $Comic Con S&L Outdoor$

As I have been wanting to play with Rad Melee anyway, I've constructed a Rad/Fire alt based on the build in the first thread. While I'm still leveling up, I'm already over 40 and headed on to 50. I am wondering, though, when I get there, how do I exemplar down to do these missions at 49 as the guide suggested if I am not on a team? Is it just a matter of picking a level 49 mission on the AE terminals?

Posted (edited)
  On 8/7/2019 at 10:03 AM, Warlawk said:

I am open to any questions, commentary etc....


This is a super awesome guide.


Question is, in your opinion what is the easiest one to play? I noticed Radiation/Fire has a cone.


I would love to see a Super Strength/Fire/Pyre build. Foot Stomp is just super fun 🙂 even though Rage crash is bad.

Edited by RicoZaid
Posted (edited)
  On 8/12/2019 at 5:45 AM, Avilister said:

As I have been wanting to play with Rad Melee anyway, I've constructed a Rad/Fire alt based on the build in the first thread. While I'm still leveling up, I'm already over 40 and headed on to 50. I am wondering, though, when I get there, how do I exemplar down to do these missions at 49 as the guide suggested if I am not on a team? Is it just a matter of picking a level 49 mission on the AE terminals?


Yeah you need a mission that locks you to level 49 as the cap, there is no way to do it yourself that I am aware of. The arc I listed clamps you to level 49 and when you click on an AE mission to see the full description you can tell at a glance by looking at the max level. If it lists 54 as the max level that puts you at level 50 and allows for your personal setting of up to +4 so anything that lists a max level of 53 will clamp you to 49.


  On 8/12/2019 at 4:47 PM, RicoZaid said:

This is super awesome guide.


Question is, in your opinion what is the easiest one to play? I noticed Radiation/Fire has a cone.


I would love to see a Super Strength/Fire/Pyre build. Foot Stomp is just super fun 🙂 even though Rage crash is bad.


Thank you sir! I would place the Spines and Rad equally easy to play. Savage takes a little more attention since ideally you want to be utilizing Leap at a distance instead of as a pbaoe so it takes a little more management but it can do just fine as a simple pbaoe point and click as well, that's how I usually play it... see Statement #1 lol. In regards to the cone in Rad... I actually had to crack open the build to verify it even had one. It's not part of the rotation, simply a mule for the set to grab +damage, +acc and +rech set bonuses.


Keeping Fusion, Fiery Embrace, Hasten and Ageless active on cooldown should allow you to have a pretty much gapless rotation using Ion judgement, Burn, Atom Smasher, Ball Lightning and Electric Fences so the cone is completely unneeded which is good because it's a pretty terrible ability. 50 degree range 7 is rough to hit much with, though if you just fired it off in the middle of a huge pile when you're farming I guess that wouldn't matter much.


SS/Fire/Mu is something I actually have been itching to roll and will probably do so in the next week or two. Part of the reason Mu is always chosen for farming instead of Pyre is that for two power picks you get two aoes. Pyre requires three picks to get one aoe.

Edited by Warlawk
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Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

  On 8/12/2019 at 5:45 AM, Avilister said:

As I have been wanting to play with Rad Melee anyway, I've constructed a Rad/Fire alt based on the build in the first thread. While I'm still leveling up, I'm already over 40 and headed on to 50. I am wondering, though, when I get there, how do I exemplar down to do these missions at 49 as the guide suggested if I am not on a team? Is it just a matter of picking a level 49 mission on the AE terminals?


The mission referenced (Arc #2915) caps the mobs at Level 53.  If you set difficulty to +4 levels for an L50 character, it will exemplar to 4 levels below 53,  or to 49, to keep the level difficulty setting correct.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  On 8/12/2019 at 6:02 PM, Warlawk said:

SS/Fire/Mu is something I actually have been itching to roll and will probably do so in the next week or two. Part of the reason Mu is always chosen for farming instead of Pyre is that for two power picks you get two aoes. Pyre requires three picks to get one aoe.


I like SS/Fire/Pyre since the rotation is simple, 1) Foot-Stomp (big damage mitigation too), 2) Fireball 3) Burn. That's it. Sometimes you heal, sometimes you use Consume for endurance. I'm not sold on the Mu Mastery AoE immobilize for extra damage since I want the mobs always moving towards me (and I don't need another AoE in my rotation) but I haven't tried it yet! ðŸ™‚ I'm certain your build DPS is better though.

Edited by RicoZaid
Posted (edited)
  On 8/13/2019 at 11:10 AM, TheCentralElement2 said:

Any plans to extend this to other farming types? Such as Ice/Fire blasters,  Fire/kin controllers?


Been a real interesting read so far. Thanks.


Thanks! I've enjoyed doing it. I am open to trying out farm builds like that, but I don't know the builds. If someone wanted to PM them to me or send it through discord (Warlawk#1697) I would be happy to run some farm tests on them but I would need the build and some general information on playing it. The blaster I must admit confuses me a little. It has no innate fire or s/l defense or resist, no aoe immobilize and no taunt aura. Is the plan just to utilize all the slow and blow them up before they scatter too badly? I assume this farms s/l since getting meaningful fire resist and defense isn't likely to go well. If that's the case it would have the same issue as other s/l farmers in that there isn't a good 49 map right now.


Fire/kin I understand the core in that you use the aoe immob with hot feet/fulcrum shift. Most that I've seen are also s/l farmers. Open to any suggestions or additional info here!

  On 8/13/2019 at 2:36 PM, RicoZaid said:

I like SS/Fire/Pyre since the rotation is simple, 1) Foot-Stomp (big damage mitigation too), 2) Fireball 3) Burn. That's it. Sometimes you heal, sometimes you use Consume for endurance. I'm not sold on the Mu Mastery AoE immobilize for extra damage since I want the mobs always moving towards me (and I don't need another AoE in my rotation) but I haven't tried it yet! ðŸ™‚ I'm certain your build DPS is better though.


Yeah part of the issue there is lost DPS, you won't have a gapless chain with only the three AOEs, there will be down time. Pyre is certainly more thematic with some trade offs. Fireball is slightly better DPA at 45.68 vs Ball Lighting at 39.76. Same range, Cooldown, End cost etc. The big trade off being that fireball requires three picks while ball lightning is two. Additionally Electric fences and Ball lightning allows you to slot two targeted AOE sets so you can grab Ragnarok and the Annihilation res debuff proc in Ball lighting while stuffing superior frozen blast into fences for that huge 7.5% fire defense. Fences is pretty much the bottom priority attack and could easily be removed from the rotation, it's more the extra set space and only requiring two power choices instead of three. Being able to milk that much fire defense out of a single set as well as get the 10% rech and -res proc into your core attack chain frees up a lot of build pressure.

Edited by Warlawk

Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

Posted (edited)

The blaster can pick up the fire shield, and use IOs to cap fire resistance and soft cap defense to fire. Bonfire also adds another layer of mitigation when adding KB - KD IO.


For example this. Im sure it can be optimized but it may help gives ideas.




Sorry for the data chuck, unsure what thing to use to get the power listing way others use lol.


Yes you get runners which is a bit of pita, however bonfire and Blizzards Knockdown stop most from getting away.



Edited by TheCentralElement
  On 8/13/2019 at 10:09 PM, TheCentralElement said:

Sorry for the data chuck, unsure what thing to use to get the power listing way others use lol. 


Import/Export and choose either short or long forum export.

  On 8/13/2019 at 10:09 PM, TheCentralElement said:

Yes you get runners which is a bit of pita, however bonfire and Blizzards Knockdown stop most from getting away. 


So I can't get Herostats to work on the test server right now, I ran it through a couple of the asteroid maps to get a feel for it. The damage is good but it has to give up a ton of recharge to get enough defense/resist to do the job. This keeps Blizzard and Bonfire from recharging as fast as you need them to move between packs. Even rotating them and actually paying attention to my farming instead of letting the macro run I feel like they were only up for 3/5 groups or so. Now, that speaks well for the raw damage output but it means there are tons of runners. The damage is there for sure but the mob scatter is painful and plentiful. The thing with Herostats not working on test is known and posted so hopefully I'll be able to run some hard numbers on it soon. Might tinker with the build a little bit to see how far it can be pushed. All those plain level 50 recharge hurts my sensibilities! 😉


Also, about to update the OP with a WIP SS/Fire Broot

Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

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