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Pine's Hero Designer 2.22


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There is a very high likelyhood that anti virus, chrome, windows and your IT guy will suspect this is a virus. If you have any reserves on installing this program, than I suggest that you do not. I can assure you that I personally have no idea how to even slip in a virus or trojan horse into this.


Patch Notes for Pine's Hero Designer Version 2.22

-Sentinel->Dual Pistols->Suppressive Fire: Now accepts Sentinel ATOs

-Stalker->Savage Melee->Rending Flurry: Changed from Scrapper to Stalker ATOs

-Removed Flame Mastery for all, second Leviathan Mastery for Masterminds, and Re-Fixed flame mastery for Corruptors and Defenders.

-Field Medic: made toggle-able

-Fixed all Bio Armor Adaptation modes so they show correct values.

Please report all number variations as this was done by hand... and Pine is not perfect.




Thank you everyone for giving me the support to continue managing this application! Every kind word and gratitude bestowed upon me has been heard and appreciated. I apologize for taking so long to resolve all the issues and I can only hope there will be less issues going forward.


A little backstory is needed for those of you just tuning in. This application was originally developed by a guy named Mids. Eventually life got in the way and he was no longer able to continue with the project and handed it to the Titan Network. It was here that development and maintenance was handled by a pretty awesome team whose names I do not know. I am not sure what happened with the development team of Mid's Hero Designer after NCSoft shut down CoH. When I was invited to the 'Secret' server nothing had been updated to Mids despite new elements in the game. I had enough knowledge of Mids to update the database for my personal copy and began sharing the database files with people and called it the “Pine Patch”.

I kept running into issues with certain things with the primary issue of adding more than 4 enhancement sets to a power. This frustrated me.... and got me working on a solution! I eventually de-compiled the .exe and learned what was back behind the curtain. After fixing this issue and other problems I updated the application and not just the database. This compelled me to issue an installer to fix the application. After similar updates over many months I ran into an issue where Mid's Hero Designer Version 1.99 needed to be incremented to 2.0.

I asked people that used it if it would be acceptable if I renamed it Pine's Hero Designer. Everyone I asked replied resoundingly with a positive yes for the name change. It was also during this time period when the server was very secret for fear of legal repercussion from NCSoft. Thus Mid's Hero Designer was renamed Pine's Hero Designer and I continued updating and adding things (like the DPS calculator!) for several years.

Then.... Pine got married! YAY! This shifted my attentions for a few years and I stopped checking on the secret server. I would check back every few months with intentions to update PHD but life's distractions hindered these intentions.

Then, the secret got out! This definitely re-sparked my interest in this game and this project.  Due to the time lapse, when I went to update PHD, I found out that the project and back-ups were gone. It took several weeks for me to get the project into working order and more weeks to get it updated. Again, I really appreciate all the support and patience!!


-Special thanks to Leo, CW, EnergyAura, Deillan, Sai Averonica, and all the kind people that Power Leveled me as I was working on this.

-And an extra special thanks to Mrs. Pine for being the best Boo. <3



Happy Wife = Happy Life

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Awesome - just downloaded it - thank you so much...+1 Inf

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Thanks Pine :)  Congrats on getting married!  And, Sai Averonica? Haven't seen them again yet but I'm sure I'll be pounced in tells soon enough. :P

And ribbon-ed with confetti soon enough.

Happy Wife = Happy Life

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Is it a different format for the DPS numbers? I am seeing Rain Of Arrows..3.34 damage!


Yes and no. I used the 'Fresh Install" flag this time, which is supposed to reset all the tips and set all settings to default (I think). Go to View->Show Damage per Activation (level 50) and check that setting instead of Show Damage per Second (level 50).

Happy Wife = Happy Life

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Hello, I'd just like to report that I think that Blaster Sniper attacks are broken. Other sniper attacks might also be broken, but I haven't checked.

Essentially, the enhance tab doesn't seem to update properly, meaning you can''t switch to alternative slotting for the power, or see how the enhancements are effecting the power.


Keep up the good work! Thanks for keeping this alive!

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Hello, I'd just like to report that I think that Blaster Sniper attacks are broken. Other sniper attacks might also be broken, but I haven't checked.

Essentially, the enhance tab doesn't seem to update properly, meaning you can''t switch to alternative slotting for the power, or see how the enhancements are effecting the power.


Keep up the good work! Thanks for keeping this alive!


Can confirm,


irrespective of slots added it only shows one as being there on the enhance tab and it is always empty, clicking the alternate slots also doesn't cycle from the one to the other

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Thanks for doing this.


Little question for you.  One of the other users here (@khy, I think?) did an unofficial update to you previous version that made it incompatible with original Mids files.  I assume those files will in turn not be compatible with this 2.22 version, right?


I haven't looked so I don't know if this has been done, but can you make sure the exports say the proper version in the text they put up at the top?  So far IIRC they all still say they're from 1.9-whatever that was the last version of the Paragon days.


Thanks again, I'll download tonight!



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Thanks for doing this.


Little question for you.  One of the other users here (@khy, I think?) did an unofficial update to you previous version that made it incompatible with original Mids files.  I assume those files will in turn not be compatible with this 2.22 version, right?


I haven't looked so I don't know if this has been done, but can you make sure the exports say the proper version in the text they put up at the top?  So far IIRC they all still say they're from 1.9-whatever that was the last version of the Paragon days.


Thanks again, I'll download tonight!




It does work with the MID's files...I was pleasantly surprised to see that last night...

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Hi @Pine, I'm happy you have returned and hope we can collaborate somehow. I've reversed the old version as well, and recompiled it. I'm hoping you are either willing to open source, or contribute to my open source effort for the same goal.


I would like this project out in the open, allowing community contributions just as the Ouro Dev team wants for CoH. I've had mine up on github for a few weeks now, and would be happy to shut down and join you, or your source overwrite mine in the existing github repo, or to just try to help in your repo if possible. I had really hoped to help drive this thing forward and don't want to splinter the community.  I reached out to the titan network and there was no response about Mid's. Anyhow, what are your thoughts and where can we go from here? I'd really rather just have one project that I can contribute to in the least.


Thank you for your time.

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Hi @Pine, I'm happy you have returned and hope we can collaborate somehow. I've reversed the old version as well, and recompiled it. I'm hoping you are either willing to open source, or contribute to my open source effort for the same goal.


I would like this project out in the open, allowing community contributions just as the Ouro Dev team wants for CoH. I've had mine up on github for a few weeks now, and would be happy to shut down and join you, or your source overwrite mine in the existing github repo, or to just try to help in your repo if possible. I had really hoped to help drive this thing forward and don't want to splinter the community.  I reached out to the titan network and there was no response about Mid's. Anyhow, what are your thoughts and where can we go from here? I'd really rather just have one project that I can contribute to in the least.


Thank you for your time.


+1. I'd LOVE to see more of this kind of collaboration in the CoH Community. That's why I'm making my stuff open source, where possible (for legal reasons).

I'm out.
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I'm hoping you are either willing to open source, or contribute to my open source effort for the same goal.

A thread elsewhere has answered this in a way. "Mids has asked that this work NOT become open source..." is the sum of it. So unless a from scratch project is what you're doing, then it's probably going to get some flack.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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I'm not a numbers person really, but I do have a REALLY big (for me) request.


Can we Please find a way to have the UI scaleable. Specifically, the ability to make everything larger when the window is made larger/full screen. As it stands, I have to double zoom my screen to read things clearly. This is not a new issue as it was still kinda hard to read on other computers in the past.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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Great work keeping the builder up to date Pine, it's much appreciated. I do have some feedback, though; one thing that's always bothered me about Mid's, and now Pine's, is that the defense from stealth powers that suppresses in combat is included in defense totals. This defense is essentially useless; could the builder be made to not include those values?

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I'm hoping you are either willing to open source, or contribute to my open source effort for the same goal.

A thread elsewhere has answered this in a way. "Mids has asked that this work NOT become open source..." is the sum of it. So unless a from scratch project is what you're doing, then it's probably going to get some flack.


I don't want the following to sound like I'm being a d**k, but here goes.


How thoroughly are any of us bound by that?  He doesn't want it that way, I get that, and for 10+ years he got things his way, but nothing lasts forever.  If the code went open source, would there be any repercussions besides "Original Mids is pissed?"

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I'm hoping you are either willing to open source, or contribute to my open source effort for the same goal.

A thread elsewhere has answered this in a way. "Mids has asked that this work NOT become open source..." is the sum of it. So unless a from scratch project is what you're doing, then it's probably going to get some flack.


I don't want the following to sound like I'm being a d**k, but here goes.


How thoroughly are any of us bound by that?  He doesn't want it that way, I get that, and for 10+ years he got things his way, but nothing lasts forever.  If the code went open source, would there be any repercussions besides "Original Mids is pissed?"


Well if Mids is the original author of the code, then technically he is the owner (copyright holder) of his work.  He gets to determine if others get to use his software and how they get to use it.  So it can’t legally go open source unless he wills it

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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