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Everything posted by Techwright

  1. I wasn't sure I would be able to get the supergroup base badge since I wasn't part of a supergroup (at the time). A few months back I discovered that for those who don't have a base, all you need do is find a base portal and hug it closely. A small ring around the portal will allow you to earn the badge. Also, there's a few spots in the game where day jobs overlap and you can earn two simultaneously. The one I'm always using is in the Vanguard base, right at the base of the stairs in the medbay. Logging out in that spot will accrue for both the Vanguard and Caregiver day job badges.
  2. I'm loving my storm/illusion controller. He's practically a Swiss Army Knife: some ability to address every situation, and he tears through enemies. Now that may not seem thematic at first, but since I play him as a mutant with remarkable mental powers, I see both powersets as projections of his mental abilities. I could see a water/storm corruptor as well. Though I've not played that particular pairing, I've played the individual components, and they're quite potent.
  3. That would make for a nice transitioning from one level zone to another. Say, start the mission in the highest area of Atlas and exit in the lowest area of Steel Canyon.
  4. There used to be one in Independence Port but he insulted the Family, there was a Lusca out that day, and well...
  5. If they ever go that route (and I hope they do) I'd love to have account-server monitors also for salvage and recipes. It'd be a lot easier for crafting if I could see in other characters' lists and didn't have to log into every character to find what I need for crafting.
  6. Not a combo mechanics, but I love how ninja run, which was supposed to be just a cool-looking low-end travel power, actually opens up tactical moves for my martial arts scrappers, and a couple of other characters as well (Shield, for example). If a tank is not on the team, I can utilize NR to charge a collective mob, do a low somersault over the mob, land behind them, and hit dragon's tail to sweep them from behind. The mob now turns towards me, exposing their backs to the rest of the team. Super fluid moves, practical, tactical, and totally cool. For this and other effects, I'd really like to play NR all the time. Unfortunately, it is not slottable, and is a huge endurance drain in combat as a result. I'd really love to see Homecoming either heavily nerf the endurance drain or provide a single enhancement slot (purchasable from P2W, perhaps?) to allow for endurance reduction enhancements, similar to sprint, so that I can run this constantly.
  7. Any "Learning Python Project" better come with a healthy selection of silly walks.
  8. "Clipping", right. Not "cutting", like I was spouting. I've no idea what I was thinking, but lack of sleep was probably a factor. Thanks for getting the right terminology out there. I've corrected mine and documented the correction.
  9. If someone is going to explode, they're going to explode, regardless. That said, I usually find beginning a correction with a courteous effort at putting the stigma on the problem, and not on the person pushing it, goes a long way to defusing the tension. Good documentation seals the deal. "Player X, I need to respond, and I want you to know I mean you no ill will. But if I may address the point that was stated (not "that you stated"), the documented facts do not back up that understanding. Here is the accurate information, and the sources to back it up."
  10. Nerf Powerset Trash Talking. Or NPTT, if the other is too long for ya.
  11. I took inspiration for this sponsored ice controller hero's backstory from old-time radio announcers pitching products, as well as a little from the Saturday morning commercials of the 1970's. There's probably a dash of Booster Gold thrown in for good measure.
  12. Building on that I'd add a few points: 1.) Black & White with Red is a power tri-color set. Don't believe me? Go watch the famous "rose" moment in "Shindler's List". The film is black & white, and those tones make a backdrop that just makes that single red flower completely arresting. I was told a looong time ago, in either my art composition classes or my adolescent psych class (or both) that black, white & red are the first colors our growing infant eyes are tuned to see, and as a result it remains one of the most powerful color combinations to even our adult minds. 2.) There can be too many colors as well as too few. I was reminded of this myself recently when trying to do a makeover for a character whose look was pretty lackluster. I dove into the forums for inspiration and noticed a similar-looking character but whose look "popped". I came to realize it was because the fewer colors & patterns he sported created a much cleaner look. So I went back and stripped out two colors, keeping 4, got rid of a couple of costume pieces that had a lot of visual busy-ness about them, and the character's look really caught people's eyes after that. 3.) minimalism can be a key. Back to that "Shindler's List" red rose: One of the reasons that worked is that it was singular, minimalistic. There wasn't red all over the screen. Try it with a build. Build an all black and white costume, then go get that belt with the large jewel in the center, and make the jewel blood red. You'll see the costume really "pop". It need not be black, white, and red, but don't feel you have to use any 3 or 4 colors in equal portion all over the costume.
  13. (Edited to correct terminology) I think the best tip I can offer is: be willing to experiment with "clipping", that is, two or more costume elements that should not occupy the same space but do. Lots of clippings are just annoying, like capes that flow into legs (literally), or hair that pushes through high collars. But some of my best costume results, especially helmets, are the result of one or more clippings that, with the proper use of color, blend to look like the developers had intended their interaction. Here are a few of mine to give finished product examples, as well as an enlarged false-color image on the beak-like helmet of Watch Commander to show you what parts were blended to achieve the result :
  14. Talos Island. While I don't like the Northern 40%, per se, the central island makes up for it. For a big city zone, it just feels so village-like cosy, with most needs fairly close together, you'd almost expect a barbershop called "Floyd's" on the center square. Had it a bridge from the tram to the Founders Falls gate, I could see my characters looking for apartment space...just not next door to Dark Astoria. Hazard Zone, I'd have to say Striga Island. I've not spent enough time in the red zones, nor the gold zones since joining Homecoming in order to comment on either group.
  15. Forgefather may be the best concept use of the Celestial Aura that I've seen, outside of its original costume use. I really get the sense of some sort of heat venting from his equipment.
  16. I suppose I play thematically because I know, or rather assume, that the developers likely did the best testing to balance two powersets when they are themed. Never really gave it much thought before. I do know when I built a character that was water / psychic, I had a lot of surprised reactions from p.u.g. teammates.
  17. I've mentioned it before in another thread months back, but I'd not previously known there was a secret submarine base in Atlas Park that not only had Ms Liberty as a trainer in it, but also had all the Freedom Phalanx and base-like teleporters next to them so you could launch your team's task forces from the sub base, rather than traveling to the zones, like we do. It sounds spiffy, and it is, except the only vendor there is a merit vendor. Had the base a standard vendor next to Ms Liberty, this would be my default place to avoid the crowds under Atlas. Also, I can't believe I didn't know this for the year I've been back in the game, but I just realized there's an "echo" tram system that connects all the Echo zones and Orobouros. (This was set up after I left the original game, I think.) If you use either a base with portal to one of the Echo zones, or the cosmic base portals to any Echo zone, you should be able to take the Echo tram straight into Oro, theoretically before you're 14, bypassing the O-portal restriction. (I've not tested the security rank restriction, but I have ridden the Echo tram network to the big O. ) Just this past week I finally paid attention to the neighborhood names in Dark Astoria and realized one of them must have been named for Sam Raimi, of "The Evil Dead" fame. I'm now wondering what other neighborhoods have homage names.
  18. Watching the feed, and then the cut-out, I was thinking what a truly bad time for the video to fail. We'll now have conspiracy theorists stating that the whole thing was faked and they used the gap to swap video footage.
  19. Loved it. Picture perfect, except for the loss of video feed at the moment when the Falcon 9 touched down on the drone ship.
  20. I was born on the premier date of one of the more popular episodes of the original Star Trek. That pretty much doomed me to geekiness from then on.
  21. You're that old too, eh? I'd add the original series or two of Robotech into that mix but, yeah, I loved watching all those, and they're are pretty much my full experience with anime, except for a season of Yugio, and the odd Pokemon episode.
  22. I would have said the same thing about Milo Ventimiglia (aka "Peter Petrelli) and Jack Coleman (aka "HRG: Batman in glasses). But then I looked up Milo and apparently he's been starring in "This Is Us", a show I've never seen, and had a pretty successful voice acting career.
  23. Mostly I agree on this. Bats has probably got more non-powered villains than the average superhero. That said, he does have a fair amount of superpowered villains, it's just that very few are genetically or magically superpowered. The most obvious exceptions have to be Man-Bat and Clayface. The subtle one would be Poison Ivy, whose kiss can transmit poisons. Not extremely useful in combat, hence the "subtle". Solomon Grundy is also truly superpowered, massively so, but there you get into the "DC World" bit you mentioned, as Grundy kind of floats between comics. Then you have the technical superpowered types: Mr. Freeze, Mad Hatter, and Firefly. I could probably think of a few others, given time.
  24. I agree on Mako & Scorpion. You don't see Ghost Widow as a black lantern? Perhaps not terrifying enough? "Manticore, as the resident CW Green Arrow, would obviously be yellow." (Corrected that for ya. )
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