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So I made a Dom


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And farmed it to 50+60 emps, then decided I wanted to make an elec/ice stalker, so i made that to 50+60/fully IOd then decided I wanted to finish the Dom so IO'd that then decided i wanted to do another Dom so now I'm leveling that to 50+60 to IOs... in a period of 2 days.


I CANT STOP MAKING ALTS. Mind you, I already have like 15 characters with 500m-1B builds... 






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Wait... So you're wasting 896 character slots? What are you thinking?

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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

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26 minutes ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

I play the /ah mini-game when I get bored

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47 minutes ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

For me, different ATs and different powerset combos are basically different games.  I also take different routes through the leveling process.  Not all of them do the hollows, not all of them do Matthew whatshisname, so many arcs to follow can keep ya busy for a while.  

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If you usually solo, team up!

Or vice versa!


Back on Live I made a tank that was an obligatory extrovert, and the first time someone blind-invited him, I realized, "This guy is indestructible, has no fear of social situations, and kicks all kind of ass. Of course he's gonna accept all invites!"


He continued to do so, and was a blast to play!

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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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1 hour ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

Easy!  THIS guy Wormholes everyone over to where a Lightning Storm is waiting.  THIS guy puts the mob to sleep, stacks holds on the dangerous members of the group, then detonates a bomb to eliminate the rest.  THIS guy slows everyone down to a crawl, debuffs them, then sets them on fire.  THIS guy has two ST attacks, 11 AoEs and absolutely zero defense - let's see who dies first.


And so on, and so on, and so on.

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Anything you can have, we have it.  Even got a devil in the attic.

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To be honest there's not much on tv these days worth watching and modern games are homogenized into so few categories that I struggle to find other things to do. I spend equal amounts of my time retro-gaming and reading.

Edited by Frostbiter
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Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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1 hour ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

Any game I play is subject to break periods. Doesn’t matter how much I love the game there will always be a break period. The break period usually lasts 1-3 months during which time I play some other game or don’t play games at all.  

Eventually the itch to make a new powerset combo or revamp a build comes along. So I log back in and before I know it I’m playing several days a week, which for me is a lot. 

I do the same thing with books, tv, and other entertainment. 

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2 hours ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

I don't have powersets. Yes, the game plays differently with different powersets, even on the same AT, which helps - but I have characters. With different reactions, different paths, different partners on their way through the game... so. Lots of RP.

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1 hour ago, Greycat said:

I don't have powersets. Yes, the game plays differently with different powersets, even on the same AT, which helps - but I have characters. With different reactions, different paths, different partners on their way through the game... so. Lots of RP.

THIS.  So much this.  It's part of why I do not leave the tutorial on any character without a 1000 character backstory.  It really helps me flesh out how that character thinks about things, what that characters goals are, what alliances / lines they might cross, and which ones they NEVER would. Which powers I take is governed entirely by what makes sense for them, not by what is meta-game-useful.  Many will never take Hasten. Many will never take Tough or Weave.  


It's the character's journey that *really* matters to me, not which IO's they have (though I do trick them out well), not whether I play them once a week or five times a week.  And it means that playing three different Psychic characters can feel completely different...

  • one is the ancient mage who's lived among mankind from before recorded history, carefully guiding humanity along from behind the scenes
  • one is a psychic vampire that drains the minds of others to feed herself and grow stronger.
  • one is a completely amoral empath. No matter how nice he may seem to a casual observer, he manipulates others, put them into situations where they will be hurt without them even realizing that it was he who pushed them to it.  Then heals them to make them feel even more indebted to him. Ultimately all other people are just tools to be used to him. None of them really matter to him. He's just telempathically aware enough to give the illusion of it.
Edited by MTeague
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3 hours ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

sometimes I loathe it, other times I can’t wait to get back and do some random combo I thought of... even if I just made a different character... 

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10 hours ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.

This is really a fair question. 

Let's be candid. Many of us have leveled to 50+3, t-4'd our incarnates in a dozen or more characters. 

The paths to get there though - they can easily differ. 

It took me a couple of characters to get in an efficient groove - and I think the first dozen of my characters did this:

Get explores for Atlas, Echo:Atlas, Echo:Galaxy, Kings Row, Perez park. (and the history plaques for Atlas Medallion)
Run the fortune teller mission for Spelunker badge
Start using the TFC task forces to level up, do various arcs when not doing tfs. 
At 30, run provost marchand at +4/8 with 2xp for some quick leveling - just that first mission. The allies do all the work. 
Maybe run some nemesis arcs when I hit 35, and do some MSRs. 
Tina Mac at level 40
Sig Story arc out of Steel at 40 until I get Unveiler
Maria Jenkins at 45. 
Get Shrouded, Siege and Multi-dimensional and the rest of the explore badges for Freedom Phalanx. 

Soon, I learned on red side - the tfc equivalent is Invader. Just the explores in the mayhem missions. So, I transfer to red side and have my alt account set those up for my primary account. I stopped sweating the tfc task forces for the accolade now. I'll do them if they're a weekly, but otherwise - what for? If it's not for a badge, I'll pass. 
So, I stopped doing those TFC task forces. 


Recently I brought a character up through Praetoria, just for the change. Rather enjoyed it, and may do it again. 
I also have an alt on red side - which was a first. There's a lot of content there I haven't done more than twice. It's by far less pleasant than the blue side arcs, despite what other folks say. The writing assumes I'm some kind of punk, which I don't really appreciate. And worse, the story arcs are ludicrously short. Like 4 missions, and aside from a couple of them, they barely tell a story worth reading. But that's just my subjective opinion. Hideous scenery, although the music is more suspenseful. 


I also market when I simply am not in the mood to repeat content. Marketing can get old, too, especially when you don't need the inf. Now I do it so I can give more away. 
I just gave away 5 billion last week! That can actually be fun - but only when it's my idea. 

Badges - if you ever try to get all the badges on a given character - that will certainly change things up. I find myself doing PvP - something I ordinarily don't do. I find myself in First Ward and Night Ward - which are two of the most uninteresting zones I can imagine. Just too strange. When the first story arc has a goofy dog that talks - but still has a need to go "ki-yi-yi-yi", I just want to quit right then and there. Only the pursuit of reward merits and xp keeps me suffering through that drivel. Some may really like it - but it's not my cup of tea. 

There are some really excellent arcs - Number Six in RWZ is probably one of the top five - with Striga and Croatoa barely edging them out. Lots of folks hate the missions where you have to stop 30 fir bolg from leaving - but that's one of my favorite missions in the game! If it weren't for badges, I'd have missed out on these, so if you do get bored - make a badger. You'll either hate it or love to hate it. Or you might like it. 

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20 hours ago, Nafsmar said:

How do you guys keep that kind of interest in this game? I struggle trying to stay interested in it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I love the game but sometimes it just seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again. And this is only while playing maybe 8 to 10 hours a week and that’s a good week.


You have a good point.

For me, a good trick is to look at a character, and try to say "how will this one play differently from others"... if it looks like it's going to play similarly to another character that I have, I will generally skip it.

For example, I have a Ninja/Kinetics MM. Not for power concept, but because Ninjas require a Tankermind approach, and Ninja attacks are terrible so I use the Fighting pool, which makes for a very different playstyle for an MM: run into melee, Provoke, punch people. It's unusual, it plays differently, so it has a different playstyle and feels less repetitive.

Same with several other characters, designed so that one Blaster plays significantly differently from other Blasters. It's also why I avoid making too many melee characters, the powersets rarely allow much differentiation in playstyle.

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