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19 hours ago, Zed said:

In the costume editor, chest details > symbols, Fleur de Lis should be spelled Fleur de Lys
Wikipedia entry (french)


Source: am french 😛


That may be true in French, but in English the spelling for the heraldic symbol is as they have it: fleur-de-lis.  I suppose we changed the spelling when we stole the word to throw off the cops. :-)

  • Haha 1

The main clue and secondary clues in the "Heavy Metal Doctoring" arc for Doc Buzzsaw refer to her as a guy. For example the first line of the main clue/souivener reads, "With his plans to build a SuperFreak behind him, Doc Buzzsaw decided to start building regular Tank Freaks locally"


Number Six, Praetoria's Last Gasp, Part One: Defy the Odds, mish debrief for villains:


The final paragraph (from 'The civilization is saved, for now' to 'an almighty figure of power!' ) should be in a gold font as it is the villain character's thoughts, not dialogue from Number Six.  Previous dialogue in this mish has character thoughts in gold.


Praetor White, Joining the Pack, Talk to the Flower Vendor:


Flower Vendor says, 'just between you and I'

Should be 'just between you and me'


It's not a typographic error per se, but in Harvey Maylor's story arc 'Upon the Psychic Plane', when you take the Bands of Shu to Penelope Yin to perform the empowerment ritual, she says "The Bands of Shu are now empowered with the essence of the Egyptian goddess, Shu. She's the one who who kept the sky and the Earth separate." Shu is male in the Egyptian pantheon. His sister and consort Tefnut is the goddess of moisture and the lower atmosphere, as Shu is the god of the upper atmosphere. Getting Shu's gender wrong makes her last sentence in the dialog, "You're seeing a college education at work here, Yadernaya Ten'!", a little ironic.


Nova Praetoria, Praetor White's statue sign:

'who's sacrifice of flesh, bone, and blood'

should be

'whose sacrifice of flesh, bone, and blood'


Investigator Whitworth introducing next contact, Chance McKnight:


'try not to get spotted or months of work could get turn to vapor in an instant.'


should be


'try not to get spotted or months of work could get turned to vapor in an instant.'


or simply


'try not to get spotted or months of work could turn to vapor in an instant.'

Posted (edited)

Shadowstar (Warshade contact)

Mission: Rescue Lillian Issan (the first mission of The Final Darkness story arc)


An encounter featuring two groups of Council fighting each other within the mission presented placeholder text when I approached the group.  Strangely enough, other mobs within the group may have provided the correct dialog alongside the placeholders.  Screenshot of the chat log provided.



Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.


The description for the Marcone Underboss has consigliere misspelled as consigliore. Found in the mission "Bring Rider to Justice," if that matters.



This is less a typo than it is just incorrect text, but the badge obtain hints for High Pain Threshold lists 'Relentless' as a requirement, when it should be 'The Unbroken Spirit'. See this thread for more details, but I tested and verified this on the test server.





Chance McKnight, arc Part Two debriefing:

'I'll invite you over sometime for dinner and to meet the misses.'

should be

'I'll invite you over sometime for dinner and to meet the missus.'


Assuming he's planning to introduce me to his wife and not every mob I was unable to hit in the last mish.



Mission: Defeat Anti-Matter and his clockwork, from Tina MacIntyre:


Anti-Matter: Teleport to pre-established coordinates! Authorization Zero Zero Keyes Zero! You are FOOLS! You have NO IDEA what you are interferring in!!


Interfering is misspelled.


I also saw an instance a few nights ago of NPC speech being cut off mid-sentence. It was an interesting story too! I followed her around for a while trying to get the rest of it but never did....



Anti-Matter, Part Three: The Destined Ones Emerge, mish briefing:


'I was going to try to find out where those Destined Ones ran off too'

should be

'I was going to try to find out where those Destined Ones ran off to'


In the final mission of the "The Mysterious General Z" arc from Christine Lansdale, I observed the curious sight of General Z saying "I don't intend to talk. So you can save your breath." This is immediately followed by him also saying "You'll tell us anything we want to know, old man."


Typo? Perhaps. I assume so. Either that, or General Z is *really* confident about his bargaining position as a hostage, and also thinks he can get away with calling the Sky Raider he's fighting an old man. I'll let you, the game devs at home, decide.

Posted (edited)

Anti-Matter, View from the Other Side, Part Five, mish briefing:


'if worse comes to worse'  should be 'if worse comes to worst.'


Also, mish entry text says 'It's up to you know to protect the lives of every single citizen that lives in Neutropolis.'

Should be 'It's up to you now to protect the lives of every single citizen that lives in Neutropolis.'

Edited by Cinnder
Found another one
16 hours ago, Cinnder said:

'if worse comes to worse'  should be 'if worse comes to worst.'

Actually, the original usage is "if the worst come to the worst", from 1596. However, both your correction and the version that appears in the game are viable usage, and the version currently in the game is listed in Merriam-Webster.

Posted (edited)

Keith Nance arc, Part Two, Go to the Arachnos Base, mish map entry text:

'You'll have to locate a working computer to see why your evil double did this and where he/she may have went!'

should be

'You'll have to locate a working computer to see why your evil double did this and where he/she may have gone!'

Edited by Cinnder
Fixed error
Posted (edited)

The tooltip for hovering over Infamy in the Combat Attributes window has a small typo.  The tooltip states that Infamy is able to be used "to ben various people and organizations to his will," omitting a 'd' from 'bend.'



Also, when is that Accuracy/To Hit discrepancy mentioned by the Accuracy Bonus tooltip getting fixed? I swear it's been that way for 8 years now! (sarcasm, but the tooltip does mention various powers descriptions causing confusion between to hit and accuracy boosts, and the tip then says "we hope to have that fixed soon!")

Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.


Midnighter Club clue when access to the club is obtained:


'Here they met and discuss matters of the occult and mystics arts'

Should be 

'Here they meet and discuss matters of the occult and mystic arts'



'Now the Midnighters have began recruiting both heroes and villains'

should be

'Now the Midnighters have begun recruiting both heroes and villains'


Posted (edited)

Roy Cooling's missions:


Part One: Everything and Nothing, mission acceptance:

'Now, I suspect that this might be as open and shut as Stanfeld says, but it could just be my old age getting the best of me.'

based on context of his being suspicious, this should be

'Now, I suspect that this might not be as open and shut as Stanfeld says, but it could just be my old age getting the best of me.'


Part Two: The Times Are Changing, NPC SWAT Sergeant Russel dialogue:

'Sergeant Russell here. Cooling has debriefed me on the situation.'

should be

'Sergeant Russell here. Cooling has briefed me on the situation.'

(The usual conflation of brief/debrief that seems to have been rampant in Paragon studios)



Edited by Cinnder
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