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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. I13 did a lot of things, one of the big ones being changing how powers worked. You went from being able to play a character in PVE and haul it over to PVP where, it might not be *optimal* ("Bring a team!") but you know how it works, to having holds that don't, mez protection that doesn't, and heals might but won't after a while, among many other things. As for what I'd do... hmmm. Unpopularly - drop the rule of 5 to a rule of 3 for set bonuses. (And fold LOTG into regular recharge percentages.)
  2. Should be a thread about these... somewhere. I'm not a fan of removing zones from the PVPers (or... in general, really.) Doubling them, though - there's plenty of investigation to be done in Siren's, I'd say the plot needs to be fleshed out more than scrapped. BB is sort of "out in the middle of nowhere," so for those looking for coop - well, yes, bit of a revamp and some more Shivan storyline to flesh things out (besides DiB.) Warburg makes sense to be a redside zone, if it were duplicated for PVE.
  3. You should have other tabs for things like task forces, which will fill in as you hit their level. If you've done DIB, you should be showing Positron 1 and 2 as well as Synapse, possibly Yin if you've hit 20. As far as one mission trials, there really aren't a lot like that. You'll see the Cathedral of Pain listed, but that needs... more than a few people. Same with the Rikti mothership. You'll see the respec trials listed, which aren't *one* mission but are fairly small. Cavern of Transcendance is fairly quick. Most of what you see will have a few missions to go through.
  4. "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it." We have literal years of experience of what happened on live. Ignoring that and just saying "live is gone" is, frankly, foolish. We've learned what people do and do not like, what works, doesn't work and sort of works and that sort of thing. "Now is now" *IS* now because of what happened before.
  5. When the zones were first introduced, there *was* a mission that sent you to the PVP zones - a simple talk to (talk to PVP zone liason.) If you think people *now* complain about "having" to go to PVP zones for badges? It's a polite chuckle compared to the outrage people had at this. Some people *do not like* PVP, do not want PVP, do not want to be exposed to it, do not want to even acknowledge it's in the game. So the devs moved the contacts *outside* the zones, in the PVE areas - and, finally, stopped *giving* them as contacts, since they would block progress towards getting other contacts until you went to talk to them. Putting missions in that force you to go to PVP zones? You'd better start liking the look of feathers stuck in the boiling tar that's covering you. I *like* the zones, though I think they need improvement on several things, and will fight (or just say "kill me and get it over with, this one's just not slotted for it," if that's the case) when I'm in there - but I'll argue against having missions force people to go into the zones all day. That said, there *are* missions in there, which (appropriately) affect (only) the zone. You have to be of level to get the missions, of course - you can level past them. (You can also get a temporary stealth/invis/phase shift for doing a patrol, which I tend to find handy.) But nobody's forced to go in and do them.
  6. Other than having them in your SG, not really, as far as I know.
  7. ... with no restrictions on how bases are made, I'd assume? Wonder how fun "yeah, our destructible items are locked in inaccessible rooms" is...
  8. You'll note I never mentioned underwater - that was another post entirely 🙂 However, as I recall the devs were preparing to mention, or start on, moon "stuff" when they got shut down, yeah. There's also been mention of "rocket launch sites under construction" (I think one's supposed to be in Port Oakes?) for years. And of course, we do have a gantry and "launching" rocket in Warburg.
  9. It all depends on what you want to do. Concentrate on damage? Blaster Support, but concentrate more on damage? Corrupter. Support, getting the support powers at lower level to help out? Defender.
  10. Did a couple earlier today and they seemed fine, actually. But it may have just been lack of load on the servers, too.
  11. So, I seem to have a few characters that are ocean or beach-related in their theming, and there's not a heck of a lot for them to do. I'd also been toying with the idea of extending that theme to a SG ($deity help me.) I've gone through AE maps here and there and there are some there - but not a lot. I'd like to snag some chunks of Talos (and probably Founders, as well) for use in AE. The SE and SW corners, the north islands (Circe/Ithaca waypoints) and a nice stretch of the boardwalk to north talos, say. Just for some variety. I wouldn't argue with the boardwalk from the tiki map either. 🙂
  12. Well... the inevitable question: "So why not start them up yourself?" I mean, yes, it's like herding cats, but still. I think people would still swap the *other* way for yet more merits (and of course for the people who don't want to swap red to blue.) Even if it's just a once a week thing, *someone* has to start the ball rolling, y'know?
  13. I'd say there's argument for the Shard zones, since they're not "connected" to heroside other than through Portal (though Arachnos should have their own outpost.) There's plenty there to explore and take advantage of. The Echo zones would make zero sense to be coop. (Yes, I know Faultline has the Arachnos base on it and the badge in the echo hinting at spiders - but it makes no sense *there,* either. A military base from a hostile nation in the middle of a city is just flat out dumb. FWIW I feel the same way about Nerva and Longbow, and the Mercy revamp, though at least you can kick LB and the heroes out of there.) Same with Crey's - while it's next to the RWZ ("vanguard" territory,) it's another "wouldn't make sense" one. Edit: As far as not seeing raids for the Abyss? Might be time/server dependent there. I know the ones on Everlasting tend to take place while I'm at work, but AFAIK they take place daily.
  14. Ever have an MSR go *just* wrong and be the target of several Magi at once? I've seen tanks get killed from that mezzing them.
  15. I'm assuming not, since it sounds like from that warning it's going by *what* your character is, alignment wise, as opposed to where. Which is also true with the blue and red side WWs, IIRC. (I seem to remember switching and having the 'porter just be useless.) But at least those you can switch alignments - you can't switch to loyalist/resistance from a primal alignment.
  16. This, exactly. Also, saying ATT and Recall do "the same thing" is like saying a Corvette and a semi do "the same thing." Yes, they go from point A to point B, but I don't think anyone in their right mind expects them to do the same job.
  17. I'm not sure if it matters that those also appear around others it's affecting (as far as having minimal FX or not.) I'm kind of curious about that, since we have other powers (steamy mist, the.... power I'm forgetting from dark miasma, etc.) that also affect appearance of you and others that do not include a minfx option. (Though those would also be more problematic to have a minimal FX option on, since they're stealth and that would affect escorts, which isn't the case with leadership....)
  18. I did previously, had to log off and back on before it would let me. THat was... last week sometime? And yeah, sounds like it's still ongoing.
  19. No, I don't think removing textures all together will fix it. 🙂 Serious answer, I think something like that would be a fairly large undertaking for the game to recognize and use it. I wouldn't argue with it - I'd love the game to look better and have them be able to update it - but it's not something I'd hold my breath on.
  20. Ehhhh. It'd be more like an automaker makes cars that a large portion of the population doesn't like and isn't inclined to purchase - some might rent once in a while. Then they go from a steering wheel and pedals to a stick and buttons over the top of your head. There are still a couple of people who really like quirky cars, but it's the last straw for most of the audience who would have bought it. Plus they get really horrendous paint colors.
  21. Yes. When that changes, I'm sure they'll make an announcement.
  22. That one you can disable the speed portion of at null the gull, at least.
  23. You'd be surprised. It's part of why I wish I could select "AOE buff" or "Single target buff (classic)" sometimes for shields and other buffs that got the AOE treatment.
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