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Officially Unofficial Weekly Discussion #10: Alt-itis


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Welcome back after the holidays.


Although some people have their main characters, this game by and far lends itself to those that get addicted to rolling new alts.


How many alts do you have? Are they level 50 or did you park some permanently lower than 50? What motivates you to make a new alt? 


Personally I find myself making quite a few alts as I tend to get an itch to try a concept (for example I'm currently working on a fire/ea/lev troller that draws mobs in via foldspace and fire cages them to cook them in bonfire, hotfeet, and waterspout. I already know it won't be the strongest character, but it's an interesting power interaction that I hadn't tried). I typically don't count an alt unless it's 50, but I have a permanent lowbie that's meant to be a street level character that relies on temp powers and uses guns that the story background and character name leave me with the occasional chuckle.


So what alts are you into? When do you have the urge to play them? Are there any that have a sole job like MSR or Hami raids, or a niche pvp event?

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I have more alts that are 50 than I care to think about. With the exception of 11 of them, they were all leveled up organically, outside of a farm. I don't know exactly how many, but around 200 of them are level 50, with maybe a dozen working their way towards it. 

Thing is - once I bench a character for any number of reasons, it can be months or more before I get back to it. 

A few of them were made for specific purposes. 

I have one on each account that do nothing but stand next to Schweinzer in Port Oakes to give my alts access to the mayhems for the invader accolade. 
I have a character on each account with Multidimensional mission, and Shrouded. 
Another character on each account with Anti-Matter and Seige. 

I have a fire blaster that aids with killing spiders and family in Port Oakes to satisfy a couple of the defeats for the high pain threshold. 

I have another parked in Ouro just to grab the Unlucky Artifact mission, also to go towards HPT accolade. 

I have one character on each account that has lowball bids for pvp io recipes. These characters will craft and convert them for no more than 15 minutes. If I'm not done, I'll finish the next time. I list them for what I think is a fair price and they tend to sell by the next day. 
I have a couple of others that bid low for various goods like boosters & brain storm ideas.

I used to have a few tanks built just for Hami raids, but they're so boring, they don't do much of anything. 

The rest just reach 50, get t-4 in all, then they tend to sit, unless I have a desire to play them, which is not as often as I'd like. 

Some days, I think about clearing all the IOs out and deleting all but maybe a dozen of them. But then I'd have to list the IOs for sale, or make a new base. Either way, it seems like too much work.

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Ah yes, altitis. The bane of my existence. I have somewhere around 120 toons. Maybe 25 of those are 50. Even fewer of those have a comfortable amount of incarnates slotted. And at least 20 of those 120 are parked lvl 1s. What can I say? When I'm struck with a toon idea, I just make it. Maybe I'll get around to playing them one day.


I couldn't tell you what exactly draws me to play one all the way to 50. Sometimes they just hit. The gameplay is fun, or I like looking at the toon as I play.


As a special note, my "graveyard levels" tend to be 30-35. I think it might be because there's not much to do around then.

Edited by Spaghetti Betty
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Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

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It's bad.. really bad. so many cool combinations and archetypes.


I know I have a problem when I get a new character through some of the lower task forces just to realize I've already got one of this combination in the mid 40s.

I'd guess Just under forty 50s with an equal number in progress. The rest didn't workout and seem abandoned in the 24-40 range  OR are so far down the list they don't get played.


Be right back with some numbers.

Indom = 8 pages (21 50s)

Excel = 9 pages (17 50s)

Everlasting = 2 pages (1 50)

2 or 3 pages combined for the rest


Surely not enough alts to even be in the top 20% of players club.


Days Offline oldest for me is 605 with second at 427 (a bunch at 176). About 1/2 the 50s get played rarely.


Why do I keep making them rather than playing the same over and over? It's fun to make new characters, costumes, and see how they play.

Other contributing factors? #1 Changes to existing powersets which make them not as fun. #2 I have a Troo or two on each server.


My biggest related request: Better sorting tools to avoid duplicate combos. ("search" is okay)


Biggest wish request: Powerset respecification. Many times it is just one of the powersets that isn't working out. I'd give 10 levels to be able to ditch a poor match rather than start a new character as we have to now..


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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Currently back to 100 characters, 18 on Everlasting, 81 on Excelsior, and one loner on Reunion.  I purged around 30 characters over the last few months that I just wasn't playing. Most of them didn't even have up to date enhancements.


Three are not at 50 yet, two are almost there, one is a long project of going thru content.  Currently finishing off content up to level 14 (excluding gold side)


A lot of my alts just come from a name idea, some get to 50 and mostly parked.  I'm still trimming a few since I have never gone back to playing them.  A few I'll hang onto because I like the concept enough to occasionally play them.


I tend to play my blasters and tankers the most, but I do have at least an example of each AT.

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Alt-itis. It's a hard habit to break. Unless, maybe... if you rolled an empathy alt, you could cure it! Let's try that!


For me, it's the seed of a character name, backstory idea, or sometimes costume that pops into mind, and I think "I gotta make that!". Occasionally, it will be some concept of a powerset combo that sticks in my head and the only way to get it out is to create it. There are just so ridiculously many "cool concepts" you can do in CoH - no other game comes close really.


I can't recall ever creating a character just to fill a specific in-game niche, though.


Once created, I futz about for a while, see how I like it. I don't PL in any way, and take the slow approach on nearly every char so I get a good feel how they develop. (And I like to fill out my contact list and arcs.)


Characters generally level until the next new alt-concept comes along, and then drift sadly into the background waiting for me to one day think "Miserable day... I just wanna blow off some steam... hey I bet I have a Fire/Water char somewhere! I'll go play him for a bit!". (Or whatever other stimulus comes along.)

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I have about 50 level 50s split between two accounts on HC and tons more on other servers, some 50 some level 1 and everything in between.


I generally get an idea and then theorycraft it in Mids, then play it consistently until I get to level 50 and usually also get the passive accolades and +3 with incarnates before I start something new.  The ones I really like get to T4 to all incarnates and all accolades.  The ones I like the least still have incarnates to unlock and accolades to get.


The idea could be anything: a name, powerset combos, making something perceived as weak powerful, trying out one of the new powersets or pools, anything.


When I don't have any new ideas I tend to run through my characters to check their markets, move them to a new day job, maybe play it a bit to get an enhancement catalyst to store for the next project.

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3 minutes ago, MoonSheep said:

i’m still on the hunt for the perfect third alt.. 


it's an em/regen stalker. (just putting that out there)

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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I have been suffering from a combination of one clear Main character and a pretty severe case of underlying altitis.


Lady Cobra is my main character with her STJ/WP scrapper orginal version at VL 1099 and her secondary STJ/WP Emily Chang brute version at VL 778. A far cry from Veracor standards, but even so they have been played quite a lot.


It total I have 325 50s that I don't get to play as much as I would like because I also have around 350 other characters currently being levelled (exact number not immediately determinable due to some characters made by my kids for fun that I don't count).


These other characters are currently mostly in the 14 -23 level range. After I reached my initial goal of having at least one 50 of each powerset for each AT, I have been trying out other combos often based on the various threads on the forums suggesting either good, bad, or interesting/unusual combos. My original plan was to get them all to 50, but I have (perhaps somewhat understandably...) been feeling a bit of levelling fatigue these past months, so now I am just playing along at a more leisurely pace shifting between these characters and playing them one mission or level at the time and not worrying about getting them to 50.

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So many questions...


How many alts do you have?

Uh... let's see. Looking JUST at my main server, Everlasting... 181 across all accounts.

Which is lower than it was on live: https://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/787  

 Are they level 50 or did you park some permanently lower than 50?

Some are 50. Some are on the way. Some don't need to be. Some are base building and the like, so they're peacebringers at level 1 and will probably stay that way.

What motivates you to make a new alt?

What doesn't?

RP. I've got a storyline with various clones getting freed from their maker, the organization around them, etc. which leads to a few. I've got several remakes from live. I've got duplicates on other accounts for RP reasons. I come up with a name and use it (Rez Dispenser, Celery - yes, a stalker, Sweet Child of Mimes, Smash and Crab and so on.) I want to try a powerset combo. I have a storyline that needs one. There are myriad reasons.


So what alts are you into? When do you have the urge to play them?

Into? All of them.
Urge to play them? Random times. Sometimes it'll be a team need, soemtimes it'll be an RP need, somtimes it's just "Haven't played with you in a while."


Are there any that have a sole job like MSR or Hami raids, or a niche pvp event?

MSRs, usually. Slowly leveling one called "Assume Reposition," for instance, specifically to Fold Space and Wormhole stuff in... once they're at 50 and incarnated (and have cash to spend on Ultimates.) Rez Dispenser was also meant to do that, aiding to the green healing umbrella, but she got pulled into RP...

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Uhhh I think I have 75 or so 50’s.


All are fully IO’ed(or were, rather. A few got salvaged) and most have at least T4 alpha. Some get the full suite of T4’s though. 

As far as what keeps me playing the alt? Usually their ability to solo. If they can’t? They get shelved early.

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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4 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

How many alts do you have? <and other questions - IS>


I think I currently have ~20 filled character slots; about 7 or 8 of those are parked experiments that are basically either storage or waiting for me to be in the mood to develop them again.  This number does not count innumerable toons started and deleted after I decided they were not as fun as I had theorized.  This rarely, almost never happens if I go into the CC with a character concept already in mind, but occasionally happens to the experiments that get a concept on the fly.


1 is the first toon I took to 50 on HC, but I don't play that one much anymore.


3 were sort of rotating "mains" for a while - two Scrappers and then my Fire/Martial Blaster took over "main" duties for a very long time.  These I consider to be "fully kitted out" (T4'd), but never really "finished."  I'll grab one of these three when the SG gets together if my current "experiment" is not up to snuff for the run.


Bulk of the remainder either experiments I'm more like to return to, or toons made from a per-concieved concept rather than one made on the fly in the CC.


Last one is my latest Stalker; I finally found a forever home for the revamped Stone Armor.


Generally I focus on a single toon at a time and deep dive into the abilities to see if my theory about a given combo plays out.  I'll do this while leveling, and probably level much more slowly than the average Forum Bear.


Stalker is going to make it to the T4 realm eventually.  Sitting at 45, or maybe 46? (Haven't logged in for a few days ... NYE holiday).


That may or may not happen after I take a good long look at my Fire/Martial, respec, clean up trays, clean up binds/macros, and see if I can still maintain the pace that toon can carry despite not playing as often as I have in the past because of [Sytch needs to get his shit together Reasons].


Edited by InvaderStych
things and stuff
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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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8 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

How many alts do you have?


Well over 100.


9 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Are they level 50 or did you park some permanently lower than 50?


I have three level 50s.

I will XP lock all future characters at level 49 so that they do not become incarnates. I play City of Heros and not City of Incarnates.


9 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

What motivates you to make a new alt?


Most of the time it is a character conception I get in my head that makes me want to make a matching character.

When a new set is released, I sometimes come up with a character conception so that I can use that power set.


9 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

So what alts are you into?


With over 100 characters, I'm pretty much covering all the bases.

I even decide to go ahead and make a cat girl, because, you know, just because of that trope. 

One comic book/manga/anime genre that I created before the Sunset that I haven't created since playing on Homecoming is a Wild West character.


10 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

When do you have the urge to play them?


Well, I'm always alting.

I don't know what triggers the urge to play any certain one of them. It just happens.


Though sometimes I do play characters based on seasonal events. I have Goth, horror, and/or supernatural characters that I will make sure to play during the Halloween event. I also have winter themed characters that I'm more likely to play during the winter event (I really wish the snow and frozen water in Atlas would stay around until at least the end of February. Let the Winter Event end when it does. Just leave me the snow and frozen water.)


10 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Are there any that have a sole job like MSR or Hami raids, or a niche pvp event?


I can't think of any that fit that role.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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9 hours ago, Troo said:


it's an em/regen stalker. (just putting that out there)


haha.. i feel i am slowly getting closer to finding this mystical brawler


a stalker/scrapper or tank, maybe shield or fire for the extra damage, ice or elec melee… trying them all out on test

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I create a new character when I get the idea for them - sometimes a power combo, sometimes a concept.  I'm finding concept is most important to me, I've created and then let sit idle a number of toons only to rejigger the look, name and costume and then suddenly zoom them up to 50.  If they bore me, or have a thin a thin concept ("Rabbitattatt, a rabbity-looking toon with a machine gun, genius!")- or yeah, play badly for some reason - I drop them, but rarely strip and delete them.  I generally try to not repeat power sets or at least not too close to one another.  Started an abandoned like 3 Kins by now, it was just a boring set to play!


I've run one of about every AT up to 50 except for VEATs and squids (never even started a squid, seems complex and I haven't been enticed yet).  I have about a page or page and a half of 50s.  Realizing now some of them were fun at the time but I have no desire to go back and work on their Incarnate stuff.  Realistically, I should strip and delete these guys, I figure about half of them would be on the chopping block. 


I have a fair number of created toons that never got past say 15th, as I found I lost interest or just didn't have a direction to go with them; for instance, I made Symphony Dom when that was new, I think she got to 25th?  But no real build in mind, MIDs hates updating for me... so she got left behind.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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22 “Nyght*****” characters so far - ooof I need to update my sig but I mainly post from my phone - 13 of whom are at 50. 4 other 50s along with 8 other random experiments that have so far survived regular and extreme deletions.

I don’t specifically park at certain levels, but I like having a range of levels for various characters with which to play.

I have deleted every character made based purely on a power set pairing. I have learned that I *need* a costume/story/background hook to have any interest. That usually results in a bunch a non-optimal power pairs (such as a favorite controller - earth/sonic/leviathan. Wow is that a rough combination).

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The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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Going from memory, I have 28 lvl 50s (all T3 or T4 incarnates) and 2 characters that I'm currently leveling. I think 19 are on Excelsior and 11 are on Torch, but they do get moved occasionally. I belong to a SG on Torch that creates a set of themed characters and levels them together from 1-50 (then we start again with a new theme). We only play them once a week, so it takes a few months. On Excel I create new alts when there's a combo I want to try. I don't farm or PL and level everything through a combination of teaming and soloing. 

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I alt.  A lot.  So different than most of you…


I have a few pages of abandoned 50s, stripped and bereft of all cash and enhancements.  I have a couple pages of stuff that never made it to 50…sad little things, stripped down and probably will never be finished.  

I have maybe  30? Fully kitted out 50s ready to go at any moment.  Another 10 or so less than 50 I work on. 

Most of these are characters I have played for more than a month hardcore. I like them, they fill a niche that I wanted one of.  

A lot of my volume alting is when I am trying out Brutes Blasters or Tanks and will make certain power sets and start running TFs.  See if they work


I have a dedicated Blaster for Really Hard Way. Beam Temporal. A Farmer.  Favorite Tanks, Brutes, Blasters, Corruptors 


My current  project is solo all Redside contacts while leveling and badge all Blue Gold through Ouro and by being Rogue as I do so. Just finished 1-19 content and got all Winter badges. Corruptor started 12/27.  2023 project but I wanted Winter badges…

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I made a conscious effort when I discovered Homecoming to be responsible with my alt-itis compared to live. and so far I am pretty okay.  I flush alts who cease being something I will dust off; I strip them and flush them.  My rule is 30 on the server I favor.  If I get a hair to create a new one (which I do often) then I move one to Everlasting or flush.  Everlasting is for those I do not really do anything with but might revisit or when Excelsior goes Tango Uniform for more than a minute.


This has allowed me to focus on enjoying the ones I have more than I used to so it is working for me.

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Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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I have around 60 characters.  None are 50.  I have on in the 40's just to do the Who Will Die arc, but they don't get played.


I park characters at 13, 19, 23, 29, and 34.  But most of my characters are level 19 as the teens is the levels I find the most fun.


I have them for variety - but within ATs.  I play mostly support - controllers, defenders, dominators.  With a few tankers and now I am trying stalkers.


When I log in, I usually pick the lvl 19 character which hasn't been played in the longest time.  If I don't want to play them - I delete them, usually  recreating them as a different mix of AT and powersets.

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I keep seeing references to stripping*. At what point do you pull the plug on a 50 and redistribute IOs and other goodies? Only done it once but now seriously regret it (for a WM/Willpower brute).

*Most stripping on Everlasting starts in Pocket D and doesn’t involve market tradeable IOs.

The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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Personally, I almost never strip and almost never delete.  I think since the game was live I deleted 2 characters -- one who's name got genericed (Osama been Hidin) and a dom I made on the first week of City of Villains that just never worked for me.


Oh wait, there were a few dozen "fake fleas" that were created on other servers to pad SGs back when SGs got free prestige boost per member.  Those were deleted eventually.

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I think I have only six 50s? And I rarely play half of them. The PB, the dom, and the kin corr are basically it.


The rad armour tank was cos I’d never played it, realised it was great, so thought “I wonder if I can make as unkillable a brute” and made the fire/rad armour brute [it is as unkillable].
The plant controller was remade as the dom, after falling in love with a teammate’s and realising how much cheaper it was on HC to get permadom.

The kin corr was cos I wanted to see the fuss about water.

Lobstar, wherever you are now, had an amazing PB. They had a golden coloured tri-form and I was in awe cos it was so good. I absolutely hated kheldians on live, now they’re my mains. 

Every 3 months I try and make a Time toon, a dark affinity controller, try and use Shield defence again, or try and pick up something that’s been tinkered with by the devs.

I don’t know how some of your have hundreds of 50s - I don’t have the imagination for so many costumes!

@Xiddo on Excel. Alts: Agent Betel - V_archetypeicon_dominator.png.5633ed21aff3ea441cdd024895843d4a.png  Athosin - Archetypeicon_peacebringer.png.9e329a8a509066a020fd4635ccbb4385.png  Nisotha - image.png.c44c4b37be8839626cedeee9a8966397.png  Anapos - V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png.f105930c83b316a39d147c7de8c7e017.png  Atomic Chilli - V_archetypeicon_brute.png.b1e0b25149b74ff24ce1fd3603064e6e.png  Bainbridge - image.png.fc49fb2cec0488ed5cd6d82f5ea9260a.png

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