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A Question from The Homecoming Team


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On 12/24/2019 at 3:45 PM, Wild Claw said:

Actually, there's a thematic way around it without switching to blue. Kill 25 signature heroes and you get the Hero Slayer Badge. That unlocks Lord Schweinzer, who can send you on any Mayhem Mission directly.


Huh. I did not know that. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later

Another Idea!:
SG Base Exteriors! where SG leaders or members with the privilege can modify an exterior building to suit towards their SG's tastes, complete with stuff like exterior protections such as forcefields and turrets etc. as the players desire and can afford.

These buildings should exist in their own SG map much as the bases already do. and can stand as an additional protection against raids.

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Base Raids are disabled, and unlikely to ever be a thing on Homecoming.  There are other servers out there which are trying to stabilize the Base Raid code, but I don't think any of them have been successful yet.
Additionally, thanks to (I want to saaaaaaay) Codewalker (?) the Base Editor is now way more robust and you -can- do exteriors!  There are some truly amazing bases worth seeing out there.  I recommend Everlasting and https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nw-npzUY2NGc6SFoHa1ByWw202gI8DlT0ZDTQwoR7YM/edit#gid=0

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Honestly, not having to start all over would be the only thing I truly want.


Finishing the Incarnates a nice to have.


As for Power Sets, if new ones are truly coming, I would prefer a focus to ATs and Sets that can not create complete theme based characters yet.

Like you can't create a Water/Water Blaster, because there is no /Water Set.


More costume pieces and options are also always welcome

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A few ideas I’ve been bandying about in my head:


 - Fleshing out the rest of the incarnate trees. I don’t really know how you would go about it because I don’t know if there were concrete plans for the last couple branches like Omega.


 - I really would love to see new content like Battalion and the Dimensionless that were planned to come after. But again, I don’t really know how that would be done.


 - Alternatively, take things in new directions if you don’t want to worry too much about “what did the devs have planned.”


- Revamping of some of the zones, like Boomtown. Maybe bring some more storylines into there that might help revitalize them a bit. There are some zones that sit super empty.


- New powersets and new aesthetics for existing ones. The devs started introducing alternate animations near the end of the game’s life, and I’d like to see that fleshed out a bit more. Stuff like (an example from another thread) shooting beam rifle lasers from your hands.

Liberty and Virtue server refugee. Everlasting resident.


Main/Planned Characters:

  • Astellus - Kinetic/Energy/Mu Scrapper (Magic)
  • Plasmitar - Radiation/Energy/Flame Blaster (Science)
  • Scionic - Psychic/Atomic/Soul Blaster (Mutation)
  • Safehouse - Street Justice/Energy Aura Scrapper (Magic)
  • Starshear - Energy/Atomic/Force Blaster (Science)
  • Neonstar - Luminous/Luminous Peacebringer (Natural)
  • Faerwald - Gravity/Energy/Psionic Dominator (Science)
  • Fomalhaut - Rad/Rad Sentinel (Science)
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My wife and I just today found out that there are City of Heroes servers running again.  After all these years, we created some characters and are able to run around Atlas Park again, after a long time!


I don't care that I have to start over at level 1.  I don't care if you add anything to the game.


The one and only thing I want is for the servers to stay up and for the game to not get killed again.


I'm an alcoholic.  I've been sober for over six years now.  Believe it or not, playing computer games is one of the things that helped me stay sober, especially the first few years.  Me and a lot of other people would really appreciate it if the game didn't get shut off again.  Thanks for all your hard work.

Edited by Venophor
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15 minutes ago, Venophor said:

My wife and I just today found out that there are City of Heroes servers running again.  After all these years, we created some characters and are able to run around Atlas Park again, after a long time!


I don't care that I have to start over at level 1.  I don't care if you add anything to the game.


The one and only thing I want is for the servers to stay up and for the game to not get killed again.


I'm an alcoholic.  I've been sober for over six years now.  Believe it or not, playing computer games is one of the things that helped me stay sober, especially the first few years.  Me and a lot of other people would really appreciate it if the game didn't get shut off again.  Thanks for all your hard work.

well said...I concur...*applause*

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Buff Energy Melee

Buff Dual Pistols.


Illusion for Doms.


Fix old Stalker sets missing key powers.


A Buff/Melee class.


Finish Kalisti Wharf.

Another Incarnate zone.

More Incarnate trials.

More content, or a setting for old content, that really requires Tank and CC roles to be filled.


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What I would like to see most is a big clean-up/sprucing up of the old content, particularly on hero side. A big trimming of the endless "Defeat XX [group] in [zone]" missions and the pointless "go touch random boxes patrol the city" quests from contacts on hero-side is my main issue, and it's one of the big reasons I prefer villain-side to hero. When you play the newer content from post 2008 and then go play the old content... the age really shows.


My suggestions would be to limit these contacts to their story arcs, and delegate the street-sweeps and one-off missions to the security chiefs, similar to how it works in Praetoria and the Ward zones. And while we're at it, keep the missions in the same zones. Always annoying to have a contact in Skyway who sends me on a mission to go talk to a guy in Atlas, who then tells me to go to Steel and after that go to Perez, then head back to Skyway to turn it all in. 

On that note, I'd also really like something to do in the hazard zones that have always been completely barren. Obviously I don't expect an unpaid volunteer team to give every hazard zone the same treatment that Faultline or the Rikti Crash Site received, but it'd be nice to have some incentive to go into these zones other than exploration badges. Maybe have some kind of daily/weekly event in these areas, having players clear street mobs until a boss appears, with merits/temporary powers as rewards.


And just so I can end this post on a positive note and not sound like I'm being whiny or entitled, I do want to give a tremendous "thank you" to the folks who brought this game back after so many years and help keep it running. There truly isn't any other MMO like CoH on the market today, at least none that I've enjoyed, and being able to come back after so long has made me very, very happy. Thank you!

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Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.

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On 1/9/2020 at 10:38 PM, Abraxus said:

Welcome back!  Things are pretty much as you remember them.  Maybe a little better.  But, while you might think it's all a dream, it's not!  You're really here!

Things are way more than a little better.


Welcome home.

Edited by Myrmidon
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Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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Content.  New, and revisiting some abandoned "because we want new people to make their own stuff" content (Blood of the Black STream comes to mind. Even if it's not an AT - since that's a lot more work - getting some payoff for all the Gadzul Oil hints, worldwide-computer (tying in to that eye of horus by the Oakes tanker,) etc. would be nice.)


Graphical update, if possible. Redoing the engine behind everything is too much, I know, but more tweaks, updated costume options, etc.  And fingers.


If it ended up a "new new" server, importing the characters from here.


I guess just "continual development" is kind of a given...

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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In order of importance to me.


1) Complete content that was started but unfinished by the Devs prior to shut-down. (Incarnate Content finished, Complete unfinished story lines, Complete Power Balance issues)


2) New Powers and Power Special Effects and Costumes


3) Base love (QOL, Better organization of Items, New Base Items, If possible more space customization in the editor (Higher Ceilings and no walls))


4) New Story lines 

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.


Let's Go Crack a Planet.

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I have a few ideas.

1. Customizable Mastermind minions.  If possible, fully adjustable like AE NPCs, but if that's not really feasible, at least a drop-down list of options like we have for weapons in the costume editor.

2. More powerset proliferation, regardless of whether it's "ideal" or not.  Regeneration on Tankers, Illusion Control on Dominators, Shield Defense on Sentinels, etc.

3. More Blaster and Dominator secondary sets.  These tend to combine aspects of other power sets, and there are several missing.  For example, a Blaster with a "Combat Knives" secondary who can throw a poisoned dagger to immobilize, use dual-blade style combos, and a stealth toggle.  Dominators could use a Medieval Assault set that uses a sword and bow.

4. When a weapon is set for "no redraw", it should still play the character animation for the attack.  This is more a bug report than anything else, lol.  If my "Ninja Training" Blaster doesn't have his katana out yet, and I tell him to use an attack with it, he just stands still like a fool, the weapon appears, and the damage/sounds happen, but he doesn't actually swing the sword.

5. More Mastermind Primary sets.  I know this is a huge amount of work, but it's definitely the AT with the least options.  Private Security, Medieval Soldiers, Elementals, etc.

6. New ATs.  Example: The Coordinator - A pet class that only has one pet, from level 1 as their secondary set, but gains moves to make it better at its particular job and giving you tools to synergize with it.  The primary set could be the Assault sets Dominators get as secondaries.  So you summon one good pet, and you fight while it tanks, or it supports you while you fight on the front line, or you both just do tons of damage.  Pet options could be drawn from existing types of pets, like soldiers, knights, stone golems, etc.  Another possible AT would be a highly mobile, high damage melee support.  Not a lot of durability, except maybe to AoE damage, but you dash around the fight helping teammates and hurting foes.

Edited by AgentForest
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Firstly I'd like to repeat the message others have given: we really like having the game back.Our first priority should be to see that it stays.


Personally I quite like easy content. I'm not after a great 'challenge' in the game where I have to do something twenty times before I finally manage to 'get' how to solve this bit of the puzzle. I think though COH is perhaps a little too easy. It would be nice if there was a reason to do play existing content in a new way. Rather like Ouroborus? There could be rewards that are valuable (like accolades?) for having to get teams together to do this. It's all to easy to get this to fall into a 'grind', but I think there is a lot of old content we don't visit, and it would be great if there was a reason for us to go do it.


There is a lot of rubbish early Hero side content of course. As said above the 'go click the box at this location in the city' missions should just go. I think most of the later content is good and some of it is great.


As for other ideas, I really like the idea of accolades. The 'passive 4 accolades' are great and give a goal and direction for the character. Some are rubbish though: a single target immobilise once every 25 mins. That's a joke right? It's at the 'plastic toy in the christmas cracker' level of desirability. Having accolades that are actually worth it would be great: an AOE immobilise every five minutes would be something people would want to spend time getting, a decent aoe every reasonable time perios,... that sort of thing.  



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Hello. First of all, i'd like to thank who ever is in charge for allowing people to play this game again . I am so happy about it. I have played everquest, wow and even i f i like those, i have suffered most from Coh stopping  a few back ago .


I am so happy i can play it again ! 🙂


My whishes  are like most :


1 / More costume pieces. 


2/ More  content : too many maps are repetetive, or are the same . 


3/ More tfs . More "defeat all" so that less are rushed , especially at mid levels.


4/ More power sets !  


5 / More important treatment of the origins.  Being a mutant or a science project hero should have more consequences in the game other than types of enhancements. Maybe some specific story arcs with unique rewards.


i like the game as it is, maybe not so much at high levels, and i see no contradiction in asking for more ! 🙂


Anyways, CoH COV is a great game i hope  will continue to exist for a few more years !

Edited by remro
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The game is as it is right now is pretty much most of what I ever wanted of it anyway. Maybe some divide between Red and Blue side again, just so red stands a chance to be played at all. Not too much fiddling with balance, more fiddling with costumes, mastermind pets, emotes, etc. 

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Sounds like the general consensus is new Power Sets and story arch's .  Don't get overloaded with too much.  After all we want to keep you sane. lol   Please continue this game even through the abuse of certain things from some players . In other words enjoy the game ..   Have a great day and Stay Strong.

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A copy character function for sure... would love not to have to start over. 🙂

Would like you to something useful done w Kalista (sp?) Warf! 

More trails would be fun. 
New power sets. 
BADGES! There r never enough badges 🙂 

A second incarnate zone like DA. 
Added incarnate content, in general. 
And uhm everything u have already done included on this ‘legitimate’ 🙂 server. Absolutely. 

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2 hours ago, ScarletFe said:

A copy character function for sure... would love not to have to start over. 🙂

Having the old Sentinel+ tool updated to allow it to be pointed at different servers would be useful, so we could archive the data from our characters in the worst-case event of the talks with NCsoft going south badly and they start flinging C&D letters. The code's already out, so we'd be able to take the archived character data into a private server; it wouldn't be the full world that Homecoming has given us, but we'd at least have more than the hollow shell Paragon Chat always felt like. But I'd still rather that Homecoming and NCsoft work out an agreement to give us a secure Paragon City to play in.

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New powersets such as Power Armor, Athletic Combat(think Nightcrawler, Spider-Man, or Daredevil). Super Speed Combat(to pair with the SS travel power..something like Quicksilver), additional travel abilities like digging, hoverboard(where it's not just a prestige ability,like Night-Thrasher) etc. Aside from that, some added content, maybe link the seldom-used locations in a more useful way....merge the Preatoria world with the COH main world, possibly. Anyway...this was just off the cuff. I may add more at a later time. Love the rebirth good people and thanks for all you do!   


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