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Everything posted by Troo

  1. KB is pretty strong. Do you have any screenies or additional specifics. When I get home I'll see if I can confirm this on live.
  2. Those happen?! frack them. Glad to have your participation.
  3. No one should have to find a workaround to an issue created by the devs. Simply dropping an arena vendor fixes it.
  4. You can be wrong too Faultline. Was the intention to eliminate accolades that were earned and make the replacements available less than 50% of the time? No it wasn't. Engaging with players is a sarcastic and snarky manner is simply poor form and sends mixed messages.
  5. Thought the exclusivity of travel powers was being removed. Stealth de-toggles when using Infiltration. While this was the case formerly with Invisibility, it seems Infiltration should not behave the same in this regard. Instead behaving similar to Fly and Hover.
  6. Well, you're wrong. It's okay that you're wrong but you need to understand you are wrong. The intention was not to eliminate accolades that were earned and make them available less than 50% of the time.
  7. No new vendor for Siren''s Call mentioned yet?
  8. So these can be used while buffing? Thanks for addressing the broken out of combat functions. (and just fyi Defense has an 's' Luck: +12.5% Defense to all attacks)
  9. Well I'm impressed............... ...and that wont last long.
  10. Who do we ask to get a shhhhh emoji added to the forums? @Myrmidon
  11. I am very comfortable with saying; Many people spoke up regarding Energy Melee changes with emphasis directed at the combo mechanic. Many posts were removed for many reasons. Areas of the Page 2 beta was similar but not to the same degree. It's a discouraging.. process?
  12. um.. game pads work awesome. just fyi.
  13. Prizes have been distributed!! Congratulations all and thanks for participating !!
  14. I'll echo Stone Fist or Stone Mallet & Hurl Boulder
  15. I was trying to be nice. Not everyone is reading the forum much less the buried patch notes. No need to be a dog with a bone here. I'm dropping this subject as I made my point.
  16. @Arbegla oh.. maybe I should have said I understand how it works rather than 'what is happening'. Replacement value made sense when toggling one detoggled the other. Now, again, we are failing to acknowledge what is intuitive.
  17. We're running into a user experience that conflicts with the spreadsheet design. We are running a power that has, in this case, has a jumping value. Then we are going to add another power (now two powers running) that has additional jumping value. 1+2=3 not 1+2=2 While I understand what is happening, I think we are failing to acknowledge what is intuitive.
  18. Yeah that all makes sense. Just know that numerical 'realities' don't always translate to everyone's tactics, play style, or fun.
  19. +1 There have been better ideas that could have a wider impact.
  20. The replacement of OAS with OOC is bugged. All the powers with a similar change should be looked at for the same bugs/issues folks are catching. Suggestion: I am in agreement with those who have said a visual effect should occur for these in and out of combat scenarios. If we are running two of these the defense swings could be substantial. Folks get to have their opinion. Some changes are weakly justified. Some changes are improvements. Some changes have negative impacts. Accept it for what it is and that the impact will vary player to player. YMMV
  21. Is it consolidation or a lower overall player count? This is something I think is worth digging into and what should be driving some dev goals.
  22. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/code-of-conduct/
  23. Probably something different since it will be neither.
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