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Everything posted by merrypessimist

  1. One or fewer. I'm one of those people who plan things out in advance.
  2. I strongly suspect that they'll CG young Keaton and have him just do the voiceover.
  3. You really can't go wrong either way. I'd honestly suggest just doing a coin toss and assigning 'fender to heads and corr to tails.
  4. This times a thousand.
  5. Remind me again why this isn't all that needs to be said?
  6. To enable the display of merit vendor items you can't afford, there's a little checkbox down at the bottom on the right hand side that you can click to "hide items you can't afford." Untick that and you'll see everything the vendor offers even if you can't pay for it. Your friend clearly had that tickbox unchecked.
  7. Dark's stealth is ALSO a defense, in point of fact. So dark has a little bit of everything except knockback protection. :)
  8. Everything is a Nemesis plot. Especially things that aren't.
  9. I expect for most of us who feel this way it's because her arc and Graves' redside are written assuming both the character and the player are complete and total idiots.
  10. I admit I didn't read EVERY post in their entirety, but how is this different than just sending a billion inf or two to your global email as attachments?
  11. I could not object to this becoming a real thing.
  12. I would not mind this for various reasons, assuming it's a relatively straightforward coding change. However as the resources needed go up my support goes down proportionally. 😉
  13. Is this a convoluted way of announcing the return of Rikti Astley?
  14. As I'm sure we're all aware, recently the Homecoming team made all tiers of enhancement available at early levels (training, dual origins, single origins). With that change it is now possible to get full SO-level enhancements at any level. including 1. What has not been looked at to my knowledge is how formerly high level enhancements (IOs, SOs, etc.) scale down when either exemplared or restricted by virtue of being attuned. Right now an ATO on a level 7 character gives ~5% accuracy/damage or whatever on the 33% stats, in line with training origins that offer ~8% of those stats. Since any level character can now slot single origins regardless of the character's level eliminating the need for training (and arguably dual origin) enhancements I feel it might be time to look at adapting the scaling err... scalars so that they reflect a relative power level more in line with the new any level SO gameplay world. Instead of a level 7 ATO giving ~5% stat mod, give it the 25% or whatever stat mod it would have circa level 25 under the current system. This to my mind would be beneficial for builds that make heavy use of attuned IOs, and for characters that begin the IOing early in their careers. It would keep relative power levels where they should be in light of the new baseline for enhancements reflected by the effective elimination of training and dual origin slotting currently in play.
  15. Why not use a +5'd performance shifter endmod only set IO? Then you get 7.5% movespeed boost as well.
  16. Doesn't this already happen if you have differently upgraded pets and zone with them? I recall having to respawn minion tier pets inside a mission and then zoning out (with exit mission button) to have all three get the most upgraded ones' upgrades as well.
  17. Isn't this already basically possible with power execute macros?
  18. Really gets you when you realize that those six year olds who used to play with their dads when the game launched are now old enough to vote, drink, and buy guns.
  19. Random thought: If you make a Vahz character who uses sonic attacks, would that be a Jazzilok Zealot?
  20. It's also available in digital form on Steam and IIRC both major smartphone marketplaces (Android/Apple).
  21. There's only one man who would dare to give me the raspberry! LONE STAR!
  22. I'm someone else who really enjoyed the card game (though mine is all digital experience) and didn't even know they'd released the tabletop rules.
  23. I am shocked, shocked nobody said "He ain't heavy, he's my brother" yet.
  24. I never played on that server group, but I feel bad that they got screwed so royally by anti-social jerkoffs.
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