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Discussion: Disabling XP No Longer Increases Influence


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3 hours ago, BigGotter said:

Ok, back on live, there were rouge websites people could go to and buy influence for CoH. A simple transaction of cash for influence was made thru paypal, or whatever. A time and place to meet was set up and a few minuets later you would have 100 million influence delivered to your toon.  That was back in the early times when influence was hard to make. Move on up to present day pre patch and earning influence was easy to come by, even doing regular door missions. Therefore putting the places selling influence out of business or at least in check.  Now, since the patch has reduced the amount of influence that people are getting, it has opend the door again for these rouge websites.  Hope that all makes better sence. 

The problem with the RMT's is that inf is ridiculously easy to make in CoH, Gold spammers were not that big of an issue back on Legacy on the majority of the servers. If they only had CoH to rely upon for an income, I'd say they would have been starving, mostly I think they spammed Warcraft and SWToR as well as some other MMOs.

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Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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9 hours ago, BigGotter said:

I'm good with fixing the exploit. I can accept the influence nerf. What troubles me now is the value of influence has changed to make it profitable to sell outside the game. Yes if they get caught it will be delt with swiftly, but now you have to police things, devote more time and resouces to tracking down the ones doing it. And if they get caught, who cares, build another account and your back in business.  At least with the influence higher, it kept things in check in the world wide economy. Trust me


It happens on occasion, but the HC devs have always been good on nailing it fairly quickly, especially compared to live CoH. This woudln't really make it more or less likely to happen though.



8 hours ago, QuiJon said:

For some reason gaming a market is considered "playing the game" where actually using your characters and hitting buttons and powers if it was being done in a AE mission that was repeatable was not. And the point of my first example was not to say 2m is a big amount of influence. It was to show how the powers creep up. And as they creep up, even if someone like you lists something for cheap, it will still end up being the odd man in the history listing and people wont consider it a valid price or bid. 


I think "for some reason" Marketing was considered part of the game somewhere around Issue 9: Breakthrough (I'm not sure *WHY* that would be). Somewhere around May 1st, 2007. To most of us, it was a Tuesday.

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10 hours ago, Haijinx said:

I'm sure this involves speculating on the market? Or Speculating+Crafting and so on.  


But is it 20 minutes at the start?  Or is there a front ended effort/learning/etc curve?


I imagine its something like - Acquire some capital - Start Speculating(and so on) - Make money - Reinvest 


So its only 20 minutes/billion at some reasonable maturity level.  


There's definitely a learning curve but you don't need to invest much effort to get started and you don't need any seed capital.


You can start out by buying recipes, crafting them and selling the IOs. The main effort is to learn what the normal price ranges are for the recipe and the IO. I usually check prices a few times over a week to pin those down. If you prefer converting, just find something cheap that you can convert to something more valuable.


I've generally found that capital isn't a problem because most of my trades have a 100% markup. Reinvesting my profits is more than enough.


I don't think speculation is necessary. I've never done it. I aim to sell what I make in a day or two.


Spending 20 minutes a day to make 10 million inf is pretty easy. Scaling that up to 50 million is definitely possible. I'm not sure I could push it to 100 million in 20 minutes but then I've never tried that hard. 🙂


The market forums are very helpful and encouraging to anyone who wants to get into trading. There aren't any trade secrets!



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On a side-note...48 pages, and still going?  Never thought this thing would go the distance. 😉


You many now resume your regularly scheduled posting on the topic.


Edited by Abraxus
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15 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

Though the OP is almost certainly way off base in his claims, RMT does happen on Homecoming.

Well no, since they just banned a shit ton of them. Which might explain why I don't see many during my gaming time.


But the OP was saying they INCREASED because of the recent change to inf generation. That's a claim that has no basis in reality. Even more so with what you just quoted. I wouldn't think they would want to try to come back just after getting soundly banned.

Edited by golstat2003
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23 hours ago, QuiJon said:

Not true, as has been said people spend like 20 minutes working the market a day and earn a billion a week in influence. However now if I farm 20 minutes a day I likely will barely break 200m, if someone spends time doing 1 TF a day they likely will earn maybe 20 or so million for that TF. 

As one of the ebil marketeers on this thread, I want to say it takes a lot more than 20 minutes to make 1 billion influence.  And in fact nowhere as fast as 20 minutes for farming for 200 million.  You have to include the time to buy the converters, the recipes, the salvage, and the time to craft all of that into basic sets. Then the time that it takes to convert and then the time it takes to list all your enhancements on the market.  It probably takes me an hour to make 200 million.  Can others do it faster?  No doubt, but not at 20 minutes for 1 billion.

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49 minutes ago, justicebeliever said:

As one of the ebil marketeers on this thread, I want to say it takes a lot more than 20 minutes to make 1 billion influence.  And in fact nowhere as fast as 20 minutes for farming for 200 million.  You have to include the time to buy the converters, the recipes, the salvage, and the time to craft all of that into basic sets. Then the time that it takes to convert and then the time it takes to list all your enhancements on the market.  It probably takes me an hour to make 200 million.  Can others do it faster?  No doubt, but not at 20 minutes for 1 billion.

Facts haven't helped yet, and we're on page 48.

Edited by Grouchybeast
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8 hours ago, justicebeliever said:

As one of the ebil marketeers on this thread, I want to say it takes a lot more than 20 minutes to make 1 billion influence.  And in fact nowhere as fast as 20 minutes for farming for 200 million.  You have to include the time to buy the converters, the recipes, the salvage, and the time to craft all of that into basic sets. Then the time that it takes to convert and then the time it takes to list all your enhancements on the market.  It probably takes me an hour to make 200 million.  Can others do it faster?  No doubt, but not at 20 minutes for 1 billion.

I am trying to figure out how to get 200 mill(or even 100mill) in 20 min of farming. I kinda think the totals have been self inflating a bit on both sides. Maybe I'm not that good a farmer?

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2 minutes ago, ivanhedgehog said:

I am trying to figure out how to get 200 mill(or even 100mill) in 20 min of farming. I kinda think the totals have been self inflating a bit on both sides. Maybe I'm not that good a farmer?

think he meant 20 min a day, but a weekly income number 

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53 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

think he meant 20 min a day, but a weekly income number

That's what I thought as well.


FWIW I think the numbers quoted for inf per minute from farming are usually based on dividing the inf dropped by mobs by the time taken to clear the map. They don't include drops or the time taken to process and sell drops. Marketeers tend to measure the total time for a trading session but have to estimate how much inf they make because each trade starts in once session and ends in another so you have to average it out.


I've recently been doing some trading where I carefully measure all the time and the inf generated. That's giving figures of around 2 to 3 million per minute.

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7 minutes ago, Gremlin said:

That's what I thought as well.


FWIW I think the numbers quoted for inf per minute from farming are usually based on dividing the inf dropped by mobs by the time taken to clear the map. They don't include drops or the time taken to process and sell drops. Marketeers tend to measure the total time for a trading session but have to estimate how much inf they make because each trade starts in once session and ends in another so you have to average it out.


I've recently been doing some trading where I carefully measure all the time and the inf generated. That's giving figures of around 2 to 3 million per minute.

so call it 2.5 = 50 million a day, call it 5 days a week 250 Million  about 1/4 what was assumed.  


So you'd need more like 60 minutes a day, 7 days a week for a billion.


Which is not an unreasonable amount invested for someone looking to be "rich" in an MMO.  On the low time sunk side actually.  

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10 hours ago, Haijinx said:





Since when did those matter?











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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


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Double Influence has been gone forba bit now.  High end enhancements are still overpriced but now we don't have enough to buy them.  20 to 25 mil for purples, event enh and some archetype ones.  I would have expected to see prices drop on those, nope.  Even some standard ones have gone up to 10 million. From 4 to 6 million before. 

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It's been like a week and a half..


Prices go up around holiday time when more folks are playing (similar to the current situation). The truth maybe somewhere in between, time will tell.

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36 minutes ago, Troo said:

It's been like a week and a half..


Prices go up around holiday time when more folks are playing (similar to the current situation). The truth maybe somewhere in between, time will tell.



There are enough people on at peak hours to push Excelsior to 🔴 🔴 🔴.

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1 hour ago, Taboomantis said:

Double Influence has been gone forba bit now.  High end enhancements are still overpriced but now we don't have enough to buy them.  20 to 25 mil for purples, event enh and some archetype ones.  I would have expected to see prices drop on those, nope.  Even some standard ones have gone up to 10 million. From 4 to 6 million before. 

Is it Sunday? Am I being trolled?

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1 hour ago, Myrmidon said:
1 hour ago, Troo said:

It's been like a week and a half..


Prices go up around holiday time when more folks are playing (similar to the current situation). The truth maybe somewhere in between, time will tell.



There are enough people on at peak hours to push Excelsior to 🔴 🔴 🔴.


Apparently some of the players have the lifespan of a fly, so a week to them is a lifetime.

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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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I don't think we'll see purples shifting much at all for a really long time. If anything, their prices will eventually rise.


I think PvP IOs will give more obvious clues into what the effects on the market are, but right now with more people playing we'll see them rise. Very hard to know what effect the change is having.



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