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The Ignore Function


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26 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:

There is a certain, highly opinionated player (no, not @Snarky) who invariably has the most incorrect takes on things. But for all that he is invariably wrong, he is not a jerk and so I do not have him on ignore.


I had a rather blunt tell from @Snarky this morning. My first thought was that was kinda rude. Then I read his name. Made me lol 😆

Edited by Arc-Mage
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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.


Let's Go Crack a Planet.

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20 hours ago, Sovera said:


How about you do you and I do me without telling the others that they are weak for not doing you? Er.. doing it your way?


Cutting toxic exes or toxic family members or toxic friends is not a weak move from a weak person. And I would have more attachments to those three than rando forums people I don't want in my life.

I merely asked the question. Opinions will vary. I suppose it's possible some folks could cross a line. But either the mods remove those threads before I see them, I've just never seen anyone cross it before. It would have to be very personal and very toxic, and really off-topic. I don't always agree with people, but I do try to get what I can from their perspective - even when I can't even fathom how they get any enjoyment from that path. 

I just think the ignore function is kind of limiting. I can ignore what people post without using ignore. And I can see what they said - because sometimes what they say deserves a response. But hey - by all means, - do what you like. If everyone did things like me, it'd be a damned strange world. 

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On 10/13/2022 at 1:28 PM, Seed22 said:

Tired of the back 'n forth? Simply go under your account, go to 'Ignored Users', then type in the name of those who you wish to ignore. No more back n forth, no more constantly negative people in your thread! Use it. Love it. Pass it on!


*EDIT: changed phrasing around a bit to uh, be better suited to discussion I guess?

thats one way of creating your own echo chamber.

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@blue4333 Neat. Thanks, though some of those mentions of trolls are not from people calling disagreers trolls.

Still, you're not wrong - disagreement does not equal trolling. To throw out the word troll is perhaps frustration at the same select group of people who can only find something negative to say. Perhaps troll is the wrong word, but the intent remains that they are not a good presence to interact with or otherwise deal with. I will say that the word does get thrown around a lot easier than it should.

But on the other hand, with certain posters I could almost believe them to be on the thin line. Almost being the key word.

2 minutes ago, Ukase said:

If a dozen people tell me I'm overly verbose, and I just put them on ignore so that I don't see or engage with them further - that makes me a fool. I'd be sticking my head in the sand and being a fool. But, if I take in the criticism, and try to be more concise and clear - that's growth. That's a good thing. Is that not the purpose of these debates? For us to learn? To teach?

No, you're not a fool for putting people you don't want to engage with on ignore. Anyone can do what they will with their own ignore lists. Using it or not using it does not fall under the purview of being foolish. No one is owed time from anyone else, and ensuring that your experience (in-game or on the forums) is curated to block out people you find detestable in one way or another is a good thing.

It is not the purpose of anyone to teach or the purpose of anyone to learn in terms of forum warfare.


1 minute ago, ivanhedgehog said:

thats one way of creating your own echo chamber.

Man I keep trying to finish up my post and someone keeps coming along with an Arctic Cold Take.

Ignoring people as to avoid having to interact with annoying or otherwise troublesome / problematic individuals is not creating an echo chamber. It is one thing to disagree with a person. It is another to see someone latch onto the same dried up words since Page 4 dropped and continue to harp on. I, while I do not use ignore, can understand why someone would after witnessing the forums since then. I can completely understand not wanting to see posts from people whose main post history is full of negativity.

Echo Chamber would be curating the experience full of people who only agree with you, and I doubt anyone using ignore is doing that - at least in any significant number to warrant it being a thing.

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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
casts earthquake, activates dispersion bubble

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9 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

@blue4333 Neat. Thanks, though some of those mentions of trolls are not from people calling disagreers trolls.

Still, you're not wrong - disagreement does not equal trolling. To throw out the word troll is perhaps frustration at the same select group of people who can only find something negative to say. Perhaps troll is the wrong word, but the intent remains that they are not a good presence to interact with or otherwise deal with. I will say that the word does get thrown around a lot easier than it should.

But on the other hand, with certain posters I could almost believe them to be on the thin line. Almost being the key word.

No, you're not a fool for putting people you don't want to engage with on ignore. Anyone can do what they will with their own ignore lists. Using it or not using it does not fall under the purview of being foolish. No one is owed time from anyone else, and ensuring that your experience (in-game or on the forums) is curated to block out people you find detestable in one way or another is a good thing.

It is not the purpose of anyone to teach or the purpose of anyone to learn in terms of forum warfare.


Man I keep trying to finish up my post and someone keeps coming along with an Arctic Cold Take.

Ignoring people as to avoid having to interact with annoying or otherwise troublesome / problematic individuals is not creating an echo chamber. It is one thing to disagree with a person. It is another to see someone latch onto the same dried up words since Page 4 dropped and continue to harp on. I, while I do not use ignore, can understand why someone would after witnessing the forums since then. I can completely understand not wanting to see posts from people whose main post history is full of negativity.

Echo Chamber would be curating the experience full of people who only agree with you, and I doubt anyone using ignore is doing that - at least in any significant number to warrant it being a thing.

Ignoring people to not see opinions you dont agree with is 100% creating an echo chamber. There will be no actual discussion, just agreement. That is one of the problems with social media. People form their insular communities of like minded people and begin to believe their own propaganda/opinions as fact, because "everyone agrees with me"

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@blue4333 - I stand by my comments.  Abusive language is trolling and there has been too much of it here lately. Tack on the posts and threads that are blatant baiting, mix in a little bit of arguing for the sheer sake of arguing, and we've got what we've got now.  🤷‍♂️


I take no "sides" in those particular posts, make no reference (EDIT: no intentional reference - if someone inferred that I meant one 'side' or another then that is my failure in clearly communicating my meaning) to specific groups or factions, and instead discuss specific behaviors.


If your objective was to accuse me of calling a sub-set of people "trolls" because of the opinions they hold, then I have failed to communicate my original point.


I don't consider someone a troll because of what they think about the game, I consider someone a troll because how they conduct themselves and the way in which they chose to express themselves.


Behaviors are what designate trolls. Not opinions.


We've got plenty of trolls of all opinions around here.


When I come in to a thread and meme on it for giggles I am also one if them of a sort, but at least I'm just trying to lighten the mood.


And just to be on topic: Am I the only one that thinks bragging about the size of one's ignore list is the strangest e-peen flex of all time?





Edited by InvaderStych
clarification and word order and that annoying underlined space
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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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39 minutes ago, ivanhedgehog said:

Ignoring people to not see opinions you dont agree with is 100% creating an echo chamber. There will be no actual discussion, just agreement. That is one of the problems with social media. People form their insular communities of like minded people and begin to believe their own propaganda/opinions as fact, because "everyone agrees with me"

Ignoring everyone with a particular opinion creates an echo chamber. Ignoring one or two people not for their opinions but for repeated abusive behavior is… completely natural and I’d have done it sooner if only I were smarter.

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17 minutes ago, arcane said:

Ignoring everyone with a particular opinion creates an echo chamber. Ignoring one or two people not for their opinions but for repeated abusive behavior is… completely natural and I’d have done it sooner if only I were smarter.

agreed. as long as you dont hide yourself from anything you dont agree with you should be fine.

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Ignoring a flat earther or antivaxer is creating an echo chamber. Ok, lol, I can live with that.


Some people -love- arguing and think they can change someone's mind by endlessly arguing with someone. Annoying thing when placing some people on ignore to avoid seeing BS arguments used either in bad faith or on purpose, and then see people spamming trying to 'make them change their mind'.


You guys do you. I don't see why this thread even exists to begin with, or why we have three pages of what boils down to: 'you do you'. But it's fine to do you when it's the way some people do it, but when they don't do it their way we have this thread, and three pages of it.


...and I am reminded of what I wrote above about how some love arguing.


Huh, will you look at that.

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11 minutes ago, Sovera said:

I don't see why this thread even exists to begin with, or why we have three pages of what boils down to: 'you do you'. But it's fine to do you when it's the way some people do it, but when they don't do it their way we have this thread, and three pages of it.

Wait a minute...

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I think it's better to just take a break from the forums if it gets to a point where I want to ignore people. I think I put too much importance on the state of things here, when it really doesn't matter. FFXIV has an absolutely amazing community but the forums are notoriously not great. I manage just fine enjoying that game's community, and I can do the same here. I do wish there was a more active reddit community, but I think CoH is just a different demographic. And tiny comparatively. 





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@Lev N



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22 hours ago, Shadeknight said:

It is not the purpose of anyone to teach or the purpose of anyone to learn in terms of forum warfare.

"Forum Warfare"....a new alt name? 

This sentence has me confused. I mean, if it's literally a war, then yeah. Accurate enough. 

But this forum isn't a battlefield. If this forum's purpose isn't to literally teach and/or learn, why do you think it's here? 
Sure - in some cases, we give feedback. And I'll admit that I often give feedback in the form of my opinion in how something will impact my pattern of play. And sure, many people will disagree with my premise in this scenario or that. Fair enough. 

And yeah, I'm sadly in semantics here. I don't disagree with you on the whole. Assholes can be annoying and it can take more emotional/intellectual energy to deal with some folks than we'd like. My position is that in some cases, that energy is worth it to me, and I think it could be worth it for others. 

But, each of us has a different tolerance for ass-hattery, so fair enough. 

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24 minutes ago, Ukase said:

"But this forum isn't a battlefield. If this forum's purpose isn't to literally teach and/or learn, why do you think it's here? 
Sure - in some cases, we give feedback. And I'll admit that I often give feedback in the form of my opinion in how something will impact my pattern of play. And sure, many people will disagree with my premise in this scenario or that. Fair enough. 

And yeah, I'm sadly in semantics here. I don't disagree with you on the whole. Assholes can be annoying and it can take more emotional/intellectual energy to deal with some folks than we'd like. My position is that in some cases, that energy is worth it to me, and I think it could be worth it for others. 

I was told once how many social connections a human brain can handle.  I forget the exact number, but it is not a lot.  I want to say in the 700-800 range?  That data has long slipped into "never going to be tested on it" storage.  


My point in bringing this up is that this forum is a world.  Not the "real" world.  Not the "game world"  It is an not quite enclosed community.  With noisy neighbors.  Trash collectors.  Scavengers.  Thieves.  Police.  Teachers. Bus drivers. Poets. Philosophers. Experts. Sometimes a thief will be a poet....when they are not fulfilling their duties as a cop....


The world is not what you make it.  It is what WE make it.  Humanity's greatest and most terrible power.  Yes, that sometimes means a battlefield too.

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... I blame Polaron. 

AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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5 hours ago, Snarky said:

I was told once how many social connections a human brain can handle.  I forget the exact number, but it is not a lot. 

Dunbar's number, which is that a person can maintain stable social relationships with about 150 people. This was derived from an examination of the neocortex structure and group size in nonhuman primates. A study last year at Stockholm University using modern statistical methods and updated data on the structure of primate brains, though, calls this into question. The study found that the average max size is lower than 150, but has a large error bar -- the 95% confidence range for the actual number is 2 to 520.

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7 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

Dunbar's number, which is that a person can maintain stable social relationships with about 150 people.


Well there's upwards of 400 active players on at any given time, between that and the forums clearly I don't  have enough social bandwidth to also maintain a relationship with co-workers too. Something's gotta give.


Guess I gotta quit my job.

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23 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

Dunbar's number, which is that a person can maintain stable social relationships with about 150 people. This was derived from an examination of the neocortex structure and group size in nonhuman primates. A study last year at Stockholm University using modern statistical methods and updated data on the structure of primate brains, though, calls this into question. The study found that the average max size is lower than 150, but has a large error bar -- the 95% confidence range for the actual number is 2 to 520.

I'm the outlier sitting at 2.

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