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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Couldn't you just /t yourself? Fairly sure it works (local or global... ) Edit: Just double checked. You can just /t yourself. Or create a channel of your own and call it "my test" or whatnot and send output there, I suppose.
  2. I'd still go for a menu option or slash commend being available for the same reason ironjoe states, but I wouldn't be against this - especially as someone with a lot of alts. The option's there already, just swap what it already is set to by default.
  3. There's ... so much that could be improved with text and such in this game. Stuff like clues or plaque text I'd love to look back on - but can't. NPC text vomit as soon as a mission's entered (mostly an AE thing.) Having a way to go back and *read* these things would be great. But.. yes, 100% to this.
  4. In all honestly, this was probably the fastest and easiest fix for something "broken but not breaking the whole game." Less time to change a level than tweak and rebalance the encounter for lower levels.
  5. I'm going to second the "Check art and multimedia section." I don't know if anyone down there does overlays like you're talking about or not, but that'd be the place to ask. I think "legally" (not a lawyer, etc.) about the only thing anyone might trip over is if there's any NC "property" as part of the overlay, or anything regarding Homecoming. I don't stream, either :) but if you're describing what I'm thinking of, most tend to be layout, placement and color? *shrug*
  6. When'd you first see this? Any specific mission? (I'm assuming you mean things like the boxes that do the narration in Posi 2 before you go face Dr. Vahzilok. )
  7. Yeah, I've only run CoP a few times but that's been going on a while. (Yes, I end up forgetting to report it by the time I'm done for the night, personally.)
  8. (Top's mostly snipped for space.) Part of the issue with teleport, as well, was people doing things like sticking people in guard towers (before the exits were put in) and teleporting them up to the top of skyscrapers and dropping them (before the anti-one-shot code was put in.) So there was more... impetus to put that popup (and other options) in. Group fly doesn't do that - it's mostly inconvenient to annoying, depending on who you ask. (And can, of course, cause issues with powers.) I'm not 100% sure how a decline *prompt* would work for group fly, given the mechannics (and that you can wind up in and out of it frequently, though there is the "always set," I suppose) but a menu option? That, I think, would work out better, personally.
  9. After seeing another thread (on top of in-game arguments) about masterminds and group fly - this time from a MM being told to turn it off - I decided to throw out an idea, the kernel of which was blatantly stolen from one of the arguments during an MSR. :) A pet pool. I was going to say "a mastermind pool," but I could see controllers/doms wanting some of this to go with *their* pets (yes, Mind, I know, you don't get one - or, everything's your pet, but wouldn't be affected by this. Take two fresh chocolate chip cookies.) So, what's the issue to be solved? Unwanted group fly when a MM is running it. Yes, "you can see Null," but that's not always a feasable solution (see: Everlasting MSRs and Hami raids, where leaving the zone means you *might* not be getting back in. Not to mention wanting it on for some things, off for others.) I don't know if it's mechanically possible to add an "only affects pets" switch to the existing power somehow (again, via null, I'd assume) but just in case, well... But we can't have a pool with just that, obviously. So, a roughly fleshed out pet-travel-and-control pool. Not sure if it should just be visible to pet classes (mm/controller/dom,) or if that's even possible - feel free to discuss. Names... I'm not married to. Just making them different from other pools with similar powers. 1. Pack fly. Because, group fly, but only affecting the MM and pets. Low, because if this is what a pet class wants for a travel power and they rely on their minions for damage and their HP... they shouldn't be penalized for it, so available at 4. 2. Gather the pack. Dual role here. One, team TP, but for pets. Two, "Assemble the team," but for pets, because yelling "Get BACK here!" sometimes isn't fast enough. Just cast it at your current spot. 3. Team Targeting. Combination of Assault and Tactics... again, affecting the caster and pets. Given how mastermind pets also lose levels as you get more of them, they can use the help. Since you can't slot for additional damage in Assault, this'll take end, tohit, and tohit sets. Yes, it stacks with Leadership, if you want that end cost. No, I don't think it's a big deal, because VEATs. Being a pool power, it's still less powerful than what they have (or would be by default, I'll let someone else mess with numbers) - but it's one pick here. 4. Pack defense Maneuvers, for the MM and pets. Doesn't affect the rest of the team, other than having a healthier MM. 5. Pet heal. Wide-ish AOE pet heal. Get them all, since it's top tier it should also be a fairly healthy heal (heh,) perhaps with absorb. Since some, but not all, sets get very inconsistent heals - AOE, single target, fast, slow, both - this gives some options to MMs that have a secondary like Poison (with a slow, single target heal.) Nope, not throwing numbers out, I'll let someone else argue over those. This is more a concept. Enjoy.
  10. If there's news they can talk about (since they're most likely still bound by an NDA) they'll announce it. I doubt it'll be missable when they do. 🙂
  11. Yeah, this argument gets gotten into on MSRs regularly, too. And you'll find other threads on this, as well (like my wanting an indicator on who I *have* had it turned on or off on - I've got a lot of alts.) I've seen - and made - a few suggestions on this. Your "only affects pets" option, for instance. Slash commands to turn "affected by group travel powers" on or off (it could just be macro'd - say, off on an MSR, on for Hamidon.) I've seen someone (in an MSR) throw out the idea for a MM specific power pool if coding these into existing powers were too much (group travel, exclusive leadership, etc.) Lots of arguing on both sides, so... yeah, a solution other than "go see null" really should be looked at.
  12. No. You slot it in any power that has an end mod component. If you weren't supposed to, they wouldn't have it in that category. Also... Before getting so stridently up in arms over something being in the wrong category... you should make sure the category you insist it should be in exists. As has been mentioned, plenty of powers (like... all of Electric blast or Electric melee) that can use acc, end mod and damage in one set.
  13. Eh. Some yes, some no, honestly. First, conceptually? "As an emotion-based set" - no, it isn't. Yes, I know the name. Let's not pigeonhole one person's concept into "this is how it works." I hate it for Dark ("it's all the netherworld!") powers, too, frankly. *You* may feel empathy, but your feelings aren't necessarily what's doing the healing and buffing. OK, that gripe out of the way... 1. Healing aura - Pretty much agree with this. It does add early-game utility, where, yes, "I heal" is more handy - but that bit of endurance would be too. 2. Heal Other - Don't think it needs that much of a recharge buff, personally. And I don't, honestly, feel it needs to not be affected by line of sight. If someone's going to run off on their own, that's on them. 3. Absorb pain I'm ... ehhhh here. I still do not agree with "no line of sight." And I don't want the "remove self-healing prevention debuff." But that's because I *like* powers that have more than just an END cost that make you have to think for a second, "do I want to use this now?" They have to be *worth* the cost, though. So, this should be the largest single-target heal, *plus* the absorb (and a significant one) you want to add. 4. CM Er... ok, looks like Razor already pointed out what I was going to. 5. Resurrect Oh dear god, yes, please just instantly recharge if the person doesn't accept. Though I don't think the recharge really needs to be dropped. The only time I find myself wanting super-low recharge is an MSR going sideways (hello, pack of Rikti mages/priests/AOE bastages...) and often no amount of recharge is going to help there - you want a Dark for the corpse pile. What I *would* add (though not at the expense of "if not accepted, just recharge") is just insane regen/recovery/CM for 5-7 seconds so the person can at least survive the rez if the timing or positioning happens to be ... not ideal (again, looking at MSRs here.) 6. Fortitude - "This will comfortably enable the Empath to maintain Fortitude on all party members" - all party members don't need it. Prioritize. 7 - The two RAs. They don't need to be able to be perma'd. So that I'll generally argue against. 8. AB - Also doesn't need to be on multiple members of the party. That's just too much. I'll also point to Razor's idea of having the powers - basically pull what the attacks in the fighting pool do. If you have more than one, they end up strengthening each other. I *do* like mechanics like that. Also, I *never* do this (call to gather) on my emps. I combat buff. The team's going to keep moving. If your Scrapper or Brute (typically) decides they need to hare off on their own, I'm not chasing you. (Also why I'm not for the "no LOS needed." Get over here and stay with the team!) Last thing... I *really* kind of wish you'd get a boost for actually TAKING your other set. When I see someone advertise as a "healer," from experience I tend to cringe and expect them to have no attacks past the first, or no slots in them. I'd be tickled to see some sort of buff to Empathy that adds resists/defense/etc. to whatever your other set is. But that's likely a mechanical nightmare.
  14. I wouldn't argue that Adamastor needs to be nerfed below other GMs - but if anything, Lusca has you fighting multiple "GMs" in each of the tentacles. Takes longer - so I could see an argument for *that* going up.
  15. It honestly depends. Usually I've been to a zone before ever dealing with a TF anyway, but if something's somewhere near an objective... sure, I'll hop over, click, and keep going. I won't have people wait while I get *all* of them or anything - that's just rude - but if we're still forming and I have time to kill? Sure.
  16. Honestly... I doubt most would bother with a backstory. I'm on Everlasting, so I should see more, but most people (in general) seem to be "nope, just want to burn things with fire" or some such, versus having a *character.* And I'll be honest, with mine, most of the backstories are in my head. I might get a little blurb for name/age/something important, but between my hatred for the editor, annoyance with its limits and... well, the backstories just not *fitting* in some (or still being hashed out,) well... For instance, one of my "mains," Ishku, has a story about her name. (She misheard the first time her eventually-adopted brother said "'s cool" and... Ishku kind of became her thing. Then her.) And a whole other-world (literally) of backstory. And a fairly lengthy story of why she's *here* and not where she came from. And her interactions with her new family. And everything she's done since. I haven't even written all this up on FBSA, much less tried to squeeze relevant bits in 1000 characters. Some, sure, I can do that. Others, I need to write a novel for.
  17. *raises hand* I'm going for the explores in any case - nice, fast 5 merits - and the plaques tend to be on the way, so I grab them. But I'm odd like that.
  18. ... aren't those the "only work in PVP zone" versions, or am I remembering wrong? And while I don't chase the accolades, I wouldn't argue with alternate paths.
  19. I don't necessarily disagree with the first, but I have two things immediately jump to mind: 1. While most PVPers might do this, you know there would be people who wouldn't - and those would the people who would be remembered doing it (even if not by name) and referred to - whether their intent is malicious ("let's interrupt the RPers/costume contest/the lulz") or not ("hey, I found this duel command, want to try it?") 2. What would be the difference, then, if it just did what I believe was suggested several posts ago - drop the people who want to duel into an instance? Even better (?) if they had some portion of the zone as an arena map instance? Yes, it would keep people who might want to see it from seeing it right away, but if the participants are running off somewhere to duel privately, wouldn't that have the same effect, in essence? As for the last, yes, player generated content will always help - we can do it faster than the devs, in many instances, if we're given the tools. I don't know how much "you can duel open world" will help that, though. There are PVP events broadcast and advertised now, after all - do you think these would generate *more* interest or just have the same people who are already interested, for the most part? Or even have them on more than they are now? (I don't know how much the PVP community is growing as a percentage of the whole community, honestly.)
  20. I ... honestly wouldn't call the first an opinion. If it is, it's backed up by a *lot* of arguing all the way back to the live forums. Plus, given that most RP is local (or in team or in tells,) it's not really a good counterexample. You can't tell unless you get close if two or more people are RPing - assuming they *are* using local. You certainly *can* tell that Superdude and xXxJusticeSkoutxXx are fighting, if they were able to just suddenly duel in the middle of Atlas Park, and from a good ways away. As far as the "competition in the DNA," well... on the one hand, all you have to do is read or listen to dev descriptions since beta to know PVP was planned as a part of it, yes. The flip side of it is that other than the zones and arenas - which are decidedly out of the way - people aren't put into any sort of competitive atmosphere. Even villainside it tends to be cooperative - your entire team works together, there are no alternate missions or side missions that can sabotage the rest of the team or another team indirectly, much less directly. The best I would probably say is that while it was planned from the beginning, it's never been a central focus compared to the cooperative environment and so, yes, I could see why people would see a duel between heroes (possibly less so villains?) as being disruptive or ... being given a generally unwelcoming reception. I mean, people hated it when all they had to do was go into a PVP zone, click an NPC, say "ok" and leave, feeling that *that* forced PVP on them when they didn't want it... regardless of if that zone was busy or not, or there was a 30 second timer or what have you.
  21. Grabbing this post. Yes, level gating does make sense in some instances. Frankly, those events that are "levelless" show why it doesn't really work - and shouldn't be applied overall as a solution or alternative to gating. Take a group of lowbies into - say - a KR Rikti invasion. They'll have trouble - even without having enough to trigger the higher tier spawns. They don't have the powers to deal with it. Drop a 50 in there SKing them? They still don't have the powers to deal with it. Their powers may *hit* for more - but they will still have issues (or the 50 will be doing most of the work.) Yes, the way SKing and exemping work in COH is unique, and one of the great things about the game. But it doesn't *fix* this. Think about the rest of the content that's gated. Would you take a group of lvl 10s that can handle Posi 1 just fine and drop them directly into an ITF? Or a MLTF? Even a Manticore? Of course not, they'd just be slaughtered. "Greater accessibility" at that point just translates into "greater frustration and dissatisfaction." It works the other way around, too. Take a group of incarnated 50s and have them at full strength running a Posi. Even with those enemies being "levelless," there's not going to be a challenge there - other than people wanting to run it solo for a few fast merits, you'd see calls for "better scaling" or "Incarnate-level Vahz," which ... is another form of gating, in a way, because the low levels the TF's designed for now would not see those. And yes, some things *have* had their level restrictions removed. "Great for teaming," maybe, but it doesn't help someone wandering in on their own. If a level 20 goes into the RWZ on their own, not part of a team, not looking for a raid - what are they going to do? Anything they face outside - even if it was levelless - would, again, slaughter them. What would they do against a pack of Malta - especially a hazard-zone-size pack? So, while no, levels are not the "only form of progression" (for instance, with many of my characters the important (to me) progression is completely intangible, as it's the evolution of their backstory and history, not a number,) in most cases it's the only one the game can reasonably use to keep players from running into content they can't finish, that would be frustrating and, frankly, is too difficult for even the most advanced, slotted out character at that level to reasonably accomplish. In other words, yes, it is good for the game - used properly.
  22. Part of the weapons deal side quest? I want to say I've gotten that before, but it's been a while. There's a list on the HC Wiki, actually, of what you can get from the weapons deal side mission. Claymore Cryonite Armor Cryoprojection Bracers Electromagnetic Grenades EMP Glove Flamethrower Heavy Rock IR Goggles Kinetic Shield Long Bow Med Kit Plasmatic Taser Shotgun Smoke Bomb Stealth Suit Stun Grenade Tear Gas Wave Scrambler Web Grenade
  23. True of a lot of rescues/kidnaps. They get separated / lost even without any sort of stealth power painfully easily. Worse when they're a combat sort as they'll lose you, see an enemy and fight them (and typically get killed.)
  24. Well... there's not really an "a" or even "a couple." There are ... levels. Or categories, perhaps, since there's a lot of overlap in them. There are some with no connection, of course - generally utility characters, like base builders. No story in my head for them, no personality, they're there to be a wrench or hammer (so to speak.) There are some that are a concept or powerset I might find interesting. Even a name I might explore because it clicks with a concept or powerset to make me think about it a different way. Not always *fun* to play, though, sometimes frustrating - but they're up a step from the utility sorts, at the very least. There are "legacy" characters. I have some with absolutely massive backstories. They're all over the place on the "favourite" scale. Some are remakes, some just aren't the same without certain people or groups or whatnot, some are *right there* played constantly. Anything I'm actively RPing tends to be high on the favourite scale. (And their backstory keeps growing. And playing tends to be in and out of game.) (This also tends to be why I don't follow "builds." I end up playing someone else's character, as far as I see it, so there's a lack of connection there. )
  25. If I have an opinion, I will state it. Whether you like it or not.
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