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Everything posted by Troo

  1. Un-enhanced I think it is just over 9.5 seconds. I used the power Stun in a similar way. Your feedback is good to consider. For me I never really led with TF (which has essentially the same stun as Stun did), or even used TF much beyond a finisher. But now that it is quicker and is practically required to be used, I'm thinkin that's my Stun replacement and the combo stun is not critical. ET is mag 3 at 60%, BS is mag 3 at 60%. Testing last night, +4 bosses were regularly stumbling around without using the combo mechanic stun. So if I can stun one boss (sometimes 2) and placate another (on a stalker) that's always been a good way to mitigate incoming damage while going to town on the other targets.
  2. Looks like GoOD NEwS for AoE fans... more
  3. Look, if Defeated is a form of control Taunt can be a form of control... it's just waaay down my list.
  4. @Mystic_Cross could you live without the Bone Smasher part of the combo? Either by simply removing it or moving that function elsewhere. Tanks are getting a little bit of a raw deal since the set blossoms so late for them. Even buildup is later in the set (level 28) The improved Whirling Hands and any Primary set AoE (if present) does let a tank do what it is gonna do. Barrage Energy Punch Bone Smasher Taunt Whirling Hands Total Focus (moved from T9) Build Up Power Crash (replaces Stun, moved from T6) Energy Transfer (moved from T8) I'm not sure how interested Tankers are in stunning one target. Once Power Crash and Energy Transfer are available and the primary set is flushed out, it's likely never. For squishier ATs it makes sense to be able to stun one target but they also get more stun capabilities earlier outside of the combo. BS>TF & ET>TF will most often stun a boss, even +3 or +4 bosses.
  5. I agree partly. Boosted BS is effectively getting an additional 40% chance for stun when using the combo mechanic. (regular BS has a mag 3 stun (60% chance for) Moving less than 40% over to EP is one idea. (EP has a mag 2 stun (30% chance for) (maybe shorter duration mag 3 60%) Moving the combo stun to Barrage is another. Adding.. Changing.. There have been a number of ideas that key in on the BS combo causing undesirable behavior for some players/play styles. Maybe more on lower builds than higher builds. I'm still thinking that keeping the TF>ET and keeping TF>PC but removing TF>BS is a compromise many could embrace. (this is not my first choice) Some additional stun to EP or Barrage could compensate.
  6. Thanks for confirming. There are some aspects that feel a little off, maybe the plan is to address them and dial things in. Regardless, chasing down what might actually be causing an issue takes some time. I'm not trying to pick it apart. I'm just trying to be specific. Interesting side Note: I do think TF potentially cancelling the next TFs EF is an issue. This may have relevance or concern on highly tuned scrappers.
  7. Correct, but the second TF should cancel the first EF and provide another. The first EF should not prevent the second EF. Testing tonight I keep finishing groups with an Energy Focus unused. Moving to another group and starting with TF the EF sometimes was missing. Took a while to figure out what was going on. " Total Focus has a 100% chance to grant Energy Focus (even if power misses) "
  8. On a Tank, TF TF seems to be cancelling or preventing the second Energy Focus. TF wait TF first EF expires, but no second EF is there. If 15 seconds has not gone by after the second TF there should be a EF available. Can someone else confirm this in game?
  9. Thanks @Bopper, I don't really have a way to check it. With the sound off it just seemed exaggerated. It's all fine as long as the next queued power can start on time.
  10. Question - There is a delay between the end of the fast Energy Transfer animation and the visual hit on the target. Is the damage being applied after the animation like at 1.5 seconds? I played a little without sound and the delay became much more noticeable.
  11. I'm excited to give this a whirl. (been distracted by that which will not be mentioned) I have had issues in the past with the D pad (Up = Follow, Down = Cancel, Left = Tray 1, Right = Tray 2) [edit] this was solved a while back [update] I can report that the controller is still working without issue on Beta. I have not added /interact yet. This is what I use 100% of the time for game play and have been doing all testing on the Beta EM changes with.
  12. PSA remember: Testing Cheats Merit vendors sell everything for free Crafting recipes do not require any ingredients Incarnate powers do not require any ingredients Day jobs grant powers at 1000x the normal rate Cheats for character progression can be accessed through the quickchat menu:
  13. I'd personally rather see knockback or knockup add some damage based on the distance and then impacting an object or ground. If we are throwing out wishes. Hmm now that I am thinking about it.. That's kind of what adding damage to knockback enhancements would do. Interesting @Ultimo nice video
  14. very nice suggestions from @JJDrakken @Omega-202 @Six Six I really can't add anything.. Go /dark corruptor!!
  15. For those who are not fans of the combo mechanic. I can say that this has been heard. (feel free to keep saying it) Changing an existing power set in this way.. I don't like the idea of drastically impacting existing sets. Just know the folks working on it are trying to accommodate a number of things. I am disappointed this is the direction it went in. Yes, these changes could have been made to the old pre-nerf set without the combo. It would have been vastly better than current live version. The way we can help is to try to be specific with concerns, questions or aspects that are not working. Especially below the max build Incarnate levels. For those who disagree with people who don't like it, please don't argue with them or try and convince them. Just let em state their opinion or experience. By all means help answer questions. It's a combo mechanic, IT"S NOT a combo mechanic.. This just doesn't add much to the task at hand. (I am guilty of this too) This will be in flux for a little bit as things are shaken out. It's been less than a handful of days. Cheers I did put out a compromise "Here is what would get me to shut up..": disclaimer: by saying 'like' to this post you are in no way committed to having said 'like' to the items below! I also tried to expand on my thoughts & such, it was accidentally lost to a purge and is back:
  16. There is number of ways it happens. One example could be the double energy focus. TF > ET.. wait > ET
  17. Hold on there. I did mention that there was some good stuff. It was just in the post right above (I had a really long post but whittled it down and broke it up to reduce the amount if quoted) I could argue that Energy Punch is not a buff. (For lower levels it recharges slower and cost more endurance) (High levels these are small non-considerations) There are some good changes in there. Changes which could have just as well been done to the prenerf Energy Melee. Adding the combo mechanic to an existing set is just wrong.
  18. My play has a lot more variety in it than I guess someone looking for the perfect attack chain. (targets just don't last that long) Note: not all sets get whirling hands. With more than just a handful of forum folks not liking the addition of a combo mechanic, there appeared to be a compromise that revealed itself, and it was simple. We all want basically the same thing: A hard hitting set that can put out BIG burst damage without feeling like a plodder. (I'm looking at you psi melee)
  19. If they had done these changes to the old set without the combo shenanigans. 3 ETs and a TF in a buildup window.. I am willing to concede to the combo mechanic if that helps the AoE folks. Stun is a loss but I think that can be compensated for. The simpler combo does allow players to shift between an AoE focus and a single target one. It seems to accommodate the most folks. Am I gonna go out of my way to try and get the right number of targets into a cone to make that worth it, hell no.
  20. I am open to a different term. However if we don't use them adjacently but want that fast ET, there are two powers which are essentially locked out.
  21. I would not advocate for penalizing Tankers. It is a bit weird have the set change so drastically over the 1-50. Much less what happens with high end builds. Build Up with THREE Energy Transfers is crazy. Having the more sources takes it in the direction of other combo sets. Some folks don't like that. While I don't agree with the gotta have more AoE to be useful, some folks really want that. It just seems that getting the AoE in there had ripples that needed to be addressed. The combo mechanic is just trying to do to much. And since the set didn't have one, maybe simplifying it is more true to the set. We'd get both better single target and aoe.
  22. Here is what I put on the focused feedback topic that would get me to shut up and choke down the combo mechanic. Keep the combo mechanic. Keep Total Focus > Power Crush & keep Total Focus > Energy Transfer but remove Total Focus > Bone Smasher This lets folks choose to focus on AoE or Single Target and even switch focus mid encounter. It is simpler. Of course adjust some numbers to avoid abuse. I love disorient but I would be okay with removing the BS 100% stun. I can live with that. Full time ET doesn't seem to be an option no matter how bad some may want it and some folks really want the AoE. It seems like this might simplify the change enough to smooth over changing an existing power set in a substantial way. This is not my idea but kind of where the comments here and other threads have led. There has been a little drum beat that something needs to be done. 'Something is off' 'Move EF from BS" "Is TF>ET or TF>BS a choice" Etc. Etc.
  23. This thread started with: Energy Melee - Does not need more multi-target attacks (Aura, Cones, AoE, etc). Energy Melee - Does not need a combo system or mechanic. Energy Melee - Does not need to be re-envisioned. We got (on Beta): A new AoE with a boost combo mechanic to hit tons of targets. A Combo Mechanic that triggers off Total Focus and has three choices one of which is a fast Energy Transfer. (we don't get that if we choose one of the other two) It's re-envisioned. Practically a tear down rebuild. It's better than what we have but ANYTHING was going to be better due to the low bar. It's disappointing. (there are some good adjustments to WH dam, etc.)
  24. That's funny and good if I did. Long day. I thought you were saying if we used BS in one particular spot it would be available but if we didn't, too bad.
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