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I just cant seem to get excited about Storm Blast.. am I alone?

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6 minutes ago, Heatstroke said:

Normally a new set comes out.. Im all geeked to try it.. I'll work it across several character and ATs.. but there is something about Storm Blast.. I just cant seem to " get there "...


Am I alone ?

You're certainly not alone.  Not every new set is going to appeal to every player.  Focus on the sets you do enjoy, play them to your heart's content, and don't stress those powerset or aspects of the game that you aren't as enthusiastic about.

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I think if you play the set enough, your feelings will blow over. Every new set comes with a learning curve and Storm Blast is not forecasted to change that reality. Beyond the set having some damage mitigation built in via knocking enemies back, up, or down, it can also chain a maelstrom of damage output together with its Category Five and enhancement driven slotting. If you are not interested in the theme or the situational benefits, that's a cool breeze too.

Edited by Glacier Peak
Too long winded...
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Personally, I have found every single one of the new HC sets to be generally uninteresting. Not a problem since I am usually far more interested in balance chances to old sets - for instance I was pretty happy with the AR changes even though I think they should have swapped Beanbag for Aim (let's not argue it; devs have decided).


It does not help that the HC devs specifically designed Storm Blast to "not be the best" at quick damage. For those unfamiliar with PR-speak, let me translate: it sucks in practice and is meant for those hard-mode purists who think the game is too easy. This means it is not meant to appeal to many of us. That is actually okay, since we should not expect every single addition to cater to our playstyle, but it does mean we'll pass on this set. Hopefully a later set will fit our playstyle more.


Seriously - we can't expect every single new set to cater to us. Just let it slide. The devs have promised smaller, faster Page releases, so hopefully we'll get a new addition soon.

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Everlasting, even though I do not RP, as:

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17 minutes ago, Rigged said:

It does not help that the HC devs specifically designed Storm Blast to "not be the best" at quick damage.

I got my obligatory storm blast character to 50, but didn't lament going back to any of a number of others using the more straight-forward sets, some having been in the game since launch...

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2 hours ago, Heatstroke said:

Normally a new set comes out.. Im all geeked to try it.. I'll work it across several character and ATs.. but there is something about Storm Blast.. I just cant seem to " get there "...


Am I alone ?


The animations and visuals are subpar in my opinion. Nothing about it impressed me. If something doesn't look visual appealing, I can't be bothered with it, regardless of how well it plays. It's the same reason I won't play Psionic Melee.

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6 hours ago, Heatstroke said:

Am I alone ?


It looks like this thread is only looking negative comments about the set.


There are other negative threads about it, so you are not alone.



I, however, find storm blast to be OP in game content (versus end-game) if you know how to utilize it.

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(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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6 hours ago, lemming said:

To die. In the rain. Alone.


I wasn't as thrilled with my Storm Blast Blaster, but I'm enjoying my Storm Blast/Dark sentinel.   And weirdly effective in helping others tear thru hard targets. 



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No you don't have to like it. Or play it.

I for one don't like Electric Affinity, so I don't play it or complain about it. Just not for me.


I do like all the new sets from HC so far.

In most new sets you have to rethink old school tactics from the older sets.


I tried a:

SB/Sonic Corr

SB/Earth Blaster

SB/ Fire Sent


My preference is the Sent, but I enjoy the other two as well.


It is meant to be a Fun, mid tier powerset. That it is.

I find it to plenty strong enough team or solo.

Edited by JasperStone
took out repetitive use of "the new"
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/e poofgone



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You are not alone, I'm just not one of the ones that agree with you.


I have a 50 TA/SB Defender and a 50 SB/Dev/Mun Blaster.


Picking complimentary primary and secondary sets adds to the enjoyment, I emphasized to-hit debuff thus Trick Arrow for my Defender and Devices for my Blaster.  


Both characters were leveled primarily solo with the occasional group or TF.  Neither one had difficulty getting the Portal Jockey Accolade or taking down the EBs necessary for it solo.  Both of them had an easier time with missions that I generally run with characters than other power sets.


I guess I have more patience using a power or two before attacking a mob than others.


SB may not be S tier (overpowered) but it can do very well both Solo and on Teams.  Category 5 is a lot better/more effective than the forums give it credit even if you don't put it with Trick Arrow's Oil Slick.  Fun Fact, Oil Slick can be lit on fire by electricity. . . . 

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Pass based on concept alone.


I'm still largely ignorant on the mechanics. None of it really stood out as interesting to me. I don't hate it or anything, I just don't care.


The only thing Storm Blast did for me was remind me that there's a Wind Control concept out there that's been requested for years. Noone asked for Storm Blast. We already had 14 blast sets. But even with HC proliferating Illusion to Doms and adding Symph Control, we're still at 10 control sets.


I dunno. Seemed to miss the plot a bit.

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1 hour ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

Pass based on concept alone.


I'm still largely ignorant on the mechanics. None of it really stood out as interesting to me. I don't hate it or anything, I just don't care.


The only thing Storm Blast did for me was remind me that there's a Wind Control concept out there that's been requested for years. Noone asked for Storm Blast. We already had 14 blast sets. But even with HC proliferating Illusion to Doms and adding Symph Control, we're still at 10 control sets.


I dunno. Seemed to miss the plot a bit.



I think THIS is it... Storm Blast reminded me that I want Wind Control which is a thing which I really wanted.. And in addition Controllers and Dominators ESPECIALLY have been suffering with the lack of sets and Blasters and Corruptors KEEP getting sets like almost every update...

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13 hours ago, Heatstroke said:

Normally a new set comes out.. Im all geeked to try it.. I'll work it across several character and ATs.. but there is something about Storm Blast.. I just cant seem to " get there "...


Am I alone ?

no every set is for everyone, some people don't like DP or Staff and that's fine. if you enjoy em, great if not, there's plenty else to do

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Haven't really been excited about Storm or Seismic to be frank, and it's likely due to some of the animations. Don't care for big, swirly clouds, I guess, or the massive boulder thing that pops up on one of the seismic attacks. I suppose those are silly reasons to not get into something, but...well, there it is.

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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13 hours ago, Rigged said:

For those unfamiliar with PR-speak, let me translate: it sucks in practice and is meant for those hard-mode purists who think the game is too easy. This means it is not meant to appeal to many of us.

Lot of assumptions in there, like four at least.  😃

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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1 hour ago, cranebump said:

Haven't really been excited about Storm or Seismic to be frank, and it's likely due to some of the animations. Don't care for big, swirly clouds, I guess, or the massive boulder thing that pops up on one of the seismic attacks. I suppose those are silly reasons to not get into something, but...well, there it is.


Seems like legit reasons (graphics, animations) to avoid taking a set to me. I can't speak to the (new) Storm as a user, it doesn't bother me as a member of a team with Stormies. Seismic is a bit of a mixed bag for me: solo (when I am casting the powers) I quite like it. When I am on a PUG, depending on how close I am to the target(s) of certain Seismic attacks... I agree it can be disorienting to play with a Seismologist. (Upthrust's graphics are probably the most "in yer face, imma going to draw on the screen now", Meteor either brings joy or madness).


The only other sets that I find graphically distracting are Titan Weapons (mostly because I experience some sort of cognitive dissonance with the game's collision boxes) and the various Nature powers (I'm amazed by the graphics, but there is so much of it!) I know that Bio's overlay on costumes was originally a deal-breaker for folks.


As for the OP: I have a character concept to use the set... but it is a character concept I have probably seen at least a dozen other players also go with. I'll probably give it a try after thinking up a new/different concept that can use the set.... just like I waited to try out Seismic Blast.

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4 hours ago, cranebump said:

Haven't really been excited about Storm or Seismic to be frank, and it's likely due to some of the animations. Don't care for big, swirly clouds, I guess, or the massive boulder thing that pops up on one of the seismic attacks. I suppose those are silly reasons to not get into something, but...well, there it is.

Personally, if I can find any fault with Storm Blast it's that the clouds aren't big and swirly enough.

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I have a Storm/Storm defender that I am slow boating, only at lvl 24 so far.  I like the snipe, I like chain lightning, I like that you can apply Storm Cell undetected. Play Annie Lennox here comes the rain, again. Makes it funzie.


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