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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Nice ideas here. I'd like to agree with leveraging the storytelling playerbase to create new content, free of the stigma of AE. This is a way to make the game more scaleable, without killing the Devs. No one should think the editor's job is trivial, however. This would still mean a time investment from the Dev team. Kallisti Wharf needs livening up, perhaps promoted player-made missions could live there? Also, it strikes me there are odd little corners of the game that would be very popular if more folks knew about them. As an example, I am sometimes surprised when I mention Mayhem Missions and no one on the team knows what I'm talking about. Mayhems, with their destructible environments, are a blast! Why not make something similar available to heroes? I don't know how well difficulty scaling would work, but I have no objection to testing it out. I suspect +5 would play better than x12, but let's find out! An Ouro-like option to handicap players, set limits, or buff enemies might be worth a good look, too. Again, I'd be glad to help test. Thanks for listening, and thanks for all the hard work.
  2. Doesn't Monty have a higher level arc (when you "come back later") where you have to rescue Percy again? If I'm misremembering, can Monty have a higher level arc (when you "come back later") where you have to rescue Percy again?
  3. No need to guess; the Combat Attributes window can monitor running speed. FWIW, they look the same to me. Anime running always looks faster!
  4. Even a bare-bones base can give you all the destinations. All you need to do is enter it, and there are now plenty of ways to do that.
  5. Er, having played with several of the nifty variant fast travel menus, it seems I needed to clear out fast* from my menus folder before everything worked. My fault entirely, but I wanted to mention it in case anyone else has the same issue. I also removed the old fast travel icon from my tray and installed a fresh one, but I unscientificly did both at once, so I'm not entirely sure which fixed the issue. That said, I really like the new fast travel setup, well done! And thanks especially for the description updates, that will help greatly those folks who don't read the fora.
  6. I remember when there was a crack in the world. I think it was in an obscure part of Talos Island. This crazy guy led a whole team of us through the hole, and we embarked on a trip to the Moon. We were moving at quite a clip -- I think someone had Group Fly fully slotted with fly enhancements -- but we never got there. Eventually, a GM showed up and, after he stopped laughing, duly slapped our wrists and sent us home. The fun we had was mostly in the journey, there was lots of witty banter. But we all knew perfectly well we were sneaking backstage and would eventually get bounced. And we pretty much knew we'd never reach the Moon. Wouldn't it have been awesome if the Devs in those days had decided to give us an in-game, legit way to launch a Moon mission? Even if it took a few hoops to jump through, that would have been truly epic. I don't know why I thought of that, sorry to post off topic.
  7. Hear, hear! It might help a bit to make that explicit in the power description. The current description makes no mention of the fact that in re-enables /ebfp. (BTW, I just had an idea: can we get /ebfp as an alias?) I note the Supergroup teleport info says that it allows "you and your allies to access your base." It should say that it allows anyone nearby to access any base, and ought also to mention the /ebfp enabling. (BTW, I just had an idea...) Since received wisdom says under 10% of players read the fora, it might help to emphasize this benefit of the teleports that enable it. It really seems that a lot of the kickback on these changes comes from folks that haven't tried them, or don't fully understand them.
  8. /ebfp (please?) was a most excellent exploit. In particular my teleporter Mark Vector (he has a Grav/Time hobby, but let's face it, he's a teleporter) enjoyed it and added it to his quiver full of teleport shortcuts (absolutely including the LFG, auction house, and P2W self-destruct-to-hospital/base teleports). It's gone. Mark Vector is grieving privately. Please, everyone, consider this as a personal option. The Devs have listened, bent over backward, and provided reach- work-arounds to ameliorate the pain of its loss. There are now many new Taxibot characters being created (Seriously, "Taxibot **" names are getting scarce). Feel free to contact them in game if you have an urgent need. I wish there was a counterpart to the Beta server that ran the previous code. An Upstaging server, if you will. (The code is out there, anyone could spin one up.) I will wager an amazing 1 million influence that the same character on the current release could very closely match the travel time of its pre-27 counterpart. If your really want to collect 'em all, there are some grindy ways to get plenty of new teleport options, but they are not necessary to reproduce much of the /ebfp functionality. You might have to suffer through a brief animation. My condolences. But we still can do much of what we could before. It's now a legitimate part of the game, which never would have happened under the old regime. We have several new tweaks and powers. And when you try it out -- which poor, now-dressed-in-black Mark Vector has spent weeks on the Beta server doing -- you will find it's not as bad as it sounds.
  9. I'm impressed by how much more immersive it is to have the base portal entrances and exits correspond. It adds a surprisingly strong "sense of place" to the game. Thanks very much! I would love the implementation of recharge reduction based on investment in the LRTP power. That seems like an excellent incentive and a logical extension of the spirit of the game. Nice idea! Also, can we please have /ebfp as an alias to /enterbasefromfrigginglongincantationpasscode?
  10. Would that it were! I've suggested this in a few places, it would certainly be welcome. Since it's now an official command, could we get that as a QOL item? /ebfp is way easier to type! In terms of actual feedback for the changes, I've noted a few things that could use a look. (Please feel free to skip, if you're just here for the drama.) The descriptions for the Day Job powers that give Base TP abilities seem to reference "logging out in your base," which implies you earn the charge cookies by so doing. We know that's incorrect, because it's where you are logging IN that the game checks. In many cases this doesn't matter, but in some it does. (Silly me for logging out at the Peregrine Island portal before the patch dropped, no cookies for me!) That's an expected change, given the portal ran away from me. (I'm scary that way.) But, there are a few wrinkles that should be made more clear: Using the Base TP power to enter the base (and I think the SG Portal also) and then logging out -- IN your base -- drops you back at the location you entered the base from, once you log in again. Not near the Base portal, so no cookies for you! This could be confusing. I like the fact it can be used to bookmark an arbitrary location, but is this the way we want this to work? In any event, I'm seeing fewer drawbacks from these changes than I feared. I'm just hoping to streamline some of them. Thanks, gang!
  11. DAMN I wish I had known about this! I'd have one "voidwalker" character whose mission list, XP, and personal history were completely corrupted. He'd probably crash the client when I tried to load him. But what fun! Imagine zoning in to the tutorial zone as a 50 and telling the noobs, "Yeah, I levelled to 50 here in Outbreak. Keep at it, you'll get there." OK, I'd probably have a banned account. But I'd have some hilarious demorecords.
  12. Last night on a door mission in Talos with a level 30 Stalker (Ninja/Street Justice, IIRC). My usual pattern: Hit TAB, then F to follow Family thug, once I get there hit Assassin's Strike, then spam all my other attacks until he falls down. That didn't work last night. Instead, hit TAB, F run up to thug, try firing off all my powers to no effect. Thugs start blasting away with their gats... Sidekick takes out thugs, I try to see if one of the dogs unplugged my keyboard. Finally think to look in the combat tab, where I see a long string of "You cannot target yourself" spam. It was repeatable, and I wondered if the game somehow thought by targeting the guy who was targeting me, I was trying to assist him? Did it think the Family had bought my loyalty? In any event, the problem went away as soon as we took an elevator, so zoning fixed it. But I thought it odd enough to report. And coincidentally showing up on the night of a new release seemed to make it worth a look. BTW, thanks for the new release, very nice work!
  13. Fascinating glimpse into player perceptions of probability. Thanks for this thread. Here's a possibly relevant footnote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Littlewood's_law
  14. I look for them on any good team. If I like one, I make sure to tell the player. Sometimes I find myself saying, "You have such a great name|costume, it just cries out for a bio!" I don't mean any criticism, but a cool character with no bio makes me sad. Even just a few words. "Bitten by a radioactive superhero." That works for me!
  15. Truth! There has been much abuse of domesticated equoids, but the Devs appear to still be listening. Speaking of which, any chance of getting /ebfp as an alias to /enterbasefrompasscode? If only to conserve bandwidth?
  16. Or, let's be levellist about it, how about a yearly influence "set all equal to the mean influence?" Not a serious suggestion. Actually, I think Yomo has done more to level influence disparity in-game than almost anyone. Well done, that one! Yomo, any inclination to run for public office?
  17. That would be especially cool with the new limitations on /ebfp. Speaking of which, can we please have /ebfp as an alias of /enterbasefrompasscode?
  18. Oh, man! Sorry to hear it! May you get the Lockpicking Lawyer to represent you in obtaining a refund! And many thanks for your contributions to the economy. Apropos of which, I had an idea: A P2W temp power, for 10,000 inf or so, that let you have the Base Portal Summon for a short while, or a few uses. Would that mollify the well-intentioned folks worried about a 10 million inf per character investment? Sort of like the difference between renting or owning your home? Both are good for the economy, IIRC.
  19. Good on you! Time seriously seems to hate my sorry self!
  20. You folks are certainly putting in the work on these changes. Thanks!
  21. Um, would anyone else mind if this is a thing that happened? Seriously, sounds like a plan to me!
  22. Yeah, I do wish TP per se got a bit of a boost. Is there an in-game reason to not increase its range? Or drop its END cost? (Or, ideally, both -- and reduce the animation time!) Still, the other boosts are most welcome!
  23. Is it possible that TP attempts could stack? Might that be a client-side path? Also, "Teleport All the Things?" +1 in my book!
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