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Everything posted by merrypessimist

  1. Because for MMs and trollers/doms at least you can drop it on your (tanky) pet and when you send that in to die gloriously it will do more damage to the mobs it's punching in the unmentionables. It as mentioned also takes a number of procs, some of which can be helpful. For a heavier damage AT it's probably not worth taking.
  2. Don't worry, my Lumi and all her buddies absolutely have backup videos of you snorting kool aid off the backside of a half naked person at one of our "getting to blackmail know you" parties. No worries about that getting out, NO SIREE. [*also misses the classic Secret World*]
  3. Does just using the "find contact" button to get the contact in your list still work even if Marchand/Calvin don't offer you introduction missions?
  4. Wouldn't the proc trigger on the enemies you blasted with the attacks (and gain the end) if it goes off?
  5. Who doesn't love big balls... of nuclear forces?
  6. Super stunners rez 100% of the time if there are any targets within their range. The number of targets determines what percentage of their HP they reclaim when they get up. If you don't want super stunners rezzing, kill them from 25' or further away.
  7. I play staff on several ATs and on all of them I use Body exclusively. +dam and -res are more useful than end redux or recharge, both of which are more than covered by my protective set and/or set bonuses.
  8. I always pronounced it "Super-dine"
  9. I'm going to toss out "Not if you're wasting time whining about control powers" :)
  10. Having literally never used this set ever, is it possible that the boost is to the distance knockback is generated? Even if not, five stacks of that IO bonus would only be a 10% improvement, which would be .067 for a standard knockdown, bringing it to .737 which is STILL less than the 1.0 required to actually knock something somewhere. A 2% boost to your standard .67 knockback would be .0134 which again turns that .67 knockback into a .6834 knock.
  11. Am I the only one who really wishes this had become a real spinoff project? :)
  12. My understanding is that they're all three games with all the DLC (except pinnacle station for ME1) using the latest generation graphics engine for the series so they look better than the first pass. Based on what I've read the multiplayer "war effort" tracker in ME3 has been tweaked to not actually need the multiplayer participation too.
  13. One of the things I often say while playing is "Whoops, that wasn't what I planned."
  14. Action with a healthy dash of grimdark.
  15. I watched the first three seasons having never played any of the Castlevania games, so they were fresh to me. Of course I'm old enough to know "oh yeah there was a guy call Belmont who fought Dracula in a Nintendo game" but nothing beyond that. That said I really enjoyed the first two seasons of the show and not enjoying the third one much. I haven't gotten around to watching the fourth yet since three was... what it was.
  16. I murder my way there and then kill the crap out of Holtz and then the Honoree.
  17. I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  18. If the UI code supports this I am fully in agreement on these proposed changes.
  19. It's mechanically a forced "Target cannot hit caster" status. It breaks when you hit the mob (like a sleep) and enables them to attack you again. I don't recalls seeing percentages on placate powers, but I also don't use the pool placate either. All you really need in terms of actual usage is "Placate buys you a couple seconds of not being attacked" and stalkers get the fake-Hide effect too.
  20. Sooner is better, Piecemeal. 😁
  21. The AE column is a door, and while all AE missions are hard flagged to set their door there, rarely it can be rolled by the random door selection algorithm. Just happens very rarely, smile when it happens and don't sweat it.
  22. It shows up as an icon on your buff bar under the hp/end/at specific bars. If you have numeric stacking enabled it'll tell you how many stacks you have at a glance. EDIT: It looks like a little green circle with a chain in it.
  23. Stealth, or perhaps "Combat Infiltration" to fit in the general theme and as a shout out to combat jumping.
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