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Everything posted by Lockpick

  1. Amazing times everyone! Nice job, sounds like a blast...
  2. Can you share your build?
  3. I went with Beam/Devices, although I am sure I will eventually end up with a DP/Devices. I am always surprised how sturdy this character is. Soft-cap Ranged and S/L, and 59%+ resistance to all. I usually this build as a hover blaster and it works well because the sets I have add fly speed, so I'm not moving so sloooow.... Beam/Devices
  4. I was logging in characters to get the May badge and Experienced power, so logged into my DP/EM character who is my namesake (Lockpick). I realized I hadn't played him in awhile and have been playing my DP/MC, DP/Ninjitsu or Beam/Devices characters when not leveling my current projects (BS/SD & Savage/SR stalkers). DP/EM was my first DP character on Live and I played it a lot. I was curious why I wasn't playing it more and then last night I saw a post that discussed getting Power Boost permanent. This made me think about whether i could improve my DP/EM character using Power Boost, so I decided to re-look at my DP/EM build to see if I could make improvements. Build Constraints Current (OG) Build Ranged: 45.6% Resistance: Over 75% to all Power Boost: 22.13 second recharge (15 second duration) Hasten: 144.2 second recharge (120 second duration) with FF +Recharge proc I expect this will be lower, but not sure how much Updated Build: Typed Defenses: Over 45% with Power Boost Resistance: Over 75% to F/C/T/P and over 68% to S/L/E/N Power Boost: 16.4 second recharge (15 second duration) Hasten: 123 second recharge (120 second duration) with FF +Recharge proc I expect this will go below 120s recharge Pros / Cons over original Build: Pros: This build has much better recharge on Hasten and Power Boost I think (am not sure) the defense is better since I soft-cap all types and am not dependent on only ranged defense Cons: This build relies on Power Boost for the defenses to be soft-capped The resistances are slightly lower on S/L/E/N Build is much more expensive than the OG build due to all the purple sets Other: I dropped Afterburner for Boost Range. If I keep Afterburner I can slot another LotG to reduce recharge for Hasten and Power Boost, but with Boost Range I have much better long distance damage. I'm not sure if this is a pro or a con. Ideally I would love both and I struggled with the decision in my OG build, but in the updated build I decided to go with the range. If you made it this far I am curious if there are other improvements I can make. Please feel free to comment or add suggestions!
  5. I had it for most of my leveling and just didn't use it much. I have SS and a Stealth IO, so I am able to get into the middle of a spawn undetected for most baddies and Void, HoB, and then my other AoEs. I may have also had challenges getting to soft-cap Range with it in my build since PBAoE do not have a Ranged Defense set. I suppose I could move a Blaster set from EC or BR into it and then use one of the new IO sets in the old power. Actually, now that I think of it I could replace both Blaster sets with the new IO set and it might open up some options, but my build is pretty sturdy as is. I did experiment with toggling Reaction Time off and on while running missions. There seems to be a delay and eventually I just got tired of trying to manipulate it.
  6. Always great points, Red. Going to respec to VR. Gotta go plan my next build!
  7. True, I have never taken it but read one of the posts on it previously and it looks like it could solve the End issues. Maybe I'll move out of the Medicine pool and pick it up. I had thought Field Medic might solve the End issues as it allows Aid Self to provide an End boost, but not sure how much it really helps. The description states "+5.00%% endurance for 8.10s on self Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable". My Aid Self recharges in less than 8 seconds, so in theory it is permanent, but the reality is I am attacking and only hit Aid Self when I take damage. Maybe I can try hitting more often for End management, but now that I have Cardiac and Ageless it is not an issue.
  8. My build is slightly different, but I was sucking wind with the AoE chain until I got incarnates, so I took Cardiac and Ageless. YMMV.
  9. I'll chime in to agree with more minimal FX options, especially for Dark Embrace. I like the musical notes suggestion for sonic as well as the medicine pool suggestion to have alternate options for magic folks. I'll add a few: Dual Pistols - Piercing Round: Not a fan of this animation and would prefer something a bit more normal. Blaster - Ninja Tools - Immobilizing Dart: It would be nice if there a Shuriken option here. An alternative to Ninja Run and Beast Run that is a more normal run / sprint FX. Hmm, thought I would have more, but this is all I can think of off top of my head.
  10. Your defense is not soft-capped in combat. Are you having any issues with that or are you mitigating in some other way? I think Hide provide 1.88% defense when in combat, so it looks like your Ranged is 41.18 and your AoE is 42.48. You may want to check in game, not sure if the LotG is boosting it a bit more. Our builds are pretty similar. I went down the Fighting pool path, so am concerned I'll have endurance issues until I get Incarnates. I'm only 32, I play this guy in between other characters when the patrol xp is maxxed, so might be awhile before I get to 50. I do want to get OWTS in my build, but will have to make some adjustments somewhere. My Build:
  11. Anyone got experience with savage/SR? I started a new one tonight and didn't realize I already had one leveled to 21. The concerns about End in this thread make me wonder if I'll be able to maintain all the toggles.
  12. I think PB should be replaced with Master Brawler...
  13. I would love for you to expand on this concept and why you think that is. I was mainly a scrapper player on Live, but for whatever reason I have leveled more Blasters on HC. I have only leveled one Scrapper (Staff/WP) and have not even leveled the 2 Scrappers (MA/SD and StJ/SD) I considered my mains on Live. I have leveled a few Stalkers, which seem as good or better than Scrappers.
  14. I voted, Dual Pistols, Martial Combat, and Ninja Training.
  15. I think it is not just about the income gap between new and veteran players, although that is definitely a key point. I believe it is also to rationalize the influence generation gap between farmers and non-farmers. Non-farmers (whether new or veteran) play normal content and they generate much less influence than farmers. Farmers generate tons of influence and drive up prices, which results in non-farmers having a harder time buying IOs. The 2 groups that have tons of influence are farmers and marketeers. I don't count marketeers in the above point about generating influence, because marketeers move around influence. They don't generate it. I would guess those 2 groups are the minority of players and most players just play the game. I believe the intent of the devs is to make sure that the majority of players can afford to buy what they want. This change will likely eventually result in lower prices, which aligns with the devs intent. Hmm, after re-reding your post I feel like I am saying the exact same thing you said, but since I have already typed it up I might as well hit submit.
  16. Everyone is giving great advice. I have played many variations of DP and really enjoy DP/MC as a Blaster. Kicking someone to the ground and then shooting them in the face is awesome. Also, the Ki Push power is great.
  17. Here is my build, which I believe I got from the link below and then made some updates. My build is not optimal as I added things like the Sorcery pool, which are not necessary for farming, but fit with my theme. S/L/F at 90%+ resistance and gets good resistances early. I have played this character solo to 50 using only AE #125. I don't think I have all the IOs yet and definitely don't have all the incarnates. I play this character about once every other week (when patrol XP is full) to run though the farm. The Build:
  18. I agree; you have been making absurd arguments since you joined this thread. The reason so many people are pushing back against you is because you are dead wrong. I was looking at prices this weekend and many of the sets I would normally sell are down. LoTGs are still the same, but many other sets look down to me. On another note, I never really knew much about AFK farming. When people talked about farming and making their billions I always thought they farmed like I do in that they go in and actively clear the map. I didn't realize they went into a mission and alt-tabbed out and were able to make millions doing nothing. That seems like an exploit to me, so should probably be fixed.
  19. Found this thread and thought I would throw my build out there and ask a few questions. My goals for the build are to soft-cap Ranged and S/L. I am currently level 47. In my initial build I took Assault and Victory Rush at 47 and 49 and I slotted Boxing with 5 slots of Superior Blistering Cold for the 5% S/L defense. I have been rethinking the build because I wanted more specialty arrow powers (otherwise why bother with TA?), so I dropped Assault and Victory Rush and took Flash Arrow and Glue Arrow in my updated build. In order to soft-cap Ranged and S/L I needed to move some slots around, which impacted some other powers. Is Glue Arrow worth it with only 2 slots? Is 2 slows okay in this power? I am assuming I won't need accuracy. The Build:
  20. Thank you for this note. I am never sure what to take and have just been doing the 80 and 40. Are Hami-Os no longer profitable? I thought when I first started joining the raids that Hami-Os were the recommendation?
  21. This has been said numerous times and if people don't want to understand; they won't. Agreed. This thread should probably be closed at this point as it is just a circle of people saying the same thing over and over and I doubt people are going to change their opinions. I just did a run on my farmer and I am a horrible farmer. Clearing the map and selling only white recipes will enable a horrible farmer like me to make ~$24M inf/hour. If you add selling salvage and other recipes the total likely goes up a bit. I'm not sure what target per minute influence the devs are looking for, but it seems to me that purchasing a purple IO every hour is pretty reasonable. A good farmer with an optimized build will outpace me easily and will make about $1M/minute or $60M/hour. The doom and gloom is way overstated. Numbers and stuff:
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