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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. If I'm recalling properly from other discussions on this, wind control isn't in a playable state (as in it would need animations, more definitions, balancing, etc.)
  2. We used to have this. Get to 20 for a cape, 30 for an aura. And do the mission. Vanguard pieces? Better grind those merits. Those no longer exist in that form, but are open from level 1. And I *much* prefer it that way. In a game like this that's so *big* on customization, hiding costume pieces behind a GRIND just sucks. Granted, it's not as bad as Aion - wings *sucked* to upgrade, and there was one set of armor that you could only get one piece per character. At level 30, as I recall. So you had to get five different characters on the same side and server up to get one full set of that armor... that was just bs (and yeah. Read that and promptly ignored the set existed.) Other challenges? Sure. I like Pither. I'd love to have that "stop fir bolg from escaping" mission have a badge reward showing how many (if any) escaped. But costume type stuff, no. (And thank $deity they don't have powers or boosts tied to them here.)
  3. Orrrrrrr.... use positioning and learn how to make use of KB, which killing it by the IO does *not* allow you to do, and there's no "slot tax" at all. Yes, I know that comes off as "lrn2play," which it's not meant as. Effective knockback use *is* a learned skill, though, much like effective buffing, control, debuffing, etc. It just seems to be the one thing people would rather complain about than actually *do.* (OK, granted. People don't do the others much, either - like throwing an AOE immob on top of an ice slick repeatedly and then complaining that ice slick - or the immob - is a wasted power and has "no synergy" with the rest of ice. Yes, I have seen that one, too.) And, frankly, some melee have this sense of... entitlement, I suppose, about KB, too. I literally ran a Yin this morning - a short team, 5 people, stalker forming it, the rest of us were doms or - well, non melee. 3 mobs in - not missions, mobs, we were maybe halfway round the first map - the stalker complains about our water/storm doing knockback and quits the team. The single-target stalker. The rest of the team? Finishes the yin, just fine, pretty much shaking our head at the "omg knockback" guy. Yep, the team has knockback (stacking KD sources *will* do that, after all - I was on an Ice/ dom.) But aside from one or two instances that were just bad timing, there was really no problem keeping enemies where we needed them - or out of where we didn't want them. We used it as... *an effective tool.* Yeah, it took a little longer (about an hour) - team of four after all, mostly in the mid-late 20s, I think one early 30 - but not horribly so, and there was absolutely *nothing* that would have kept the stalker from being able to do his job either. Except his "omg I can't play on a team with knockback" without even being around long enough to get in the flow with how the rest of the team was working or even really trying to work with us. And yeah, they were effective and fun enough I'd play with any of the other three without a second's hesitation.
  4. This is generally where I'll put KB-KD enhancements in. *I* can control my knockback, generally through positioning. Tornado and its ilk can't, so that, yes, I will try to mitigate. AI isn't very... I, so it needs all the help it can get. And it's very much a power boost to Bonfire, which happens to be a damage patch as well as area denial.
  5. Interesting, but.... one I'd be wary of, personally. Yeah, the whole power creep thing. Right now you have to make tradeoffs if you want the whole set. There are several sets with a unique as a piece, as well. You'd basically be negating the cost of those sets to give the ability to give multiples with the same six piece set, when they're only designed to have one full set available.
  6. Eh, I don't know, just seeing them go grey (and then not grey, since they stay for the duration) is pretty obvious - assuming, of course, you have plenty of them. I don't know that I'd want one sitting in the tray with a timer. (Granted, I tend to be sure to have at least two columns full of them, so it's really visually obvious that they're active or not.) ... you know, I'm trying to recall offhand if they show up in the buff bar. *goes to check* Yes, they do, with the flash for the last several seconds. Now, if you wanted to make that a general option (timed buffs that you apply showing up with a timer or something that showed up there,) that might be an idea and would be more generally useful, too. "12 seconds on the EOE, 2 hours on the booster," etc.) When talking about EOEs, I don't think that's relevant, really. With other (standard) inspirations, stacking for duration would be a severe nerf. (Or irrelevant - health, end, and rez don't really have "durations.")
  7. Yeah, they're not useful, but generally if they die the mission fails, and I try to avoid that. (I'd forgotten about it in Serpent Drummer's ... second? Third? mission, actually, which was irksome, and Lady Jane is just itching to get herself killed in her rescue mission - I usually bypass her group and come back if I play that arc.)
  8. Eh, yes and no. It's easy to lose hostages/rescues even in later-implemented missions, as I recall, too. They should just "latch on" to you. The only issue I'd have with +per for them are the ones where you rescue combat... "assistants." They don't need any help seeing targets to run off and suicide in the middle of. 🙂
  9. Honestly? Yes. I don't think I responded in a way that made it look like your opinion. Just to the way "the majority" phrasing made it look.
  10. <--- just reiterating, since I probably said it somewhere. Dom player. 0 permas. 0 desire for perma. And yet I enjoy them immensely.
  11. And McDonald's has sold "over 100 billion" burgers, that doesn't make them fine dining. Or even particularly good burgers. "The majority" of players don't tend to interact with the forums. Of those that do, I do know of people who completely ignore suggestions - they'd rather just post about server events, art, that sort of thing. So honestly, saying "I see X many threads on this," probably with many of the same people in it, is not really a basis for saying "the majority" wants something.
  12. I probably wouldn't use it, but as an *option* as described, sure, why not.
  13. Nope. And I've played them since live, issue 3. Nope. Don't like KB, don't play a powerset that does KB. Issue solved. As far as "the melee team members," don't be an ass with your KB. You can direct it with your targeting and positioning. For ST? You knock it back, they don't have to chase it, you have to finish it. Bam, done.
  14. Personally, I'd love for Domination to ignore recharge buffs that don't come from outside. I'd be happy if I never heard "perma-dom" again. You want to speed up Domination, make friends with Kins. The AT is perfectly playable without it. Never going to *happen,* but still.
  15. What is this "dee lee ted" thing? Are those three other people in your SG?
  16. One I just got after a comment at a hami raid: Blonde Moment. Mind/Time Controller.
  17. I don't have powersets. Yes, the game plays differently with different powersets, even on the same AT, which helps - but I have characters. With different reactions, different paths, different partners on their way through the game... so. Lots of RP.
  18. Eh, it's mostly "useful at low levels, forgotten at higher" for me, since if I need to pick something up I don't want to go to the auction house or whatnot. Or if I suddenly can't craft any more, though that's also shown in the interface.
  19. Depends. (Lets you know when your character requires adult diapers.) Generally: MaxHP (for... no real reason, honestly) Experience to next level Level Shift Influence Some specific times for other characters: Damage Bonus - on Brutes, SS characters (when it goes red for a Rage drop, next attack = Sands of Mu - unaffected by the crash) and Warshades. I'll sometimes throw this on Defenders, too. When running the Mender Ramiel mission to talk with lady grey and run her mission, I may add Max End temporarily. Anything else is completely character dependant - stealth, one or two DEF, "Last hit chance" if I'm curious, that sort of thing.
  20. Interesting. I have never had an issue with this, but I think I tend to hunt closer to the lake, come to think of it. Will give it a try. Odd.
  21. If the sword or whatnot is the source of the ability, sure. If the person trains to be able to use weapons, they've likely got the skill to switch (or use none,) so no, not tech. Natural skill, the weapon's just an extension. And what if the tool consists of chemicals? That's more science. Or if the abilities *actually come from* the sword or other item because it's enchanted? Then it's magic. Alternates can be come up with for pretty much any of those.
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