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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. I contradict myself a lot in what I want out of the game. I very much enjoy Redside. Much more than Blueside. But I loathe what they did with Recluse, making him an untouchable king of the hill. Yes, in one story arc, you can beat up recluse, and bring his today-self a dented helmet that you took from his defeated-future-self. Woo woo. At the end of that arc, NOTHING CHANGES. Arachnos remains in complete control of the isles. There are no and have never been any rival factions that remotely threaten them on the isles. I would have far preferred the Rogue isles if it had been divided up between 5-6 factions, of which Arachnos was only one, and if the redside quests had you picking a faction and coming to rule them and gradually dominate the rest. Or just playing all sides against each other and profitting all the way to the bank, for those villains who can't be bothered with world domination because they'd rather hedonistically enjoy wealth instead of herd cats all day. This is never going to happen of course. Not now. But it's what I always thought the Rogue Isles should be.
  2. I prefer to take my time levelling. I immediately turn off XP anytime I join a group, so that I can control when I level better. But the most common reason I can think of for whizzing through the first 20 levels? Missing SUCKS. And people want to at least slot some SO's or equivalent level IO's. The very early levels when you have just Training Origin enhancers and Dual-Origin enhancers can be rough for certain powersets. Especially anything Defense Based. Defense never REALLY stacks up enough until you have many slots and good enhancements. A low level /SR can be... frustrating. Esp because at low levels, you don't have any meaningful Defense Debuff Resist and a few Skulls can debuff away what you do have.
  3. It's very possible to do sparkling auras around yourself.... body, hands, eyes, head, etc. I assume you're looking for something such that, if you throw a Fireball, the TARGET gets some fiery sparkles on them? Or sparkles just around the projectile / beam path? It could work better with some powers than others.... Dark Miasma you probably wouldn't notice it among the cloud on them from Darkest Night, or Tar Patch. Similarly it would be hard to notice through some of the Radiation glows from Rad Emission debuffs. But sparkles trailing some Archery shots, or following the blade of a katana, etc.... yea I could see that. I'm not sure i'd personally use it any. I can headcanon "magic" by other effects just fine. But, more OPTIONS for how your powers look is pretty much always a "Yes" from me.
  4. The powers in the existing set should stay. That said, if they want to rename Assault Rifle to RubeGoldbergRifle, keeping all the existing powers, and then create a new set called Assault Rifle that focuses more on what you could do with a single rifle that doesn't include a grenade launcher or flamethrower... okay sure. Honestly though, I think a set that has nothing but a varying degrees of short controlled bursts or emptying the clip and.... what? A Rifle Butt attack? Maybe a Bayonet? I'm thinking it would get boring fast. The existing AR allows for a couple different damage types, a decent mix of single target and AE, with some soft control in the Knockback or the Fear effect in Ignite. Maybe I'm not being imaginative enough. I just don't see getting 9 powers out of a plain rifle though.
  5. My favorite XKCD of all time. [EDIT: link for proper attribution: https://xkcd.com/386/ ]
  6. Well that's the thing. When you're talking programming, very few things are flat impossible. Many may be deemed "not worth the time or trouble", and hey, we're not paying them a salary, so entirely their call if they choose to say "nope, not worth it to us to dig that far." But power customization was once claimed to be "impossible, animations are baked in too deeply." I'm sure making the T1 secondary skippable is possible. I'm also sure it would probably be a giant pain. And it might require a serious cost in terms of debugging time / code refactoring / delaying OTHER things that people really want. But impossible? Nah. (also, whenever I hear "spaghetti code", I briefly wonder at the difference between that and "ziti code" or "linguine code" or "farfalle code"....)
  7. Personally, I'd like to see Stalker Hide become an inherent, and for them to get the various powers that were ripped out of their armor/defense set to make room for it. I don't expect to see that happen, mind you. But I'd like it. re: the original proposal, I'm loosely in favor of the idea. There are definitely characters I have rolled as a Corruptor instead of a Defender JUST because of this. And other characters where I've argued with myself if I really want a Tank vs a Brute. And I'd definitely pickup a different power on my Dominator. Psi Dart stopped being useful around lvl 4 (imo). But I'd certainly box up the whole idea into a "It would be nice if" box, not a "zomg I needz this!" box.
  8. I don't know if we'll set Perma-able IH. I mean, I wouldn't argue against that. But if it were done, they almost might as well just make it a toggle. I mean, granted, the Homecoming Devs are not (as far I know?) the same Devs who changed it from a Toggle to a Click in the first place. But "move it back to a toggle" has been asked for time and time again, and not acted on. So I don't think it's likely to happen. Be nice though. What I do think is probably possible is having enough recharge to have a rotation between IH and Unleash Potential and MoG / possibly some other active-use function of a revised Revive.
  9. AR / Dev is very effective and has nineteen kinds of nostalgia to go with it. But man, I tried Martial Kombat. And /Martial rocks so much for a blaster I'd be hard pressed to roll Devices now. Martial Kombat just hits all the right buttons for me.
  10. I would not. I simply don't see it being viable. Fire Manipulation vs Electical Manipulation vs Tactical Arrow vs Mental Manipulation? It's too mixed a bag. I don't think they can BE primaries. This is at least plausible. All have some ranged damage, all have some melee damage, some have degrees of control / soft control, some are raw damage. Pairing it with control would feel silly to me, because why not just play a Dominator? So not control. Pairing it with Support.... feasible, but honestly, I wouldn't do it, because i still cling to the Impossible Dream of a Melee/Support or a Support/Melee. Pairing it with an armor set.... feels like I'm making a Sentinel who spends a bit more time in melee. So I'd look at maybe Mastermind Pets / Henchmen as a Secondary? No. It doesn't feel workable to me. It would feel like I should just play a Blaster for more reliable ranged damage plus a blaster secondary. That said, I'm not deathly opposed to the idea. It''s just not my cuppa tea.
  11. Also, I'd like to see a teeensy tiny adjustment to /Regen specfically for Stalkers, to maybe put a portion of Quick Recovery that they currently do not get into their Hide, or into their Fast Healing, something.
  12. Any defense that comes without Defense Debuff Resist is to be looked at with varying degrees of distrust. Yes, there are blasters that reach very high levels of defense and just melt face. But for my /Regen, I've been happier stacking Resistances along with Recharge. I'll take defense where I can fit in of course. It's not like defense sucks. But I have to assume it will be debuffed off me in short order when I dive into a pile of Council or Malta or IDF or whatever.
  13. For Mind/Kin controller, for the build I usually use, I have Mezmerise Dominate Confuse Mass Hypnosis Total Domination Terrify Mass Confusion Yes, I skipped Levitate. That was to make room for Boxing/Kick/Crosspunch. Crosspunch works with Containment, and plus it's just awesome have a character who is an 80 year old man in hat, mask and suit punch the daylights out of his enemies. The ONLY change I would want to see to Mass Confuse is to drop it's recharge by like 25% or so. I wouldn't object to more, but I wouldn't ask for more either. Now, being a /Kin, yes, I have Siphon Speed to pump my recharge, and Fulcrum Shift to pump my damages. Pop Terrify or Total Dom, dive into a pile, quick 10+ stacks of Fulcrum Shift for me an anyone who followed me in, and start laying about. Confusion is my absolute favorite power in the game. I would be power-sad if they removed single target confusion, even if they made mass confusion available earlier. I also love that both powers are Non-Aggroing. Very dangerous bosses can be Confused from range to neutralize them as an opponent, and its' stupid-easy to KEEP them confused so even when they're the last man standing, you still have Free Hits on them.
  14. My immediate reaction reading this was "haven't we learned by now that we can't have nice things? it's going to get abused, and the GM's will start having to be Title Police." Then I thought about it more, and there may be a way to make it work. I'm thinking of how the /surname command worked in EverQuest. Essentially, a text box where you submit a word/phrase for approval. approval would NOT be immediate. GM's would get to it when they get to it. So maybe you submit it Monday and Wednesday it's approved or denied. MORE, it could be done in a way that, once a title is approved, it could be flagged to be included for general use. As a title ANYONE could select from the standard list without NEEDING to re-submit it. So over time, the requests might diminish That would allow players creativity to ask for what they want, with a pre-filter before it appears in game.
  15. Actually I like the writing on both arcs.... mostly. Redside, you really, REALLY, need to be allowed to simply execute Omnicore at the end. (Optionally) But I'm vindictive like that.
  16. I feel like the tech support guy should be offering up a haiku of some kind. https://forums.techguy.org/threads/haiku-windows-error-messages.81492/ I particularly like: Your file was so big. It might be very useful. But now it is gone.
  17. We've all seen it. Scenario #1: A successfully run team, stomped things for a bit. Then, leader says: "Okay guys, fun team, but I've gotta jet. Who wants the star?" Followed by crickets or a very rapid one-after-another-after-another "yea, it's getting late, I should go too" (said at 1pm on Saturday) as people drop group. Scenario #2: Any given hour of any given day, glance through LFG chat. Bazillions looking for team, almost no one forming a team. Plain and simple, a LOT of people are allergic to the star. Full disclosure, I can often be one such. Intellectually, I know it's dumb. I've been on lots of teams. And this isn't Warcraft progression raiding. Most of the time, the leader's only job is to select the next mission. Occasionally to scan LFG chat for 30 seconds and grab one of the many people looking to join a team, or to chat into LFG chat "team doing <something or other>, lvl range, not picky about lvl or powers, looking for 1 more" and then choose one of the 20+ replies you'll probably get. I know it's not hard. But I rarely lead. I know this is true of many others as well. Misc Causes: I'm not counting things like "I actually want to read mission text, and NO ONE will wait for that." Nor am I counting things like "Some nights I just loathe all forms of human life." If you're flatly not interested in grouping, then it's not really a star allergy per se. I mean when people DO want to group, but just don't want to lead. Social Anxiety / Fear of "Doing It Wrong" Assumptions people just aren't interested in the content you feel like doing that night. Feeling like you don't know misc task forces "well enough" to lead. others? Ways to Encourage People: Post the Nike slogan ("just do it") more. Remind people it's far faster to form their own team than to look for an existing one. others?
  18. I would be disappointed to lose options for +2/x1 with Bosses. I find that a good mix when soloing on a Defender or Controller. A character who can get overwhelmed by numbers, but wants a moderate challenge when soloing at lower levels. (not flashbacking... I mean when the character actually is lvl 12, doesn't have many slots, can only just start to use DO's, etc). That said, I'm with on "Bosses should be on." I don't care if I'm soloing a Defender in First Ward, bosses are always on. Period Nevermind. Re-reading, I misread what you were going for. Carry on.
  19. I would like to see the "this power requires two others" reconsidered for some pool choices. I think @tidge is spot on about Presence having two good powers in #4 and #5, but having some really cruddy powers in the way of them. That said, I have some hope that Presence is due some love to begin with, so, I will simply be patient and see what does or does not come to pass. Medicine, I could argue either way. Aid Self is always tempting, but really unless I'm on a highly defense based character, or possibly a controller who might buy time to use it after an AE Hold, it's not practical to use in mid-combat. Just doesn't come up that much. When I do take it though, I don't think I've ever seriously made use of Aid Other or Stimulant. Sorcery I have some characters who I'd like to take Ignite on without two other power selections, but honestly, Sorcery is good enough as-is, I don't really mind it. Between Spirit Ward and Mystic Flight, there's very good low-hanging pre-reqs available.
  20. Honestly, yes, we are. And there's a reason why I flatly 100% do-not-team from after lvl 44 until I am T4 incarnated myself. Having a full squad of incarnates in content that was never even remotely designed for it, is, to me, 100% Boring-as-Hell. I get that some people love the roflstomp power trip. And hey, why not. I simply do not team and do not partake, because of how overpowered we are. The game for me, is a very slow 1-50 levelling grind, mostly solo, and then flashbacks with anyone who's interested. I do not enjoy the incarnate game, at all. I'll still end up crafting incarnates on a few heroes where it actually meshes with their backstories and fits their character concept that they might become powers that could hold Galactus etc at bay. But that's a small % of my characters. I'm "meh" on changes that I think will cause more power creep because of how worthless the lvl 50 game already is to me. But I get that how I see the game, isn't how most people I talk to see the game.
  21. I'm all for more hats. But I really really really want to be able to control my hairstyle with a hat, first.
  22. Definitely not new. Back in live, for several issues you were told about Officer Wincott in the Hollows on dinging a certain level. No more. Wincott was demoted, Twinshot was promoted. Because the Devs wanted the New Shiny Arcs pushed right in front of you. I agree that I'd prefer it if none of them got popup messages shoving the contact onto me. Make them available in "Find Contact", sure. But that's it. At the same time though, this is .... so trivial... and so very easily worked around... (just *don't* go talk to Twinshot....) that I personally don't consider it a big deal.
  23. I do have a "close as I can reasonbly get" Malta Gunslinger costume on a redside character. It's not perfect. But at first glance, yea, I could see people mistaking him for one. He is shorter than most mobs though, only like 5' 6" compared to most enemies being at *least* six feet tall. I've always wanted access to misc costume parts like the Crey Agent cybertech parts on their face, or some of the Knives of Artemis goggles, etc. To say nothing of misc pieces from the PPD Shell / PPD Hard Suits.
  24. Addressing this question only, my understanding (perhaps flawed), is that since these are origin sets and you can only have one origin, they didn't want to allow more. But also, even beyond that, I think there was an unspoken "And the last power in each of the Origin sets is Too Darn Good to allow you to grab more than one of these". Whether or not having Unleash Potential AND Adrenal Booster AND Rune of Protection (costing 9 power picks to get all three, but you could pretty much have one up at all times if you did) would really be OP / Unbalancing, I don't know. But it something the devs would want to take into account choosing to leave as is or relax the restriction.
  25. Need a redside version where you bonk them over the head before doing the fireman's carry.
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