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Post your best costume designs here!


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Giant Robot Mecha style characters are something I'm becoming known for. And we now have TONS of options for doing them right. (Mecha costume set and Clockwork are enormously useful tools for that sort of look.)


But I got two requests recently for character types from Japan that gave me a bit of a challenge. Here's the first one - 

From the original rubber suit fighting other rubber suit kaiju types - 

To sleek newer designs that have more sleek armor (but are still "rubber suit" underneath) 


To something much more "Mecha" like. 



There's almost no wrong way to make an Ultraman design. But there do seem to be a few standard rules: 

There's got to be a helmet of sleek "swept-back" design with somewhat oversized oval eyes (that sometimes glow). A stylized "mouth" should always be a part of the design. 

The suit should always be of slim build even if it's a "mecha". No oversized feet or shoulder armor or back thrusters like a Gundam - it should look like it fits on a human actor - even if it isn't. 

There always has to be a "power crystal" in the center of the chest - like Tony Stark's Arc Reactor on the Iron Man suits. 
If there's more than one Ultraman in a story - the main hero should be in silver and red. 


So with that in mind - this is what I came up with: 

You could add a lot to this costume and not break the above rules. But this is the basic look I came up with first. 


I look forward to seeing if anyone takes up this idea and adds to it! I do not have this character in-game. This is a design challenge. If you like what you see, feel free to use it for inspiration! 

Edited by Dynamo-Joe
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4 hours ago, Jawbreaker said:

If you tell me how lol. I'm computer ignorant

@Jawbreaker The costume file is in a subfolder called "costumes" within the CoH folder wherever you installed the game.


Assuming you have Windows and you followed the instructions here then it will be in "C:/Games/CoH/costumes/"

If you don't know where you installed the game do a search (press the Windows key on your keyboard and type

".costume" without the quotes but including the period) and it should bring up all your costume files by name.


Find the file with the name "Battlezone.costume" then open a reply box in this thread and

drag and drop the .costume file to where it says "Drag files to here to attach" and post.



Edited by Christopher Robin
I added instructions. Cheers!
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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



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40 minutes ago, Dynamo-Joe said:

I look forward to seeing if anyone takes up this idea and adds to it! I do not have this character in-game. This is a design challenge. If you like what you see, feel free to use it for inspiration! 

Costume I made waaaaaaay back when HC started up:




Ultraman Cosmos rip GO! If I made the character I'd go Kin Melee to ape Cosmos' Tai Chi-esque style and I'd throw in an alt costume with red Color Timer and Beastly Rage aura on the chest for the flashing.

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@Hissatsuman, you can mainly find me on Everlasting!

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The other recent request was related to Ultraman, at least by genre. See - there's this one Godzilla movie from the early 70s which obviously wanted an Ultraman of its own. There have even been rumours over the years that if the film had done better, they might've spun this character off into his own TV or movie series. 

The movie was Godzilla vs Megalon - and the character request was an interpretation of this guy: 



I loved this guy! This was my childhood. Saturday afternoons one of the local independent stations in the area would play at least one or two Godzilla films. And so I saw Megalon multiple times before I was 8 yrs old. 

Sadly he just doesn't hold up on his own merits nearly as well as Ultraman. But there's always been POTENTIAL there! And he's still a fan favorite - appearing in multiple Godzilla videogames and the like. 

But how to interpret him in COH? The rubber suit-mation look just doesn't look like a proper robot, really. And the Michilin Man inner tube legs and arms - no no no. That's GOT to GO. 

Ultimately I got a lot of inspiration from the following image - a truly mecha version of Jet Jaguar that still encompasses the high points of the character and leaves no doubt of who it is, even while being so different. 


So - here's my first attempt at a Jet Jaguar:


I might yet tweak this a bit, but for a first go, I think it's not too bad!
So what do you all think? Does that work? 

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2 hours ago, Dreamboat said:

If I made the character I'd go Kin Melee to ape Cosmos' Tai Chi-esque style and I'd throw in an alt costume with red Color Timer and Beastly Rage aura on the chest for the flashing.

That's exactly the powerset I would go with for Ultraman! And the alt-costume slot idea is killer! 


For Jet Jaguar I thought Martial arts would be cool. But ultimately I went with Street Justice for the screen caps. And I think if I made him that's what I would go with. That massive T9 Uppercut is just the thing to send Megalon flying! :D

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3 hours ago, Dynamo-Joe said:

The other recent request was related to Ultraman, at least by genre. See - there's this one Godzilla movie from the early 70s which obviously wanted an Ultraman of its own. There have even been rumours over the years that if the film had done better, they might've spun this character off into his own TV or movie series. 

The movie was Godzilla vs Megalon - and the character request was an interpretation of this guy: 



I loved this guy! This was my childhood. Saturday afternoons one of the local independent stations in the area would play at least one or two Godzilla films. And so I saw Megalon multiple times before I was 8 yrs old. 

Sadly he just doesn't hold up on his own merits nearly as well as Ultraman. But there's always been POTENTIAL there! And he's still a fan favorite - appearing in multiple Godzilla videogames and the like. 

But how to interpret him in COH? The rubber suit-mation look just doesn't look like a proper robot, really. And the Michilin Man inner tube legs and arms - no no no. That's GOT to GO. 

Ultimately I got a lot of inspiration from the following image - a truly mecha version of Jet Jaguar that still encompasses the high points of the character and leaves no doubt of who it is, even while being so different. 


So - here's my first attempt at a Jet Jaguar:


I might yet tweak this a bit, but for a first go, I think it's not too bad!
So what do you all think? Does that work? 

EEEEEEE!! Omg you have no idea how excited I am to see Jet Jaguar roll across this thread!! I was a huge Godzilla nerd as a kid and this movie was one of the few I owned on VHS. Love your interpretation of Jet Jag-u-ar (always got a kick of how they say it in the movie; I can't say his name any other way, lol). 😄

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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29 minutes ago, Virtual Green said:

A bit late to the party, thematically speaking, but here is my Halloween toon : the pumpkin-headed, pyromaniac spirit of chaos, Burnin' Jack ! (Fire/Bio Sentinel)



Very cool name, power choice AND costume! That's a solid theme all around

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Ask me about my City Of Heroes patch problem https://levelzeroems.com/search?q=City of Heroes

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