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What are your "ignore" habits and why?


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I will ignore for egregiously out-of-line stuff, but usually it is only temporary, my ignore list isn't treated as a permanent fixture.  I'll remove the names from my ignore list every now and then if there are any (which is rare, it really takes something getting under my skin repeatedly to get me to use the ignore function). Besides, it doesn't seem like the community is big enough to just start ignoring everyone frivolously, would run out of people to team with real quick.


If I can't forgive and move on, then how can I expect anyone else to do the same when I'm being absolutely terrible?

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First thing I do when I make a new alt; Remove [General] chat, the cause of much consternation.


I only ignore people who are spamming up LFG looking for farms, and even with that I just clean out my ignore box after a few days. Like @Dark Dove said, the community is small enough that I'd prefer not to limit my options, even if I don't see eye to eye with everyone.

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Excelsior Server: Giovanni Valia, Operative Velez, Fortunata Valeri, LongFang Mercer

SG: Shades of Arachnos; 315-6811

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I actually have a few names on my ignore list

Most are for the same reason - It drives me crazy when someone is putting together a TF, and then ignores tells.  If you don't want my alt, say so.  Say something for heavens sake. 

I have always sent polite tells, asking to join.  If I'm ignored, and then still see the person asking for more members, I put them on ignore.


I also have someone on there who decided to spam LF DFB in all caps, on every channel,  every few seconds or so.  This was during the weekday (for me anyways) and went on for roughly 30 minutes  before I had enough.

Edited by Ghost
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I'm ignored by lots of people. At least it seems like that when I'm trying to form a TF 😂

(Disclaimer: this is mostly in jest as 95% of the time I get a full, or near full, team to do whatever madness I'm undertaking.)

I used to play under the handle @Purple Clown, back on Live. Now I play under @Lunchmoney


I'm in the UK and play on Reunion.


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I removed the General and Help channels from my chat display, which eliminated the vast majority of my "This person is obviously looking for trouble and I should ignore them" issues.  Only ignored one since then, who was excessively spamming LFT with a very non-LFT topic.

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Most things just wash over me, but I've ignored a few people.  One was excessively rude and argumentative in game, on discord, and on the forums, and from what I've heard a good chunk of the server has them blocked too.

Two were relentless spammers.

The last four are server "celebrities", I'll not name names but three of them just simply had to dominate the interacts of any team or event they were in, it was so utterly obnoxious I just couldn't let it slide, and the last one looks down their nose at EVERYONE, going to far as to parade around snippets of interactions with their "lessers" as if it were high comedy.

I just cannot stand such egotism.

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Personally I dislike it when people get (achem) passionate about politics, or real world social events. Most of the time, its argumentative or accusing. No matter what stance or viewpoint I generally dislike being subjected to such things in my hobbies. I get bombarded with it nonstop in everyday life, I don't want or need that in my escapism.

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I see a lot of people don’t do basically any ignoring. That’s really interesting to me. I do a great deal of ignoring — I have a couple dozen or so names on my list. I also form about 2-6 teams a day, largely TFs, and have for maybe a year or two now. I see it as my responsibility to make sure as many people on the team have as good of a time as reasonably possible, because for most people, a TF that lasts 30 minutes to an hour is the only CoX time they’ll get in a day. On the non-social side, that means making sure the difficulty’s set to just the right level for the group’s capabilities, knowing the content well enough to explain it, and being reasonably aware of how the general community approaches various types of content (like how most level 50 TFs are speedrun fodder.) On the social side, that means keeping track of patterns of behaviour. If I know a person will disregard instructions and respond rudely/angrily when there are consequences for them, I feel like I have a responsibility to make sure the other six people on my team aren’t punished for their bad behaviour. For example, if someone isn’t listening to my instructions in an Abandoned Sewer Trial on the shield generator phase, the entire trial can end up taking thirty minutes or an hour longer than it should. I’m also pretty vigilant to inter-team dynamics. If I see someone making snide comments to another person about a choice of powersets or a costume or whatever, I can pretty safely bet they’re not going to become a more pleasant player to team with the next time they join my team. Slurs also get a gignore. That said, I’m pretty forgiving of honest mistakes — if I ask a person politely to stop, and they do so without a nasty comment, that’s different from repeated destructive behaviour. I try to make notes about these kinds of things when they happen, because sometimes a friend of theirs will join my team and wonder why I didn’t respond to (name) if I still had space. Luckily, so far these people have been pretty understanding when I’ve offered an explanation. I had someone go “Oh yeah. That sounds like him.” Which is... Interesting. 

I definitely more use the star rating system and notes than ignoring people, though. Sometimes a person’s fine to have on radio mission teams, but will log off during a speed Dr Quaterfield four missions in, saying, “That was interesting but I want to do something else now.” Man. I did not like that. Someone else had wanted that slot. I use the star ratings especially for people who just aren’t very good at the game. I don’t think that’s a sin, but it’s very good to be aware of when you’re making decisions about settings or considering the best way to put instructions. CoX used to be something I played with my dear, severely disabled mother, who was never good at games no matter how much she liked them, and who suffered a lot of abuse for being clumsy with her keyboard. I don’t want people like her to be excluded, and I definitely don’t want to see them being attacked. Even people who have bad hand-eye coordination and couldn’t figure out a good power set combo to save their lives deserve to have fun in peace. 

Related, I am a lot more forgiving of people who outright quit a TF than I am of people who log off during a TF. I don’t think a lot of people realise this, but the x difficulty doesn’t downgrade when a person only logs off. It gets locked to the difficulty it would be if that person were still logged in. It’s something like sabotage on borderline teams! So I make a note of logging off and let the quitting pass without comment, though I never ignore. Sometimes you realise a team or a piece of content isn’t for you. Sometimes your spouse gets into a car crash and you actually can’t spare the five seconds it’d take to type an explanation. I’d rather someone leave than stay and have a bad time. 

The knockback/repel discussion seems pretty off topic, but my two cents is that it matters mostly in two circumstances: AOEs, and defeat alls. AOEs with significant knockback can seriously reduce a melee heavy team’s effectiveness. That’s true of a poorly used AOE immobilise though, too, and I see a lot less rage about those, even though unlike KB an immobilised group is still fully capable of murder. In defeat alls, big knockbacks have a tendency of shoving enemies through the geometry. It happens less now than on live, but that can still bug out a defeat all mission to the point where it can’t be completed. Yes, even trying to use pbaoes and pseudopet aoes. In either case, I find it’s simple enough to ask the player to refrain from using it for (duration) because of (mechanical concern,) and that usually goes over pretty well. If I see they’re low level and/or they don’t have a lot of IOs, I offer to buy them the KB to KD conversion IO(s) myself. Sometimes it makes people initially defensive, but I find offering solutions and being polite about it usually gets me pretty good results. 

I admit, though, there’s nothing more excruciating than playing my titan weapons tanker and watching a storm controller run up to my deathball, use gale, and then my momentum falls off while I chase down the scattered group. It does psychic damage to me! 

Edited by Katharos
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26 minutes ago, Katharos said:
29 minutes ago, Captain Powerhouse said:
On 3/16/2021 at 4:10 PM, Katharos said:

why isn't sentinel bioarmour's athletic regulation getting a look?

Oversight, it will be addressed in the next build.

Oh no. Oh god. What have I done? 

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4 hours ago, Katharos said:

AOEs with significant knockback can seriously reduce a melee heavy team’s effectiveness.

I've learned to just grit my teeth and bash through when I discover that I'm on a team with a controller/dominator whose knee-jerk reaction to approaching a new spawn is to hit it with an AoE immobilize, leaving half the spawn locked down outside of my best melee AoE. The whole concept of "let the tank/brute pull them in, then lock them down" is foreign to the 'rush through everything as fast as possible' mindset.

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7 hours ago, srmalloy said:

I've learned to just grit my teeth and bash through when I discover that I'm on a team with a controller/dominator whose knee-jerk reaction to approaching a new spawn is to hit it with an AoE immobilize, leaving half the spawn locked down outside of my best melee AoE. The whole concept of "let the tank/brute pull them in, then lock them down" is foreign to the 'rush through everything as fast as possible' mindset.


I'm not sure that mindset is needed at all in the current game. At this point we're talking a matter of difference in minutes for a team TF completion time versus a team not using KB. Everybody's tearing through everything so fast, those few extra minutes amount to nothing and some folks just like seeing everything tossed around everywhere.


I slot KB to KD procs in everything that can do KB but that's a personal preference from being solo-centric. On teams, I like seeing everything flying everywhere and extra chaos pushing my vid card.

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I don't think I have any individuals on ignore, but the first thing I do on every character is delete the "General" and "Help" channels from my chat. Other than those two channels, I haven't seen any particularly unpleasant behavior that would make me want to ignore someone.

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I'm aware it's not me. I don't play on Indomitable so very unlikely to ever use the Arena chat there. I also don't PvP so very unlikely to use any Arena chat. Was mostly trying to subtly point out that not everyone knows what some people think everyone knows.

I used to play under the handle @Purple Clown, back on Live. Now I play under @Lunchmoney


I'm in the UK and play on Reunion.


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I use gignore in a few cases:

  1. Spamming in chat, especially when asked to stop and then flaming chatEmp.
  2. While teaming getting a tell from a teammate "You know .... I have been looking at your build ... here's what could make it better. " 

The later happened more on Live particularly with my Emp 🙂


I find i did it moreduring Live then now.

CoH tends to filter out the bad stuff.

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 Forums  - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

"it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research"

Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet. 

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  • 1 year later

People who try to push stupid ideas or ways of thinking on others with no right to, pretending to be arbiters of "lore" or RP while pushing an idea that is antithetical to it, Regular jerks, "people" who get enjoyment from bullying, list goes on. if you are a jerk on purpose, you belong on the blocklist. forever.


people change so rarely, it's not even a consideration until significant evidence of it exists.



CoH tends to filter out the bad stuff.

Best joke of the century. it has zero filters which makes it by default a perfect haven for bad stuff. like it or not that is always the result of zero barrier to entry and part time halfhearted moderation at a VERY generous best.

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On 4/29/2021 at 11:01 AM, srmalloy said:

I've learned to just grit my teeth and bash through when I discover that I'm on a team with a controller/dominator whose knee-jerk reaction to approaching a new spawn is to hit it with an AoE immobilize, leaving half the spawn locked down outside of my best melee AoE. The whole concept of "let the tank/brute pull them in, then lock them down" is foreign to the 'rush through everything as fast as possible' mindset.

When I'm on a Troller or Dom, I tend to only use that right away when the enemy is already grouped up tight, or in a chokepoint like in penny yin's last area with the freakshow ambushes. That allows melee  to just run into the crowd and burn em.

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Same here haha. in some way or other.




I sure have a lot of strange power over people. all I need to do is post, anything at all, common sense, common knowledge, nonsense, anything, and it gets voted down. wow. that's a neat superpower. useless but neat.

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