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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. ... except for the person being told to use it being forced to play a way they don't enjoy. Who then has to either play nerfed - and yes, for me I've noticed a decided change in my own survivability and utility with stuff set to KD - or just leave the group. Like I said, I'm for it for pets. You can't control what they do very well. Not for players.
  2. Absolutely against a toggle. No thanks. I don't want to make it even easier for someone to bitch at me because they're afraid of knockback and feel it authorizes them to tell me how to play. That said, I *wouldn't* argue with pet KB being KD automatically. Unlike what players (in theory) can do, pets aren't really able to intelligently use knockback, and even positioning MM minions doesn't mean they're not going to suddenly decide to turn and target something completely different.
  3. Power creep trivializes content and makes it boring. If you want to use sets, having to actually *choose* is part of it. Just like having limited slots and limited power picks. Going into AE, for instance, in edit mode, turning "invincible on" and just hitting the "kill target" button is *incredibly* dull. I'd rather not have that be the experience of *the entire game.* Maybe for you. Not for me. I prefer making *characters,* not cookie-cutter spreadsheets, leveling them and making decisions as they face different things on the way up. Including doing little things that only I see to amuse myself - like having a staff scrapper whose "beat" is the beach and ocean areas who has Mako's Bite heavily slotted, not because it's the best set or best numbers but because "shark." Plays perfectly fine, but would probably throw a min/maxer into fits.
  4. Absolutely against this. Why have the rest of the game if you're not going to play it? About the only time I'd be for an instant 50 is for a PVP-only character who's limited to zones and the Arena, since that's purely for competition (and has the restriction of being PVP-only.) They've already taken a step with something similar to that in having PVP-zone-only (including arena) versions of accolades you can just pick up. Besides, just because you've gotten a (say) rad/fire brute up to 50 doesn't mean you have a feel for other brutes, or other melee, or how any other AT plays. We've already had people complaining about "AE babies" since AE came out, who sit in a farm, hit 50 and have no idea how to do things like ... zone to join a team or slot a power. Making it even easier by having someone sit in a farm and then just insta-50 and not know anything about the rest of the game isn't an improvement.
  5. It was for me, for the reasons I gave for not liking it as a toggle. Note I've been playing it since i3, an elec/elec was my first 50 (i3/i4 timeframe,) and one of my mains since then. And as far as damage auras? My blasters don't spend the majority of their time in melee, and damage auras turning off is universal across blasters. VS is unique to Electric, as is the use I've gotten out of it *still being there when mezzed.* Thus describing this, unlike damage auras, as a loss of functionality. With one problem. Its damage output and end drain as a dropped toggle is zero. This being a toggle turns it from an always-take, almost signature of Electric blast for me, into something as useful as "summon small ball of lint," something I can skip without second thought.
  6. See prior comments a few posts up re: being unable to control the KD and potential issues. It happens often enough, I just can't tell *when* to expect it, as well.
  7. How much would this *also* limit us in customization? There aren't other whips to draw visuals from, and even recoloring - which might work for some ("I want a fire whip" - ok, some red and orange, etc.) won't work for someone who wants a non-FX, regular rope/leather whip, or chain or barbed wire or some other material. I think that would be the biggest demand of a whip set, actually. Animation and effects aside, I kind of agree with krj12's comment - it might be "easiest" to have it show up in a dom Assault set first.
  8. Also... I can see the ... yes, I'm forgetting the name right now, the auto-KD becoming an issue. It's out of the player's control, which is not a good thing. Mind you, I like knockback in the sets that have it (barring pets) because most of the issues with it can be dealt with by the player paying attention and using the power slightly differently - positioning or whatnot. (Which is why the "barring pets" caveat. Much harder to control when and where *they'll* do KB, and pets are usually where I'll put a KB-to-KD IO.) This one's out of the player's control (unless they're choosing to sit and do nothing.) While generally not an issue solo, as even -1 enemies don't get knocked *Back,* there are times this will come into play: - If you're doing it with another player's KD (say, an ice patch, or close to another seismic blast user,) in theory the mag could stack and turn it into knockback, and - fighting enemies with no -kb resistance, like Clockwork. Get into melee range, this kicks in, suddenly they're scattered. While right now I believe only primal (and maybe psychic, which you only see in one mission at higher level) clockwork are the ones with this particular enemy group quirk, it doesn't preclude others showing up. Or this being annoying in, say, Posi or Synapse or mission teams vs Clockwork. Also, early on at least, there's no indication this is *going* to kick in. No bar, no rings, no anything immediately obvious. (Maybe up in the buff icon bar, but I don't tend to look up there.) Which makes it harder for the player to do anything to mitigate it. Last, given how people are with Kheld shapeshifts and the like, I could see the constant, uncontrolled boom...boom...boom of an active seismic blaster being considered annoying, even with screen shake off. In short, while I Get "why" on the effect and it's a neat idea... the execution of it I think needs to be rethought a little. (So far - granted with only a little play - I'm interested enough to play with the rest of the set and likely roll at least one on live. But the "bonus" effect...ehhh...) What I'd do instead? Instead of knockdown, make it a slow. When soil vibrates, it can liquify, after all, making it harder to move through the looser soil. It's less disruptive of an effect, still has a defensive component and is still thematic.
  9. ... assuming you want to run DFB repeatedly on every single character versus jumping into story arcs. Not an assumption that should be made.
  10. This is about right. I don't mind the lack of projectiles, but the names *and* power descriptions of several powers I can see throwing people, since it sounds like they should also be doing some sort of hold - which they don't. (In short, if you tell me I'm "encasing" someone in something, especially since I've played a lot of 'trollers and doms, I do half expect it to be a hold - even if brief and/or unenhanceable.)
  11. I'm... not sure how I feel about sleeps being autohit. I mean, I like sleeps. I'm an advocate for them. Team having a hard time, low level, vs COT? (posi 1/2 come to mind for this, since ruin mage bubbles and -tohit fields are absolute b**ches when stacked.) Sleeps are wonderful. Want to make sure you're only going to pull one of the phalanx/patrons in LRSF/MLTF? SLeeping the others does that. Tsoo sorc hurricane and healing causing problems? Sleep (then confuse for the buff.) They cut through defenses and shut down armors - even if they're "woken up" right away, those powers aren't immediately available again. Having these autohit at lower to mid level is going to be insanely useful. Which is part of why I'm not sure how I feel about it. :) I mean, the fact the DMG (or other effect) needs an acc check in powers that have that (like mesmerize) are probably a good balancing point.. Regardless, I'll definitely have a mind (or plant with spore burst) around for lower to mid level TFs because of this. This might be worth looking into. Not sure if -tohit is what to use, but a minor "woken" debuff of some sort for a few seconds might be more enticing to players who just see "but they wake right away!" in sleeps. We do? Who does? And are you expecting that from level 1 on up? This doesn't seem like a fair or realistic general assumption to make. Maybe in a min/max subset of the playerbase that only runs at 50 and builds for that, sure, and that certainly exists, but that's not everyone. I wouldn't even think it'd be half.
  12. Honestly, the one change I'd want to see there is - if you mistype a password, you get a dialog box saying "incorrect ID or password," with an OK. If you hit enter again, you... just re-send the bad password, versus clearing the dialog box. That should (to me) hit the "ok" on the dialog box, and the bad PW should be cleared.
  13. I'm not sure how many merits the fires or raves should be worth, even. I mean, sure, at level they can be tough, but they're also so low level that you speed past that even without getting PLd or using XP boosters. After which it's fairly trivial to do. (And in the case of the fires, potentially even more trivial, as some powersets don't even need to pick up the fire extinguisher backpack - and are far more efficient than using it to begin with.) If those had any merit reward, it would probably have to be so trivial people would end up not feeling it's worth it - they're certainly not GM-level events. (The construction site would make sense to give 6 merits like a GM, since (a) you're fighting to keep one from being finished and (b) you're giving a fixed time up to stop it, and currently *by* stopping it you're ... screwing yourself out of 6 merits.)
  14. Going to say (and yes, I have played it) I dislike having VS be a toggle. Specifically because *toggles detoggle when mezzed,* and that's when I want VS out there. That's when it's helped me. Putting it in as a toggle makes it 100% skippable on anything but a sentinel, which already has mez protection. Make it longer duration, make it show up in a pet window, fine. But don't make it a toggle. That makes it useless. Yes, calling it "useless" is strong wording. It deserves it.
  15. My biggest problem is having to have the 80s glam-rock look. I don't think there's any hair in the game that does it properly, and... ... oh, you mean the powerset. Carry on. (And speed up the ST heal. Lob that at someone and their grandkids might get it in time.)
  16. Yep, asked for before. I seem to recall the original devs saying it was a lot of work just for the three attacks in the MM set, and with the tools available to the team, it's probably nothing close to "near term" likely. But if that could be overcome, I'd be for seeing what they could do with it, sure.
  17. Got my first 50 back in issue 3. It took me all of that one character to realize "oh, this is meant to fill in a few holes." As an elec/elec blaster taking fire, I got a resist shield, some control and Rise of the Phoenix. (Which, as a blaster in I3, was very much appreciated.) Not sure why, after so many sentinels, the OP hasn't caught on to that fact. (Well, yes, I've seen their history and know why, but, you know.) By the way, "Epic" has a few meanings in this game. For instance, Epic ATs use it to mean "tied or related to a story," and are linked to a faction or specific bit of lore.
  18. So. Rather miffed at this, but I thought I'd give a heads up here. Back on live, Taclobanon was one of my go-to people for artwork. Decent work, decent prices, good to work with. He disappeared for a few years after a storm, popped up, vanished again. Well, he - or someone using his name and logo - is now on a site called "opensea," selling NFTs. And guess what pieces are on this page... yep, our commissions. And from what I'm seeing on his DA page, nobody was notified. https://opensea.io/taclobanon?fbclid=IwAR3MbqOQiPG_4vYayCtP6jSxV5ABtJHxElGZEyw4peIum81RQE9zEDHZAp8 I've put a message on his DA site. I'm hoping this isn't actually him. (Some of the pieces ... I'm not sure Disney would be thrilled with someone selling an Ahsoka piece, for instance.)
  19. ... uh... ok... Why is this a problem? They're two different screens for two different things, not seen at the same time.... *confused look*
  20. You realize how totally irrelevant (and rather whiny) this is, right...
  21. Can't say I agree with the badges. Some should be account wide, yes, but exploration badges - and the accolades that go with them - should not be on that list. Among other reasons (such as no, character 1 has *not* visited Praetoria and should not have those badges,) by making explore badges account wide you're throwing away a *lot* of merits... 5 per zone adds up, funds a lot of lowbies and helps with at higher levels, as well. And I should note, while disagreeing, that I've got well over 100 characters. It would very much *not* be convenient. As for the other? We've got a city. Nothing wrong with being sent elsewhere. Some of the more annoying missions that *should* be cut ("Hey, hero, take these newspaper clippings to my buddy!") are in the same zone, after all. Doesn't make *them* any better.
  22. First thing I have to point out is - we don't actually have a large population, which is going to throw off how much a zone is "used." You mention Terra Volta - it's the site for the heroside respec trials, as well as several hunts. It's popular for taking out Sky Raiders for Numina, for instance. First Ward is the first post-original-goldside zone, and it and night ward cover the 20-30(ish) range for them. They're story based. So the people *using* the zones are often in missions and not visible. Boomtown can use work, yes, but... Plus, whose level should it adjust to? If a 50 hops in to get badges, and a level 20 hops in nbecause they're sent their on a mission, who is it adjusting for? (Not to mention some groups just not *having* 1-50 members... and some just shouldn't.) I'd be for adding content to the hazard zones, yeah. Messing with levels, not so much.
  23. *Watches for Modsign.*
  24. Do you mention ahead of time that you're clearing everything or whatnot? If not, well, just remember. Even if the character's a psychic, the player isn't. Make your expectations known first.
  25. See, the problem with it is - it's being seen as "No, full stop, and not worthy of discussion." Or even - how to put it - an aggressive "no." And if it gets seen that way too much, it could very well end up doing exactly the opposite of what you state you're trying to do and be a reason to get a warning or, eventually, ban. It did, after all, get to that point on live. And I do get that some ideas are just ... no. Just stop. I don't think there should be a requirement or expectation of "having an explanation." Sometimes (generic) you just don't like an idea. Even if it's not something that can be put into words, something just feels like it'd be a bad idea but all you can say is "eh... I don't think it'd be good/it would fit." Personally? I'd like if the forums had a shorthand - other than this, and a little more nuanced. Even if it's GIFs. Say, just using stop lights, with - say - a red with a choice of "Eh, just don't like it," "power creep!/overpowered," "technical reasons," etc, yellow with "not sure" or "don't think it can be done, but would be interested," and green for "yep! Like it" - or have them as the response icons in the corner. Just to give a feel of support (or not) that isn't necessarily needing discussion and won't be taken as just shutting down a discussion.
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