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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. And then there are those of us, who you'd probably say have some Stockholm Syndrome going on, who genuinely prefer Regeneration to Willpower.
  2. Now Fusionette is *definitely* a blaster who took Provoke.
  3. I see a shoulder pauldron for a suit of armor. Esp with the name "Impervium Armor". Here's one: What the 'ell is That Thing?
  4. I think it's a Speedometer, going from about 70 to 120, and blurring as the needle moves that quick. Not totally sure though. But it would fit the name "Sudden Acceleration" Here's one that's puzzled me. What the 'ell is That Thing!?
  5. I mean, some of the "Good team" "nice job" are basically people just being polite. And hey. There's a lot to be said for civility. Some are people who mean "quick efficent kills and I got my merits in the amount of time I wanted to". But I definitely find teams a lot more fun when there's banter going on in chat. I don't care if it's RP or completely breaking 4th wall. I do tend to solo 50-60% of the time though. I'm one of those people who actually likes reading mission text, even if I could probably recite it from memory. And teams never wait for that.
  6. 100% all for this. I'm just thinking it might require certain parts of maps be "safe for undercover folks" and certain parts NOT be. Like Kings Row? Lurking around the factories and warehouses and meeting villain contacts discreetly? Awesome. But if you literally walk into the police station or decide to dance in front of Blue Steel or Miss Liberty, they should use you as the Titliest-1 in a round of Hellion Golf. And maybe other in-zone heroes should be allowed to gank you until you flee the zone (or take a hospital ride to a "safe" hidden villain base in the zone). Something to keep it from being Toooo out of bounds and putting SOME limits on what you can do while undercover.
  7. Currently, only Co-Op zones, and PvP zones, allow both Heroes (not Vig) and Villains (not Rogues) to exist in the same zone. Which is why I was envisioning a "Red Striga" and a "Blue Striga" that visually look the same but are technically separate instances. That said? I think it would be wonderful if some careful controls were put in place to allow for an entirely new classification of zone, where you can be in the same zone, can't team up, have totally different contacts and totally different story arcs, but yet is not an automatic pvp free-for-all. (I'd be willing to talk turkey on some kind of flagging conditions scheme though)
  8. I'm not sure I agree with that. I get that you're not talking about hard mez protection. But if you're able to break yourself out of early, you are kind of countering it. Do I get to have a mini-game to avoid taking excessive amounts of smashing / psionic / fire damage? Or a mini-game to avoid end drain or to-hit debuffs? I'll drop the objections after this last post, because I'm afraid it will go round-and-round in a loop. But I find it hard to say why this and not that? I'd rather "no" across the board.
  9. I guess my main objection is that I do think different kinds of mobs should have different ways to be dangerous. It would be boring if every opponent was just a blaster or scrapper. Some enemies are dangerous because of raw melee output. Some enemies are dangerous because of Debuffs (Tsoo Sorcererors, CoT Ghosts dropping your to-hit, the Shepherds in First Ward, etc) Some enemies are dangerous because of buffs they bring (Nemesis Vengeance, Rikti that bubble each other, or Devouring Earth emanators that spike the enemy's to-hit, Rularuu Eyeballs, etc.) Some enemies are dangerous because they impair your ability to move about the battlefield (300,000 Caltrops patches from Knives of Artemis, or being Siphon Speed'd by 6 Red or Blue Ink Men) Some enemies are dangerous because of End Drain (Sappers, Touch of Vitae, Super Stunners, etc) Some enemies are dangerous because of Crowd Control. (Yellow Ink Men, Master Illusionists, CoT Succubi, Malta tasers, the list goes on) All of these and more, I consider to be a Good Thing. There should be a variety of threats. Not everything should be counterable by everyone. IMO, anyway.
  10. Perhaps if you also remove all incarnates and all IO's and all villain classes and anything that existed after launch. Hyperbole is fun! /s
  11. I acknowledge there's a difference between "what feels thematic" and "what would bring a performance boost to the set". But rather than adding AoE splash damage, I'd rather see Impact provide something like the extra damage gravity controllers get with grav distortion / propel. That is, additional single-target damage to the affected mob. If I punch enemy number 1, I just .... have trouble taking seriously the idea that that punch affected someone 3 feet away from him. I mean, I get it, comic books, we don't need no stinkin' reality, etc. But I also don't consider it such a bad thing to have some melee sets that are more Single Target focused vs AE focused. Even if that goes against the "what is most efficient" meta.
  12. If we're going to make changes to mez/holds/stuns to allow people to break free early, hey cool, but I'd also like a similar reverse angle looked at. EB's / AV's with stupid amounts of Mez protection, leaving Control powers effectively useless against the. Yes, I'm aware with a hastened perma-dom you can stacck a lot of holds. I'm talking more when you're dealing with an EB on a lvl 24 mission on a Controller. At least allow for the concept of a Partial Hold. Some kind of sluggish debuff that reflects them having to fight to shrug off the control powers.
  13. Just let me klonk the rescuee / kidnapee over the head and do the fireman's carry.
  14. One pass-throuigh at ground level for the speedsters, and one opening about mid-height in the building for the flyers / jumpers / porters to aim for, should do it.
  15. Fallout New Vegas / Honest Hearts DLC had an underteched tribe, and you had the option to help them fight off other factions who wanted the land, make a deal with such factions, or just outright say "nope, I wanna be a bad guy" and be a colonial conquistador. So, it can be done. Of course, could also argue that's easier to implement in a world like Fallout where a lot of social norms and expectations went out the window when the bombs fell. I find it more difficult to believe you could have untouched tribes like that anywhere in the Altantic in the modern era. Just TOO much sea traffic / air traffic, not terribly believable anything was so far out of touch for so long. But I could definitely see that kind of scenario and the assorted moral dilemma's popping up with Dimensional Travel.
  16. I just can't take "really cruel thing to do" terribly seriously there. Maybe it's some oldschool tabletop Dungeons and Dragons lingering on me,, when having foes who could Charm or Hold you was just part of the fun. Especially when the rest of the table was like "D'oh! They charmed <character name here>! Everybody dogpile him!" and "Nooooooo don't kill me!!!!". Also, maybe it's just because most games that I've played for the past 30 years, if there was the ability to do any kind of Crowd Control / Charm / Hold? I picked the kind of character who can do that. Not totally without exception, but a *lot* of the time. So a) I don't really see me being cruel to others when i use my abilites, and b) feeling like turnabout should be fair play means it doesn't feel cruel to me if i get mezzed. I'm usually just "doh! I gotta be quicker next time" / "gotta scan the group before I jump in!". Of course, I also have no great gripe against Sappers / SuperStunners either. Yes, they're devastatingly effective against me. Yes, I have to treat them as High Priority Targets. But I never avoid Malta or Freakshow or Carnies or any other faction just because of this, and I would consider it a major mistake if they removed mobs that use End Drain against players from the picture.
  17. He's a Lumberjack and he's okay... 😀 The biggest thing I hope they can do in terms of customization is separating "Hat" from "Hair". Maybe flagging some Hairs as "Incompatible with Hats" because the giant exposed brain? Not so much. But I ought to be able to do long hair with a fedora, or a low ponytail with a bandana / do-rag, or a pirate hat plus two-toned Illogical.
  18. Honestly I'm still hoping for Praetorian Wu Yin to move in with the Syndicate, and take over a big chunk of terrain, perhaps co-opting portions of the Primal Tsoo and Primal Family. Probably won't happen. But they're a faction I definitely miss from Praetoria. Well connected Psychic Gangsters / Big Money, building up to levels of infrastructure to rival Crey.
  19. I guess it's a perception thing. A true Co-op zone would imply some overall un-ignoreable threat such that they cannot afford to oppose each other, and must work together, for their own long-term self-interest. <Peter Venkman voice> "Heroes and Villains, living together.... Mass Hysteria!" I'm hoping for something more like sure, I'm a villain, in ur zone, causing trouble... but not an outright mayhem mission. More like grabbing some cargo from Independance Port, or conducting a deal with the Tsoo. I'm not in anyone's face, and unless there's City Wide DNA detectors constantly scanning the whole city, none of the good guys have any idea that I'm present or what shenanigans I'm up to. Honestly, the game's infrastructure might not allow for that. I don't know. But I would like to see more shared terrain. Not Co-Op, not necessarily PvP, but something more where you're working in the shadows.
  20. Wait, we're playing in Sigil / Planescape:Torment?
  21. I would see this as a baby-step towards getting ALL alignments in the same zone all the time, with just different contacts for each alignment. And I could count that as a good thing. (if I'm reading @TemporalVileTerror right, it wouldn't actually be the same zone...., there would just be a "BlueStriga" and a "RedStriga", same geography, same mobs, same NPC's, but diifferent contacts. But feels like a thing that could be a proof-of-concept progression towards merging zones. Maybe we could have a "RedPortOakes" and a "BluePortOakes" zone as well, where heroes do some pushback against villain factions there, etc)
  22. For one single 100 damage attack, yes. What about three incoming 100 damage attacks? 1st attack: 100 pts - 30 absorb = 70 damage. "like" 30% damage resist. 2nd attack: 100 pts - no more absorb = 100 damage. 3rd attack: 100 pts - no more absorb = 100 damage. So you soak 270 hps. Whereas if you *actually* had 30% damage resist, you'd only take 70+70+70 = 210 hp's. That's why I can't swallow the "it's sorta like damage resist" comparision. I mean, I get what you're saying, but it's not exactly rare for me to have multiple mobs on me.
  23. I never said anything about changing it away from being a toggle. Sprint is an inherent toggle, too. I do agree Hide's default slot is a it's a good place to toss a resist all unique. (or a LotG). But I'd be ok with not being slotttable in Hide anymore as the price of Hide becoming an Inherent IF, stalkers also got the same selections as Scrappers. Meaning at lvl 1, you got an attack, plus your T1 armor, plus Hide. If they did that, we'd probably have to give up Hide taking sets as the price for the extra armor selection. It wouldn't be that hard for me to allocate an additional slot to combat jumping or something else (if my T1 armor was not also a Defense power). Still. Since I don't really expect it to ever happen, I'm mostly just spitballing here.
  24. Fair enough. I don't always read patch notes closely, and it's been awhile since I rolled a new character.
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